Martial Tomb

Chapter 128

Martial Tomb Chapter 128


Ding! !

At the moment when the edge of the sharp jade fan cuts to the wrist, the skin on Wu Mu's wrist almost instinctively emerges strips of azure texture, intertwined and outlined on the arm, showing a harmonious and mysterious rhythm. Like a silkworm cocoon woven out, it blocked the jade fan, and even made a crisp metal collision sound.

Ximen Qing felt even more clearly that his jade fan was cut on his wrist, and in his wrist, it actually conveyed a strong strength of Backlash, as if to forcibly collapse the jade fan. The defense of the fleshy body is really strong to the extreme.

"I don't believe that you, a martial cultivator of Shedding Mortality Realm, can resist this Young Master's pity fan, break for me."

Ximen Qing fly into a rage out of humiliation, his dignified blood sea powerhouse, when faced with a Shedding Mortality Realm martial cultivator, he didn't even have the ability to break his fleshy body. shame. There was a ferocious gleam on the corner of his mouth, and he roared, and at the edge of the jade fan, a layer of sharp jade light instantly blazed.

The sharp edge, just persisted for a moment, tore the epidermis on the wrist, and the azure texture on the epidermis was broken one after another, but after cutting the epidermis, the radiance passed from the jade fan. Most of the power consumption falls on the skeleton and the tendons, which cannot be cut at all, and it is firmly resisted.

Boom! !

At the same time, accompanied by the domineering Dragon's roar, with the background of the Nine Dragons Dance behind him, his palms slapped heavily on Ximen Qing's chest, the terrifying power of a dozen dragons, with press forward His monstrous will, like a god, slammed heavily on Ximen Qing. A terrifying rumbling sound erupted.

Ximen Qing's scrawny body also burst out with a layer of amazing power. From the pores around his body, countless pink dive lights shot out one after another, quickly interweaving and condensing outside his body. It becomes a pink mask that completely covers the whole body, every inch of the area.

The most iconic means of the bloodline martial cultivator, bloodline Divine Astral! !

When both palms slapped on Ximen Qing's chest, he was directly blocked by the pink bloodline Divine Astral. However, although this bloodline Divine Astral is powerful, its defensive power is extremely amazing. Under absolute power, it only lasts for a long time. But in an instant, it was pierced by both palms, and the strikes of one palm all split up and in pieces. A firm pat on the chest.

Bang! !


In the huge rumbling sound, Ximen Qing's entire body was like being devoured by lightning. Even if the bloodline Divine Force poured his flesh and blood, he could still clearly see his chest under the incomparably overbearing palm force. , was slammed down by a slap. During the shock of flesh and blood, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, his feet retreated several feet, and two deep foot marks were drawn on the ground beneath him.

Within a few breaths of fighting, Wu Mu's wrists were torn, drenched with blood, Ximen Qing's chest skeleton collapsed and he vomited blood. All of this, speaking of which is long, is actually just in the blink of an eye, and the fighting has reached an extremely tragic and intense situation.

Even Zhong Wuming, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but his mouth opened wide. It seemed that Wu Mu and Ximen Qing could fight to such a situation in an instant, full of disbelief.

"How is this possible, a martial cultivator of trifling Shedding Mortality Realm can burst out such amazing and terrifying power, Nine Dragons Dance in the Sky, this is the Dharma Sign of Dragon Mark, he actually has nine Dragon Marks. , who is he, the cultivation turned out to be the complete Shedding Mortality Realm Emperor Scripture."

Murong Chong didn't take Wu Mu into his eyes at first, and the scene at this moment had a huge impact on him. , Under the horror, watching the terrifying scene of the nine dragons dancing outside Wu Mu, it was even more unbelievable.

The Nine Dragons Dance in the Sky, this is a terrifying scene that can only be shown by the complete Shedding Mortality Realm Emperor Scripture.

If each realm can cultivate to the Great Perfection, that is the complete Emperor Scripture, otherwise, it can only cultivate the skin to the Great Perfection, and the living is to cultivate the bones to the Great Perfection. Call it a single emperor-level cultivation technique.

Nine Dragon Marks appeared on Wu Mu's body, as if, this is the best proof of the complete Emperor Scripture of Shedding Mortality Realm cultivation.

Even for them, there is no complete Emperor Scripture cultivation, and the eyes looking towards Wu Mu suddenly become completely different.

"Who is he to have the complete Shedding Mortality Realm Emperor Scripture. Could he be the descendants of the Imperial Family and Imperial Clan who have come out of the Great Emperor? Only in such a family can there be a complete Emperor.

Scripture exists."

Shen Yun's expression was solemn, and her eyes showed suspicion.

"The complete Shedding Mortality Realm Emperor Scripture, this person is not simple, and there is an extraordinary strong background behind such a person. Although we are not afraid, we should not cause any big trouble. ." Zhong Wuming's drunk eyes flashed a strange light, and the look towards the battlefield became cautious for the first time.

"Although I don't know the origin of this person, the second brother is also not to be trifled with. The cultivation technique in Shedding Mortality Realm is also the top imperial cultivation technique, especially the bone forging level. The cultivation technique, tempering the skeleton to the extreme, can be said to be an emperor-level bone forging cultivation technique. It is a complete ancient emperor scripture, even if it is not comparable to the Emperor Scripture, it will definitely not be much worse. It is also a blood sea realm martial cultivator. , In the case of awakening bloodline, no matter how strong this person is, he may not be able to take advantage of the second brother."

