Martial Tomb

Chapter 1270

Martial Tomb Chapter 1270


[To send my grandfather away today, I feel a little uncomfortable, hey, life is impermanent, people have such a day after all. 】


This blade is very terrifying. When it breaks through the sky, the void under the blade is shattered on the spot, annihilating every inch, and only a dark blade light can be seen passing through the void. Heaven and Earth seem to be in this blade dao Broken under light, completely broken. The endless edge conveyed above, with terrifying magic, is a kind of shattering Blade Intent of Annihilating Everything.


This blade, fast as lightning, is extremely violent.

Wu Mu simply can't see, can't hear, even if he can feel the dangerous aura passed from somewhere, he still can't move his body, make any resisting actions, and let it go. The magic knife slashed firmly on the body, and slashed on the neck. The magic knife was extremely sharp, and it almost forcibly broke the body protection Baolian outside the body, slashing heavily on the neck.

On the spot, the film was cut and cut into the neck.

But Wu Mu fleshy body has an amazing defense, half-step Supreme, every inch of the body is tenacious to the extreme, even if the magic knife slashes with all its strength, it still doesn't completely cut off the neck and neck, just cut it. When you enter the position of 2/3/2022, you have completely lost the power to move forward. Even so, this blade is fierce and domineering.

Very violent.

The head is almost completely cut off, even if it is Wu Mu, if he really wants to be cut off, he will also suffer heavy injuries. This situation can be described as very dangerous. Dangerous.

Although I can't move, I can't speak, I can't see, I can't hear. But Wu Mu could still feel the damage caused by the magic knife falling on him.

A strong crisis constantly rises in the mind.

"It's such a powerful curse that even I can't resist it. Once cursed, it will almost instantly become a piece of meat in the hands of others, slaughtered at will and unable to resist. If it were this blade, change it. If the Queen of Blades Level 1 other powerhouses take action, I'm afraid it will bode ill rather than well."

Wu Mu was secretly awe-inspiring, although the wounds continued to heal after the magic knife was pulled out, but this kind of Deadly feeling. Still shrouded in mind, lingering endlessly.

"This curse must be broken as soon as possible."

A thought came to Wu Mu's heart, and the desire to break the curse was extremely strong.


that Mad Demon didn't directly decapitate Wu Mu when he saw a knife. On the spot, his face became even more ferocious, he made a killing sound, and reappeared outside the chariot, and the icy magic knife burst into a devastating blade light. Moved towards Wu Mu's neck again like lightning, he had to use the power of the previous knife to completely decapitate Wu Mu.

ang ang ang! !

But this blade did not fall on Wu Mu. When the magic blade came down, the nine True Dragons under him simultaneously emitted high-pitched Dragon's roar. immediately. He rushed out with the chariot and ran rampant in the ominous beast group, as if completely insane, became extremely violent, rampant, wherever he went, a large number of ominous beasts were directly hit all split up and in pieces, turned into There are bursts of blood mist, and blood rains pouring down. It even made Wu Mu directly avoid another attack by the magic knife.

A sudden uprising of nine True Dragons. This was something that even the madman never thought of. It was too sudden, and without any precautions, the chariot suddenly rushed out. Instead, at the time of crisis, let Wu Mu get out of the knife directly.

Moreover, the chariots were on a rampage, and there was no pattern at all. It's hard to capture its trajectory.

"Azure Lotus Sword, transformed into Supreme Dao sword, severing the curse."

Wu Mu's heart was cold, and he reacted immediately. If this curse technique continues to wrap around the body. The impact on oneself is too great. When fighting, no matter what, it is bound to suffer from shackles, it is difficult to play to the extreme, and it may even fall on the spot. Definitely not a joke.

The magic of curse is very strange, the most difficult method between Heaven and Earth, no matter who it is, it will give a headache. Difficult to extricate themselves.

However, Wu Mu still has the confidence to deal with it.

Although this curse is powerful, the Azure Lotus Sword is not an ordinary war sword, but a dao sword that gathers together with the sword intent of its own Azure Lotus Sword Scripture. This dao sword carries its own avenue. It can freely transform between reality and reality, turning it into an entity. It can kill demons. When fighting, it is sharper than any sword. When it turns into an illusion, it is a Dao sword. It can kill the falsehood in the body, kill all external evils, and suppress everything. Cut everything.

Even Seven Emotions and Six Desires can be killed directly if they want.

This ability is absolutely incomparably powerful, suppressing his own body, and almost no external evil can be rampant in his body.

The curse technique is weird, but it still depends on it.

Almost during the thought move, the Azure Lotus Sword in Wu Mu's hand had turned into a first-class of light, instantly burrowed into the body, and appeared directly in the sea of blood. The whole sword is exuding endless azure splendor. The sword light radiated everywhere, countless runes flashed in the sword, and countless sword intents were swallowing, exuding terrifying coercion, extremely fierce.


