Martial Tomb

Chapter 609

Martial Tomb Chapter 609


"The crystal nucleus of life contains lifespan, life essence, and life essence?" Wu Mu couldn't help but be shocked when he heard it. , an incredible feeling.

The crystal nucleus of life known in the ancient continent, although it is very precious, can replenish blood, strengthen the mind, increase one's own cultivation speed, and even wash the body and soul. It is an almighty treasure. didn't expect the life essence contained in the life crystal nucleus is actually life essence. is lifespan.

What is lifespan, not just time. It is the combination of life and soul, the life essence represented by the vitality in one's own body. There is life but no soul, it is just walking corpse, there is soul but no body containing vitality, it is just Ghost Fire, not even Ghost Clan. Unconscious, muddleheaded. These can't be considered living beings, there is no such thing as lifespan.

Humans, birds and beasts, all races, have fleshy bodies and souls, and even Ghost Clan has a ghost body.

"That's right, but this life crystal nucleus contains life essence, but it can't directly increase the life essence of cultivator. It can only assist cultivation. Even so, it's precious and unusual." Han Nuo's shock to Wu Mu was as if he had never seen it, he nodded and said.

"Dare to ask Han shopkeeper, I don't know how much life essence is contained in the Dark Iron Rank life core." Wu Mu's eyes flashed, and he asked immediately.

"According to the appraisals of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, the Dark Iron Rank life core should contain ten years of lifespan. After absorbing it, it can make itself comparable to ten years of penance. Bronze rank life core It contains a hundred-year lifespan, and silver rank is a thousand-year lifespan. And the gold level is a ten-thousand-year lifespan, the legendary Purple Gold-level life crystal core, the life essence it contains is said to be at least one hundred thousand years old, and it has many wonderful uses.”

Han Nuo has a lot to tell.

These narrations have opened Wu Mu's horizons, and he has a better understanding of the things in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Even the treasure of life crystal nucleus can directly analyze its true mystery. Really amazing.

"many thanks to Han shopkeeper for the release, if it weren't for Han shopkeeper. I'm afraid Wu still doesn't know the real mystery contained in the crystal core of life. It can be compared to the essence of life. No wonder it is in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. It is the transaction currency of the cream of the crop." Wu Mu took a deep breath and nodded in gratitude.

"speaking of which, the life core is indeed very precious. However, even if it is killed in the outer demon, the probability of generating a life core is not too high. Not 100%. Most of the flesh and blood is wasted, and the soul is broken. There are powers and gods in the wizard world, and a large number of people with Great Divine Ability in the immortal dao. Gathered together and studied Sophora flavescens for thousands of years. Finally, a rare treasure was created." Han Nuo said suddenly.

"What rare treasure?"

Wu Mu instinctively asked. It is definitely not an ordinary rare treasure that can be created by so many Great Experts. Wu Mu instinctively felt that this rare treasure must be no trivial matter.

"This rare treasure is called Qiankun Fortune Furnace, also known as Fortune Golden Toad." Han Nuo couldn't help showing a solemn look on his face, and slowly spit out a name.

"The fortune furnace of Qiankun, the golden toad?" A puzzled look appeared in Wu Mu's eyes.

"It is said to be furnace cauldron, but in fact, it is a rare treasure in the shape of a golden toad, and this rare treasure is not a magic weapon for expedition and slaughter, but a coin furnace for coining. It can collect demons from the sky. Flesh, soul fragments, tempering coins directly in the coin furnace."

"It's just that this coin is different from black iron coins and bronze coins. A coin with a crystal core. It is named as a star coin. It is also called an eternal coin, which means that the stars and the heavens are used to circulate the world. The eternal coin is the most precious of many currencies, a kind of Supreme." Han Nuo spoke slowly. Speaking of, the real introduction to the mainstream currency in All Heavens and Myriad Realms is now, or will really be circulating in the future.

"Star Coin? Eternal Coin" Wu Mu felt overwhelmed. The information he knew at this moment was simply too amazing, and every news could shock his mind.

"Well, the most important eternal coin is jointly created by the owner of the Eternal Heaven boat, and it is the currency that circulates in the Eternal Heaven boat. Eternity is the endless lifespan. It is cast from the golden toad of good fortune. Eternal coin, an eternal coin, is a year's lifespan. As long as it devours a large number of extraterrestrial demon flesh and blood, the soul can quickly mint a large number of eternal coins. This is the common rule of all Eternal Heaven boat masters."

"Of course, the life core also has the same status as eternal coins. One hundred eternal coins can be exchanged for one Dark Iron Rank life core. One eternal coin only has one year of life essence. , and the Dark Iron Rank life core is a century-old lifespan. This will be the mainstream currency in the future. All Eternal Heaven boats will use Eternal Coin as the real currency."

Han Nuo looked at Wu meaningfully. Mu glanced at it and slowly revealed a secret.

