Martial Tomb

Chapter 622

Martial Tomb Chapter 622


Such a "medicine", especially can increase qi and blood, strengthen flesh and blood, and in Blood Bodhi contains Fire Qilin's unicorn The breath of the fire, swallowed, the body is like a raging flame, and the blood is rising, which can promote the blood, tempering impurities, and can sharpen the true spirit, which has various mysterious effects.

For a martial cultivator, it has a powerful effect and should be cultivated carefully. It is a "medicine" that can grow up to ten thousand years.

"This Blood Bodhi is indeed a rare treasure. However, if there are only a few pills, it is not very useful to me. I want to buy it, and I will also use it to try to brew a new spirit wine. In the process of brewing, there will inevitably be losses and failures. There are only three grains here, which cannot be of great use at all. However, if there are seedlings or seeds of the Blood Bodhi tree, I will consider exchanging them.”

Wu Mu looked at the three Blood Bodhis, his eyes flashed brightly, but his face did not show his voice or color. These Blood Bodhis are rare treasures "medicines" that are not found in the "medicine" garden. It takes tens of thousands of years, which is a long time that any tribe can't wait for. No one knows whether it can support tens of thousands of years, unless it is an adult Spirit Tree.

But Wu Mu is different, there is a "medicine" garden, no matter how long it is, it is not a concern. One day outside, ten years inside. It will only take three or four years for the King of Medicine to fully mature. wait. If others knew about it, I'm afraid that Wu Mu would be ripped off immediately and swallowed alive, which is simply too heaven-defying.

"I don't have the seedlings and tree species of Blood Bodhi. I got it by chance. I got less than ten Blood Bodhi after nine deaths and still alive. However, I am on the Blood Bodhi tree. Broke off a branch, I don't know if this branch is of any use to you." The big man heard Wu Mu's words, slightly frowned.

Blood Bodhi tree will grow for tens of thousands of years, simply is not within the scope of ordinary martial cultivator's consideration, Human Race is now running around, wind and rain are drifting, and it is safe to protect it day and night, who has the ability to cultivate Such "medicine" kings are all picked from the mountain range outside, and as much as they are picked, they will be used as much. Unless they develop their own Celestial Grotto, they will plant some spiritual "medicines" in the Celestial Grotto for cultivation. ???Martial Tomb 63

After the big man's voice fell, he immediately took out a jade box. Immediately, he saw that in the jade box, a section of red that had been directly reduced by special bans The tree branch appeared in front of me, the branch was just a branch, but it was well protected, and the vitality contained in it did not dissipate. "I want this branch and three Blood Bodhi. I don't know how much Guanghan Immortal Wine you are going to exchange." Wu Mu nodded, looked towards the big man, and asked.

"My Blood Bodhi is the king of medicine. Although the Blood Bodhi in my hand has not reached the level of the king of medicine for ten thousand years, it also has six thousand years of medicine and sex. It is borne by the 6,000-year-old Blood Bodhi tree, which is extremely precious. I plan to make 30 gourds of Immortal Wine, even if this branch is given to Little Brother, what do you think."

The big man gritted his teeth slightly. , spit out a sentence and said.

"The deal, this is Thirty Gourds of Guanghan Immortal Wine." Wu Mu nodded and agreed without hesitation. He couldn't help but sigh at the ancient Martial Artist. This ancient item is still there. It really can't be compared to the future. The price gap is probably hundreds of thousands of times more.

Anyone who wants to travel through the ancient times, I'm afraid it will be difficult not to make a lot of money.

Immediately took out thirty gourds of Guanghan Immortal Wine, handed them over, exchanged them, and put away the three Blood Bodhi and the branches, and the branches were directly sent to Shennong's "medicine" in the nursery.

After carefully looking at the items on the stall in front of the big man, Wu Mu also continued to walk forward, but Hutou and Huniu were not attracted A stunned and unbelievable look on his face. There was a look of shock in the eyes that looked towards Wu Mu.

No matter what, Wu Mu, who had walked all the way with him, was able to come up with such a precious Spiritual Wine Immortal Wine, and moreover, it made a large number of Martial Artists flock to it, wishing to have it immediately.

Don't hesitate to take out a lot of precious treasures in exchange for it.

This Brother Wu, who I just met, is simply amazing and unbelievable.

"Brother Wu, you actually know how to make wine, and you can brew spirit wine. This Guanghan Immortal Wine Hu Niu has never heard of it, and the only spirit wine you know now is Monkey Wine. It is said that those Pill Refinement Masters will brew some "medicine" wine, spirit wine after pill concocting. However, they are kept secret. I heard that the spirit wine brewed cannot be as impure as Wu big brother. , so clear."

Hu Niu looks towards Wu Mu with full of admiration, can brew spirit wine, and even brew spirit wine of such amazing quality, it is definitely not an ordinary person, and is placed in any tribe. , that are all regarded as VIPs by everyone, dare not have the slightest neglect, and have a status like those Pill Refining Masters.

