Martial Tomb

Chapter 838

Martial Tomb Chapter 838


"My bloodline comes from Great Desolate, although it has been all smelted in one body and turned into its own bloodline, I am Pangu, bloodline throwback , However, this bloodline is inseparable from the Great Desolate. Great Desolate, I have to go there, otherwise, I will not be reconciled."

Wu Mu's eyes looked unusually deep. He spoke slowly.

Great Desolate has too much mystery, too much wonderful. Too many stories are happening.

That is a mysterious world, which was opened up by Pangu, the son of the avenue, and even evolved out of his own body. Peak's powerhouse is fertile ground. Moreover, I have experienced the things that Slaughter Peak was suddenly forgotten by everyone before.

Wu Mu is not sure about anything.

If you really count, one star, one world, one world and one chaos, it seems that Earth should also be a star. If it is a star, it is an independent Heaven and Earth, a world. . That Earth is also an independent world, independent Heaven and Earth. In this way, it should not belong to the Great Desolate.

In past-life legends, Earth was formed from the shattering of the Great Desolate.

However, the Great Desolate is broken and may become a system of its own, fragmented into Smaller Thousand Worlds, Intermediate Thousand Worlds. Existing on the basis of the Great Desolate, its potential is bound to be extremely powerful, and even the transformation and promotion of the world, from the Great Thousand Worlds transformation to more powerful, reaching the source world. The existence that truly stands at the top of All Heavens and Myriad Realms is a world that is truly powerful to the pinnacle. There is a powerhouse of cream of the crop inside. The powerhouse bred, both in quantity and quality, is cream of the crop.

If so, Great Desolate is not simple.

And Earth, if it is really a small star condensed from the fragments of the Great Desolate World, then the only possibility is that the Great Desolate has reached the level of the source world. However, it is also possible that it is Earth, which does not belong to the Great Desolate World, but a world, a star, independent of the Great Desolate. That's even more thought-provoking. It's worth thinking about.

There are too many legends on Earth, and in fact, almost all civilizations are included. Pyramid Pharaoh civilization, wizard civilization, magic civilization, technological civilization. There are other racial civilizations, the Atlantis civilization of the Three-Eyes Race, the Loulan civilization, the Greek mythology civilization, the gods on Mount Olympus, and so on. The legend of the dragon in China. The legends of the Great Desolate, various myths, various schools of thought, etc., seem to have the shadow of civilization and the silhouettes of major cultivators.

If one or two of these come together, it doesn't matter. After all, each Great World may form a new civilization path due to some accident, such as. In the immortal cultivator world, suddenly there is a martial cultivator flowing in, and naturally, it is possible to pass down the martial cultivator lineage. Let the world, the immortals and martial arts go hand in hand and develop together. Compete with each other.

But the number of civilizations and traces of various cultivators revealed on Earth has reached an outrageous level, which made Wu Mu puzzled. There must be a problem here. If it is the Great Desolate, it is impossible to have so many civilizations converge. I didn't think so before, but as I learned more, Wu Mu became more and more skeptical about the claim that Earth belongs to the Great Desolate.

There are more and more questions in my mind.

Instinctively, there is something strange about it.

This is All Heavens and Myriad Realms. No one can tell how much mystery and how much mystery is contained in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

However, if you really want to explore the mysteries, I'm afraid you will only know one or two when you really get to Earth, and you will find some clues. Spy a little secret.

"The original master's bloodline came from the Great Desolate, so it is necessary for us to go to the Great Desolate. However, according to what you said, the master's bloodline of the twelve ancestors in your body is itself in the Great Desolate. In the racial war of the Great Desolate, it is finally lonely and lost in the battle of the World Protagonist. The fierceness of the Great Desolate confrontation will definitely reach an incomparable level. If you don't increase the cultivation base realm, I am afraid that there will be a danger of falling into it. ."

Linglong said with a dignified expression on his face after slightly hesitated.

"The true Spirit Realm has reached the state of the Great Perfection after several opportunities in succession. The Azure Lotus in the body is condensed, the True Spirit is condensed, the true self is the same, and it has reached the extreme. With baptism, you can completely control all the changes of the true Spirit Realm, and make your own background a little more solid. Breakthrough into the back to the ancestors is already where water flows, a canal is formed.”

Wu Mu Eyes There was a hint of resolute confidence in his eyes.

Especially when the Eternal Heaven boat was promoted and transformed, I got a great opportunity. Even in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, it is an opportunity for countless powerful people to directly bathe in the ocean of the Dao, and its own "Atavistic Chapter" is even more in it, which is completely and completely, and is derived from the pursuit of excellence to the most perfect. The situation, directly paved a broad and open road for promotion to return to the ancestors.

