Martial Tomb

Chapter 653

Martial Tomb Chapter 653


Wu Mu knows very well that the Divine Ability of space and time that he exerts is the Divine Ability of the Defying Level between Heaven and Earth Heaven, more than any other. Divine Ability needs to be more mysterious and mysterious, with incredible power. At this moment, it is in the formation diagram, which can maximize the formidable power of Divine Ability to the extreme, and truly produce the Supreme effect. —

However, the object of the display is really too terrifying, which is fundamentally different from its own cultivation realm.

Space is slow, time is still, all are terrifying Divine Ability that can Change the Heaven and Switching the Earth, but when it falls on Death God Mantis, Wu Mu knows that he can't hold it for long, I'm afraid It breaks the Divine Ability in a few breaths. Break the confinement. A powerful Power of Slaughter erupts.

However, the powerhouse battle is often in a flash between the winner and the loser.

With this momentary leeway, Wu Mu asked himself to be able to completely turn the whole battle situation around and set the scene with a single blow.

All I want is this moment.

"The formation is forbidden to kill, all Heavenly Sword Lotus, kill!!"

Wu Mu spit out a killing sound.

As soon as the voice fell, I only saw that in the entire forbidden space, the killing ban formed by the gathering of countless bans appeared impressively, and all the Heavenly Sword lotuses continued to emerge, Golden Lotus, Magnolia, Fire Lotus, Earth Lotus, Water Lotus! ! Void Sword Lotus. In an instant, I only saw six sword lotuses flashing one after another.

Quickly appearing in the forbidden space, the sword lotuses are lifelike. As soon as they appear, they are immediately under the control of the mind, and they move towards the Void Sword lotus one after another. Weirdly integrated into the Void Sword lotus. The Five Elements are brought together in one place and merged into a five-color sword lotus.

In the five-color sword lotus. Passing on the sword intent of endless birth, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth-like horrible destructive power.

This is the strongest kill ban that combines all the power of the entire formation diagram - all Heavenly Sword Lotus! !


The whole sword lotus seems to be between the illusory and the real. As soon as it is formed, it immediately appears directly outside the body of Death God Mantis, and it completely covers the entire body of Death God Mantis in this five-color sword. among the lotus. A terrifying power erupted from the sword lotus, golden, azure, blue, scarlet, yellow sword light. At the same time alternately erupted. When they collide with each other, the Five Elements directly oppose each other, bursting out pure Destruction Sword light, spinning wildly at an incredible speed. Stir Heaven and Earth. in sword light. It was as if everything was going to be completely smashed into pieces. turned into powder.

That burst of sharpness, the true Spirit Realm will be twisted into pieces in an instant, and the return to the ancestors will be discolored on the spot.

This is the power of the formation diagram to be pushed to the extreme. The strongest killing ban that broke out.

That's not counting, Wu Mu's body trembled, the dive light flowed behind him, the weather rolled, and suddenly, a strange scene appeared behind him, as if it was a vast and strange forest of cemeteries. , The Heavenly Tablet of different sizes, exudes unique charm and true meaning, and exudes unique imposing manner and coercion.

And among these Heavenly Tablets, there is a Heavenly Tablet that soars into the sky like a thriving, full of nine Zhang high, like a small mountain, exuding a strong coercion, as if it will be at any time. A terrifying force erupted.

"Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb, Suppression!!"

Wu Mu let out a broken drink, and his body rolled with fighting intent. In the backhand, a piece of Heavenly Tablet is directly condensed directly under the hands, and the vast World's Essence Qi pours into the Heavenly Tablet like a tide, directly turning the illusory Heavenly Tablet into reality, exuding a heavy atmosphere, the whole Heavenly Tablet is full of Nine Zhang High. It conveys a kind of Martial Arts True Meaning like an emperor.

In this piece of Heavenly Tablet, it is the Azure Lotus Sword Scripture first sword created by Wu Mu himself - the Nine Heavens of Nine Heavens! ! A monument to Martial Arts inheritance formed by this style sword dao Great Divine Ability. This piece of Heavenly Tablet can be said to contain the sword of Wu Mu pinnacle. This is also the strongest Heavenly Tablet in the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb.

Great Falling Stele Hand! !

Heavenly Tablet condensed, and in the backhand, directly descended with Great Falling Stele Hand strikes, moved towards Death God Mantis, who was directly enveloped by the Heavenly Sword lotus, unceremoniously descended directly from the sky, suppressed and Down.

Under the whole Heavenly Tablet, a terrifying Dao Rhyme is naturally delivered. As if this was not a piece of Heavenly Tablet falling, but the entire Heaven and Earth rolled together.

Hey! !

And at this moment, I only saw that Death God Mantis, who was shrouded in Heavenly Sword lotus, slashing and strangling crazily, suddenly recovered from stillness, moved violently, and swung a pair of sword arms quickly. It slashed out and collided with the dense sword light constantly, and every breath erupted with thousands of collisions and roars.

Even so, before, countless sword lights had already cut one after another ferocious wound on Death God Mantis, and blood flowed out of the wound, making him look extremely embarrassed. It is conceivable that this is the domineering horror of Heavenly Sword Lotus.

