Martial Tomb

Chapter 1308

Martial Tomb Chapter 1308


The spear of the Holy Son of Death is even more terrifying. It is the embryo bred from countless Death Qi, with countless terrifying Heaven and Earth Treasure, cast from the underworld monsters, it devoured countless creatures Death Qi, scoured the edge, so that the war spear contains the most terrifying Death Law, plus its own death avenue, gathered together, almost swung out with a spear , Life and Death Judgment.

between Heaven and Earth, either life or death, death and life are intertwined, and yin and yang alternate. The end of life must be death. Death is the destination of all living beings, boundless, intangible, but everywhere.

The death spear swung out, as if carrying the mighty power of the entire Death World. Hardly any force can stop it.

Once locked by death, there is nowhere to hide and nowhere to escape.

This spear is even more earth shattering. It is strange and unpredictable, following the death qi in the dark. As soon as he waved it, he moved towards Wu Mu's head and struck with a spear, obviously piercing Wu Mu's head completely. Even the Great Emperor, under this spear, will pierce and kill in the instant of there's no resistance, enter death, and fall on the spot.


Wu Mu couldn't help but secretly nodded in his heart when he saw it, this death Holy Son really deserves to be a monster from heaven, just this spear, you can see the end Miao, suppressing the ages, the Great Emperor will definitely not escape death in front of him. That's how terrifying. Even Wu Mu has to applaud, this is a spear method evolved from death, and it exercises the authority of death.

But Wu Mu was also not afraid. During the thought move, a black and white ancient door suddenly popped out. On the ancient door, Yin-Yang Energy rose up, constantly interweaving and changing, and the door was full of Yin Yang Qi. Rolling, turned into countless terrifying pictures. It seems to render Heaven and Earth into a land of yin and yang. Completely annihilated. become nothingness.

The true meaning of yin and yang life and death circulates in the door.

The death spear strikes in the door of Yin and Yang, directly stirring the Yin and Yang in the door, Yin-Yang Energy rolls. Constantly turning into a great grind of yin and yang. Crazy to the war spear to obliterate and grind the past.

"What a domineering door of Yin and Yang." The death Holy Son witnessed, and was also horrified, and a powerful phagocytosis was transmitted from the door, even him. He was also instantly involved in the gate of yin and yang, and fell into the boundless world of yin and yang. The yin and yang change, and from time to time it turns into one after another yin and yang shears, yin and yang grinds, swept over, to suppress and kill it.

At a glance. Yin Yang Qi is everywhere.

"It's really weird. However, I don't believe that the Supreme Great Divine Ability in your hand is really so powerful. How many Great Divine Ability can stop me from waiting." Some changes, but no fear.

Still stepped down from the Yin-Yang Bridge. Carrying a sword. The fighting intent in the eyes is like madness.

Wu Mu's methods are really shocking. Even if they are horrible to see the Supreme Great Divine Ability, they are secretly horrified, and their cultivation base has reached the level of the Supreme Four Tribulations. On realm, it has surpassed them. For every Supreme Great Divine Ability that is cast, the formidable power is boundless and inconceivable. Even these Supreme evildoers can't break through immediately.

The Gate of Mysterious Feather will involve the Blood Stress, and the Gate of Yin and Yang will involve the Holy Son of Death. Unable to break free for a while, the formidable power of this Supreme Great Divine Ability can be imagined how terrifying.

However, they are not without support. This battle is to force out all of Wu Mu's Divine Ability means. Completely uncovered the truth. Just these ancient doors Divine Ability. Wu Mu was rarely used before. Simply don't see such a huge formidable power.

Undead Holy Son kills.

Wu Mu was not surprised, and was suppressed by the backhand is a Devouring Gate. The dark Devouring Gate forcibly pulled the undead Holy Son into the terrifying abyss of devouring.

"I'm coming!!"

A sharp voice sounded, and Sunflower Young Master's body came out like a ghost-like.

But before I could get close to Wu Mu, another ancient gate crashed down, suppressed on the spot, rolled into the gate, inside the ancient gate, countless red dust changed, all kinds of lifelike pictures emerged like a tide, like a thousand The red dust rolled in and fell into it, and Sunflower Young Master couldn't help being lost one after another.

It was suppressed by the gate of Taixu.

"What a powerful Divine Ability, let me see how you suppress me." Master Xihua Young waved her jade fan and stepped out.

But halfway through, he was also suppressed by an ancient gate. Inside, the seasons alternate, the four images change, earth, fire, water, and wind roll. Yanran was pulled in by the gate of the four seasons, and suffered the devastation of the four seasons and the suppression of the four elephants.

"It can actually generate the changes of the four seasons, the true meaning of spring and autumn, earth, fire, water, and wind. How many Great Divine Ability do you have. I'm here to try it." But without any scruples, he stepped out of the Yin-Yang Bridge again.

"Since I dare to come, I will dare to suppress it."

