Martial Tomb

Chapter 1394

Martial Tomb Chapter 1394


[I wish all Olympic athletes can climb the peak bravely, win gold medals, and win glory for the country. ]

I don't know how long ago.

The four Wu Tiandong returned, each with a strong bloody air on their bodies. Obviously, the number of demons outside the sky who died under their sticks did not know how many. This killing also made the anger in their hearts, Temporarily vent out. Although he was still furious, he was able to restrain himself temporarily. It doesn't affect your sanity.

Don't blame the killing.

It's really that the anger is not vented, and they can't keep their sanity.

"The ancestors actually fell into the hands of the outer world, no wonder, no wonder, no matter how much I searched before, I couldn't find any traces. However, the ancestors were sacrificed into puppets, which is a shame that cannot be washed away no matter what. , absolutely can't just forget it." Wu Tiannan took a deep breath and said coldly.

"That's right, even if you do everything you can, you have to welcome the ancestors back." Wu Tiandong also said categorically.

This decision is beyond doubt.

"The ancestors were made into Demon God soldiers by the sacrifice of the heavens, and their strength is very powerful. It is close to the existence of the taboo level, and the strength is at least at the level of Heavenly Venerable Realm. Moreover, the consciousness in the body has not been completely wiped out. Existence is only suppressed by imprisonment. It is difficult to control the body. If we can welcome our ancestors back and break the prohibition, our ancestors will surely benefit from misfortune and possess the powerful strength of Heavenly Venerable Realm.”

Wu Mu said solemnly: “It’s a pity. , in the previous war, the ancestors did not participate in the war, and when they noticed something was wrong, they immediately fled the world. I didn't give me a chance at all, otherwise, I would retake the ancestor's body no matter what."

This is also true. The most regrettable thing in Wu Mu's heart.

As long as the ancestors can be recaptured, even if they cannot kill those Great Demonic Gods, they will still do it without the slightest hesitation.

"What, the consciousness of the ancestors still exists and has not been wiped out. In other words, the ancestors are still alive. They are just imprisoned by the seal." When Wu Tiannan heard this, he immediately stood up excitedly.

This is really good news.

The will of the ancestors of the Wu Family has not dissipated, which means that as long as the body is captured, the ancestors of the Wu Family can be reborn again, and it is a blessing in disguise to obtain the incomparable and powerful battle strength. The powerful strength of Heavenly Venerable Realm, even in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, it is definitely a powerhouse that suppresses the ages.

The Wu Family is enough to inherit hundreds of millions of years without hidden dangers.

Enough to withstand any storm.

"Okay, very good, this is the best news, as long as I get the ancestor's body, my Wu Family will have the Sea Calming Divine Needle. Even if it doesn't, we will still do our best to rescue it."

Wu Tiandong clapped his hands excitedly and muttered to himself.

"Okay, okay, okay, the ancestors are fine, as long as there is nothing, everything has a chance. Changsheng Island has become the Eternal Heaven boat, and, with the background of Changsheng Island, plus the support given by the eldest nephew , has been promoted to the Supreme-level Tianzhou. It is only a short distance away from the Supreme level, and it only takes a while to complete the transformation. When the time comes, you can also kill the demons in Beyond The Heavens Battlefield. If you can become Supreme The level is fine."

Wu Tianxi said.

Although they are looking forward to directly becoming an immortal-level Tianzhou, with the strength to compete with the Peak Demon God soldiers in the outer realm, it is obviously unrealistic. The transformation of Tianzhou is impossible. What has been accomplished can only grow slowly and accumulate information to achieve the foundation of transformation. Otherwise, forcibly transforming, the sky boat will be destroyed.

Promotions are still risky. If it cannot be completed, it will collapse directly.

Tianzhou is from Lingyun level, Wushuang level, Supreme level, Supreme level, Immortal level, Eternal Level. Every level is the difference between Heaven and Earth. All have incomparable power.

The fact that Changsheng Island can be promoted to the Supreme level is already quite good, and it is a fortune that has been managed for countless years in the hands of the Wu Family. If you want to break through to the Supreme level, if you don't care about the cost, there may be a chance.

"Big brother, our Wu Family ancestors were refined into puppets by the outer world, doesn't it mean that several other people who went to suppress that outer Sovereign at the same time as the ancestors may also be refined by the outer world Become a Demon God soldier. There may still be consciousness left, do you want to inform those Great Families."

Wu Tiannan said suddenly.

This is very possible. Back then, the ancestors of the Wu Family did not go alone. They joined the Liu Family and Qiu Family to suppress it. Later, the Shi Family Old Ancestor also followed. It can be said that the four Peak powers all shot.

The Liu Family bloodline is a unique bloodline of the hollow willow. Born with Space Divine Ability, and, the way of Aoki, is even more mysterious. fuse together with incredible battle strength.

The Qiu Family is also not simple, that's Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox bloodline. The Divine Ability it contains is even more incredible. Especially in the family, whether it is male or female, they must be handsome and beautiful, outstanding, and can be called God's creation.

Not to mention the Shi family, the time bloodline is even more remarkable. Back then, the Great Emperor was already a half-step Supreme level powerhouse. If the war hadn't erupted, it would have been a Supreme. The family of the Four Great Paragons in the wild.