This secret, I am afraid that in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, only a few know. In many worlds, I'm afraid they don't even know the life crystal nucleus, let alone know the secrets contained in it.

The life crystal core must be killed by killing the demons to have a chance. This depends on the probability, but the appearance of the golden toad will inevitably increase the number of eternal coins instantly, becoming All Heavens and Myriad Realms The mainstream currency for cross-border transactions. To master this currency is to master the lifeblood of All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

In the future, Eternal Coin will inevitably occupy the market and become the mainstream.

I also have the Eternal Heaven boat. In the future, when trading and opening the market, we must use Eternal Coin as the real trading currency, so that we can control the market and create greater benefits.

I used to buy items in the market directly with the Dark Iron Rank lifespan, a lifespan equivalent to a hundred years, I don’t know how many people suffered greatly, and what they paid for and what they got. Not proportional at all. Invisibly suffered a lot of losses. However, Wu Mu made a huge windfall by setting up a stall selling wine.

At that time, it was sold with life crystal cores as the trading unit. How could it take hundreds of years, hundreds of years of lifespan to purchase ordinary trifling spirit wine.

It can be said to be a lot of money.

However, it can also be inferred from this that the issuance and circulation of this eternal coin must be in the near future, and it may not even really begin to circulate.

In this case, why would Han Nuo suddenly say such a secret thing that should be considered a secret.

Wu Mu's heart flashed all kinds of thoughts quickly, and vaguely, he already had some guesses in his heart. In this case, there are only two possibilities.

One is that Han Nuo has seen through his identity as the owner of the Eternal Heaven boat. Therefore, each other's status is the same. This eternal coin can be said to be a vested interest of the owner of the Eternal Heaven boat. He wants to pull himself in and become a member of the interest group.

And second, it is to let oneself publicize Eternal Coin and quickly expand its influence in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Even spare no effort to promote.

Both possibilities are possible.

Which one is, Wu Mu can't be sure.

However, he instinctively felt that Han Nuo was not hostile to him.

"I don't know if this Qiankun Fortune Furnace is for sale in the pawnshop. If possible, Wu would also like to buy one." Wu Mu asked tentatively.

"The refinement method is derived from the Qiankun Fortune Furnace, but there is no finished product for sale. If you want, this Han can sell the refinement method to Fellow Daoist Wu. However, it depends on Fellow. Daoist's chance." Han Nuo didn't care, and didn't pay much attention to whether the Qiankun good fortune furnace was rumored or not.

"Okay, this time the pawned items include the refinement method of the Qiankun Fortune Furnace." Wu Mu said decisively.

"This golden toad is a rare treasure. It can be used by anyone after refining it, but the best way is to integrate it into the Eternal Heaven boat." Han Nuo said intentionally or unintentionally. One sentence, then said with a smile: "This time, I will use Eternal Coin as the settlement currency to make an estimate. Ah Jiu!!"


The red woman listens When he arrived, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Mr. Wu has selected a total of thirty-two rare spiritual medicine seeds, each of which is worth ten Eternal Coins, adding up to three hundred and twenty Eternal Coins."

"Choose 43 rare and highly poisonous seeds, each of which is also ten eternity coins. The total is four hundred and thirty eternity coins." It is worth 750 Eternal Coins. If this is a lifespan, that is 750 years, and an ordinary person can't afford it if he loses his life.

"There are three original Spirit Beads, each worth 100,000 Eternal Coins. A total of 300,000 Eternal Coins."

Wu Mu's heart shook, 300,000 coins, This is 300,000 years of lifespan. However, compared to the value of the original Spirit Bead, the price Wu Mu can also accept.

“Earth High Grade Heaven and Earth, worth three thousand eternity coins, Heavenly Rank high grade spiritual object, longevity green wood, worth ten thousand eternity coins, Taibaijinjing, ten thousand Eternal coins."

"The refinement method of Qiankun Fortune Furnace is worth 10,000 Eternal coins."

"All items are worth a total of 333,750 coins. Ten Eternal Coins." The red clothed woman quickly calculated the prices of all items. The whole price, but people can not help but stunned on the spot.

If it is an ordinary person, I'm afraid I can scare people to death on the spot.

This is 333,750 years of lifespan. Even the Great Emperor may not be able to live for such a long time.

Also, Ah Jiu said, she quickly took out various items one after another and placed them on the counter. Those spiritual medicine and highly poisonous seeds were all sealed in jade boxes, and they were also sealed in jade boxes. There are three Spirit Beads, several Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects. Spread them out in front of you.

"I don't have a few gold-level life crystal cores in my hands. I'm afraid I'll have to pawn some items again." Wu Mu glanced at the items in front of him, opened them and checked them, then raised his eyes looking towards Han No, he said.

"It doesn't matter, you can pawn it with the source of blood."

Han Nuo said with a smile indifferently.


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