Martial Tomb

Chapter 1330

Martial Tomb Chapter 1330


"What?" Vajra Holy Son's face suddenly turned the color of pig liver, almost as black as the bottom of a pot. An endless humiliation and anger flashed over him. The attack he played, not only gave Wu Mu a bite, but also slapped it twice, saying that it tasted good, sweet and moisturizing the throat, which was simply the biggest face slap. His face felt hot.

Swallowed all his Divine Ability, what does he think he is.

A chef who specializes in delivering food to him.

The anger in my heart instantly soared and burned completely.

"It's amazing, what is the strength of Heavenly Venerable, that golden river, even the Great Emperor can easily bury it, even the Supreme can't completely ignore it, it must be treated with caution, it contains endless Sword qi sword power, sharp and domineering, once it erupts, Heaven and Earth will turn into boundless Sword Domain. Even.... was swallowed by Heavenly Venerable in one bite, swallowed so casually, so people Incredible." There was a cultivator in Ancient Battlefield that almost made his eyes fall out of fear, that scene was too terrifying.

"It was Supreme back then. Could it be that Heavenly Venerable has really passed the decline of the avenue and has been promoted to the level of Immortal Divinity Realm. It is already an immortal Sovereign, surpassing Supreme. It has reached an incredible level, otherwise, how can it be? Maybe so casually swallowed that Divine Ability in one bite. It's too strong." A powerhouse couldn't help but stunned on the spot.

That's Divine Ability, not food.

Swallow it, how powerful that is.

It's beyond words to describe.

"Okay, I'll let you swallow, let you deliberately mystifying, just like you, don't let me fear, kill!!" The hair danced wildly, tearing and smashing the void. The body is straight, just like a Divine Sword that is unyielding, exuding endless sharpness. Every inch of flesh and blood in the body is glowing, flashing with golden light, and shooting out a golden sword light, and the void is broken.

With devastating energy.

terrifying to the extreme.


Vajra Holy Son didn't hesitate any longer, and opened his mouth to spit out a voice, even if it was just a voice, the moment he blurted out, he saw a golden sword light has appeared in front of the eyes, and instantly turned into a simple ancient seal, forming a 'kill' character, in that ancient character, a vast and unparalleled killing intent naturally conveyed, a pure Slaughter Sword Intent. Breaking through the air, it burst out ten thousand zhang golden light, and in the rays of light, it turned into a sword with the word killing inscribed. Every bite comes with a terrifying Slaughter Sword Intent.

Even if it is a single sword, it can directly kill the Great Emperor. Moreover, the more these killing swords are gathered together, the more they are condensed and connected with each other, the more powerful the destructive power they produce. Furious to the extreme, it seems to come together to form a complete Slaughter Sword Intent. Unstoppable, invincible.

These killing swords seem to have a magical Sword Spirit, constantly displaying various terrifying killing moves in midair, attacking and killing like an experienced peerless swordsman. Like countless Peak swordsmen attacking and killing at the same time.

"Follow your words, Slaughter Sword Intent."

Wu Mu saw this, and there was a flash of interest in his eyes.

But the steps under my feet did not stop at all because of this, and I still thought of the Yinyang Bridge stepping over step by step, each step, all calm and firm, with an unstoppable imposing manner. Facing the Slaughter Sword Intent swept head on. Just thoughts move between. A dark Devouring Gate is condensed on the top of the head.

As soon as the Devouring Gate appears, it exudes endless devouring power.

In the door, you can see countless Kunpeng cruising, swallowing, forming a dark vortex of one after another incomparable gigantic in the door. The profound terrifying, the phagocytic power conveyed also carries irresistible power, and the powerful phagocytic law circulates in it.

ding ding ding~ ! !

All around, a large number of killing swords were involuntarily swallowed by the whales in the Devouring Gate, forcibly reversed their direction, and moved towards the Devouring Gate quickly. In the blink of an eye, the huge slaughtering sword was completely swept away, and it was completely involved in the Devouring Gate, but it did not cause any damage to the ancient gate. Easy and natural.

Simple and easy.

"Vajra's cultivation of the sword qi of the Great No Phase Breaks the Body, cultivation to the extreme, the sword qi in the body is enough to Myriad Transformations, myriad forms, mysterious incomparable, can evolve into all kinds of possessed by the people it kills.

Slaughter Sword Intent , that is, he killed a powerhouse on the cultivation killing avenue, swallowed and plundered, and evolved the Slaughter Sword Intent. The formidable power is so strong that it has a terrifying deterrent to Supreme, and it is so easily swallowed and suppressed. The strength of Azure Lotus has really been to an incredible level." Death Holy Son said solemnly.

Just from this test, I can already feel that Wu Mu's strength is stronger than before, and, deep and unmeasurable, it is simply bottomless and hard to guess, but it definitely reaches a kind of transcendence. their level.

