Martial Tomb

Chapter 1299

Martial Tomb Chapter 1299


Skull, Ribs! !

Even the arm bones of the arms, the leg bones of the legs.

Around the body, every skeleton is condensing out of nothingness at an inhuman speed, constantly regenerating, each one is exactly the same as the original one, and each condensed one, In the skeleton, there is a powerful Inextinguishable Intent, that kind of will that can distort reality and reverse Heaven and Earth.

It is based on the backbone that is full of eternal spirit, and continuously exhales a vast and boundless essence, making the skeleton regenerate almost as fast as Peak. With every breath, the skeleton can be seen perfecting at an inhuman speed.

Just a few moments later.

All the skeletons around the body are continuously derived and condensed from nothingness. It has become completely intact, with iron bones standing proudly, each skeleton showing azure, interwoven with countless mysterious bone patterns, and exuding a strong Azure Lotus Dao Rhyme. The skeleton body of ten thousand zhang is full of breath, which is even more terrifying.

The pressure is like a mountain and a sea! !

Although it is all around the skeleton, there is still a strong Power of Tribulation, and it is still moving towards the skeleton with perseverance, covering the surface of the skeleton. For the powder.

But this time, Power of Tribulation suffered directly.

Each skeleton seems to be the Divine Weapon of resembles nature itself, without any weak spot, even if the power of Tribulation is weak, it cannot invade, and in the skeleton, it conveys an unimaginable The Inextinguishable Intent will, under this will, even the Power of Tribulation will not be able to erase it.

Faith is immortal, Divine Soul Inextinguishable.

The sky cannot be destroyed, and the earth cannot be buried! !

Even if it is the terrifying Power of Tribulation, in the face of this almost indestructible will, it will be helpless to destroy the skeleton. Instead, the Power of Tribulation will be forced back again and again, unable to shake the skeleton. .

“The skeleton gathers, the flesh is born!!”

With the whole body skeleton completely complete. Immediately, endless vitality was transmitted from the skeleton. This vitality reverses Good Fortune of Heaven and Earth. Almost on the spot, hemorrhages appeared on the skeleton of Azure. Derived flesh and blood, these flesh and blood are like crystal clear and near-transparent crystals, each of which is a mixed blood crystal. As soon as it is born, it emits endless dive light.

Bright light.

Contains a powerful Inextinguishable Intent.

Resolutely domineering and irresistible.

The Power of Tribulation, which used to corrode flesh, has once again fallen. There is no lethal threat to flesh and blood. That situation. It looks very strange, but the flesh and blood are still continuously derived at a speed visible to naked eyes.

The speed of spawning is not slow at all, even in the case of confrontation with the Power of Tribulation, it is still extremely fast. Almost constantly covering the skeleton at a speed visible to naked eyes, constantly becoming sharp.

Flesh, skin, one after another.

Even the Power of Tribulation can't shake it.

Unconsciously, the entire body began to recover at an alarming rate.

"As expected, Martial Arts Supreme, who came out of the mountain of corpses and blood, is full of faith and will. They are all powerful to the level of incomparable. At the last moment, they can comprehend the key to resisting the five declines of heaven and man. It is the will, the indestructible will, which is the most fundamental, but to resist the Power of Tribulation with the will, the pain and consumption are also enormous. Zed's will was completely wiped out."

"And his will is not only firm in belief, but also so powerful that the Power of Tribulation can be dispelled directly to the outside, unable to invade the flesh and blood. skeleton. It's really powerful to an unbelievable level."

Little Fatty also witnessed Wu Mu's experience in the five declines of heaven and man, and personally felt the terrifying of the decline, and even the hugeness of Wu Mu's flesh and blood Amazing, just relying on the fleshy body, it can withstand hundreds of years, and all the flesh and blood skeletons have not been wiped out in the decay of flesh and blood. Even after feeling the true meaning of life and the key to resisting the calamity.

Easy to start dispelling Power of Tribulation. Let your own Inextinguishable Intent ambition be integrated into every inch of skeleton flesh and blood.

This process is really powerful terrifying.

Let a lot of Supreme see it, they all have an incredible feeling.

This kind of will is still indestructible.


Unconsciously, the previously melted flesh and blood were completely restored in a moment, and every inch of flesh and blood contained a powerful Inextinguishable Intent ambition. This is something that even the Power of Tribulation cannot do.

"The decay of flesh and blood, let me get rid of it!!"

Wu Mu glanced all around indifferently, and spit out a cold voice.

After the last trace of flesh and blood had completely recovered, the Power of Tribulation surrounding the body reluctantly circled several times, and finally disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Hidden between Heaven and Earth, as if it simply didn't exist.

And at the moment when the Power of Tribulation dissipated, Wu Mu's body directly bloomed with endless brilliance, and in these brilliance, the immortal will was conveyed. In Heaven and Earth, naturally, an invisible force is continuously injected into the body, into the flesh and blood. Let every inch of flesh and blood shine. Delivers an immortal breath.

