Martial Tomb

Chapter 1377

Martial Tomb Chapter 1377


Although the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb has been continuously getting stronger with itself, and the Martial Arts True Meaning contained in the Heavenly Tablet will also increase with the With the passage of time, the continuous skyrocketing and transformation, beyond the limit of the original Martial Arts Divine Ability grade, is simply effortless.

It is like the most common Basic Sword Technique. In his hands, he uses the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb. The Martial Arts True Meaning in it is comparable to the Heavenly Rank Martial Arts Divine Ability of the cream of the crop.

A Five Tigers Breaking Gate Blade, even the Great Emperor will drink and hate on the spot under the knife.

This is already a unique Martial Arts Great Divine Ability linked to the Life Source Divine Weapon.

Mysterious incomparable, Martial Arts Great Divine Ability that is very rare between Heaven and Earth, strong formidable power, naturally needless to say.

However, although the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb can continue to become stronger, it grows and transforms with Wu Mu, and even the stronger Wu Mu is, the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb will become stronger and stronger, and it can follow its own countermeasures. The enemy suppresses all the great enemies, but the problem is that after the Immortal Divinity Realm, it is possible to suppress them and not completely kill them.

The power of Immortal Divinity Realm has condensed the Innate Divinity Light, its fleshy body, Primordial Spirit, and the avenue, all fuse together. There is no weak spot at all. Recovery with no difficulty, Undying and Inextinguishable, no way to refining even if you want to refining. If you can't suppress the ability of Innate's inextinguishable dive light and Inextinguishable Immortal, it is impossible to kill the opponent. This is a powerful and helpless part of the Immortal Divinity Realm level.

In this regard, Wu Mu has also been trying to figure out how to suppress and kill the power above the Immortal Divinity Realm.

Wu Mu is an Immortal Divinity Realm, so he knows the power of Immortal Divinity Realm very well. He also has some ideas in his mind about how to kill the Immortal Divinity Realm. Of course, if Wu Mu himself, Direct killing with the Azure Lotus Sword array is the easiest way. The power of the Azure Lotus formation diagram is beyond doubt.

Even if Immortal Divinity Realm enters, it can be suppressed and killed, or even completely wiped out.

That is the absolute Killing Formation, which represents the absolute killing, killing.

As long as you go in, the immortal will still be killed for you to see.

But if you have the opportunity to let yourself have a few more ways to deal with or even kill the Immortal Divinity Realm level, who will not be too much, this is the most important killing move at a critical moment, which is in your hands. The powerful trump card, the one who can Sovereign the battlefield, is the real trump card.

"Husband, what you mean is that you want to incorporate this Destruction Magic Stone into your tomb Great Divine Ability, this is not an ordinary miracle, those Casting Item Masters tried their best to do it. It is impossible to temper it and cast it into Supreme Treasure. Ordinary things are simply impossible to merge with it." Pandora was surprised when he heard Wu Mu's thoughts.

She has personally experienced the power of the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb. It is indeed incredibly powerful and has infinite potential. Even the weird state of half magic weapon and half Divine Ability, but if it is integrated into the Demon Stone of Destruction, if something goes wrong, even its own Life Source Divine Ability will be affected, and it may even collapse directly.

Once so, it's quite a terrifying thing.

Not to mention the possibility that the Great Divine Ability of the Martial Tomb will disappear and shatter, and even Wu Mu himself will be severely injured and directly injured.

And it's the kind of near-irreparable injury.

"Any opportunity is impossible and there is no risk, and my tomb Great Divine Ability is not an ordinary Supreme Treasure, it is forged from the broken body fragments of the eternal Azure Lotus when it transforms, and it is itself It belongs to the eternal substance. It is fully qualified and has the potential to fuse the magic stone of defeat. The fusion of the two, one is eternal, the other is lost, just like Yin-Yang Two Sides, both reach the extreme, maybe fuse together, can achieve an incredible peerless Great Divine Ability."

The rays of light in Wu Mu's eyes became brighter and brighter.

The thought of one after another flashed continuously in my mind, and the spark of wisdom of one after another collided.

The decision has been made in my heart.

There is no risk, where is the opportunity, trying to sit at home and pick up a pie is a pretty ridiculous idea.

When you make a decision, you have already made up your mind.

"Since you have made a decision, Husband, go ahead and do it. I believe that with the luck and strength of Husband, it is very likely to succeed. Once successful, this is the strongest trump card in the hand. It can be reversed. Qiankun's killing move. Once it is shot, it will surely bloom with immeasurable brilliance in the heavens." Pandora has no objection to this.

Risks and opportunities coexist, and any force must pay a price.

"Well, then I'll take the Destruction Stone."

Wu Mu took the Destruction Stone without being polite.

Immediately, I didn't wait any longer. I went back to Yue Changqing and the others. After seeing Xing Lei, I took out the jade box with Eternal God Eyes and said, "Here are you guys. The items that Peak Master needs, you bring to Thousand Tribulations Peak Master. With the strength of Peak Master, I can only help with these. I hope it can be of help to Peak Master. If there is time in the future, Sister Xinglei Senior can do it. Come often."

In the voice, the jade box has been handed over to Xing Lei.