Murong Chong's eyes narrowed, said solemnly.

In the cultivation technique, there is the Emperor Scripture, which has the same origin, has the same origin, the cultivation technique of the entire realm of cultivation, which is called the Emperor Scripture. Cloth, Fossil Divine Art, etc., even if it is cultivation to Shedding Mortality Realm Great Perfection, without Full Mastery, and forming its own cultivation technique, that can't be called Emperor Scripture. Only the "Azure Lotus Emperor Canon" created today can be called the Emperor Scripture.

And under the Emperor Scripture, there is also the ancient imperial scriptures, the imperial scriptures. Among them, in the cultivation technique, there is a cultivation technique that can temper a certain level to the Great Perfection and cultivate a Power of Dragon. The cultivation technique with the same origin is called the Ancient Emperor Scripture, which is the closest to the Emperor Scripture. All of them are composed of emperor-level cultivation techniques, but the cultivation techniques with the same origin are called imperial scriptures. The value is under the ancient imperial scriptures.

Complete ancient imperial scriptures are more precious and powerful than those patchwork emperor-level cultivation techniques.

Sure enough, although Ximen Qing was crushed by Wu Mu's full-strength palm, the inner Qi's body vibrated and spurted blood, but in just an instant, the collapsed part of his chest quickly recovered, and his skeleton recovered.

There was a ferocious look in his eyes, and he shouted strangely: "Well, you rotten banana, you actually have a complete Emperor Scripture, but your Young Master may not be afraid of you, taste the pity of Young Master. Flower fan."

Ximen Qing laughed extremely angry, and the jade fan in his hand suddenly turned. Dance quickly in a mysterious trajectory.

In an instant, I only saw a strange rhythm emanating from the jade fan, which made people in a trance, as if they saw a stunning beauty, looking at him affectionately.

That gaze, that look, and even that unbroken affection, were entwined continuously like silk threads. After being seen, even the most stony-hearted man will be involuntarily addicted to it, melted by the endless affection. People are unconsciously immersed in it, deeply unable to extricate themselves.

Wu Mu only saw that Ximen Qing disappeared in an instant, and in front of him was replaced by a girl who exuded a lot of affection, moving towards him and flying towards him. In my mind, there is an unspeakable feeling, as if the one in front of me is my wife and my lover.

I can't help but want to open my arms to hug him.

But I don't know, this beauty is actually formed by the sharp arc of one after another drawn by the jade fan like silk threads, every inch of skin, every piece of clothing, is made of sharp of arc. Once it is entangled by it, immediately, the one after another arc will turn into continuous affection, continuously burrowing into Wu Mu's body, following the pores of the whole body, and burrowing into the flesh and blood.

In an instant, the entire body was completely melted and turned into powder.

Pleasant Flower Fan Method - Affectionate with Flowers Sleeping! !

In the boundless affection, people are willing to sleep with flowers. Lovers kill without a knife.

In one move, it seems beautiful, but in fact it is a hidden murderous intention, hidden in the most beautiful things. Really terrifying to the extreme.

Even Wu Mu, in an instant, was completely addicted to the boundless affection, and unconsciously opened his arms, wanting to embrace the girl in front of him in his arms.

chi chi chi!

At the moment when he embraced the girl in his arms, a trace of invisible affection swept in like a tide, moved towards the body and swarmed away, drilling into the body along the pores of the body.

This affection is almost invisible, and Ah can't touch it at all.

However, after the creation of Divine Source, the fleshy body purified by the Azure Lotus imperial scripture is even more mysterious. When a wisp of love penetrates into the body and destroys the fleshy body wantonly, the entire fleshy body is almost instinctively generated. a resistance. Crazy resistance to the erosion and destruction of love silk. This resistance instantly made Wu Mu sober.

"The battle skill he uses has a strong psychedelic rhythm, which can make people unconsciously delusional. The mind sinks into it, and it is extremely terrifying to the attack of the mind."

light flashed.

Looking at the girl in front of her, she didn't even think about it, she shook her shoulders away, and slapped the girl fiercely with her palms.

Aw! !

With Dragon's roar, the heavy strikes are on the maiden.

In both palms, a strong force after another poured out like a tide.

Dragon Subduing 18 Palms - Dragon Subduing Five Mountains! !

The 5th layer palm strength erupted one after another, but when it fell on the girl, it was like a sharp blade, causing unspeakable stinging pain in both palms. However, under more than ten Power of Dragon, the girl was still all split up and in pieces on the spot. A jade fan glowing with precious light was revealed. Hit hard together.

Under the tremendous force, Wu Mu and Ximen Qing retreated violently at the same time.


Wu Mu spurted out a mouthful of inverse blood, and there were countless terrifying cracks all over his body, which were distributed on every inch of the skin and were extremely dense. Love is like a knife. But strangely, Wu Mu's whole body suddenly appeared a strange pink.

On every inch of skin.

Wu Mu felt even more clearly that the power in his body that was like a big river was strangely entrenched in his body, unable to use it at all.

"You use poison!!"

Wu Mu's eyes shot cold and severe, stared at Ximen Qing's face, and shouted. (To be continued.)

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