Martial Tomb

Chapter 1265

Martial Tomb Chapter 1265


This is definitely not a single action, this is definitely an organized, purposeful act, otherwise, where would it be so coincidental, so many days away from Heaven's Chosen Gathering gathered together, and all moved towards the chariot he was in to launch an attack, that imposing manner, simply a vision of not killing Wu Mu completely, and swearing to never give up, this kind of behavior is already a war.

This is the most fierce battle against him.

As the saying goes, Buddhas have fire.

Originally, Wu Mu didn't want to trouble them, but now he was approached by the Tianwai clan and bullied him. How could this be good? Well, since you want to fight, kill them. blood flowing into a river. Kill Sun and Moon lost radiance.

"It's so hateful, kill them, kill them. A group of ants-like demons dare to jump in front of them, bully intolerably, kill them all, otherwise, I really think you It's easy to bully. Must fiercely teach them a lesson, they won't know how powerful they are unless they kill a blood flowing into a river."

Little Fatty also yelled angrily.

In his view, this is definitely not a coincidence, this is a premeditated and organized action, and it is directed at Wu Mu, no matter what, this is to completely attack Wu Mu. Kill the situation on the spot.

The shot is ruthless, and every blow is very ruthless.

The following are killers.

"I really thought I wouldn't kill people."

Wu Mu stood up with a sneer, and said to Pan Pan next to him, "Pan Pan, go inside the chariot. The chariot's defense is not weak, even the Innate Spirit Treasure can't easily break through, there is space inside, it is very safe, you watch inside first, see how I kill these Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogance. Cut them to the sword Get down."

This chariot is not simple, it uses Peak's supernatural materials when refining, and its grade is very high, it is already Innate Spirit Treasure Level, such a chariot, although there is no such thing as what battle strength. But the defensive power is quite amazing. To break the chariot's defense, Innate Spirit Treasure is not so easy. Not even the Innate Supreme Treasure can easily break the chariot.

With Wu Mu, get into the carriage. Obviously the safest.

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety."

Pan Pan heard the obedience without the slightest hesitation, but when he turned and stepped into the carriage, his eyes flashed. Have a playful look. Immediately, he sat in the chariot and looked outside. From the inside, he could clearly see everything outside the chariot. It was very clear, without any cover, and everything you wanted to see was unobstructed.

"Interesting, just to see how strong your strength is. You take advantage of me, and you can't let you go so easily. Such a thing. It's still very interesting." Pan Pan secretly He murmured, blinking his eyes, with clarity and innocence.

"All True Dragons, move them all for me. Kill!!"

Wu Mu took a deep breath, holding the Azure Lotus Sword firmly in his hand. On the sword, there are bursts of azure sword light in the throbbing. Exuding a terrifying edge, the space under the sword will be torn apart at any time.

ang ang ang! !

In front of the nine True Dragon eyes, sharp cold light bloomed at the same time, the fighting intent in the body was completely stimulated, and Dragon's roar burst. It resounded through the sky and shook all directions.

The entire chariot turned into Peak's chariot in an instant.

This chariot is powerful. Hehuan Holy Son's car, how can it be a simple car, and it has the powerful ability to charge into battle.

Wu Mu's response to the various attacks from the head-on strikes is also rough and simple.

A huge Martial Arts Heavenly Tablet moved towards that bone magic clock strikes like a shooting star. On the Heavenly Tablet, a terrifying Martial Arts True Meaning erupted. It is like the will of the heavens condensed together, wherever it goes, the void is twisted, imposing manner is majestic and unstoppable.

Another dark ancient door appeared in the demon cloud above the head, and the door conveyed a powerful phagocytic force, rudely swallowing countless demon clouds into the door frantically, even if it was inside The magic thunder containing terrifying, exploded in the door, was forcibly suppressed by the Devouring Gate, and swallowed it continuously.

Another ancient gate flashing with four-color rays of light instantly moved towards the ground below and suppressed it.

This repression, immediately, on the door, can be seen, four Divine Beast roaring, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise. earth, fire, water, and wind are rolling, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter are changing. A terrifying force spewed out of the door. The countless magic vines that had been suppressed were smashed into pieces one after another. Presenting a terrifying devastation.

There are countless magic vines under the gate of the four seasons, and they can't be rampant at all.

In the face of the blood-colored spear, the Azure Lotus Sword has already directly met it. This sword is swung out, only to see that there are silver white dive lights everywhere in the void. divine light is like water waves, like ripples emerging in lakes and seas. If you look closely, you will find that it is not naturally born, but a kind of ripples that the surrounding space is distorting, fluctuating, and finally rippling.

This kind of ripple is very strange, it looks gorgeous, colorful and fascinating.

Like the real silver ocean, you really have to underestimate these. If you fall into this silver ocean, you will be shattered in an instant. The ripples of this silver white are the purest and most purest. Rampage Power of Space. It has terrifying destructive power, and the sword intent contained in it, combined with Power of Space, its sharpness has reached an unparalleled level.