Xing Lei looked solemn. Although he didn't know what was in the jade box, it was obvious that this was the item that Peak Master needed. It was absolutely impossible that it was an ordinary treasure, or that Peak Master specially asked her to come and pick it up in person. , obviously, to ensure safety and prevent all accidents.

"Since it's a treasure that Peak Master needs, then I'll go back now, so as not to delay the Peak Master's major event. I'll come often when I have a chance in the future." Xing Lei nodded agreed.

However, obviously, there is no intention to stay any longer.


With the activation of Star Tears, a divine light appeared directly above the Azure Lotus Dojo, which was the cue from Slaughter Peak. Without any hesitation, after facing Wu Mu and Yue Changqing waiting for nodded, Xing Lei turned around and stepped into the reception and disappeared in the dive light.

In an instant, he has left and returned to Slaughter Peak.

As for what happened after going back, it has nothing to do with Wu Mu.

"Changqing, Xian'er, I plan to go to find the traces of the ancestors of the Wu Family. Time is short and the others, the war is imminent, the sooner the ancestors are found, the better it will be for us. I'm afraid we can't Continue to accompany you."

Wu Mu also said after Xing Lei left.

"It doesn't matter, it's important to find the ancestors, not to mention, on the sky boat, as long as we want, we can enter the Azure Lotus market at any time, and enter the sky boat through the market market. In this way, there is simply no difference. See you at any time." Yue Changqing didn't stop him, Nodded said.

"Well, during this period of time, I asked Red Lotus and the others to go to retreat for me. There is no breakthrough in the cultivation base, and no one is allowed to go out to play. This time, they will also go to the battle with Tianwai. On the battlefield, on the battlefield, life and death are ruthless. Wu Family children, no one can be at ease, the destination of Martial Artist is the battlefield. Only the experience between life and death can create a peerless Martial Arts powerhouse.”

Wu Mu suddenly said to Yue Changqing and the others.

Participating in the war, even his sons and daughters, are impossible and comfortable, Marital Arts Path, is to kill, fight, and fight. Otherwise, it is an incomplete martial cultivator, and he can't interfere in this war. If he really wants to die on the battlefield, that is their destination.

"Okay, it's time for them to let them go and practice. Blessings are by our side, and they can never become a true powerhouse." The more evergreen, slightly frowned, but there was no objection, she was from the ancient continent. After coming out, it is natural to know the importance of strength. Which martial cultivator powerhouse did not climb out of the sea of corpses and blood.

Blindly coddling will only brew bitter fruit in the future.

I also support Wu Mu's decision.

One day later.

Wu Tomb left the Ancient Battlefield directly, with Heaven Shrouding Umbrella there, covering up the secret, no matter who it was, they didn't notice that Wu Mu and Tianzhou were disappeared directly, and thought they were still in the Ancient Battlefield.

When Wu Mu left, he also took away the Life Source Soul Lamp of the ancestors of the Wu Family. After Tianzhou sensed Soul Lamp, he began to wander freely in All Heavens and Myriad Realms with the induction, constantly shuttling.

After the Martial Tomb was promoted to the Immortal Rank, the speed of Tianzhou has reached an incredible speed. In an instant, it can cross the stars, traverse the worlds, and travel in the endless void. With Heaven Shrouding Umbrella covering up, no one could notice even the worlds he was passing through.

This situation is nothing but the most common thing for the Immortal-level Tianzhou.

However, according to the guidance of Life Source Soul Lamp, the constant shuttle, but this kind of guidance is very strange, there is no specific direction at all, like a constant back and forth in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Running around like a headless fly.

Wu Mu also let Tianzhou shuttle in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, looking for it.

He entered the retreat directly, holding the Magic Stone of Destruction, and began to prepare to complete the envisioned fusion.

Once completed, it is the most terrifying killing move and the most powerful hole card.

While Wu Mu was searching for the whereabouts of the ancestors of the Wu Family.

In the outer realm, in the void battlefield.

The Primal Chaos Demon ape Fiendgod Battle Weapon that was entrenched in the void suddenly exuded a strong arrogance, extremely violent, the hair on the body kept shaking, one after another the blood rolled violently, and even more so in the eyes. There was a strong struggle, and the dangerous rays of light kept flashing, as if he would wake up completely at any time.

all around The void is constantly crumbling, evolving earth, fire, water, and wind.

Continuously turning into chaos, cycling through destruction and rebirth.

"Relentless, what's going on, how can your Demon God soldier suddenly change, the will in his body is impacting your seal, how can it suddenly become so violent. This is the harbinger of backlash ." The fearful Great Demonic God came out of his Demon God soldier, looked towards the silhouette of the Chaos Demon Ape, with surprise and angry flashing in his eyes.

Once the demon ape at this time backlash, completely out of control, the resulting destructive power is absolutely terrifying to the extreme.

"In All Heavens and Myriad Realms, someone is using the Life Source Soul Lamp to look for this demon ape, and the two are motivated by each other. The Qi in the Soul Lamp makes the will of the demon ape riot I want to impact the seal."

The ruthless Demoness spit out a cold voice.

The reason for this has been noticed. This situation has happened several times before. It was because of the inspiration of Life Source Soul Lamp, which greatly stimulated the will of the Chaos Demon Ape itself.

(To be continued~^~)

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