Martial Tomb

Chapter 819

Martial Tomb Chapter 819


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From that Thunder Divine Palace, came a thunderous cry.

Insect Emperor, with an emperor character, is not an ordinary insect race.

The elite of the insect race is the existence of the real cream of the crop. It is not born by simple breeding, but needs to endure countless battles in the battle again and again, and come out with blood. , The elites of the Insect Race that survived each and every battle, the elites, are the Insect Race heroes. In the Insect Race, all of them are famous, and their reputation is not much inferior to that of the Queen Mother. With the existence of the mother emperor's mention on equal terms, the status is extremely noble.

Each one is an emperor in the insect race.

However, these Insect Emperors have great respect for the mother emperor, and take protecting the mother emperor as their responsibility. They will not leave the mother emperor easily. Once shot, it must be a thunder blow, which is extremely terrifying and can fundamentally change the battle situation at any time. Each one is a terrifying existence comparable to Human Race's Great Emperor, very terrifying overbearing. During the shot, the power contained is no worse than that of the Great Emperor, and each insect Imperial Capital can have its own unique power and has its terrifying characteristics.

This one, named Blade Insect Emperor, its power is the blade, its blade has terrifying characteristics, endless sharpness, extreme swiftness, fast as lightning, and the most terrifying is its wielding blade The frequency is even faster to an astonishing level. Its feature is armor piercing. If it is the way of oneself, it is the way of armor piercing. No matter how sharp the Battle Armor is, in front of its blade, it must be broken open, and it will be unstoppable. There is no stronghold one cannot overcome. Truly invincible.

With its sharp edge, even the Thunder Divine Palace of the royal class was eclipsed, and the condensed Thor's Spear shattered. Even the Lei Divine Palace was cut with a terrifying crack.

It is conceivable how overbearing its armor piercing power is.


Insects are surging. I only saw that one was wearing insect armor, exuding dark rays of light, and its figure was not much different from that of a human being. Like a human shape, the body has a thin and slender feeling, but its arms are not arms, but two lacquered black blades with a length of one or two meters, the blade. Flashes a cold glow. It gives people a shuddering feeling. It is outlined by a dark texture. Under the cold glow, the space is torn under the blade.

There are insect beetles directly covering the face, making it impossible to see its true colors.

Even so, just one glance can make people feel an unspeakable chill on the spot.

"Insect Emperor is just, but I want to be mad, please Yellow Springs Old Ancestor. Suppress this demon!!"

A proud voice echoed in midair, only to see, follow As the words fell, a volume of ancient gods suddenly burst into the air from a place in the earth. In the gods, hundreds of millions of ghosts were entrenched, countless gods and demons praised, Yellow Springs tactfully, and there is no Ghost God under Bridge of Helplessness.

Yellow Springs God Figure, Bijia Emperor Artifact.

Peak Emperor Artifact with 3rd-layer Emperor Forbidden. Contains great power. Pictured in Yellow Springs. True Spirit has long been bred, and this True Spirit is called Yellow Springs Old Ancestor by Bijia. Its status is equivalent to the Old Ancestor in the family, just like the ancestor Yellow Springs Great Emperor. In fact, this Emperor Artifact itself is a continuation of the Great Emperor's own life.

A volume of Yellow Springs pictures, coming from the sky, the whole body exudes Yellow Springs divine splendor, the emperor pressure runs through the Quartet, wherever he goes, countless insect races almost all split up and in Pieces, the soldiers of the Great Emperor, is not a joke, once the majesty is displayed, the emperor's prestige alone can collapse the space and crush all things into flesh. Even Sovereign will be suppressed a lot in front of Emperor Artifact.

Ordinary insect races, no matter how many, were suppressed and killed, and they were directly crushed into mashed meat.

It turned into powder and fell on the spot in batches.

The ancient picture covers the sky. Since ancient times, a Yellow Springs ghost hand made of hundreds of millions of ghosts has been fiercely moved towards that Blade Insect Emperor and grabbed it directly. Under the claws of the ghosts, the gloomy wind blows, making people feel as if they are in the Nine Nether Hell, and the bloodline must be completely frozen in the gloomy wind. Condenses into ice. It is extremely ferocious, and under the claws, the void is twisting.

Under one claw, it naturally gives people an irresistible terrifying feeling. The ghost claw contains the potential of Heaven and Earth, Yellow Springs Avenue, Power of Great Dao, 3rd-layer The emperor banned circulation, each layer contains a layer of Power of Great Dao, the road is like a mountain, this mountain is not an ordinary mountain, but a real mountain of the Dao.

The Dao Mountain supports Heaven and Earth. The power of a major Dao Mountain is comparable to that of a Smaller Thousand Worlds. This means that even the Emperor Artifact of the first-level imperial ban can easily shatter a Smaller Thousand Worlds. Worlds, and the 3rd-layer Emperor Ban, is equivalent to the three mountains of the road, and its formidable power, even the weakest, is comparable to the full power of the three Smaller Thousand Worlds.

Rolled, no doubt the entire Heaven and Earth rolled down together.


Blade Insect Emperor saw this, but he didn't flinch at all, instead he showed a cold look in his eyes. The pitch-black blade slashed out in an instant, only to see that a pitch-black blade light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth cut through the void, and the space was torn and cut on the spot under the blade light. It seems that the victory of the blade, even Heaven and Earth must be forcibly split. The blade light and the ghost hand instantly become the two most dazzling scenery between Heaven and Earth.

ka-cha! !

