Martial Tomb

Chapter 826

Martial Tomb Chapter 826


These Devouring Spirit Insects can't stand the invasion of time, it seems that the lifespan is not too long, and under the momentaneous splendor, it is also irresistible and directly drowned. In time, each Devouring Spirit Insect was almost killed on the spot, exuding a strange atmosphere.

And after the fall, what happened to these Devouring Spirit Insects was equally bizarre.

One of them, after being lifeless, shrinks strangely and quickly, turning into a vaguely transparent silver white corpse, which looks like a white finger, and it has a strange appearance. The hidden characteristics of it, if you don't look carefully, you can hardly notice it. It is very surprising, even in the corpse, there are strange fluctuations, which is the breath of a pure energy source. It even has a unique fragrance.

It seems that it is not a corpse, but a piece of unique flavor food.

"This seems to be a good thing, Linglong, put it away for me, seal it all up, don't swallow it, maybe it's a good thing like the source of blood, although the insect race is ferocious, but sometimes it's a good thing. Those who can get good things are very rare.”

When Wu Mu saw it, a look of interest immediately appeared on his face, and he hurriedly opened his mouth to instruct.

"The bodies of these Devouring Spirit Insects contain extremely pure energy aura, and they should be extremely precious treasures."

Linglong's eyesight is also not bad, and he is also nodded in agreement. The mouth agreed.

At the same time, they kept moving, quickly packed all around densely, I don’t know how many Devouring Spirit Insect corpses were swept away on the spot, quickly collected into the sky boat, and stored in the cabin of the sky boat. Within the space, the accumulation is like a mountain, and the number has reached an outrageous level. If it is a baby, it is definitely a Supreme wealth enough to shock the world.

Some of the treasures obtained from the demons outside the sky are treasures that are hard to find. Who will not sell it easily, once found out, the people who need it will even be crazy about it. Just like the source of blood, it is so attractive that even Han Nuo of the pawnshop No.

"Idiot. These corpses after the fall of the Devouring Spirit Insect are the rare treasures between Heaven and Earth, almost as valuable as the source of blood. It is very difficult to kill the Devouring Spirit Insect , Once it falls, Devouring Spirit Insect will transform, and its corpse contains a trace of energy source. It contains various World's Essence Qi, which is extremely pure and has no attribute. Any cultivator, any existence can absorb it and refining. "

"Furthermore, after absorbing refining, you can make the cultivation base mana in your body. You get a chance to purify. This purification is extremely precious to any cultivator. The more pure the mana in the body, the more The greater the benefit to oneself, the higher the probability of breaking through, and the greater the possibility of climbing to a higher level. The more it can be rebuilt in exchange for it. All the true essence of mana in the body is fused into this Devouring Spirit Insect Among the corpses, once you start changing spells, you can immediately refinish your original mana back. The process is very simple and easy. It is definitely a rare gem in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Good stuff, really good stuff. "

Little Fatty looked towards Wu Mu with contempt, a country bumpkin, and a look that doesn't understand anything.

Immediately, the Supreme effect of the Devouring Spirit Insect corpse was quickly revealed. Its many effects are absolutely amazing, any one can trigger the madness and pursuit of others. Not to mention that the number of corpses here is now calculated in hundreds of millions. The number of Devouring Spirit Insects that have just been densely packed is too large to be counted under the rapid division.

It really has to be counted. If it is released, it is an inestimable wealth.

"A good thing is definitely not inferior to any Heaven and Earth Treasure, and it is more precious if it comes from a demon from the outside world. It has no market price. If you study it carefully, it will definitely be more useful."


Wu Mu took a deep breath and nodded nodded. In any case, this corpse is indeed not an ordinary item, it is a real good thing. As long as it survives this disaster, it will definitely come in handy in the future.

Not to mention anything else, just that it can directly devour all the mana in the body and allow itself to be rebuilt by changing methods is definitely something that makes countless people crazy. You know, in cultivation, mistakes are inevitable, but There is no Regret Medicine to eat in life, which will eventually have a huge impact on the future road. I have to stop at a realm sadly and cannot make progress.

If it can be rebuilt once, it will definitely make countless people pay everything for it.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

Without waiting for Wu Mu to ponder, although the Devouring Spirit Insect outside has been resolved, the hood outside the sky boat is already in jeopardy, and a lot of it has been absorbed. Energy, already on the verge of collapse, could collapse at any time. At this moment, more densely packed tank bugs appeared, one by one, like tanks, incomparable gigantic, as big as hills, and on their backs, there were tenacious pipes, like gun barrels, which shot out instantly Out one after another violent energy beam, heavy strikes on the gangster.

A fatal blow to the already precarious shroud, crashing on the spot. Densely packed Destruction Beam Fierce strikes on the hull of the Sky Boat.

Boom! !

