Martial Tomb

Chapter 1276

Martial Tomb Chapter 1276


Wu Mu's murderous sword intent contains the true meaning of killing, but it is the sword intent, that is the Martial Arts True Meaning, and has already spied on the killing avenue true meaning, but in the end there is a difference. It is a sword intent, which is actually more severe than the simple killing avenue, but it still belongs to the sword dao. To a certain extent, it is not much different from the killing avenue.

But what is truly terrifying about this phaseless Demon Emperor is the incomparable power in his body, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, the unstoppable might is poured into the war spear, that kind of destructive power is naturally multiplied, and the number of A tenfold jump. With the killing spear, the formidable power is naturally crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, invincible. This spear is really going to kill Heaven and Earth.

Wu Mu felt that this spear could really kill him.

"Azure Lotus Sword Scripture - Time and Space Sword Lotus!!"

Wu Mu did not back down, but took a step forward again. , In this sword, it can be felt that space and time are intertwined and changed, and the perfect fuse together, whether it is space or time, is the most heaven-defying law of Heaven and Earth, and the integration of each other has unique advantages. can be perfectly integrated with each other.

The edge of space, the mystery of time. Gather together and turn into a vast river of time and space.

Once the sword is swung out, you can immediately see that countless gorgeous pictures emerge in the void. In the vast river of time and space, various pictures appear, with grass and trees growing, all things multiplying, and the peerless powerhouse battles Heaven. and Earth, beautiful love, vast wars, etc. It seems that Heaven and Earth evolves, the sun and the moon change, all in it, seeing the change of the years, all living beings prosper.

At first glance, I can't help but be immersed in it, as if I can see any picture I want to see on it. Unbelievably mysterious.

Moreover, the speed of the space-time sword lotus is extremely fast. In its eyes, the entire Heaven and Earth seems to have no distance. Contains various time Space Divine Ability. Blocking the void, imprisoning Heaven and Earth, time is still, and the years are reversed, as long as you want, you can quickly show it.

Boom! !

This sword strikes directly at the Slaughter Spear.

I only saw that the war spear and the sword lotus collided instantly, and a very strange situation emerged out of thin air. I only saw that the moment the war spear touched the sword lotus, it inserted into the sword lotus strangely. , but the sword lotus did not collapse immediately, instead, ripples appeared, as if it was not real, but illusory, a gate leading to the abyss.

The spear pierced in, weirdly disappeared. The pierced part simply did not appear in front of Wu Mu.

When it reappeared, it appeared strangely in front of Wuxiang Demon Emperor, moved straight towards Wuxiang Demon Emperor's head and struck down, and the will to kill conveyed in the spear was extremely strong. . The appearance was extremely sudden, there was no sign, and there was no chance for the Wuxiang Demon Emperor to react, and it had already fallen heavily on the eyebrows.

Bang! !

In a crisp rumbling sound, a head exploded on the spot, completely bursting, like a watermelon, smashed into pieces. Presents a terrifying picture.

When the war spear strikes on the sword lotus, time and space have been distorted, so that the position where the spear tip appears directly becomes the front of the phaseless Demon Emperor. This kind of Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth's means are like the terrifying of time and space. However, the space-time sword lotus was also under the spear of slaughter, and the town collapsed on the spot, turned into a time-space torrent, and fell on the Demon Emperor without a phase, as if in an instant, countless years were taken away from him.

But it could not pose a fatal threat to the Phaseless Demon Emperor. Instead, it completely stimulated the ferocity of the Phaseless Demon Emperor.

The destroyed head regrown in an instant, but the head that grew out seemed to be a little different from before, and even the body on the body was extremely subtly weakened. It seems to have dropped suddenly. This change of breath is very subtle, and it is simply impossible to detect it without careful exploration.


The golden whip whipped down frantically, each whip was fast as lightning, it appeared extremely tricky, and it whipped at an extremely fast speed. Moreover, the other arms are not idle, holding various weapons in their hands, constantly moving towards Wu Mu strikes, each strike is like destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. Contains infinite destructive power.

Thousands of arms are dancing at the same time, that kind of picture, how terrifying is amazing.

It hits all at once, like howling wind and torrential rain.

“Three Heads Six Arms!!”

“Five Elements Sword Lotus!!”

“Five Elements Sword Lotus!!”

"Seven Stars Sword Lotus!!"

"Eight Trigrams Sword Lotus!!"

In an instant, Wu Mu also showed Three Heads Six Arms. An Azure Lotus Sword emerges from each hand, and the arms slash out like a Wind-Fire Wheel. Every sword is a peerless sword intent fused with each other in the Azure Lotus Sword Scripture. Every sword is extremely fierce and domineering, and the sword lotuses are constantly blooming outside the body, exuding dazzling colors.

puff puff puff! !

But Wu Mu wielded one sword, ten swords, and the Demon Emperor without phase directly fired hundreds of thousands of attacks, strikes down, one after another sword intent was shattered by the arrogant blow, and kept collapsing. extinguish. Even if the Azure Lotus Sword changed its mind, it continued to shatter, and one after another attack directly struck Wu Mu.