The blade light is extremely sharp, and the power of armor piercing it contains makes its edge superimposed without limit. A knife slashed out, even if the ghost claw yin wind can freeze Heaven and Earth, freezing everything, and at the moment of collision, the blade light is covered with a layer of fine ice. However, even if it is ice, it cannot stop its edge, and it is still unstoppable. It falls on the ghost's claw, and the power of armor piercing erupts. On the ghost's claw, countless ghosts were cut off in response, and their souls were broken under the knife.

The ghost claw is forcibly cut in half.

The ghost claws are disillusioned. Immediately after the first ghost claws are shattered, new ghost claws appear. Since ancient times, they are like the hands of Ghost God, protruding one after another, fast as lightning , shaped like a ghost. The speed is so fast that it is unstoppable. Even with the sharpness of the blade light, it still shattered on the spot in an instant after being captured by one ghost's claws.

The dense ghost claws, covering the Insect Emperor covering the sky and covering the earth, seem to be directly involved in an independent Heaven and Earth, bound in the Yellow Springs map.

Moreover, as soon as the Yellow Springs picture falls, it naturally exudes a strange rhythm and emits Yellow Springs divine light. In the picture, it seems to contain another Heaven and Earth, and the blade Insect Emperor rolls naturally. Enter the space within the Yellow Springs diagram, and get involved in the Yellow Springs world.

In the void. The True Spirit of the Yellow Springs map lies in the blade Insect Emperor fighting desperately to forcibly suppress it within the Yellow Springs ancient map. How to fight inside is beyond the knowledge of outsiders. But at least. A blade Insect Emperor was blocked.


At this very moment, in the midst of the insect tide, I only saw it. A golden lance burst out of the sky like lightning, and between the spears, heavy strikes were placed on a king-level sky survey Supreme Treasure. That is a golden pagoda, there are countless golden lights blooming on the pagoda, and where the golden light goes, a hundred million Ten Thousand Insects are pierced. Biochemically turned into blood water. That is blood-turning golden light. It is the exclusive prohibition contained in this golden pagoda-shaped sky survey Supreme Treasure. Contains powerful formidable power.

However, at this moment, under the golden spear, the almost unstoppable spear slammed into the tower, and the whole pagoda made a crisp sound, and the tenacious pagoda could not resist, and was smashed by a spear. The spear pierced forcibly, blasting a hideous hole in the pagoda. Numerous cracks covered the tower body, the original golden pagoda, dimmed in an instant, and quickly fell to the ground.

"Another Insect Emperor!!"

A group of people wearing golden insect armor, with a pot of golden lance on their back. Exudes cold and severe fierce light. During the shot, it directly smashed a Supreme Treasure of the sky.


Following, he took out a war spear in his backhand and fluttered his arms. Breaking out of the sky, moved towards another Supreme Treasure strikes.

"You dare to be arrogant in front of your grandfather swallowing the sky. It's too arrogant. No matter what spear you have, let me come in."

A pitch-black bottle gourd Soaring into the sky, on the bottle gourd, sitting impressively, a three- or four-year-old boy wearing a black robe, looking a bit gloomy, full of disdainful patted bottle gourd, from the bottle gourd, emitting a deep black light. The black light swept away, the golden spear shook violently in the midair, and seemed to resist desperately, but the black light contained endless Dao Rhythm, still forcibly ingested it and swallowed it into the bottle gourd.

He faced the golden armor Insect Emperor on the spot. all around Void, completely empty.

At this moment, as if the peak of the war had completely opened, Insect Emperors appeared one after another.

Although no Great Emperor was born in the ancient continent, Emperor Artifacts were born one after another.

Long Family's Heavenly Dragon Bell, White Tiger Family's Divine Sword, Xuan Wu Family's Black Tortoise Battle Armor, Phoenix Family's Sky Phoenix Piano, Magic Family's Magical Figure. At this moment, they were dispatched one after another, each entangled with an Insect Emperor. Countless dive lights alternate in the void, and the universe is in turmoil. Even a wisp of residual prestige can directly cause the earth to crack, leaving a thousand miles of red ground. The mountains collapsed into ruins.

In the ancient continent, all kinds of disasters in this brief moment, crazy eruptions, volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, the sky collapsed. All kinds of disasters, dense like rain, as if the end is coming. If there are ordinary people in the ancient times, I am afraid that most of them will be killed and injured in an instant, and each moment will fall at a speed of millions, and the fight of the Great Emperor Level, for the entire Heaven and Earth, is a terrifying. disaster.

"The ban outside the ancient times has been broken. Now, when we work with a common purpose, break the invasion of the insect race, and break out of the encirclement, we should be the martial cultivator of the ancient times and make a name for ourselves.

The heavens, when the sea is wide and the sky is wide. The insert race Sovereign is still unable to shoot easily and is recovering from the injury. At this moment, it is the best time to break through."

A voice full of majesty sounded in the void, that In the voice, there is an inexplicable coercion, which naturally brings an invisible pressure to people.

Boom! !

From the void, suddenly, in a twist, a huge ancient city burst out of the void, and appeared from the void, that ancient city, vast, all around, with billions of Human Races Reverently uttered prayers, one after another Power of Faith, integrated into the ancient city, and the unnoticeable influence enhanced the power of the ancient city. On top, pass the desired rays of light.

There is hope in the ancient city, just like lights. That is the ray of hope.

On the ancient city, there are four ancient seals - the city of hope! ! (My novel "Wu Tomb" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right to "Add a friend", search The public number "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!) (To be continued~^~)

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