In the Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto, the Azure Lotus Avenue pillar stands in the center, connecting to heaven penetrating the earth. Exudes endless brilliance.

In this brief moment, one-fifth of the area on the Tianzhu has undergone direct transformation, not only becoming more concise, but also exuding the divine light Dao Rhyme. A breath of immortality. divine light is more and more magical. Even if it is broken, it can still be quickly condensed, Inextinguishable Immortal, time cannot kill its spirituality Dao Rhyme.

"This is Innate's immortal divide light. It's only one-fifth, but it's really different from the previous transformation of Heaven and Earth turning upside down." Wu Mu also felt the change in the atmosphere. .

I can't help but secretly nodded.

It's definitely a Heaven and Earth gap.

Innate is immortal divide light, Wu Mu can feel that, even if it is time, any force strikes on it, even if it is smashing the avenue Tianzhu, it contains the part of Innate's immortal divide light, Even if it is broken, it can be restored to its original state. It can be called Inextinguishable Immortal.

This feeling is really incredible, it is a kind of transformation of one's own way.

My fleshy body contains immortal substances.

Even immortal matter.

That is just the fusion of one's own Inextinguishable Intent with flesh and blood, and eventually becomes immortal matter, immortal divinity. Perfection exists in every inch of shell, fleshy body, contains immortality, truly Inextinguishable Immortal. Even if the Innate Supreme Treasure hits it, it can't destroy this body. Even if it falls, the fleshy body will not decay for hundreds of millions of years.

It is still intact as before, still incomparably powerful, and its vitality will not die.

Moreover, after the fleshy body condenses immortal matter and gives birth to Innate's immortal divide light, it truly returns to Innate. This Innate is born from the real Innate, without any karma, and is alone. Into the red dust, the leaves do not stick to the body.

Just like other Supremes, if he survives the decline of flesh and blood, even the Red Lotus Karma Fire will not have much effect on his fleshy body.

"Hehe, congratulations, you have finally passed through the decline of flesh and blood. The five declines of heaven and man have passed one decline. The body is completely Perfection, and there is no more shackles." Little Fatty also said without the slightest hesitation. joyfully said.

This is a great event.

Supreme's passing will be celebrated, which means that in a Yuanhui, as long as you want, you can spend the years of a Yuanhui safely without any disaster.

The most critical moment, Wu Mu's Great Dao Law, contains the indestructible characteristics of Innate, the Great Dao Law is more powerful, attacking, more terrifying and domineering. Not idle.

In terms of strength, there is a fundamental transformation.

"It's just a trifling decline of flesh and blood, and the five declines of heaven and man have only passed through the first decline. There are four more failures in the back. There is nothing to be happy about." Wu Mu smiled indifferently, said in a tranquil voice.

I don't have too much complacency in my heart.

With the eternal essence in the body, almost Innate has a strong advantage. This advantage is of great help when the flesh is degenerating. At the last moment, even if you can't comprehend it, the Power of Tribulation still can't help the last backbone. Innate is undefeated. simply not afraid.

But other calamities have no such benefit. If you can't get over it, your life will be in danger.

You will die at any time.

"Are you going to continue the Transcending Tribulation, the second calamity, the decline of mana? This is too hasty." Little Fatty heard a sign from Wu Mu's words, and looked towards Wu in surprise. Mu.

Continuous Transcending Tribulation, this is a taboo in culture, if there is no absolute certainty, it is to increase the degree of danger several times.

"My condition is very good, my body is in an unprecedented Peak, and my imposing manner beliefs have reached Peak, even if it is a continuous Transcending Tribulation, compared to the future, There is no difference. For me, preparation or not is not important at all, the important thing is that this imposing manner cannot be extinguished. Sooner or later, the decline of mana will pass, sooner or later, there is no difference."

Wu Mu smiled indifferently, and there was a firmness in his words.

Without any hesitation, he just wants to continue Transcending Tribulation. Whoever said that the Five Decays of Heaven and Man can't continue Transcending Tribulation, others dare not, he dares, others do not have self-confidence, he has.

"The decline of mana, come to me, let me see what terrifying you have."

A strong belief grew in Wu Mu's heart.

When you reach Supreme, you can touch the Great Dao with a single thought. As soon as the belief comes out, the decline of mana comes directly without warning.

In an instant, Wu Mu felt that the bloodline Divine Force in his body began to tumble frantically, boiled, and suddenly became fiery. Immediately after, the bloodline Divine Force began to burn. was completely ignited.

In this kind of flame, there is a strange power that is almost irresistible. Even the power of flesh and blood cannot interfere. The mana is like fuel that touches the fire star, and it is immediately ignited, turning into flames, and inside the body Burning, mana is the nutrients, is the firewood, wisps, wisps, constantly burning, fueling the flame.

And, after the bloodline Divine Force burns, the Divine Force is really disappeared. (To be continued~^~)

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