Martial Tomb

Chapter 651

Martial Tomb Chapter 651


On a pair of pitch-black mantis knife arms, so fast that no one can capture it with naked eyes, the speed is faster than lightning It was even more terrifying, and the mantis knife arm was shimmering with a metallic luster, extremely fierce terrifying, and slashed quickly, like Death God, silently cutting hundreds of Law Manifestation Realm Martial Artists into countless pieces on the spot. . . ybdu.

Bring out a terrifying blood mist in the air.

Even if the Divine Weapon stood in front of the mantis knife arm, it was easily chopped into pieces, inch by inch broke apart. Seems unusually terrifying.

Those Law Manifestation Realm martial cultivators who were already considered powerhouses had no chance to fight back in front of Death God Mantis. Spot sucked in a breath of cold air.

"The terrifying Death God Mantis, it is said that it is enough to hunt the dragon ominous beast. Once it grows up, it feeds on hunting True Dragon. In the same order, it is the existence of cream of the crop. , even a martial cultivator of the same level may not be able to suppress it. Now it seems that it is extremely terrifying."

"Killing hundreds of Martial Artists in an instant, the speed is so fast that people cannot Capture, especially the pair of mantis knife arms, can't even capture their traces, and can't make an effective defense at all. It really is the hunter among the ominous beasts."

"This is the ominous king. Beast, this is the power equivalent to the atavistic realm, I am afraid that the atavistic realm may not be able to suppress it. Once it rushes to Qianhe City, I am afraid that Qianhe City will suffer heavy losses.”

Countless Martial Artist complexion greatly changed, looking at the dark and cold giant praying mantis like Death God, each with a look of fear in their eyes, but at the same time. More is a determination.

"Go on, even if you die, you must kill this Death God Mantis. It is the initiator of the beast tide. If you don't kill it, you will continuously gather a larger beast tide. , kill it, and the beast tide in the east will end completely."

"We don't believe that Death God Mantis is really that terrifying. There are so many of us. We will fight to our death. "

"Even if it's death, I'll take a piece of meat from it."

The eyes of countless Martial Artists showed a decisive look, which was a kind of imposing that put life and death aside. manner, since they decided to come to Qianhe Castle, no one intends to leave alive.

"Let me come!!"

Wu Mu saw Death God Mantis. Eyes are light flashed. A strong fighting intent burst out from his body. The previous time he escaped, this time he definitely did not intend to escape without a fight. When I saw Death God Mantis, I was filled with a fiery fighting intent. Step forward resolutely.

With a fearless will. Go straight to Death God Mantis. Holding the Azure Lotus formation diagram in his hand.

Wu Mu's action immediately attracted the attention of the entire battlefield, and a large number of Martial Artists had strange expressions in their eyes, apparently recognizing Wu Mu's identity.

"It was the Martial Artist who laid out the formation diagram and formed the forbidden space. He stepped forward, did he want to compete head-on with Death God Mantis? Although he is powerful, he is only Law Manifestation Realm after all. martial cultivator. The gap between Death God Mantis and Death God Mantis is really too big."

"Could it be that he intends to suppress Death God Mantis with the formation diagram, although the formation diagram is powerful, it may not be able to suppress it. Hold on to this Death God Mantis. This is the ominous beast that can hunt the True Dragon."

A Martial Artist was secretly suspicious, showing a look of shock. Comparing Wu Mu and Death God Mantis, the gap between realm alone is insurmountable. Going up like this is simply dying.

There are quite a few Martial Artists who are going to come forward to stop them.

I don't want to see Human Race's outstanding Martial Artist fall. That formation diagram is an excellent weapon to deal with the beast tide.

"Brother Wu, what are you planning to do? Does he really plan to go to fight with Death God Mantis? That is the existence of the ominous beast Peak of the monarch rank. Little peep. Isn't he afraid of death when he steps forward?"

In an area of the battlefield, a robe soaked in blood was draped over his body, exuding a tragic and sturdy aura. , he is also in the battlefield, constantly fighting with the ominous beast, and his body is covered with dense wounds, but his bloodline focuses on defense, and his defensive power is amazing.

At that time, he also followed Wu Mu in the cave to watch the Death God Mantis back in time, and clearly knew its horror, not to mention that he had just witnessed the attack and killing of the Death God Mantis fast as lightning.

Ask himself, with his defense, facing Death God Mantis, I'm afraid that he can't even take a breath, and he will be chopped into tens of millions of pieces.

That wasn't a level fight at all.

Seeing Wu Mu go, his face changed greatly.

"Could it be that Wu's big brother planned to suppress Death God Mantis with the formation diagram, but it was extremely dangerous."

Qin Miaoxiang was also on the battlefield.

Fantasy Secret Realm is not that you can get the power of dreams when you enter Secret Realm, but you must change history here, even kill the ominous beast, etc., you can get the power of dreams, Hunting ominous beast is one of the best and most direct methods. Hunting ominous beasts represents the power of dreams that one has obtained.

In the face of the beast tide, it is naturally impossible not to hunt the ominous beast. This is the most dangerous but also the best battlefield to kill the ominous beast. Now this is only the first wave. The scale and strength of the beast tide are the smallest. It is impossible to say the last, any ominous beast is an ominous beast of the rank or even the spiritual rank.

