Martial Tomb

Chapter 166

Martial Tomb Chapter 166


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However, Wu Mu raised his brows, exuding a strong confidence in his eyebrows, coldly snorted and said in his heart: If there is no bloodline Divine Ability, then I will directly cross the fog of corrosion with fleshy body and enter the ancient tomb. I'm about to try the formidable power of Azure Lotus Canon.

The powerful devouring ability of "Darknorth Divine Art" is combined with the Azure Lotus Emperor Code, and the Azure Lotus source itself has a powerful and extreme purification power for World's All Living Things. Wu Mu is not necessarily afraid of the powerful corrosive power emanating from these corrosive mists.

thoughts move without hesitation.

Immediately, he stepped into the mountain valley without the slightest hesitation. While stepping into the valley, Wu Mu thought and moved, and countless bloodline Divine Force quickly spewed out of the pores of his body. See, an azure bloodline Divine Astral naturally emerges outside the body, you can see it on the bloodline Divine Astral, and the texture of one after another azure appears on it.

If you look closely at these textures, you will find that they are almost exactly the same as the textures that appear in their own skin, and there is no surprise.

Bloodline Divine Astral, in fact, is its own epidermis under the perfusion of bloodline Divine Force, condensed as a substantial astral qi, the formation of astral qi is closely related to its own epidermis, as if it is Second Layer skin.

Moreover, this mysterious texture hidden in the skin can only be stimulated by the bloodline Divine Force, which is the same cultivation technique as the tempering skin, and can be truly integrated into the bloodline Divine Astral, resulting in Incredible mysterious abilities.

If Wu Mu did not choose to continue to improve the "Azure Lotus Emperor Canon" in the blood sea realm, if he used Azure Lotus as his basic source, the bloodline Divine Astral displayed would not appear at all. These belong to the epidermis. Mysterious Dao Mark in . This is one plus one, not equal to two, the most direct expression.

This is one of the great benefits of the complete martial cultivator cultivation technique.


The bloodline Divine Astral appeared like a real substance, completely covering the whole body, and then stepped into the valley and into the dark corrosive mist.

chi chi chi!

Almost instantly, one after another, the sticky fog of corrosion moved towards Wu Mu naturally, and collided with the bloodline Divine Astral outside. The bloodline Divine Astral directly corrodes and destroys it.

However, at the moment of collision, the whole bloodline Divine Astral immediately reacted mysteriously. On the Divine Astral, Dao Mark, one after another azure, was constantly circulating and swimming like a surname. The fog of corrosion that was sticking all around was forcibly blocked directly by the bloodline Divine Astral, even if it was a powerful force of corrosion, it could not easily corrode the Divine Astral.

The bloodline Divine Force consumed is extremely weak.

On the contrary, the texture of one after another on the bloodline Divine Astral distorted strangely and gathered together, unexpectedly small vortex appeared on the Divine Astral. As these vortex rotated, the corrosive mist all around was weird. forcibly swallowed and absorbed into it.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared out of thin air in the sea of blood in the body.

In the bloodline, that mysterious Azure Lotus talisman unceremoniously exudes a strong phagocytic power, graciously swallowing those corrosive mists in one fell swoop. In Azure Lotus talisman, the lotus bud is spinning rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, he was tempered into one after another pure bloodline Divine Force, pouring into the sea of blood. Continuously replenishes the depletion in the body. Even, the consumption of bloodline Divine Astral is even lower than the bloodline Divine Force refinished after swallowing.

Clap! !

Step by step in the valley, Wu Mu took no time to rush, as if strolling in a leisurely garden, recklessly advancing in the fog of corrosion, while walking, secretly realizing the true nature of the sea of blood. Transformation and strength.

Being familiar with one's own strength as soon as possible will be of invaluable benefit for future fierce battles.

His! !

However, Wu Mu's stance like walking around in a garden caused the eyes and pupils of a large number of martial cultivators outside the valley to shrink violently, sucked in a breath of cold air, and their eyes were full of astonished expressions. , and even exclaimed on the spot.

"How is this possible? In the fog of corrosion, he can walk like a leisurely stroll with only his bloodline Divine Astral, and the fog of corrosion can't break his bloodline Divine Astral at all. , really hurt him."

"Look, there are bloodline astral lines on his bloodline Divine Astral, his Shedding Mortality Realm and the cultivation technique of blood sea realm cultivation are the same cultivation technique, this cultivation. art, only a complete ancient scripture can do it, is he a child of those powerful bloodline Aristocratic Family.”

“Even those children of the bloodline Aristocratic Family are not ordinary children who can rely on bloodline Divine Astral. He is the only one who dares to do so by walking directly through the fog of corrosion. I have seen the halo king in Heaven's Chosen before, who only casts a white halo, which seems to be the legendary resistance halo. He entered with only a resistance halo In the fog of corrosion, all the fog of corrosion will be directly repelled to the side by the resistance halo as soon as it approaches. It is impossible to approach him at all, and it is easy to walk in. But the Halo King does not dare to go in under the bloodline Divine Astral."

