Martial Tomb

Chapter 626

Martial Tomb Chapter 626


Chaos opens up, clear air rises, and turbid air sinks, for Heaven and Earth. .. The combination of the turbid and the clear, and the two are unified, is to return to chaos, Nine Heavens The fusion of the clear and the turbid, it is a return to chaos, which directly derives Primal Chaos Qi. Chaos is the mother of all things, Heaven and Earth The source, without a strong cultivation base, will be assimilated and corroded by Primal Chaos Qi once it enters chaos.

Primal Chaos Qi is the Myriad Things Origin Energy, and it is also the most terrifying power. At the moment of Astral Fiend unification, Primal Chaos Transformation, the burst of power is directly like a Primal Chaos Sword, slashing at the On the Pillar of Creation.

Wu Mu had already made preparations, and during the thought move, the Azure Lotus Emperor Code was running.

One after another pure Azure Lotus Dao Rhyme appears on the Heaven Pillar of Fortune, and Dao Mark of Grade 4 Azure Lotus appears on the Heaven Pillar. On the Pillar of Fortune, the sun and the moon, Kunpeng and other Dao Marks, are lifelike. Very miraculous.

Those who create Azure Lotus, absorb Primal Chaos Qi and grow, go through thousands of kalpas and never die, giving birth to endless good fortune. Primal Chaos Qi could not damage the Azure Lotus in the slightest, but instead became the nutrient for the growth of Azure Lotus.

If it is an ordinary pillar, even if it is a pillar formed by Heaven and Earth Spirit Object, under the destructive power of the fusion of the Nine Heavens clean air and the earthly evil air, the Primal Chaos Transformation erupts. , will be severely damaged on the spot, or even directly broken, ruptured, and completely broken into countless pieces. Cut off your own foundation. It has a mutual benefit with the Wu Mu Azure Lotus Emperor Dian. It was only a slight shake, and there was no damage at all. It was just that Primal Chaos Qi, which directly sank into the Tianzhu, and turned into a streak on the Fortune Tianzhu. Chaos-colored chaotic dao marks. Inscribed on the Tianzhu, it exudes an ancient charm.

As if it was born with a texture engraved on the pillar of creation.


This kind of fusion, without any pause at all, wisps of Nine Heavens clean air and earthly evil air fuse together one after another. Once collided, it will immediately be destroyed again like Heaven and Earth, and return to chaos, turning into a chaotic divine glow, strikes on the pillar of creation, constantly imprinting one after another mysterious chaotic dao marks on the pillar.

one after another, just like having life, it keeps spinning freely on the pillar.

Wandering around.

Wu Mu held his breath. Bingxin's ancient scripture reverberated naturally in his mind, and at the same time, "Azure Lotus Emperor Canon" was running uninterruptedly. One after another Dao Rhyme reverberated on the Tianzhu, and there seemed to be endless murmurs of heavenly sounds.

Time is passing quietly.

Unconsciously, Wu Mu's whole mind is immersed in the endless Dao Rhythm of Heaven and Earth opening and closing, falling into a strange realm, comprehending the good fortune and witnessing the chaos. Mind realm. In the continuous climb, an indescribable enlightenment reverberates in the mind, and the massive bloodline Divine Force in the body is constantly circulating, integrating into the primordial embryo, urging the Divine Ability talisman transformed by the bloodline Divine Ability, and constantly breeds a massive amount of bloodline Divine Force. Dao Rhyme. Turned into resources, submerged into the embryo, and integrated into the soul of bloodline. Although this kind of insight is not comparable to witnessing splitting heaven and earth apart with my own eyes, it is also an extraordinary insight. The Destruction Aura that unifies Heaven and Earth makes the bloodline soul in Wu Mu naturally have a terrifying baleful aura, an aura and will of destruction. This kind of destruction is more in line with the bloodline nature of the witch clan.

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Nine Heavens is a fusion of clean air and earthly evil air. It lasts no less than one hour.

Finally. When the last ray of Nine Heavens clean air and earth evil turbid air perfectly merged into a chaotic divine glow, I only saw it. On the Fortune Pillar, densely packed with one after another mysterious chaotic dao marks, these chaotic dao marks seem to have life and spirituality, constantly wandering on the Fortune Pillar, flashing a chaotic dive glow. Each one seems to be vastly different. It is naturally integrated with the charm of the creation of Azure Lotus.

Connect with each other! !

"This is the condensed astral fiend aura, transformed into the Tianzhu, it is really different, the original fortune Tianzhu, contains infinite good fortune, contains endless vitality, can contain its own flesh and blood, tempering bloodline, endows vitality , but now it contains the destruction and rebirth of chaos. It contains baleful aura, which, once it erupts, is enough to destroy the Heavens and exterminating the Earth."

"And, so..."

Wu Mu felt the strange rhythm emanating from the Heavenly Pillar of Fortune, and couldn't help but secretly shocked. During the thought move, one after another pure bloodline Divine Force was continuously poured into the Heavenly Pillar of Fortune.

Immediately, I saw that the chaotic dao marks inscribed on the Heavenly Pillar of Fortune continuously and quickly devoured the bloodline Divine Force, followed by spewing out wisps of gray Primal Chaos Qi. , like a cloud, circling around the pillar. Very strange.