In a one-on-one fight, the chance of survival will never be higher than a 10% chance.

"Let Vajra try it first. Anyway, there is the Yin-Yang Bridge on the other side. We will not die. Even if we risk our lives, we have to test the strength of Azure Lotus," said the undead Holy Son grimly. . They are not afraid of death at all, no matter how powerful the enemy is, even if they die outside, they can still be resurrected on the bridge, no matter how stupid Vajra Holy Son's behavior is, how bring about one's own destruction, there is still no No one speaks to block.

They are not afraid of death.

It is possible to test the depth of Wu Mu.

Naturally nothing to worry about.

This is their confidence and their capital. You can splurge on it, don't care.


Vajra Holy Son also did not flinch. With the Yin-Yang Bridge on the other side, they have the qualification to be immortal. Death, simply don't care, even if it is dead Can be resurrected again, what is terrifying. It's just a rebirth. At this moment, the fight is more unscrupulous.

It was no surprise to witness the Devouring Gate forcibly swallowing the sword dao Divine Ability it issued.

For Wu Mu's ability, they have already studied and deduced countless times.

Seeing it now, there are no surprises.

puff puff puff! !

Almost as soon as the voice fell, I saw immediately, one after another sword light swept like an unrolled bolt of white silk, take the sword light, it is extremely concise, every sword is like a real battle. sword. The most important thing is that each of these sword lights emits a different sword intent, one is the Slaughter Sword Intent, the other is the death sword intent, and the other is the flame sword intent and so on. All kinds of Great Dao Law are displayed in sword intent.

It seems to be able to see countless avenues turned into Supreme sword intent, blooming with sharpness.

Moreover, these sword intents converged in an instant, moved towards Vajra Holy Son, and turned into an incomparable gigantic pillar of Heavenly Sword. connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, in the sword column, there seem to be thousands of sword intents fuse together, but they are perfectly contained in the whole sword column, so that the sword intent emanating from the sword column changes every moment, Myriad Transformations is simply unpredictable and mysterious, the previous moment is the flame sword intent, the next moment is the ice sword intent.

This is Demon Sword's qi! !

It contains thousands of sword intents, but it can bring any sword intent to the extreme in an instant, and can change the sword intent thousands of times in an instant. Just ask, in the first moment, the enemy felt the flame sword intent, but the next moment it turned into an ice sword intent, and it became a space sword intent. What terrifying consequences and how amazing the lethality is. It can make people collapse almost instantly, like killing thousands of people.

Moreover, the Demon Sword qi, which is condensed by thousands of sword intents, has an unimaginable formidable power.

Vajra Holy Son, without the slightest hesitation, fuses his entire body, mind and will perfectly with this Heavenly Sword pillar, Jianzhu is him, he is Jianzhu.

ka-cha! !

Demon Sword slashed down in an instant, this sword was unstoppable, and in the sword column, you can see that there are countless peerless swordsmen waving their swords, constantly showing shocking expressions. sword intent, peerless sword dao. All stunning Heaven and Earth, sword pressing all directions.

At first glance, people can't help but sink their whole mind into it.

It seems to see a world completely belonging to sword dao, which is full of countless Unparalleled sword intents. The whole mind must be intoxicated, attracted by countless sword intent sword dao.

I can't help myself.

"The sword dao is good, I'm qualified to draw my sword."

Wu Mu nodded, and calmly spit out a voice when he saw it.

As the voice fell, the backhand stretched out from the back spine, and the Azure Lotus Sword was already in his hand.

ka-cha! !

This sword is indescribably amazing, and it is impossible to perceive how fast it is, but it seems to be very slow, as if under the sword, time has become slow. Time began to stand still, and people could see every moment of wielding the sword, and even the magical Demon Sword qi, which was shattered and collapsed inch by inch under the Azure Lotus Sword.

The Azure Lotus Sword split the sword qi inch by inch, splitting the entire Supreme sword qi in half, even completely smashing it.

Every change seems to be clearly imprinted in my mind.

But it's not slow.

It's the sword. It's so fast that time can't even capture it. It's so close to surpassing the limit of time, making time slow. Only then can you see this kind of picture that seems to be imprinted in the long river of time. .

The sword qi collapsed, and the sword column completely vanished.


And on the Yin-Yang Bridge on the other side, the rays of light flashed, and Vajra Holy Son's body had condensed again from the Yin-Yang Bridge, but his face became very ugly. There is an unspeakable humiliation.

"One sword!!"

A voice seemed to pop out of the gap between the teeth. The blunt void reverberated, containing endless humiliation.

One sword, even one sword kills him. This is simply extraordinary shame and humiliation. (To be continued~^~)

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