A silver white lotus blooms in this silver ocean.

Azure Lotus Sword Scripture - Silver Lotus annihilates the gods and demons! !

The blood-colored spear also manifested the true meaning of terrifying, turning into a boundless mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, and countless mad demons roared and swept in, like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. Like a hot knife through butter, unstoppable and scary.

This sea of blood collided with the sea of silver.

There was a fierce confrontation immediately, the void was shaking, and in the countless blood light, the infinite madman rushed into the silver ocean, but in the silver ocean, a wave of formation mark was disillusioned, and the countless madness was submerged in it instantly. , can't even turn the wind and waves. Appears to be unusually terrifying. Silence. Moreover, the silver ocean swept like a tide.

The silver white lotus flower moves eerily, blooming with gorgeous colors, which is addicting.


That ten thousand zhang demon couldn't help being eroded by the sword intent, there was a trace of confusion and a pause in his eyes, but it was the Peak powerhouse, which had recovered in an instant, as if inside the body There is also Supreme Treasure that guards Primordial Spirit True Spirit, which can pull it out of sword intent.

But this sword is too fast.

It is too fast to resist, this is a sword intent of Space Attribute, even if it collides with the true killing intent he issued, it will directly suppress it, and the silver lotus flower appears in front of him like lightning, Quickly moved towards the body strangling.

Although it was blocked by the war spear at the last moment, the sword lotus exploded in an instant and turned into countless sword lights. Instant strikes on its body, countless wounds appeared, deep bones were visible, and a mouthful of demonic blood continued like a fountain. squirting.

Presents a terrifying screen.

The body flew out on the spot.

"What a terrifying sword intent, what a heavy sword." When the outer demon flew out backwards, he couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation on the spot.

That sword intent was too domineering, and he felt that the power and weight that erupted from the Azure Lotus Sword had reached an outrageous level, even a level that could not be added. . That power can crush everything. That weight, like a world rolling in, is really unstoppable, too terrifying.

ang ang ang! !

However, at the same time that the demon flew out, a high-pitched Dragon's roar erupted from the Nine Dragons chariot under Wu Mu. Accompanied by the dragon roar, the chariot rushed forward instantly, almost like a meteor. Breaking through the air, he appeared directly in front of that demon, without even having a chance to react, Wu Mu had already appeared in front of him.

With a swing of the sword, the azure sword light cuts through the void like an unrolled bolt of white silk.

The demon hurriedly swung the war spear in front of him. After being slashed by the Azure Lotus Sword, the terrifying power instantly forcibly slashed the war spear outwards and flew out, directly firm. Unswervingly continued to move towards the demon's neck and slashed it. A jade pendant appeared on his body, and a dive light bloomed on the jade pendant, covering the whole body, but under the sword, the dive light was broken, the jade pendant was directly broken, the sword light flashed, and a huge head flew into the air.

Kill on the spot.

Fast, ruthless and accurate, all reach Peak, without the slightest extra movement, the shot will kill, and the sword will kill.

Boom! !

Immediately following, I saw that the Devouring Gate frantically swept all the magic clouds into it, underground, and the gate of the four seasons quickly fell, and countless magic vines were suppressed and crushed into powder, and the entire magic vine was destroyed. Pulled directly into the gate of the four seasons, forcibly suppressed, that magic vine is a Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogant, his body is the magic vine, with a powerful attacking power, and a powerful life force.

But at the gate of the four seasons, earth, fire, water, and wind are constantly crushing, and the four elephants, the Divine Beast, are even more madly suppressed, and the power of the four seasons flows, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, Changes in spring and autumn, more terrifying restraint on plants.

The gate of the four seasons directly suppressed that demon.

Want to roll over, almost impossible.

"What a powerful fighting force and a terrifying battle strength, but your threat is too great, even if you die, you will fall here, your life will burn, and the great darkness will Endless magic thunder!!"

In the void, after the magic cloud dissipated, a pitch-black Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogantly roared wildly, a pitch-black flame burned on his body, and his entire body instantly turned into a pitch-black streak The magic thunder, madly moved towards Wu Mu strikes down. It's a life-burning fatal blow, an attack that truly explodes with all its might.

In the magic thunder, you can only see the endless darkness, the terrifying corrosion, the corrosion devours everything, as if to annihilate all hope. Completely cover all light. This blow is terrifying to the extreme.

"It's good to come, kill!!"

Wu Mu's eyes flashed with a fighting intent, and he laughed wildly, and the Azure Lotus Sword slashed out again.

This sword, with two rays of light flashing on it, is intertwined with the breath of ice and flames, this is the sword intent of Ice Fire Sword Lotus.

The dazzling sword light instantly slashed on that great dark endless magic thunder. (~^~)

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