Martial Tomb

Chapter 159

Martial Tomb Chapter 159


[On Monday, ask for some recommendation tickets. .]

In the valley where the strange tree was originally, within the valley, the dense skeletons seemed to dissipate because the strange tree was completely destroyed, and did not continue to move towards the valley to gather in groups. On the contrary, because of the terrifying fight, the entire valley was completely scraped away, revealing the bloody soil, which did not attract those undead skeletons.

all around is silent and desolate! !


In the sky above the valley, a silhouette in Tsing Yi appeared out of thin air, stepped directly on the ground, moved towards all around and glanced over. After not sensing the danger, the eyebrows relaxed slightly.

"There are still no undead skeletons. It seems that the previous fierce battle completely destroyed the valley, and even the strange trees collapsed together. There should be no atmosphere to attract undead skeletons."

Wu Mu secretly pondered then said.

After having no choice but to get the strange bronze Ancient Ship in his body, Wu Mu could only helplessly leave the Bronze Ancient Lamp temporarily, and the bronze ancient door whose fog had begun to dissipate seemed to still be there. It takes a while to be fully revealed, and Wu Mu has no intention of continuing. Leave immediately.

Return to the Heroic Spirit battlefield.

"Mortals, leave the ancient lantern, break through to the sea of blood, release the qi machine, Heaven and Earth will sense, there will definitely be a gift from God. Cherish it, for many martial cultivators, It's the only divine gift that can be obtained."

Little Fatty suddenly reminded.

Wu Mu's heart was also dignified.

From Little Fatty's mouth, he already knew that this divine grace was given by Heaven and Earth in order to reward the martial cultivator's detachment from the mortal world, transformation, and reaching a new Life Level, which is for the growth of the entire Heaven and Earth.

Strength is the key force, the will contained between Heaven and Earth, a reward from instinct.

Of course, ordinary Martial Cultivators in the Blood Sea Realm naturally cannot get Heaven and Earth Blessing, because they simply do not have the qualifications and abilities to attract Heaven and Earth's attention.

It is often with a very deep foundation and a very solid foundation. Even his own innate talent bloodline has a huge influence, which may be the reason for whether he can get the gift of Heaven and Earth.

Even Heaven and Earth's gifts are not the same, they are almost all kinds, such as the bloodline Divine Ability bestowed by God, directly improving one's own bloodline rank, and expanding the sea of blood and transforming into more stable. There is a peerless divine material bred from chaos, or even a mysterious treasure, directly pulled from chaos. There is even a legend that a martial cultivator got a Divine Eyes in Heaven and Earth, and the formidable power is extremely powerful terrifying.

But it is certain that any items gifted by Heaven and Earth are almost rare treasures between Heaven and Earth, and it can even be said to be enough to make countless powerful bloodline Aristocratic Family jealous, and even desperate scramble.

Moreover, all the martial cultivators who have received divine grace will get the same gift, that is - Guardian God pattern! !

This kind of Guardian God pattern is completely integrated into the sea of blood. As long as you have the Guardian God pattern, it will not only make the sea of blood more stable, but also a powerful trump card to save your life.

Unable to resist, or even on the verge of death, under a fatal attack, the Guardian God pattern hidden in the sea of blood will explode completely, not only will all destructive attacks be completely destroyed. To resist, at the moment when the Guardian God pattern erupts, it will be forcibly moved out directly from the position of distress.

It is possible to move randomly to any area, even from one end of the ancient continent to another. is not for control.

But there is no doubt that this is a life-saving trump card with no hidden dangers.

This is Heaven and Earth giving the martial cultivator of extraordinary natural talent a chance to come back. Of course, this is also the only chance. The Guardian God pattern will only play a role once. After it is played, it will collapse naturally and merge into the sea of blood. It will no longer have this powerful ability to protect and save lives. That is to say, This is the only chance to save a life.

Heaven and Earth are the blessings given by their own extraordinary natural talent. After the first save, the blessings have been exhausted. Heaven and Earth cannot put all the divine favors on any evildoer. body. If it still dies after consuming the Guardian God pattern, it is a problem of strength and its own problem.

Death....also death cannot wipe out the crimes! !

Huang Tianyao, and even other martial cultivators, outstanding children of other powerful bloodline Aristocratic Family, are desperately trying to enhance their own heritage in Shedding Mortality Realm, and even forcibly suppress the cultivation realm in the Shedding Mortality Realm. Within the Shedding Mortality Realm, the source continues to grow, and it is simply to obtain the most precious opportunity of divine grace in this blood sea realm.

Once you get it, it means an extra life, and in any case, an extra chance.

You must know that this Guardian God pattern cannot be erased even if it is a big ****. Once killed, it will still save one's life, and even force it to move out. Of course, in front of the Great Emperor, this kind of move, I'm afraid that the most terrifying killer will be found in an instant, and even the most terrifying killer will be applied again.