But their ancestors are all incredible, all of them came out of the micro-mob, the original bloodline is just an ordinary Willow Tree, an ordinary fox bloodline, but it can be constantly transformed. , climbing again and again, becoming a Supreme bloodline like Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox and Hollow Willow. Their ancestors were all people with great perseverance and great good fortune.

A respectable presence.

If there is a real possibility of being alive, it is necessary to inform the other three great aristocratic families.

Joining together, there may be greater opportunities.

"Well, it's possible, if it is made into puppets, the ancestors of the other three great aristocratic families will not be inferior to their ancestors. They will certainly not let it go. Especially the martial cultivator, Peak's martial cultivator, yes The best vehicle for refining Demon God soldiers."

Wu Mu slightly hesitated after hearing this, and also secretly nodded.

This probability is very large.

There are not many simple ones that came out of the ancient times, especially those at the level of the Supreme Aristocratic Family, and their bloodline has decided that their achievements will never be low, especially when they step out of the ancient times and set foot on All Heavens and Myriad Realms is even more unimaginable by ordinary people. All power will inevitably explode like a blowout.

And, according to Wu Mu.

Not only did the Wu Family not enter the ancient Great World, Liu Family, Shi Family, Qiu Family did not enter the ancient Great World, they all wandered directly in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, experienced and continued to fight and grow. Become stronger.

With their strength, these years, the strength of the family can definitely skyrocket countless times. Everyone can be a powerhouse. Gathering together is also a good battle strength.

"Well, we used to leave contact information with each other back then, and we used bloodline to condense a unique communication jade talisman. As long as we use jade talisman, we can pass the message, even if the distance is countless. world, you can also get information from bloodline. You can't go wrong."

Wu Tiandong nodded nodded, this is a major event, and it is urgent.

"Hehe, I haven't seen Liu Tianlin for a long time, and I don't know what kind of cultivation base it is now." Wu Tianxi said with a smile.

"And Qiu Meiniang, I'm afraid the style is even more amazing." Wu Tianbei also said with a smile.

"Don't delay, get the message out immediately." Wu Tiandong said solemnly.

Immediately, Wu Tiandong and the others didn't stay too long, they turned around and left. Obviously, they were going to prepare to pass the news to other families. This kind of major event can't be sloppy.

Wu Mu just shook his head and didn't care.

Wu Tiandong understood their feelings.

"Red Lotus, all of you will be on the battlefield in this battle. Show me the Life Source Divine Weapon you refined."

Wu Mu then looked towards Guren and the four of them.

In this battle, all of them have to participate, and no one can escape. But before that, Wu Mu still wants to strengthen their battle strength. More life-saving cards are always good.

"Well, I have long wanted to go to the battlefield to kill demons. Dad, look, this is my daughter's Life Source Divine Weapon - Red Lotus Huntian Ling!!"

Gu Lian Dang stepped forward and took out the Life Source Divine Weapon that he had cultivated with a smile.

If you look closely, you can see that it is a red sash, a fiery red, and it exudes a warm atmosphere. It looks like a long river of flames. Brilliant. flashing red light.

This red lotus haunting has obviously been refined to a very amazing level, and it has reached the height of the Emperor Artifact. Swipe it out and instantly turn Heaven and Earth into a fire sea with Red Lotus Karma Fire inside. And, there are other flames, quite overbearing, burning the heaven and boiling the sea nothing difficult.

"Well, this red lotus haunting is a good one, it's already an Emperor Artifact, wait for you to go to the market, extract 315 kinds of Heaven and Earth spirit fire, complete three One hundred and sixty-five Heaven and Earth spirit fires, which will be sacrificed and refined in the future, have infinite potential, and can follow you to grow and transform. There are few people in the same rank who can resist your mixed sky.”

Wu Mu saw it, nodded and said.

This is a resource he gives to his daughter.

"Father, this is mine, it's called the Eye of All Ages."

Sansheng took a step forward, and the rays of light flashed on his forehead, and a golden vertical line appeared. The eye, this eye, is the Life Source Divine Weapon he cultivated, and it is not an ordinary eye, it is a kind of eye that contains the Power of Space.

"Yes, if this eye is refined to the extreme, it is enough to Change the Heaven and Switching the Earth. Time and space are Heaven Defying Divine Ability. You are uniquely endowed, inherit my time, space bloodline, two In the future, as long as you work hard for cultivation, you will eventually achieve something. However, don’t be complacent. You can wait and extract nine spiritual objects of time and nine spiritual objects of space from the market. It can make your eyes of all ages have infinite potential.” Wu Mu also attaches great importance to Sansheng.

The time and space are concentrated in one body, and it is absolutely promising.

"Yes, Dad!!"

Sansheng's character seemed very calm and respectfully agreed.

"Father, this is my Life Source Divine Weapon, Ice Soul Sword Lotus!!"

Ice Lotus also took out her Life Source Divine Weapon, which is a The lifelike Grade 9 ice lotus, crystal clear and near-transparent, as white as jade, is like the most beautiful ice sculpture. (To be continued~^~)

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