"Well, the master must be the strongest."

Linglong waved his arms without the slightest hesitation and shouted with his mouth open.

"Target, go to the Great Desolate and set off immediately."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, and a look of determination flashed in his eyes. Make decisions without hesitation and give orders.

"Yes, the target Great Desolate."

"Preview the best starry sky route. All voyages, all recorded in the sky boat, the route, recorded in the fixed star compass."

Linglong agreed.

Any journey to a certain star, every world, is a route, a complete route, that is worth thousands of dollars, so that countless interstellar passengers pay all kinds of precious treasures in exchange. A safe route is absolutely valuable information with countless values.

Wu Mu saw that Tianzhou had started to turn, and moved directly towards the location of the Great Desolate. Following a mysterious connection, Wu Mu kept straddling forward. This speed, fully functioning, Even faster than the speed of light, every breath will span countless areas, and Heavenly Eye is fully opened, constantly exploring all around the wormhole hidden in the starry sky.

The starry sky is so vast, even at the speed of the Eternal Heaven boat, if you want to go from one world to another world, from one star to another, the time is extremely high. Long, several years, decades, that is still the shortest, long, it is calculated in hundred years, thousand years, or even ten thousand years.

Such a long time is obviously extremely unfavorable for interstellar spanning.

It's not just a waste of time, it's a waste of life.

And those cultivator powerhouses who first entered the starry sky also found a way to shorten this distance, that is, wormholes, Void Wormholes allow people to jump from one location to another in an instant. Heaven and Earth. The jumping distance is long or short, and it also depends on the stability of the wormhole. The more stable the wormhole, the longer the jumping distance. Also, it will be more secure.

However, wormholes are to be discovered, and not simple. It is said that the existence of wormholes is because of the cracks in the void, and even there is a saying, because of a unique life named Void Dragon was born from the existence of the quirky starry sky ominous beast.

The Void Dragon worm is very strange, it can bite through the void directly, and easily cross to another area from the void, and there is a wonderful induction between the Void Dragon worms. A starry sky wormhole that can open a connected round to each other. Jump straight from the wormhole and meet quickly. Very weird.

There may be many such wormholes, but it is extremely difficult to find them. Once a wormhole is opened, it will be extremely secretive, and there will even be a unique void fluctuation to hide it. Easily, even if the Great Expert is in the vicinity, it is difficult to capture its traces and find out the specific location. Every proven wormhole, the value is incomparably huge.

If you take it out and sell it, you can sell it for a sky-high price, and even exchange it for extremely precious treasures, even Chaos Strange Treasure.

You can imagine how valuable it is.

However, Heavenly Eye has a unique ability to capture the strange fluctuations of Void Wormhole. They are all Space Attributes and attract each other. As long as there is a Void Wormhole nearby, it is generally speaking. It is impossible to escape the detection of Heavenly Eye.

However, to find it, it can only depend on luck.

Especially finding the wormhole that makes your way to the Great Desolate is even more difficult.

Time is moving forward, quietly passing by in the process of exploring all the way. In a blink of an eye, two or three months have passed. During this time, Wu Mu was not idle, and was busy entering the Bronze Ancient Lamp. , In Martial Palace, fight with countless Peak's powerhouses, various powerful Insect Races, and even Insect Emperor. Everyday all have to die in it hundreds of thousands of times, especially when simulating entering a sea of insects. The number of deaths is more intensive.

However, after fighting again and again, the slightest drop of death, in exchange, is Wu Mu's own fighting ability, which rises in a straight line in geometric multiples. With a battle skill, the sharpening is becoming more and more exquisite, and the strength cultivation base of the true Spirit Realm level has been tempered to the extreme. Almost every moment, there is an urge to break through the realm and directly lead to Heavenly Tribulation. The blood is constantly rolling.

"Master, there is a situation."

At this moment, Wu Mu was awakened by Linglong's voice and went directly to the core space, even Yue Changqing and the others followed. Appear.

"What's the situation?" Wu Mu raised his brows and asked silently.

"Heavenly Eye just detected the information of a Dao Insect hole, but it doesn't seem to be very peaceful near this wormhole." Linglong flew in front of Wu Mu, and quickly told the story again.

"Hit Opening Heaven Eye to reveal all the images."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, he was still entering All Heavens and Myriad Realms For the first time in an unexpected situation.

Heavenly Eye opens.

On the crystal wall, countless pictures are constantly flickering, and in a blink of an eye, I see ships appearing on the crystal wall, and on those ships, there is a ferocious skull flag hanging. .

"It's a pirate."

Little Fatty said in surprise. (To be continued~^~)

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