Martial Tomb

Chapter 1327

Martial Tomb Chapter 1327


【I wish all the brothers who take the college entrance examination to have good grades. all the best. ]

If you are caught in a big formation, if there is a fight, obviously, the restrictions and suppression are enough to make your own advantages instantly disappear without a trace, and completely fall into a disadvantaged situation. In such a situation, obviously not. If you fall into it, Supreme will fall. This is the real killing move in Dragon City. It is absolutely impossible and simple.

In his hands, he was holding two treasures, one was a black shield with simple magic patterns, engraved with ancient Totem, exuding a vast atmosphere, mysterious and profound, and the other was A set of golden wheels, yes, not just a golden wheel, but a set of golden wheels. This golden wheel has a sharp wheel blade on the outside and an inner ring in the middle. The wheel blade is constantly rotating, rotating rapidly, Forming a golden blade light, continuous frantic cutting, who will not doubt its sharpness and domineering.

This golden wheel is not one, but three. The three golden wheels were constantly spinning in front of him, emitting dazzling golden light, and it seemed that they might burst out at any time. Unleash violent destructive power.

The golden wheel is a special weapon. It is very difficult to use it well, and once mastered, its formidable power is amazing. A powerful destructive power can easily erupt. It is very difficult to resist.

These three golden wheels are called armor piercing golden wheels. The simplest name, but it represents the ultimate destructive power. This is not an ordinary gold wheel, but an Innate Supreme Treasure. True Innate Supreme Treasure.

That shield is an unbreakable Black Tortoise shield! ! It is also Innate Supreme Treasure, powerful defensive power, unimaginable, one-handed defense, one-handed attack, offensive and defensive integration, very domineering.

This extraterrestrial evildoer is called the undefeated Golden Wheel Battle Sovereign! !

With its cultivation base battle strength, it is enough to board the Yin-Yang Bridge on the other side. True Spirit entrusts the Yin-Yang Bridge, Undying and Inextinguishable, but he does not. , simply disdain to stand with the enemy, facing the invitation, directly refused. He is confident, even if he does not rely on Yin Yang Bridge, he will not be afraid of anyone, and no one can easily kill him.

But at this moment, he felt a mortal threat.

I can only see that the golden wheel Battle Sovereign stretched out two fingers and pulled one of the golden wheels. Immediately, a force erupted directly from the hand, pushing the constantly rotating golden wheel in the hand. The wheel moved towards the void in front of him like lightning. The golden wheel turned into a golden light, drew a strange arc, and cut it like lightning.

The golden light flashed, and the clouds were torn apart, cutting out an amazing crack.

A few True Dragons that were just about to attack and kill him were cut into two pieces by the sharp blade of the golden wheel on the spot, and broke on the spot, showing a terrifying picture. Moreover, after the golden wheel flew out, The arc drawn is not a straight line, but a curve. The trajectory of the golden wheel's flight, after flying out, will still be directly moved towards the golden wheel Battle Sovereign and return.

That arc, just like a circular arc, swept across all areas centered on itself, without dead ends, very domineering, even a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses Kill a lot in an instant.

The True Dragon of the Great Emperor Level has no power to resist in front of the golden wheel.

Without waiting for the first golden wheel to return, the second golden wheel was once again sent out by its unceremonious wheel, turned into an arc again, burst out of the air, and a large number of clouds were cut again. Open, and many True Dragons were cut off on the spot and completely strangled. There was not even a trace of stagnation, and the third golden wheel threw away with it.

At the same time, the first golden wheel that had threw away had appeared in front of him. The golden wheel, Battle Sovereign without the slightest hesitation, stretched out his hand, the strong inertial force on the golden wheel, as if It didn't exist at all, it fell into his hands with ease, and threw away again.

In an instant, you can see that the three golden wheels, in its hands, appear and disappear unpredictably, endless cycle, continuous, without a moment's stagnation, shot fast as lightning, three golden wheels There are thousands of wheels, completely blocking Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, and wherever they go, they are invincible and irresistible. The armor piercing edge, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, even True Dragon, under the golden wheel, is cut like tofu, not even a single obstacle.

The battle strength is so strong that it is terrifying.

It is unstoppable, even if the Great Emperor is in front of it, it is absolutely as simple as opening a melon and cutting vegetables.

The clouds are constantly being cut open, and it can be seen vaguely that it seems that the battle will be forcibly torn apart by a crack. Directly rush out.

Such battle strength, in Supreme, is a very powerful existence. The continuous attack of the golden wheel, there are absolutely few that can complete the next, and the attack is very violent.

But right now.

In the fog, suddenly two huge lanterns seemed to appear, blinking, facing the golden wheel Battle Sovereign without warning, vaguely, you can see, those huge lanterns, simply not Lanterns, but two incomparable gigantic eyes, just eyes are enough to be comparable to those True Dragons, incomparable gigantic.

It was shocking enough to witness.

"Eyes, what monster is this, no, this one exists, too terrifying." The Golden Wheel Battle Sovereign saw a strong warning sign in his heart instantly, and a strong Death Aura enveloped his body .