Under the huge and intensive impact, the entire hull of Tianzhou vibrated violently and shook violently. The formidable power of the tank bug is beyond doubt. However, after the destruction beams hit the hull, the imagined hull collapsed, and the picture of the sky boat turning into pieces did not appear. Instead, the sky boat only shook slightly. It was as stable as ever, without any shaking.

Those beams were like eggs colliding with stones, and they simply didn't cause any damage to the sky boat. Even the hull could not be broken.

No matter how big the storm is, I am as stable as Mount Tai! !

This is the strength of the Wushuang-class Tianzhou. This is the Supreme potential of the Wutou after inheriting the bronze Ancient Ship and the two Eternal Heaven boats in the White Bone Pagoda. Its strength is at the same level. In the sky boat, it can be said to be second to none. In particular, the hull, which was cast in immortal bronze, has now undergone mutation and transformation. The material itself has surpassed the original immortal bronze, and it is truly a material with life.

The defensive power is several times stronger than before, dozens of times.

"Trifling tank bugs dare to be arrogant, hit me, smash them to death, smash them, and smash them into powder."

Wu Mu's eyes flashed when he saw it. With a sneer, a hint of arrogance appeared on his face. He said categorically.

Boom! !

Tianzhou faithfully carried out Wu Mu's will to the end, and moved towards all around the huge tank worms that were encircling and smashing them fiercely. There was no sign of this movement, and its speed was fast. , can instantly enter the speed of light. With an extremely arrogant attitude, like a giant, it fiercely slammed into the dense tank bugs.

Under the sky boat, the void is distorting, shattering inch by inch and turning into countless pieces. Flying all over the place.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

Tank bugs have hard shells and extremely powerful defensive power. They are just like iron blocks. The visible speed of the eye shattered one after another, and in an instant, it turned into small pieces of flesh and blood, all split up and in pieces, and splashed everywhere. In the void, a blood mist pervades. Cover a large area. The rich bloody air breathed into the nostrils.

As soon as those flesh and blood appeared, they were unceremoniously involved by Tianzhou. Nothing left. Not even a shred of it was spared. These are the most important evolutionary resources.

Under the witness of countless martial cultivators, they couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air on the spot.

I watched the densely packed tank bugs shatter as easily as an egg under the impact of the sky boat, completely shattering into nothingness. That kind of imposing manner, that kind of arrogance, that kind of arrogance, is really frightening. Full of shock.

While secretly stunned, there is a feeling of hard to describe.

"Okay, what a domineering Tianzhou, what a domineering style, what a arrogant imposing manner, is this the Tianzhou owned by Sword Immortal Wu Mu, really fierce, really powerful, really revealing Its unparalleled demeanor deserves to be the unparalleled Heaven's Chosen that I fought in the ancient continent."

"What a violent Tianzhou, even the tank bugs were all split up and in pieces. I feel that it is the real martial cultivator and the battle that a martial cultivator should have. The wine Sword Immortal is the wine Sword Immortal, and the Azure Lotus Sword is the Azure Lotus Sword. Sure enough, it should not be humiliated.”

“ Good guy, the battle strength that Tianzhou has erupted has already directly caught up with the Great Emperor, and it may not be inferior to any void floating island. Those arrows, the Divine Lightning Tower, and the strange Divine Light also contain time. The breath of the lord, and they all have endless mighty power. The destructive power is called the strongest. It may not be inferior to the Great Emperor. I really don't know how the Azure Lotus Sword immortal can have such a heritage."

Countless Martial cultivator, in countless bloodline Aristocratic families, all involuntarily exclaimed in amazement. After witnessing Tianzhou's powerful destructive power, he was secretly appalled by Tianzhou's battle strength. Any mighty existence like Great Emperor, even Emperor Artifact, shows formidable power like this.

It may not even be comparable to the sky boat.

This kind of battle strength is really incredible, and people can't imagine how Wu Mu can have it.

"didn't expect there is such a hole card hidden in his hand. This hole card really has the formidable power of one strike certain kill." Bai Xuanhao stood in the void while racing with the insect While fighting, he was also paying attention to Wu Mu's actions. Seeing the battle strength displayed by Tianzhou, he couldn't help being shocked inwardly, and his face showed a touch of bitterness.

Don't think that a foreign object is not strength, the existence of Tianzhou is its inseparable heritage.

"He actually has a heavenly boat in his hand, which is several times stronger than the Supreme Treasure of the emperor's rank. It reaches the level of Emperor Artifact." Bi Xianyou also has a heart hum.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that there was such a terrifying heavenly boat in the world.

"It seems that even if we break out in the future, we have to avoid Wu Mu for a while."

Gou Jiujiu sees that his heart is bitter and secretly unpleasant. Zhou, why is not the emperor's son, it will be owned by a person with a low status. It's so goddamn unfair. (To be continued~^~)

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