Death God Mantis flashed coldness and madness in his eyes, looking at the sword lotus outside him, and the Heavenly Tablet suppressing the top of his head. The space is a shackle, even if it is, it is impossible to break open easily, and there is a Heavenly Tablet on the top of the head to suppress, almost directly into a desperate situation, and there is a trace of madness in his eyes, and he roars at Wu Mu.

Suddenly, a pair of knife arms slashed thousands of knives in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, I saw an incomparable gigantic pitch-black sickle directly appearing in the void, and the sickle exuded a cold blackness. Qi, one after another bizarre runes flickered constantly on it, and each rune seemed to be a groan of twisted souls.

The groans came together like the call of the Death God.

With the breath of the abyss of hell, directly through the Void Sword lotus, with a kind of Death Aura, moved towards Wu Mu lightning-like cutting, obviously, to directly harvest Wu Mu's soul And go.

Death God Mantis Innate Divine Ability - Death God's Scythe! !

This is the most terrifying Divine Ability of Death God Mantis, Death God's Scythe, which can harvest all life between Heaven and Earth, with terrifying destructive power, wherever it goes, even True Dragon will be scythe on the spot Cut into two pieces, instantly killed.

"This is Death God's Scythe!!"

Wu Mu saw this terrifying scythe, which seemed to be between the illusory and the real, and his whole heart was beating wildly, and every time in his body An inch of flesh and blood conveys a strong crisis, and a crisis of death fills his mind.

Can't dodge! !

There is no escape! !

This Death God's Scythe has completely locked itself when it is cast. Not even Up Into the Heavens, Down into the Earth can really get rid of it. This is a mortal, fatal blow.

Seeing that he could not escape the suppression of Sword Lotus and Heavenly Tablet, Death God Mantis unhesitatingly unleashed an attack like burn both jade and stone.

The dark Death God's Scythe fills the entire line of sight.

"burn both jade and stone? How can I, Wu Mu be afraid of you. Kill!!" From the moment he decided to fight against Death God Mantis head-on, he had long expected that he would have such a moment sooner or later. An existence like a monarch ominous beast is not so easy to kill on either side. To kill, must pay a heavy price.


Wu Mu let out a cold war sound.

Instead of retreating, he took a step forward. At the same time, he only saw that in the entire forbidden space, one after another divine light circulated, countless Fire Crow hiding the sky and covering the earth. moved towards Death God's Scythe rushing away, Raging Flames Burning Heaven, on the ground, a giant earth, gold, water, fire, and wood slammed out. Step forward, meet the scythe.

Various formations, formed one after another, spears, ground stabs, vines, Space Blade, etc., all kinds of attacks flooded the sickle like an ocean. As if, to blast that Death God's Scythe into pieces on the spot.

Thoroughly mobilize the power of the entire formation diagram.

The six swords in his hand waved out without hesitation, one after another sword light, and slashed towards the scythe.

However, the terrifying thing happened.

I only see that the one after another is forbidden to strike directly on the scythe, but the entire handle of Death God's Scythe exudes a fierce Blade Qi, and all attacks will be strangled on the spot as soon as they touch Death God's Scythe. Broken into pieces and turned into nothing, even all kinds of fierce attacks can't cause fundamental damage to Death God's Scythe, and they are still straightly moved towards Wu Mu.

It's not fast, but it brings endless fear.

Even if the sword intent slashed by Wu Mu landed on the scythe, it couldn't make the scythe collapse, but the runes on the scythe kept flashing, appearing dim, but it never went out. , it is really like Death God demanding his life, if he fails to achieve his goal, he vows not to return.

"Quickly think of a way, this Death God's Scythe is too domineering, it is almost a Divine Ability that Death God Mantis exerts all his strength, and it is no better than the Peak Martial Arts of the Return to the Ancestral Realm. The Great Divine Ability is inferior. I don't want to do anything, I'm afraid it will be difficult to block the past."

Little Fatty shouted nervously.

"It seems that this trump card has to be revealed."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, seeing that Death God's Scythe could not be wiped out by various bans, It only consumes a little bit, and it is basically impossible to wipe out in a period of time. With a move in his heart, he naturally made a choice.

thoughts move, the mind is immersed in the body.

There was a sudden cry in my mind: "The soul of bloodline, break the cocoon into a god, Primal Chaos Mother Qi, create Heaven and Earth!!"

As soon as the voice fell, all of a sudden, only See, in the sea of blood, in the twelve wells of dive spring, the fiendish qi of one after another heaven shaking, earth shattering is violently conveyed, the baleful aura, like the substance, is a kind of slaughter.

Amazingly, Wu Mu wants to break out of the cocoon directly, break through the Tianzhu, achieve the realm of Totem, and completely condense the Dharma. Truly become a Law Manifestation Realm Peak martial cultivator.

His accumulation has long been enough, reaching the Peak of the Heavenly Pillar Realm, not breaking, just to take this breakthrough as a hole card, a killing move, with the power of breakthrough, enough to make himself The battle strength skyrocketed several times in an instant.

At that time, it was Heaven and Earth to help! !

At this moment, critical moment, there is no choice.

Breakthrough! !

Breakthrough is required! !

ka-cha! !

I only heard a crisp cracking sound from the cocoons, as if there was some kind of powerful existence, which was constantly striking the cocoon from the cocoon, trying to break the cocoon from the cocoon. out. The sound was continuously transmitted, and the speed was extremely fast. (To be continued..)

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