"Who is this, the bloodline Divine Astral of azure, what kind of azure bloodline Divine Astral has such amazing abilities. God, is another monster born before our eyes."

All kinds of terrifying discussions came out one after another from the mouths of all around martial cultivator.

looked towards Wu Mu's eyes, all of which became extraordinarily complicated, with jealousy, jealousy, fear, astonishment, etc., almost indistinguishable. However, these are not the same for Wu Mu. any impact.

And at this moment, Jin Shanren, who was at the entrance of the ancient tomb, squinted his eyes into a slit, and muttered to himself: "azure's bloodline Divine Astral, no, it is said that Wu Family The bloodline Divine Astral displayed by the strongest Emperor Scripture is not like this, isn't he really a member of the Wu Family."

Whispering to himself, the strange color in his eyes flashed away.

However, the emphasis on Wu Mu has been secretly deepened again in the heart, and only relying on bloodline Divine Astral to shuttle through the fog of corrosion, this ability is definitely not something that ordinary blood sea realm martial cultivators can have. of.

chi chi chi!

Wu Mu doesn't care how shocking it will be to others, bloodline Divine Astral is the only way for him to pass through the fog of corrosion, otherwise, he can only resist corrosion with fleshy body, If you really rely on the fleshy body to cross the valley, I am afraid that the shock will only be greater.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the ancient tomb, the bloodline Divine Astral on Wu Mu's body naturally turned into one after another azure light, out of thin air, drilled into the body along the pores of the whole body, and reintegrated into the flesh and blood.

"Lao Wu, you really hide it very well. You can easily travel through the valley with bloodline Divine Astral and run wild. It really makes Lao Jin ashamed and unable to show one's face. Seeing Wu Mu stepping into the ancient tomb, Jin Shanren greeted him with a smile, as if he said unintentionally, "I really don't know what your cultivation technique, Lao Wu, is. You can walk through the fog of corrosion without breaking a sweat." Hurt, this cultivation technique, I'm afraid it's extremely powerful, is it the ancient imperial scriptures, or the Emperor Scripture!!"

As if he casually asked.

Wu Mu glanced at Jin Shanren when he heard it, although Jin Shanren only asked a question casually, how could Wu Mu not hear the charm of exploration in his words, his own cultivation Cultivation technique, how could you tell others, not to mention, "Azure Lotus Emperor Canon" is one of his biggest secrets.

If you let others know that you can create an emperor-level cultivation technique, I'm afraid, I don't know how many old monsters will come directly to chat with you.

This kind of thing, for the time being, can't let out the slightest bit of wind.

What's more, if you know the cultivation technique, even some old fart ones, it is extremely troublesome to be able to see through the origin from the cultivation technique, directly target the origin, and display the Divine Ability of restraint.

Although "Azure Lotus Emperor Dian" is mainly created by the cultivation technique of Huaxia in the past, it should not leave any hidden dangers.

"I'm just a little Bounty Hunter, loose cultivator. Where did I get some ancient imperial scriptures, Martial Classics like Emperor Scripture, but cultivation is just some common cultivation techniques."

Wu Mu smiled indifferently, said in a tranquil voice.

"Hehe, it seems that Brother Wu is really talented." Jin Shanren said with a smile, and seemed to know that there was nothing out of Wu Mu's mouth, so he didn't mention this topic again.

After all, a few of those who have been able to cultivate until now will be fools.

"This is the tomb of Martial King!!"

Wu Mu ignored Jin Shanren and immediately glanced at the ancient tomb in front of him. shock.

In front of this ancient tomb, the whole picture of the ancient tomb cannot be seen from the outside at all. It seems that this is just an entrance and a tomb door. , This ancient tomb seems to be made of white bones, and these skeletons are almost not like human skeletons, but a huge, extremely ferocious animal bone, each of which is extremely thick and huge, exuding The breath is very terrifying.

The owner of these bones was definitely a powerhouse during his lifetime, and a terrifying powerhouse.

Moreover, what appeared in front of me was a tomb passage. This tomb passage did not extend smoothly towards the front, but strangely extended towards the ground. Obviously, the real location of the Martial King's tomb is not in the valley. This is just an entrance. The real ancient tomb is underground. This one is the tomb road leading to the ancient tomb.

"Lao Jin, you lead the way."

Wu Mu glanced at Jin Shanren and said unceremoniously.

"Lead the way? What a joke, this is the tomb of Martial King. I've never been there, so how could I know the path." Hearing Wu Mu's words, Jin Shanren almost didn't jump up on the spot, and screamed on the spot .

Exploring the road ahead, is that using him as cannon fodder?

"Look at my small body, I don't even have half of you, you can't bear to let me explore the way in front of you." Wu Mu glanced at fatty's figure, smiled and said faintly.

"How can you compare your strength with this?"

Jin Shanren shouted angrily when he heard this.

However, his voice changed, and he said: "However, none of us need to explore the way, I have a baby!!" (To be continued.)

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