Martial Tomb

Chapter 614

Martial Tomb Chapter 614


The Island Sakura Club is an Assassin Organization under the Triad, one of the two largest gangs in the island.

The triad is a gang controlled by the Okamoto family, the first family of the island nation.

So when the news of the killing of the three members of the Sakura Hua Club reached the Triad through the Sakura Hua Club, the Okamoto family soon learned of the news.

The island nation of Jingdong Edo District is the political and cultural center of the entire island nation.

In the north of Edo District, there is a manor covering an area of 1,000 acres. This ancient manor with an obvious architectural style of the Chinese Tang Dynasty is where the first family of the island, the Okamoto family. land.

The building of the Okamoto family has a strong Chinese and Tang Dynasty architectural style from the outside, but the interior decoration and furnishings of the building are completely modern.

At this time in the family council of the Okamoto family, the patriarch Hideaki Okamoto gloomy face of the Okamoto family is sitting on a bamboo chair.

Okamoto Hideaki's three sons stood respectfully in front of Okamoto Hideaki.

Okamoto Hideaki looks to be in his fifties, medium build, slightly thin, with small eyes but very energetic. If he didn't wear the kimono unique to the island country, he would look like like a Chinese.

As the children of the first family in the island country, the three sons of Hideaki Okamoto are quite good in appearance and temperament.

The second child, Hao Okamoto, is a little shorter and thinner than the eldest, and looks more delicate than the eldest, but Hao Okamoto's temperament looks more gloomy and cold, and he is definitely a vicious and merciless generation.

The third child, Oka Benjie, is slightly inferior to the eldest and the second child in appearance, and is a little worse than the eldest and second child in terms of personal ability and experience in dealing with problems, but because he is the youngest son Because of this, Okamoto was deeply fond of Okamoto Hideaki.

"Nipsuan, Takeshita Toshi, and the three people from Sakurahua Club, who do you think did it?" Okamoto Hideaki asked his three sons.

As the direct line of the Okamoto family, everyone has the potential to become the patriarch of the Okamoto family, so there is competition between the three sons of Okamoto Hideaki.

So after Hideaki Okamoto raised the question, all three of his sons started to think about it.

Okamoto Jie thought relatively simple, after a little thought, he immediately rushed to replied "Since the blood killing organization in China has reappeared, then they must have been killed by the blood killing organization. !"

Okamoto Jie rushed to answer, but his two older brothers Okamoto Yu and Okamoto Hao were coldly snorted at the same time, and even Okamoto Hideaki's face flashed a hint of disappointment color.

At this time, Okamoto Hideaki's eldest son Okamoto Yu said, "father, I personally checked the bodies of Nikon and Takeshita when they were brought in. They were directly smashed with fists. He died of internal organs! Under normal circumstances, few assassins from the Assassin Organization use their fists to kill people!”

The second child, Hao Okamoto interjected, “According to my understanding, in China, Among the fist techniques, except for the Tai Ancestral God boxing of the thousand-year-old Zhao Family and Song Family, there are very few boxing methods that can do this!"

Okamoto Yuya nodded said "Yes, except for the eight major Those of the millennium Aristocratic Family who can kill the experts of Nikon and Takeshita Toshi can be counted on one's fingers in China!"

For the analysis of Okamoto Yu and Okamoto Hao, Okamoto Hideaki Very satisfied, nodded again and again.

After nodding, Okamoto Hideaki taught Okamoto Jie a lesson and said, "Anything, before making a judgment, you must first understand the details. In this regard, you should ask your two brothers more. Study!"

Okamoto lowered his head "I understand, father!"

Although Okamoto lowered his head and promised, his There was a clear look of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

…I only heard Hideaki Okamoto say again, "Although the death of Nikon and Takeshita Jun has nothing to do with the blood killing organization, but the blood killing organization is now in existence, there will definitely be a battle between the eight Aristocratic families in China. It's over!"

After hearing this, all three of Okamoto's brother's eyes shined, because they knew very well that as long as there was a fight between the eight thousand-year-old Aristocratic families in China, it represented their Okamoto family's Opportunity is coming!

The opportunity more than 70 years ago was almost successful. The entire territory of China was occupied by the island country, but in the end it was a complete failure!

The opportunity more than 40 years ago was not seized. Instead, China's economy surpassed that of the island country and became the second largest economy in the world.

This opportunity, the Okamoto family can't miss it again!

"father, this opportunity, our Okamoto family can't miss it again!" Okamoto Yu said.

“Father, what should we do?” Okamoto Hao asked.

"Father, make a decision quickly!" Okamoto said impatiently.

Okamoto Hideaki looked at the head helplessly, smiled bitterly and said, "You should be very clear that the core power of the clan is all in the hands of the Elder Council, and the power of those clan elders is greater than mine. We can do what they ask for!"

Okamoto asked "Isn't there any decision made by the Elder Council?"

Okamoto Hideaki nodded "Yes!"

"What decision?" Okamoto Hao asked.

"The Elder Council has decided to send a direct descendant to Shenhai City to find out!" Okamoto Hideaki replied.

"Father, send me!" Yumichi Okamoto.

"father, I think it's more appropriate for me to go!" Okamoto said.

"Father, among our three brothers, my ability is the worst, so please let me exercise!" Okamoto said sincerely.

Okamoto Hideaki looked at the faces of the three brothers one by one, and finally landed on the face of the third brother, Oka Benjie.

"You're right, your ability really needs to be exercised!"

In this way, Okamoto Jie, the direct descendant of the Okamoto family, was sent to Deep Sea City by the Okamoto family. While sending Oka Benjie to Shenhai City, the Okamoto family also provided Okabenjie with 5 billion Chinese coins and dozens of ninjas trained by the Okamoto family.

In the same situation, the Morgan family in the United States also sent a direct descendant of the Morgan family named John, accompanied by Richard to China.

Not only the United States, but even some forces in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and other countries have all begun to pay attention to this emerging city on the coast of China, the deep sea city.

Because the Great Influence of each country is very clear, perhaps the dispute between the eight thousand-year-old Aristocratic Family of China will break out in the deep sea city.

But what no one expected was that because of the intervention of the Great Family forces all over the world, the scope of this dispute extended to the whole world, not just within China.

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