"Brother Wu, didn't expect you to have such skills, Guanghan Immortal Wine, the value is amazing, this time you can exchange with the Martial Artist in the city, maybe you can keep them on the battlefield. "Life"."???Wu Tomb 63

The tiger's head is full of kindness looking towards Wu Mu.

No matter what the purpose of Wu Mu's actions, but here, the people who trade with Guanghan Immortal Wine will have a better chance of saving their lives on the battlefield. If you can kill the ominous beast faster and resist the "tide" of the beast, you may be able to turn the tide of the battle. Really contributed to the Human Race and the Thousand Cranes Tribe.

"Brother Tiger is too exalted. I, Wu Mu, are a layman, but I'm not as great as you said. I just get what I need, and only Guanghan Immortal Wine can get it. Shoot."

Wu Mu smiled indifferently, said slowly.

This fantasy Secret Realm, the more things change in it, the greater the impact on Secret Realm, the greater the changes in the ending, and the more dream power you can get in the end. If you can subvert the ending and change your destiny, the benefits you will get are absolutely unimaginable. Wu Mu released Guanghan Immortal Wine, which is also invisibly intervening in the fate of the fantasy Secret Realm.

The more you change, the greater the benefit.

"I heard that the Pill Refinement Master is extremely lacking, and the number of pills cannot be fully supplied. Brother Wu's Immortal Wine is definitely a timely rain. It must have a considerable impact on the war situation."

The tiger head still said solemnly.

He's not an idiot after all, how could he not see how much benefit Wu Mu would bring to the current Qianhe tribe by exchanging Guanghan Immortal Wine like this.

Wu Mu smiled indifferently, without saying much, and just wandered around Qianhe City.

On the way, no matter where Wu Mu went, all Martial Artists showed great enthusiasm and tried their best to sell the items in their hands. Wu Mu also glanced at it a little, and when he came across an item he was interested in, even an item he didn't have, he would exchange it for Immortal Wine without the slightest hesitation.

Many of them are highly poisonous things, poisonous fruits, poisonous weeds, etc., especially for the seeds of these poisonous weeds, as long as they are available, they must be obtained.

There are many common poisonous weeds along the way.

The common poisonous weeds, such as Lesothora, Rotten Mind Fruit, Strychni, Oleander, Grade 1 Red, etc. These poisonous weeds are highly poisonous "medicine" materials that can grow for thousands of years.

There are also such as rare spirit "medicine", poisonous weed - Redcrown Crane, strangely poisonous nightmare flower, strangely poisonous Life Fruit, strangely poisonous five poisonous fruits.

These poisonous "drugs" were also discovered by Wu Mu, and they exchanged them with Guanghan Immortal Wine without hesitation. In this regard, the Martial Artists exchanged them with a smile almost one by one. For fear that Wu Mu will regret it.

Once you don't buy it, it's too late to cry.

There are also all kinds of rare and spiritual "medicines", and even if you see one, you will buy one. 』The spiritual "medicine" species in the garden.

It is a strange and rare "medicine". called bitter lotus.

It is a kind of yellow "color" lotus, the whole body is dark yellow, and the petals are nine open.

In addition, the lotus seeds produced are extremely bitter, and once swallowed, one can fall directly into an illusion. Through hardships, sharpen the mind.

Such a kind of spiritual "medicine" is naturally extremely precious. It is a treasure "medicine" of the intermediate grade of immortal grade. Once cultivated, it is a rare "medicine" king, the treasure of Peak, which is naturally no trivial matter. The value is immeasurable.

It can even sharpen the mind, allowing people to understand life and realize a different state of mind.

After seeing this bitter lotus, Wu Mu quickly and directly conceived in his mind how to brew a spirit wine with bitter lotus as the main material. called bitter wine.

Time is passing quietly.

Wu Mu and Hutou siblings wandered freely in the city, taking out Guanghan Immortal Wine from time to time in exchange for items. Unconsciously, thousands of gourd spirits were exchanged directly. Made many Martial Artists smile.

Howl! !

Just as Wu Mu was wandering about, suddenly, a crisp crane roar sounded directly in the midair, followed by a red-crowned Crane with a white body. Appeared, coming from a distance, there were dozens of them, and a martial cultivator stood on the back of each Red-crowned Crane.

The leader was a girl wearing a snow-white feather.

This girl is a slender figure, a pair of **, extremely slender, slim, with double peaks standing on the chest, the perfect curve, outlines endless charm. There is nothing that is not beautiful in the whole body, giving people a holy and quiet temperament, as if it is incomparably noble, and people have an inexplicable goodwill at a glance.

On his face, he wears a layer of gauze, which makes it impossible to see his face clearly, but it can also be seen that it is a peerless elegance.

"It's Fairy Qianhe, He Xian'er, why is she here."

"It really is absolute beauty, didn't expect to be able to see Fairy Qianhe with my own eyes. However, one of the top ten peerless goddesses of Human Race, with peerless elegance and beauty."

"I don't know what happened to Qianhe Fairy's sudden appearance. Could it be that the beast 'tide' is about to appear. "To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to ****** to read. )

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