Wu Mu slightly frowned, secretly feeling that something is wrong, these days, the evil spirits are terrible, why are they not afraid of death, otherwise, At first, he wouldn't run away, but now he doesn't care about it. He shoots one after another. It seems that he is fearless. It's really weird, but Wu Mu isn't afraid either. Looking at the magical goddess, in the backhand, the gate of Five Elements has been suppressed.

The Five Elements circulated, pulled into the door, and rolled into the Five Elements World.

Immediately, the evil eye Holy Son also shot out and was suppressed in the Star Gate.

Destruction Holy Son stepped out and was also suppressed in the gate of gossip.

The ruthless Demoness came out again, and Wu Mu suppressed it in the Gate of Samsara.

An ancient gate flashes with a dive light in the void. During the battle, you can see that in every ancient gate, there are monsters fighting, fighting against the ancient gate, and trying to kill them from the gate. But how is it ordinary of these ancient gates, each one is like an Innate Supreme Treasure, once inside, it is like a cage, with endless changes and boundless power. Not even Supreme can break free.

That picture is truly horrible to see.

Moreover, because the Yin-Yang Bridge directly runs through the Azure Lotus formation diagram, a weak spot appears during the operation of the Azure Lotus formation diagram. Presented in between Heaven and Earth.

The scene of the fight just now is fully presented in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and passed to the eyes of the cultivators of the heavens.

One by one was not scared to death.

Three immortal souls and seven mortal souls will all be broken.

"Four calamities Supreme, how did Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable suddenly become Four calamities Supreme, how long did it take for him to survive four calamities, how is this possible, is it all calamities? Is it a piece of paper? You can get through it so easily. This is a joke. With Supreme, you would not dare to Transcending Tribulation for hundreds of millions of years, because you are afraid of dying under the calamity. It's a monster."

"What a domineering Divine Ability, this ancient sect has seen Heavenly Venerable display before, but it doesn't have the power it is now, and even the suppressed Supreme can't get away, comparable to Innate Supreme Treasure. Really terrible and terrible."

"Devouring, Chaos, Yin and Yang, Three Talents, Four Signs, Five Elements, Reincarnation, Stars, Gossip. It's all-inclusive, Heavenly Venerable is involved The Dao Jurisdiction I have reached is simply incredible, these are all manifestations of the Great Dao Law, and the condensed source of the Great Divine Ability, representing the Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable, a Dao fruit with infinite formidable power, it is simply immeasurable.”

"It's amazing, but the evil spirits are really terrifying on this day, and they even forged such a bridge of yin and yang, but they are not afraid of life and death to fight, what is going on, are they really not afraid of death? This is impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Fifteen demons, even Heavenly Venerable may not be able to deal with it, this time only nine were suppressed. There are still six outside. That is the The most terrifying thing is that if you attack, Heavenly Venerable will also be at a disadvantage. This fight will only be a hard fight.”

Countless cultivators witnessed, one by one, shocking, this kind of scene , Such a Great Divine Ability, no matter who it is, can't let go, even the Heavenly Supreme, Saint, are still constantly exploring, not taking their eyes off, such a fight, even they can get insights from it.

In the Great Desolate, Supreme Taoist, Heavenspan Cult Lord, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and other Saints, all still set their sights on this battle. Such a battle is really rare, and it rarely happens in Great Desolate. It's the first time I've seen it splitting heaven and earth apart.

"You have to be careful, these monstrous evildoers have a strange and evil nature this time, they are not afraid of death, they know your Divine Ability is powerful, but they are still fierce and unafraid of death. If you want to force out your Divine Ability, it would be too strange, it is definitely not what they did to take risks.”

Little Fatty is also frowned, puzzled.

"I'm just going to see what medicine they sell in the bottle gourd." How could Wu Mu not know these weirdnesses, these monsters are very life-threatening. fierce and unafraid of death, the difference between the two is too great, it is almost impossible to have no tricks. It's just that the mystery is still unclear.


At this moment, I only saw that the empty Young Master standing on the Yin-Yang Bridge spit out a killing sound, the rays of light flashed in his hand, and appeared A bottle gourd of silver white. In this bottle gourd, countless mysterious Dao Marks are intertwined, exuding an ancient charm. In this bottle gourd, there is an Innate murderous intention hidden.

A sword light of silver white suddenly spewed out from the bottle gourd, turned into a streamer, struck through the air like lightning, shuttled in the void, and the speed had reached the point where it was impossible to guard against. There is a strong Great Dao of Void Qi in it, mixed with Innate murderous intention between Heaven and Earth, baleful aura, the sharpness of this sword light can no longer be described in words.

Even the Great Emperor would have his head cut off in an instant, and he didn't even know how he died.

This bottle gourd, called the Void Sword gourd, is a peerless murder weapon bred by the Great Dao of Void smelting a trace of Innate murderous intention. The Void Sword light inside is very terrifying, even if Supreme is beheaded , must be killed on the spot, the body shattered, chopped into pieces, terrifying to the extreme. It is very difficult to deal with. I don't know how many creatures died on the Void Sword gourd. (To be continued~^~)

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