"Come on, let me see if I can get God's grace, and what kind of Heaven and Earth rewards can I get with my background."

Wu Mu also revealed With a trace of unspeakable excitement and curiosity, he raised his eyes, looked towards the void, and when he thought to move, immediately, the mysterious aura that belonged to the sea of blood naturally dissipated, and moved towards all directions.

Boom! !

In the void, I seem to feel the breath emanating from Wu Mu, the kind of breath that just broke through to the sea of blood, the first transformation and evolution of Life Level, from the void, a group of colorful clouds like clouds The tide appeared out of thin air, quickly gathered together, and in the blink of an eye, it covered a large area of the sky above.


In the multicolored auspicious clouds, the clouds rolled down, and suddenly, a golden eye appeared out of thin air, as if the sky had opened its eyes, and the golden eyes were full of ruthless indifference and Grim. There doesn't seem to be any emotion. These are the eyes of heaven.

"Is this the will of Heaven and Earth?"

Wu Mu saw the golden eyes appearing above his head, and a strong horror emerged in his heart. In his eyes, there is an irresistible majesty and pressure.

That is an irresistible majesty.

The golden eyes glanced at Wu Mu coldly, and those eyes seemed to be able to directly and clearly understand everything in Wu Mu, even every inch of flesh and blood, felt anything in Wu Mu's body.

In the end, in the cold depths of Golden's eyes, there seemed to be a hint of approval that did not exist at all.


In an instant, a dazzling dive light burst out from the golden eyes, and fell straight down, shrouding Wu Mu in the dive light in an instant. In the golden divine light, Wu Mu I only felt that, in the dive light, the strange Dao Mark, one after another golden, moved towards his body as fast as a surname and burrowed into it out of thin air.

Appears in a sea of blood.

moved towards the blood sea all around The blood sea barrier quickly branded, one after another, in a blink of an eye, it covered a large area, and some unstable blood sea barriers were branded on these golden textures After going up, the strange becomes extremely tenacious and stable, exuding a heavy atmosphere.

Moreover, it can be clearly seen that the textures of these goldens are twisting strangely at a speed visible to naked eyes, swimming quickly on the blood sea barrier, and in a blink of an eye, they converge and turn into one. The mysterious golden talisman disappeared in the blood sea barrier in an instant, completely disappeared.

At the same time, Wu Mu had an indescribable feeling, a very safe and comfortable illusion, as if he was naked before, without a single piece of clothing, and there was nothing on his body. , but at this moment, after the golden texture condenses into talisman, the whole body seems to be wearing a perfect robe.

Endless security! !

"It's the Guardian God pattern!!"

After Wu Mu saw it, a thought instinctively emerged in his heart, and he naturally knew what this invisible golden talisman was. , that is simply the gift of countless martial cultivator yearn for something even in dreams.

At this moment, on a small hill with countless bones piled up just a few dozen li away from Wu Mu's location, a chubby man wearing a patchwork shirt, even an ordinary person will. Not wearing a patched gray robe, with patched shoes under his feet, with two chubby chubby faces on his face, smiling like a Maitreya Buddha.

Both eyes narrowed, flashing rays of light like gold coin from time to time.

However, it looks like a beggar.

Even worse than beggar.

Walking and singing.

Where are you rich, where are you going! !

Where are there treasures, where are you running! !

Gold, silver, where are you going?

It all went to my pocket! !

Every sentence seems to be entertaining and singing reverberating on the battlefield of Heroic Spirits, two small eyes flashing golden light from time to time, suddenly, the singing stopped, suddenly raised his head towards Look in the void.

I saw on the spot that countless auspicious clouds converged, and in the auspicious clouds, a golden eye opened directly, shooting out a golden divine light.

Immediately, the fatty's eyes were completely narrowed into a thin line, and he exclaimed excitedly: "Gold, silver, where are you going, they all ran into my pockets. , didn't expect me, Jin Shanren, to see someone open up a sea of blood and get the grace of God. God still treats me, a good man."

"I'm here!!"


Jin Shanren let out a loud cry, his feet smeared with oil, and he dashed forward as fast as he could, his eyes glowing with golden light.

At the same time, after Wu Mu felt the appearance of the Guardian God pattern in his body, his expectation for the divine grace became stronger and stronger. Generally speaking, the Guardian God pattern is just a gift that will definitely appear, but What's more critical is the latter, I don't know what kind of divine grace Heaven and Earth will give.

This is a gift that countless martial cultivators have been looking forward to.

It can even be said to be a fortuitous encounter, a fortuitous encounter that even the children of the powerful bloodline Aristocratic Family flock to.


The golden eye looked at Wu Mu for a few times, and suddenly, a golden light penetrated the void, and suddenly, a ferocious crack was torn apart, and the crack seemed extremely deep. (To be continued.)

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