That is a kind of danger that as long as you face it, you will fall, you will die, and there will never be a second way, a second possibility.

Having such big eyes is definitely not an ordinary existence.

Golden Wheel Battle Sovereign is a powerhouse that has been killed, and has strong confidence and trust in its own intuition.

But apparently, it's too late.

I only saw that, from those two huge eyes, two divine lights suddenly shot out, and in the dive light, endless Primal Chaos Qi was rolling, with terrifying light. The will came from the sky, and wherever it went, the clouds rolled, kept giving in, and dodged directly. Words could not describe how fast it was. appeared directly in front of him.


The Golden Wheel Battle Sovereign couldn't even think about it, but couldn't block the Black Tortoise shield in front of him. Countless ancient textures appeared on it, as if endless The mysteries are emerging, and the runes are flashing.

Boom! !

The shield completely guarded his entire body, blocking him, moved towards those two divine lights to greet the past. Innate Supreme Treasure-grade defense Supreme Treasure, in this brief moment exerts a powerful effect.

The divine light strikes on the shield, on the spot, the shield shoots out the divine light, and in a fierce confrontation, those two divine lights are terrifying, as if swept in with the power of the whole chaos, the shield on the shield The rays of light continue to dim, and countless Primal Chaos Qi, the purest destructive force, continue to emerge all around.

That power made the Golden Wheel Battle Sovereign feel that the internal organs were shaking, the body was shaking, it kept going backwards and flew out.


A mouthful of inverse blood is sprayed out directly when it collapses.

"What a powerful pupil technique, just two eyes have such terrifying formidable power, it actually contains Primal Chaos Law, Supreme will, strikes down, even I can't resist, the internal organs are all To usurp the throne. Such an existence is simply invincible." The Golden Wheel Battle Sovereign instantly had a thought in his mind.

Without even thinking about it, I have already made up my mind and must escape. escape. Otherwise it is death.

But at this moment, it was obviously too late.

I only saw a dragon claw with Primal Chaos Qi sticking out of the cloud and mist. This claw is simply a Major Perfection, so wonderful as a Peak, which naturally contains a powerful Dao claw. Rhyme. The incomparable gigantic, the size of ten thousand zhang, swept in like the sky was falling. There is no room to dodge.

fast as lightning.

The Golden Wheel Battle Sovereign only had time to cut the three golden wheels crazily moved towards the dragon claw, but when the golden wheel slashed on the dragon claw, it only tore out one after another hideous wound, but did not cut it. The entire dragon claw was completely cut off, completely cut, and still grabbed it fiercely, pinching the golden wheel Battle Sovereign in the dragon claw. Clawed in the claws.

Immediately, there was no hesitation. When the dragon claw exerts force, he directly grasps it.

Bang! !

The entire body of the Golden Wheel Battle Sovereign was in the dragon claw, like a fragile egg, it was crushed on the spot and exploded into a blood mist, and, in the dragon claw, Primal Chaos Qi Tumble, there's mysterious Dao Rhyme's law flowing, getting involved in the blood mist. It seems that even True Spirit and even the pillars of the avenue have been crushed by a single claw.


There was an unwilling roar from the blood mist, which completely turned into pieces of flesh and blood, scattered everywhere, the shield was deformed by pinching, three golden wheels , wounds scattered all around, dragon claw, heal quickly with the speed visible to naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it was back to normal. Take it back directly, disappeared.

If it wasn't for the unwilling roar, simply would not have known that a Supreme here was directly crushed.

If anyone can see it, they will see that in the sky above Wan Dragon City, not only are there countless True Dragon madly attacking and killing a heavenly demon, but in the center, this one is entrenched. How big, the whole body, the huge Ancestral Dragon completely shrouded in Primal Chaos Qi, this Ancestral Dragon, the coercion that this Ancestral Dragon exudes is already immeasurable.

Achieving an inhuman level.

It's more terrifying than Supreme.

When Primal Chaos Qi rolls on his body, even if he casually probes his claws, he can crush Supreme. With a single glance, the Great Emperor can be smashed to pieces, shake the sky, entrenched in the void, and almost unshakable. His eyes were cold and expressionless. Exudes deadly pressure. The compressed air seemed to freeze.

Ancestral Dragon, this is the most terrifying killing move in Wanlong Absolute Heaven Great Formation.

When the grand formation is running, countless True Dragons condense the true body of Ancestral Dragon in a mysterious way, sit in the center, and guard the formation. As long as the Ancestral Dragon does not die, the formation will not be destroyed. Can kill countless enemies. Let all the enemies who enter the great formation be buried in the great formation. Fall to death.

ang ang ang! !

The shot of Ancestral Dragon made the countless True Dragons in the big formation excited Dragon's roar, moved towards a powerhouse from outside the sky even more crazy, Divine Ability, close combat, all Dragon Clan The Peak Innate Ability. The battle strength is very strong and domineering.

Let the big formation be stained with blood on the spot. (To be continued~^~)

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