Martial Tomb

Chapter 1313

Martial Tomb Chapter 1313


When casting the magic bridge, they had completely bankrupted their family and became poor, except for some necessary items, almost all Heaven and Earth Treasure All of them were thrown in, and there was no trace left. One by one, in the pockets, mice would not patronize them. They were simply destitute. Now they have to transform the Yin-Yang Bridge on the other side again, which is simply worse.

Make them never rich.

Although the Yin-Yang Bridge on the other side is almost the same as the Eternal Heaven boat, it is still regarded as the Innate Supreme Treasure, but when it is cast, it is the Innate Supreme Treasure itself. There are already ten Innate divine bans in it. But it has only just stepped into the ranks of Innate Supreme Treasure. If you want to be promoted, you will naturally need a lot of resources to support.

This time he will really become a pauper, but if he really grows up, with the mighty power of the Yin-Yang Bridge on the other side, one can imagine that he must be unimaginably powerful and domineering.

"Let's go, this defeat has proved that we are not invincible yet. For the time being, let's hold back one or two, so as not to provoke the killing god of Azure Lotus, let us fall before we grow up, and secretly collect resources. , pay close attention to the movements of Azure Lotus, as long as he leaves the Third Heavenly Layer, he will immediately scavenge the entire Heaven and Earth, plunder all resources in Heaven and Earth, and feed the Yin-Yang Bridge on the other side. Before he leaves, let's keep a low profile."

A strange rays of light flashed in the eyes of the white-haired Demoness.

"That's right, it's a pity that the Azure Lotus didn't suffer heavy damage. If we knew earlier, we should have exerted all our strength, and even if we tried to die last time, we would have caused him to be seriously injured. "Master Pan Jue Young showed a very ruthless look on his face. He said categorically.

"As long as we can finally kill all the Heaven's Chosen, together with the Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable to suppress and kill, and return to the sky, the Great Demonic God won't blame, but will have great credit. Moreover, the Great Demonic God adults have already made preparations. As long as the war is over, they will immediately dispatch an elite army to enter the battlefield and destroy this Great Desolate Great World first. Sooner or later, the heavens belong to us. ."

Undying Holy Son said with a cold laugh.

In his words, he seemed to have seen the picture of the heavens being destroyed and being attacked by the fire of war.

"No matter what, let's kill these heavens Heaven's Chosen first. This is the most important point. Even if we can't occupy the heavens in the end, we must let the younger generation of the heavens completely fault, and there is no outstanding The successor of , the heavens will be defeated and withered. By then, it will be ours sooner or later." The heartless Demoness also said coldly.


But not to mention that the evildoer has decided to hide in secret, constantly collecting all kinds of Heaven and Earth Treasure, ready to improve On the other side of the Yinyang Bridge, we will fight Wu Mu to the death in the future. But he said that at this moment, it is not only the cultivators of the heavens who are paying attention to the battle in the space-time tower of the heavens, but the outer world is still paying attention to this fight.

The victory or defeat is more related to the inheritance and luck between the heavens and the heavens. Whether you can win or not has a decisive influence, and that influence is enough to last for hundreds of thousands of years. as long as.

The consequences are immeasurable.

If it is said that the outer world is also composed of countless small worlds, the same realm is not too different from the heaven realm realm, but, in the outer realm, there is a kind of Evil energy, demonic energy, killing bloodthirsty and other extremely dark atmosphere. All of them are extremely violent, and their temperament is belligerent and eager to kill. Aggressive.

The aggressiveness is very strong.

This kind of character creates a world and even a race that can survive in this world. They are very fierce, and they have various special abilities. Otherwise, they simply cannot survive.

However, the violent slaughter, expedition, and cultivation also made the various resources in the outer realm begin to show signs of depletion. In the end, under the negotiation of the outer peak, he started to invade and plunder other realms. resources, terrifying acts that devour other realms.

Continuously invade and occupy the realms, let these realms integrate with the outer realms, and make their own realms grow and expand. This is the way of the outer race. Create a fierce alien race.

So far, the outer world has annexed two realms, and the outer world is vast, even larger than the heavens. Moreover, the materials in their own realm can hardly be moved, and they are dedicated to plundering the resources of other realms.

The power beyond the sky can be imagined.

And now, in the outer realm.

A mysterious place, this area seems to exist in endless void, in the vast river of time and space, there is an incomparable gigantic palace entrenched in it, drifting with the current, constantly floating, as if it has no beginning and no end , simply has no destination, and does not stop for any moment. It is absolutely unimaginable difficulty to find it. Without opportunity and strength, it is impossible to find it.

Looking at this palace, at a glance, I can't tell how huge it is. The whole body is made of a black mysterious treasure. I can feel the vastness of the ancients, the immortal aura it exudes, and even the vicissitudes of time.

