Martial Tomb

Chapter 1290

Martial Tomb Chapter 1290


This is definitely the killing move used by the Tianwai clan to deal with the Wu Mu Azure Lotus Sword formation. In Wu Mu slaughter all sides, almost invincible, such a magic bridge appeared directly. It was still in the embryonic state. Even the magic bridge was not completely completed. It is conceivable that before, this magic bridge was definitely only an embryo, even It is possible that there is no intention to cast it at all, the key is that this magic bridge consumes too much Heaven and Earth Treasure.

Anyone can see that the monstrous talent level powerhouses standing on the magic bridge have extremely painful expressions on their faces.

All of them became paupers in their hands.

As a last resort, I have already started to rob and rob the cultivators of the heavens, and hunt and kill the cultivators of the heavens for living sacrifices. This is also pushed to the extreme, this magic bridge is to be cast, it is simply an astronomical Heaven and Earth Treasure.

But obviously, once this magic bridge is cast, its battle strength is absolutely inhuman terrifying, and it has the ability to suppress the Azure Lotus formation diagram.


Azure Lotus Dojo.

Although there is a huge difference between the time in the Sky Tower and the outside world, it does not prevent the people in the dojo from always paying attention to the various changes that take place in the battlefield, even if Wu Tiandong and the others go to cultivation and retreat. Next, as long as there is a major event, Disciple will immediately come to notify and call them over.

Not to mention that the longer they are, the more concerned they are about the changes in the battle situation.

Subconsciously watch it almost anytime.

This time, the Yin-Yang Bridge on the other side, which was exposed by the evil spirits outside the sky, also caught their attention instantly.

This is definitely not a good thing.

"What a domineering magic bridge, this is a completely naked~naked plunder, plundering all the substances that are beneficial to oneself, strengthening oneself, speeding up the breeding and casting of oneself, the sea of corpses and blood under the bridge. , it's just terrifying, you can feel a powerful threat. It's definitely not good-looking." The more evergreen, slightly frowned, muttered to himself.

"Husband's Azure Lotus formation diagram is the Killing Formation between Heaven and Earth cream of the crop, which is not inferior to the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation. Even more terrifying, now the ban is strengthened and promoted The formidable power is even more astonishing. There is no cultivator in the same rank that is the opponent of Husband. Since the Tianwai clan has shot this magic bridge, they must firmly believe that this magic bridge has the formidable power that rivals the Azure Lotus Sword array. Really It is a great threat to let them finish casting."

He Xian'er's eyesight is not bad, pondered then said.

This is definitely not a trivial matter, enough to affect the entire war situation.

And, as things stand, Wu Mu doesn't seem to know anything about it. There is no way to stop it. There has even been news that Wu Mu has left the 2nd Heavenly Layer and entered the Third Heavenly Layer, or even a higher level. Now, based on this alone, it is impossible to stop the actions of the Tianwai Clan for the time being. The Tianwai family can run amok. Once the casting is done, it's a big hassle.

"Father will definitely defeat these demons, but unfortunately, daddy won't let me in. Otherwise, we can kill the demons together with daddy." Seeing this, Honglian said a little depressed. She also wanted to go to the fight.

"Father is the strongest." Ice Lotus was also nodded, agreeing.

"This time Dad seems to be bringing back a fourth mother for us." Sansheng said suddenly. He also saw the silhouette of Pan Pan sitting in the carriage. Some have been guessed. The mind cannot be seen with ordinary eyes.

"Our future Siniang is very beautiful. However, it is not bad to have one more person to love." Chen Xiang also said with a smile.


Don't talk about things outside, even in the 2nd Heavenly Layer, the evil spirits almost start to be unscrupulous , like locusts, constantly sweeping away all resources. A large area was unceremoniously turned into a desert, leaving no room for it. utter plunder.

Unlimited looting.

For these, Wu Mu's disease does not know.

After entering the Third Heavenly Layer, Wu Mu almost forcibly suppressed the strange law that swept through the teleportation by virtue of his supreme level of strength, and kept Pan Pan directly by his side, otherwise, once Teleport, I'm afraid it will be directly separated.

This is a powerful strength only after being promoted to Supreme.

Only by completely controlling one's own Dao, and, perfect and without blemish, can one resist the impact of external laws in an instant, and force the people around him to stay and not be sent out.

"This is the ocean, and it turns out to be a first-layer world dominated by the ocean."

Stepping into the Third Heavenly Layer, sitting on the carriage, Wu Mu also immediately greeted all Around quickly glanced at the past, and the eyes could not help flashing strange colors. This First Heavenly Layer is obviously very different from the previous two Heaven and Earth.

This place is mostly the ocean, the boundless sea as far as the eye can see.

There are blue waters everywhere, and the sea breeze blows and rolls up the stormy sea. The impermanence of the sea is completely revealed, one moment is calm and tranquil, the next is stormy sea, and the tsunami roars. Of course, in the sea, there are also islands, and the scope of these islands is not small. It could even be said to be a small piece of land. It is enough to accommodate hundreds of millions of creatures to survive and multiply in it, but it is relative to the vast and boundless sea.