The chaotic Dao marks on the Heavenly Pillar of Fortune can directly absorb the bloodline Divine Force and give birth to Primal Chaos Qi. This Primal Chaos Qi will not damage itself at all, but instead has a strange feeling of complete control.

However, this Primal Chaos Qi cannot be directly separated from the Heavenly Pillar of Fortune and integrated into the body, but only becomes the nutrient carcass that nurtures the true soul of bloodline. It is the source power for the dharma to nurture the dharma.

Even so, Wu Mu could still feel that the entire Heavenly Pillar of Fortune had become extraordinarily different, as if it had undergone a complete and bizarre transformation, exuding the ancient Dao Rhyme, as if it had lasted forever.

Wu Mu can feel that as long as these Primal Chaos Qi completely cover the entire heavenly pillar of creation, it means that he has reached the peak of the heavenly pillar, and the soul of bloodline in the primal embryo has broken out of the cocoon. Integrate Primal Chaos Qi, transform into Totem, and achieve the time of Dharma.

However, when I just started the bloodline Divine Force, I found that the bloodline Divine Force needed to derive the Primal Chaos Mother Qi from the Heavenly Pillar of Fortune is absolutely enormous, and it has only just been derived. With a wisp of Primal Chaos Mother Qi, the bloodline Divine Force in the body can consume no less than one thousandth.

Wu Mu's foundation is so strong, the sea of blood is so huge, the opening acupoints, the bloodline well, the twelve divine bridges on the other side, the Divine Vein and the opening acupoints all over the body. Even the fleshy body formed by Hunyuan blood crystal, even if it is one thousandth, is comparable to the entire cultivation base Divine Force of an ordinary Law Manifestation Realm martial cultivator.

And this is just a ray of Primal Chaos Mother Qi. It is conceivable that the process of making Primal Chaos Mother Qi completely cover the pillar of creation will be astonishing and different. fear.

It is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Sure enough, to become a powerhouse in a martial cultivator, every step you take is infinitely more difficult than an ordinary martial cultivator." Wu Mu sighed secretly, but he was not discouraged.

This is pressure, as well as motivation.

Moreover, this may be a process that ordinary people take hundreds of years to complete, but Wu Mu does not necessarily need to.

"The first pillar of good fortune has completed the fusion of astral fiend aura, now it's time to start the second one."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, for the first pillar After carefully pondering the process of the fusion of the Heavenly Pillars of Fortune, I became more confident in my heart, and without hesitation, I thought to move, and once again swallowed the second Nine Heavens clean air directly into my body.

A portion of the earthly evil energy is extracted from the body. At the same time, moved towards Gonggong bloodline divine spring, where the heavenly pillar of good fortune is located.

Suddenly, the strange scene of Astral Fiend uniting and Primal Chaos Transformation reappeared in the inner pillar.

time quietly pass.

There is always an inexplicable chill and heavy atmosphere in Qianhe City. It is a feeling that a war is coming, as if a terrifying rainstorm will sweep over at any time. Every moment, batches of Martial Artists came from other areas and entered Qianhe City. These were heroes who came to voluntarily resist the beast tide.

There were also a large number of Martial Artists who quickly left Qianhe City and went directly to various battlefields. Those were Martial Artists who accepted hunting missions and went to hunt ominous beasts everywhere. From time to time, someone hit hard and returned to the city.

However, these did not have any effect on Wu Mu.

On the way of passing quietly, Wu Mu's twelve heavenly pillars of good fortune were continuously engraved with the chaotic Dao marks, fused with Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend, and thoroughly cultivated the heavenly pillars into Perfection Realm.

Six full hours passed.

It was getting darker that day, only to see that in the Inn where Wu Mu lived, in a room, a silhouette stepped out of the void and came out.

Wu Mu in azure clothes, only six hours later, but inexplicably extravagant with an unspeakable majesty, as if facing a piece of Heaven and Earth, making people unconsciously feel small a feeling of.

The kind of thick, not angry.

However, this breath is just a flash, and it is directly converged back into the body. Even so, there is still an instinctive coercion from Life Level. Naturally brought out a touch of sharpness.

"Why hasn't the fifth ancient bronze door been opened yet? What is missing?"

Wu Mu stood in the Inn, but his brows could not help but frown slightly. , showing a suspicious look.

After going in and out of the Bronze Ancient Lamp several times in a row, naturally I will not miss the empty space, but I don't know what happened to the fifth ancient bronze door. It was obviously about to open, but it just didn't open. A wisp of mist shrouded outside. This made Wu Mu secretly suspicious.

Every time a bronze door is opened, it can bring amazing benefits and changes. Wu Mu can be said to be deeply benefited. Treasure house, arsenal, Martial Palace, Baiyi, almost every ancient door brings different surprises, and I naturally look forward to the fifth bronze door in my heart.

"The time has not yet come, the Bronze Ancient Lamp has been connected to your bloodline, life and life are intertwined, and the Heart of Eternal is integrated in it, how it changes, the lamp god can't control it, just know that it will adapt to your heart, Changes. You used to need martial arts, you have an arsenal, you need a practice field, and you need a cultivation base battle skill, you have a Martial Palace, you need a winemaking venue, you have a hundred arts, and you need a storage space, you have a treasure trove. The fifth ancient fan The door must also evolve in the direction you need most. Maybe you don't have a special desire now, so you haven't finished it."

Little Fatty said slowly after being silent for a while. )

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