Moreover, there are vivid pictures engraved on it, which are pictures of countless Demon Gods fighting in all directions, each of which seems to make people immersive and witness that scene with their own eyes. A terrifying battle. When you look at it, you will be disturbed. This is no ordinary mural with terrifying power.

Look inside the palace again.

This palace is very empty.

Only at the top of the palace is a huge throne of Great Demonic God standing on the ten thousand-fold ladder. Thousands of Demon Gods are engraved on it, making images of pilgrimage, sacred and majestic, and terrifying. Coercion Heaven and Earth, no one can look directly.

Under this Demon God throne, standing in the great hall, are huge Demon God pillars. They are erected at the left and right ends and arranged in sequence. Moreover, there are high and low, and the ones arranged in the front are always shorter than those in the back. Taller at the front, shorter at the back, and the further back, the further away you are from the Demon God throne, the shorter.

At first glance, there are not a few Demon God columns in this great hall.

Each one of them transmits a unique qi, which oppresses all directions, and emits qi, which is very terrifying. All are Peak powerhouse. People can not help but give birth to fear.

On each Demon God pillar, there is a throne.

This palace is called Demon God Temple. The Demon God pillars standing in the great hall, each representing a great venerable demon god. The strength is high and low, and the Demon God column is high and low. The one in the front is naturally the powerhouse. At least the powerhouse on the surface.

The throne of the Demon God at the top, standing on the ladder, is the throne of the Heavenless Demon Venerable, the Great Demonic God in the Demon God in the outer realm, only a stone’s throw away from eternity. Supreme powerhouse. The strength of realm can no longer be described in words. It was almost Eternal Existence, time and time, no force could leave a trace on it.

This is the real Supreme Existence.

Eternal, he is almost unrivaled beneath the heavens.

Who cast this Demon God Temple, I don't know the origin for a long time, but as long as someone in the outer realm can break through to the Immortal Realm, a Demon God pillar can be condensed in the Demon God Temple, Almost equivalent to its own Great Dao Law. There is a seat here. It is possible to discuss decisions outside the sky and decide the overall changes in the outside world.

It can be said that all the powers outside the sky are gathered. The power it possesses is unimaginable. immeasurable.

Of course, in this Demon God Temple, many Great Demonic Gods may or may not come, completely despite their own wishes, and, not a major event, standing at the top of the skyless Demon Venerable Almost never shows up. Most things are decided in consultation with the other Great Demonic Gods.

And at the moment, you can see. In the great hall, there are many thrones on the Demon God pillars that have the Great Demonic God sitting on them, but there is a strange mist outside, covering the whole body, making it difficult to catch and see its appearance. Looks unusually mysterious. There is an invisible deterrent.

There are already dozens of Demon Gods appearing in the great hall.

In the center of the great hall, pictures emerged, and the pictures showed various scenes of battles in the towers of time and space. Witness, lifelike, almost exactly the same as in Ancient Battlefield, no difference.

Every scene is very clear.

You can even hear the sound.

And in front of them, what appeared was the previous battle between the monster and Wu Mu in the Azure Lotus formation diagram. In that picture, there was almost no error at all, and it was clearly visible.

But watching the war come to an end, the great hall was silent, exuding a solemn aura, and the air all around seemed to freeze. Appears unusually deep terrifying.

"What a powerful sword array, what a powerful martial cultivator, what a powerful sword intent, it can even break the Yin-Yang Bridge on the other side, and it is not an easy thing to kill. This Azure Lotus has become a major variable in the battlefield. The Four Tribulations Supreme, the battle strength is enough to match the immortal sage. With such a demon, I am afraid that Bai Xue and the others will not be able to help Heaven's Chosen. This war may be defeated. ." A Demon God slowly said.

"That formation diagram is amazing. It can be compared to the Yinyang Bridge on the other side. This is not an ordinary formation diagram. It is really powerful. There is a formation diagram in it, and it is almost invincible within the same level. It seems that , the second plan needs to be started." Another Demon God was also nodded, and he didn't seem to be optimistic about the battle. This situation has changed.

"Yeah, the battle situation in the towers of time and space in the heavens is unclear, life and death are divided, and there is no certainty of victory, so prepare for the next battle. This fighter has been brewing for countless years. The chess pieces in All Heavens and Myriad Realms have all been in place, the time and place are in my hands, and it is time to destroy the heavens in one fell swoop.” Another Demon God agreed.

"Notice, the major Legions, prepare for the war. Mobilize the army of the insect race and attack the heavens first. To bloom in all directions, do not give the heavens any chance to breathe." A great venerable standing at the forefront The demon gods are also nodded, and ultimately set the tone. (To be continued~^~)

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