Moreover, it seems that due to the bloody battles again and again, on Azure Lotus Sword, the sword ban has been derived again, and it has already reached the four 12th layer sword ban. Going a step further, the sword light that came out of the sword became more and more fierce, and the sword intent was purer, making it incredibly powerful.

"The Dao sword slays evil and destroys the power of the curse. Slash!!"

Wu Mu uttered a cry in his heart.

The Azure Lotus Sword entrenched in the sea of blood immediately turned into an azure sword light, which instantly shuttled through the body and appeared directly in the arm. The entire arm was covered by the power of the dark curse. Under the illumination of the Azure Lotus sword light, it was revealed on the spot and clearly visible. Under normal circumstances, even Divine Sense would not be able to detect the existence of the power of the curse.

ka-cha! !

The Azure Lotus Dao Sword appeared and unceremoniously began to move towards the cursed power of the densely packed.

Stab, chop, pluck, press, horizontally, twist, wear, slap, etc., one-style Basic Sword Technique flashes in Azure Lotus Dao Sword, every sword is fast as lightning, looks sparse and ordinary Sword Art, but in this brief moment, burst out with unimaginable formidable power, strands of dark cursed power were smashed almost on the spot after being slashed by Dao Jian.

It completely dissipated and became invisible, leaving no trace. Completely exterminate, and was smashed into powder by the sword intent.

That picture looks like a snowflake in summer. Under the sun, it melts quickly, and there is not even a trace of resistance. Wherever the Azure Lotus Sword goes, the power of the curse is quickly shattered. was beheaded. The speed is immeasurable. Almost instantly, the power of the curse on a left arm has been completely cut off, and the Dao Jian is directly cut to the past along the connection.


And as the power of the curse on the left arm completely dissipated, I immediately saw that the poison needle inserted into the left arm of the black ragdoll was terrifying on the spot by a terrifying force. It was forced to bounce off the rag doll, and the moment it collapsed, the azure light on it flashed, a sword intent flashed, and the poison needle was completely turned into powder.

There was not even a trace of it left, and it was shattered on the spot.

"How is it possible that the power of the curse can be completely annihilated and exorcised, this is impossible." The black-robed demon showed an unbelievable look on the spot, as if he had seen something incredible.

In addition, there was a bloodstain directly on the corner of the mouth, and a groan sound came from the nose.

Apparently, the curse was partially broken, and even he was backlashed. be damaged.

But he obviously didn't expect that the curse he cast would be cracked so quickly, and the backlash came so violently, Wu Mu's way of dealing with it was so overbearing that he could easily kill the curse. .

This ability is terrifying.

It is the absolute nemesis of the way of the curse.

ding ding ding~ ! !

And at this moment, I saw that the poison needles on the rag doll, right arm, and even both legs were instantly shattered, popped out directly, and annihilated into powder. The curse on both legs and hands was cracked on the spot, Wu Mu's hands and feet were completely restored to freedom, without any shackles, and he could move freely.


Instead, the black-robed demon spit out two mouthfuls of blood. The strength of Backlash swept in one after another.

Ding Ding!!

Two crisp sounds rang out again, and the poisonous needles in both ears immediately vanished into nothingness. Obviously, they were also rudely cut off by the Azure Lotus Dao Sword.

The speed at which Azure Lotus Daojian can break the curse is inhuman. Any curse power, in front of Daojian, is like a vain, and it is easily destroyed, which can be called a bubble. Easily broken.

“Break for me!!”

In this brief moment, all I heard was a break from Wu Mu’s mouth. In Wu Mu's eyes, a wonderful change has taken place.

Originally within both eyes, the black energy and the azure divine light were constantly entangled, intertwined, entangled together, the power of the curse and the power of the divine eyes, colliding and crushing each other, Confrontation continued. The broken law god's eye is obviously simply unwilling to be eroded by the power of the curse, completely stimulating the Supreme potential contained in its god eye.

In just an instant, when the power of the curse in the body was shattered one after another, a strange change broke out in an instant.

Within both eyes, Azure Lotus circulates, and there seem to be countless mysterious runes flickering on it, making people feel inexplicable yearning, and two azure divine lights shoot out directly from the eyes.

These two divine lights are different from any of the previous divine lights emitted by the Divine Eyes. In dive light, a terrifying will and power of Annihilating Everything's ghostly spirit is conveyed.

Every evil aura seems to be within the restraint range of Divine Light.

The dark power of the curse, under these two azure divine lights, immediately began to dissipate like a snowflake touching the sun, and immediately vanished without a single breath. , completely dissipated under the dive light.

Bang! !

The jet-black ragdoll burst on the spot, and even two strong azure divine lights shot out from the ragdoll's eyes. Swept out, abruptly descended, making people have no defenses, and fell directly on the black-robed demon.


With a scream, the black-robed demon did not expect such a situation at all. Divine light's strong strikes were on his chest, and he pierced through two. The hideous blood-colored hole. (To be continued~^~)

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