The battlefield was heated up.

all around The Void presents a terrifying spectacle of cataclysm. Countless earth, fire, water, and wind are rolling, countless sword lights are intertwined, and various Great Dao Laws are colliding. Countless vitality rolls, even if it is the aftermath, even if the Great Emperor walks in, it will be directly twisted into pieces. all around chaos.

It can be seen that Wu Mu's body keeps appearing wounds, even if it is a half-step Supreme's battle body, his arms are shattered and his body is torn apart under the continuous strikes of the Phaseless Demon Emperor. one after another horrible wound, clearly visible. It makes people horrible to see, and the fleshy body that is beaten from time to time shatters directly and turns into a blood mist.

But they all recovered in an instant.

But easily broken.

Moreover, even if the body is broken, the Azure Lotus Sword in Wu Mu's hands is still extremely domineering, the sword is still fierce, and every sword brings great destructive power, sword intent fusion, The formidable power is multiplied and multiplied. In the end, even the Divine Weapon, the attack that slammed into itself, ignored it, even if the body was broken, it had to be stabbed at the same time as it was broken. cause great damage.

Even if you die, take a bite or two from your enemy.

Not only Wu Mu's body was shattered, but Wu Mu's body, his arms were cut off one after another, and his chest was pierced by a sword. All kinds of terrifying injuries are all over his body, which is very terrifying. Blood spilled freely.

In that scene, I had completely fallen into madness.

Insanely scary and terrifying.

After seeing this scene, countless people were silent, shocked, and shocked.

Almost speechless.

That scene is very tragic.

"It's too tragic, this battle is too tragic, it will be so fierce, there is no defense at all, even if the body is shattered, it will be torn out from the body of the Wuxiang Demon Emperor. A wound, cut off a piece or two of flesh and blood. This fighting will, is really terrifying and terrifying."

"A good terrifying Demon Emperor, attacking with thousands of hands at the same time, there is almost no room for dodging, Covers any area without dead ends in an instant, and each strike can directly destroy half a step Supreme, destroying all directions. In each arm, the attack of the attack contains a different Great Dao Law, Myriad Transformations, gathered together, the battle strength becomes The geometric multiplier increases. There is hardly any weakness. This is the most terrifying." There are cultivators who see the terrifying of the phaseless Demon Emperor. Thousands of Insect Emperors are condensed in the body, and they possess the Great Dao Law of all Insect Emperors. Implied attribute characteristics. Such an enemy has almost no weaknesses.

Fighting is naturally irresistible and difficult to restrain.

"Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable has fallen into an absolute disadvantage, and even the Azure Lotus Sword Scripture cannot reverse the tide of the battle. Now, although wounds are exchanged for wounds and lives are exchanged for life, I am afraid that the final result must be Bad for Heavenly Venerable."

Someone muttered pessimistically.

The current war situation, its situation, is almost the situation before it.

This phaseless Demon Emperor is really too terrifying, terrifying so hard to resist that it can destroy everything.

But more people were moved by Wu Mu's will to fight. Even if it is lost, he still dares to show his sword and fight to fight, fierce and unafraid of death, with the determination to exchange his life for his life. Even if it is at an absolute disadvantage, there is no sign of losing the fighting intent at all. This situation is quite surprising.

This kind of will to never give up is truly shocking.

"Very powerful fighting belief, until the last moment, his belief will never dissipate, will not be wiped out. Is this a martial cultivator, the will is so amazing."

End Sitting in the chariot of the Nine Dragons, the purple clothed girl Pan Pan, who was excluded from the battlefield, looked involuntarily towards the void, looked towards the battlefield that was extremely tragic, and her eyes couldn't help but give birth to a moving color.

Even she has never seen such a strong will to fight.

"The Hammer of No Phase Hun, blasting Heaven and Earth!!"

The Queen of Blades saw that her eyes became more and more cold, and she let out a broken drink in her mouth.


The Demon Emperor without the slightest hesitation heard it, and unleashed his ultimate move without the slightest hesitation.

I only saw that in my hands, thousands of Divine Weapon magic treasures were blasted out at the same time in an instant, gathered in front of me, and suddenly turned into a huge black and simple hammer. On this Primordial Hammer, the texture of countless Divine Weapon magic treasures with terrifying breath is engraved. Lifelike, the magic light is intertwined, and as soon as it appears, it immediately exudes terrifying coercion, and every ray of Primal Chaos Demon light contains terrifying destructive power.

The void where the Primordial Hammer is located is shattered in large pieces, and all around Primordial Energy is rolling. As if between Heaven and Earth, everything must be under the hammer of Primordial Primordial.

Boom! !

Hunyuan hammer moved towards Wu Mu unceremonious strikes past.

This hammer is beyond words to describe its terrifying ferocity. Domineering to the extreme. The speed is so fast that it is difficult to capture, and it has already appeared in front of him without even taking a breath.

Wu Mu has already slashed out with a sword moved towards the Hunyuan Hammer.

This sword, cut the sky and pull the sword! !

Among them, the Five Elements Sword is also very fierce. Turned into a sword light connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, slashing towards the Primordial Hammer.

(To be continued~^~.)

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