Wu Mu's previous formation diagram also fell into Qin Miaoxiang's eyes. It's just that the distance from the formation diagram was too far away, and there was no way to enter the formation diagram immediately, but I could also feel the powerful force of the formation diagram, swallowing several millions ominous beast without the slightest sign of breaking, such a Divine Weapon has almost surpassed the Divine Outside the boundaries of Weapon.

This is a special feature of Divine Weapon refined from the formation diagram.

However, Qin Miaoxiang also doesn't think that Wu Mu at the moment has the ability to challenge Death God Mantis.

I wanted to stop it, but in an instant, Wu Mu appeared in front of Death God Mantis, without any hesitation, with a wave of arms, the Azure Lotus formation diagram in his hand suddenly flew into the sky, quickly turning into A volume of formation diagram, Five Colored Divine Light flows, expands rapidly at a speed visible to naked eye, and in a blink of an eye, it returns to the size of thousand zhang on the circle.

Stop the sky! !

The formation diagram merges into the void and connects to Heaven and Earth. Within thousands of zhang, it has completely transformed into its own domain. In the entire formation diagram, Wu Mu is the divine residence of Supreme, with infinite advantages and heritage.


The Death God Mantis on the other end was not unexpected, and was directly enveloped in the formation diagram and fell into the forbidden space. Around thousands of zhang, there seems to be an invisible barrier directly shrouding, isolating the entire Heaven and Earth. This time, there was no fog, nor did it block the sight and exploration of other Martial Artists.

The formation diagram is integrated into the void, and the obvious forbidden space cannot be seen. As if the formation diagram was disappeared. Very strange. This is another use of the formation diagram. Integrate the formation diagram into Heaven and Earth to form a domain-like Heaven and Earth, so that your battle strength can be increased to the extreme. Such as waving arms to control a piece of Heaven and Earth, using the power of this world to fight.

In the forbidden space, Wu Mu can mobilize all the forces in the entire forbidden space to integrate into himself.

Hey! !

Death God Mantis is shrouded in an Azure Lotus formation diagram. He didn't move immediately, as if he instinctively noticed the sudden strange mutation of Heaven and Earth outside him. There was ice in his eyes, really like Death God, cold and gloomy. Looking at Wu Mu, there was a strong killing intent in his eyes, which made Wu Mu feel like he was being stared at directly by Death God.

"My dear, I don't know who this person is, but Law Manifestation Realm dares to challenge Death God Mantis. Such daring is truly amazing."

"Death God Mantis Very terrifying, and I don't know how long this Martial Artist can resist, but those who dare to directly challenge Death God Mantis are definitely not ordinary Martial Artists, they should be legendary peak geniuses."

Throughout the battlefield, countless pairs of eyes moved involuntarily towards Wu Mu's location. Obviously, this fight completely attracted everyone's attention.


Death God Mantis only watched Wu Mu for less than a second, and he dared to provoke Wu Mu, an almost ant-like existence. Obviously, he had no plans to let Wu Mu continue to survive. Attack has been launched.

Those vigorous and powerful thighs slammed violently, bursting out with astonishing power, and the figure moved towards Wu Mu silently and slaughtered at the past, the speed was so fast, as if the whole body was in between. Heaven and Earth are weirdly disappeared. Countless pairs of eyes see Death God Mantis disappear directly out of thin air, unable to see where it is at all.

"It's good to come, kill!!

Wu Mu took a deep breath, didn't even think about it, when he stretched out his hand, the Emperor Jiang Sword was already in his hand. The Wine God Curse exploded in an instant. A silhouette of a drunk man sang to the sky appeared outside. It merged into the body in an instant. The whole body suddenly soared and directly transformed into a powerful Azure Lotus battle body that was 20 feet tall, like a Little Giant. The whole body radiated The majestic coercion.

The Dijiang sword is also rapidly growing, and in a blink of an eye it becomes several tens of meters long. It is held in the hand and exudes a strong coercion.

Wine God Curse——Man Jianghong!!

Five times the battle strength increase.

Azure Lotus battle body, 20 feet battle body!!

A mouthful of Bronze behind Dragon cauldrons are presented one after another, with a full nine mouths, among which five dragons and mosquitoes on the Bronze Dragon cauldron are condensed as real, as if scattered forces directly condense into one, exuding heavy pressure, this is the Dragon King Cauldron. During this period of tempering, the Life Source that is continuously transmitted from the gold-level life crystal core in the body directly allows one's own strength to enter the peak period of rapid growth. This kind of expectation, once it reaches the extreme of the combat body, the vessel manifested by one's own strength. , all will be transformed into King Cauldron!!

A single dragon King Cauldron is comparable to a martial cultivator who has just stepped into the real Spirit Realm, let alone five, and, in the power of the Wine God Curse, Under the five-fold increase, we can only see that the remaining four Dragon Cauldrons are also rapidly condensing, directly turning into Dragon King Cauldron, Nine Dragon King Cauldron.

Law Manifestation Realm is the king!!( To be continued..)

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