Such a large and small island is quite unremarkable.

This is a First Heavenly Layer land dominated by the sea and water.

Wu Mu can clearly feel that the vitality of water permeating between Heaven and Earth is simply active to an incomparable level, which is unprecedented. The law of water here has climbed to an astonishing level. Any cultivation technique of Water Attribute, even Divine Ability, can greatly increase the formidable power here, but cultivation techniques such as Fire Attribute will inevitably be greatly restricted. formidable power is affected.

"It's beautiful, such a sea is really fascinating." Pan Pan stood on the carriage, stretched his body, looked towards the boundless sea, and sighed slightly.

“If you want to see the sea, you will still have the opportunity in the future. On my Eternal Heaven boat, there are a lot of worlds. Among them, in Divine Province Heaven and Earth, there are not only boundless oceans, but also all kinds of bright lights. The inheritance of civilization, when the time comes, you will know when you go in and play." Wu Mu smiled indifferently, with absolute confidence in his Eternal Heaven boat, the sea in Divine Province Heaven and Earth is more beautiful than before, and , contains vitality.

Where there are all things, frost and heaven compete for freedom, weak are prey to the strong, and the law of the jungle of iron and blood.

"Well, after I go out, I must go to see it with my own eyes. You said that I can't wait." Pan Pan heard it and said lightly with a smile.

Wu Mu did not hide her about the Eternal Heaven boat. Moreover, for Wu Mu now, the identity of the owner of the Eternal Heaven boat is not a trouble at all, but a kind of glory, a kind of strength symbol of. It only makes people envious and awe-inspiring.

Boom! !

At this moment, suddenly, a terrifying coercion appeared between Heaven and Earth like a tidal wave. It can be seen that a white avenue pillar connecting to heaven penetrating the earth was suddenly erected in the sky. Between Heaven and Earth, the appearance is extremely abrupt. You can see that on the avenue Tianzhu, countless heavenly sounds are echoing, there are all kinds of beautiful figures, and celestial girls wearing tulle surround the Tianzhu dancing lightly and gracefully, and that dance posture is full of temptation, every frequency and every smile has an indescribable charm, which makes people intoxicated. Do not want to wake up.

At the same time, all kinds of natural phenomena such as great joy, great bliss, blowing conch shells, etc., keep flashing, and a blissful atmosphere is quickly transmitted, making the whole piece of Heaven and Earth seem to be completely transformed into bliss Immortal Realm is normal, the picture is very vast.

A powerful coercion swept over.

That is the breath of Supreme. In this world, countless creatures have moved towards the location of the Great Dao Tianzhu and continue to worship.

It seems that if you worship him, you will be able to enter the blissful world.

It's weird.

"The Way of Bliss, Prove the Dao Supreme."

When the coercion passed on appeared outside Wu Mu, it was unceremoniously blocked by the invisible Qi machine. Outside, you can't even get close, let alone make him worship. Standing in the void, with a straight body, still stalwart. Looking directly at the avenue with both eyes, a voice slowly spit out from his mouth, and his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly.

From the avenue, he felt a familiar aura.

"Let all beings return to bliss. However, this bliss seems to be the way of Dual Cultivation, which damages the furnace cauldron and supplements itself." Pan Pan saw that it was also slightly frowned, and saw the essence of it at a glance.

"It seems like an acquaintance." Wu Mu said in a tranquil voice.

The Great Dao Tianzhu appeared, coercing Heaven and Earth, sweeping all directions, completely revealing to all sentient beings of Heaven and Earth the shocking scene of their own preaching. But in just a moment, all the natural phenomena began to converge, and in an instant, the avenue Tianzhu dissipated directly, and instead, is a wearing a snow-white robe, a pair of suave. That appearance is definitely the top of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and there is a peculiar temperament on her body, which is very attractive to women.

It's hard to resist.

"didn't expect me to testify to Supreme, and you will witness it." The white clothed youth had already seen Wu Mu's silhouette, smiled indifferently at the corner of his mouth, and slowly spit out a voice that was not in the words. Not proud. Sermon Supreme, this is definitely the level of Peak in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

"The Great Emperor of Bliss, no, it should be considered as Venerable of Bliss now. didn't expect you to be able to prove Supreme." Wu Mu responded indifferently when he heard it.

"Is this your female companion, dare to ask Fellow Daoist's name." Bliss Venerable smiled indifferently, his eyes fell on Pan Pan, his eyes suddenly lit up, showing a strong shock. Pan Pan's appearance and even his temperament made him have a strong desire, a strong desire to possess him appeared in his mind, and as soon as it appeared, it was deeply ingrained and difficult to remove.

Pan Pan has this kind of charm and this kind of capital.

"hmph!! This is my wife, Bliss, do you want courting death?"

Wu Mu's face suddenly turned cold when he saw it, and he let out a cold voice, There was a strong killing intent in the voice. Approaching his own woman in front of him, and directly expressing the intention of digging a wall, this is simply a kind of provocation, a slap in the face of Chi Guoguo. (To be continued~^~)

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