Martial Tomb

Chapter 1261

Martial Tomb Chapter 1261


Almost every time is a brand new experience, just like my colleagues are riding horses with countless beauties and bathing in love together, it is simply a kind of An unprecedented experience.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid that as soon as I lay on Pan Pan's body, I'd be devastated and crushed.

Fortunately, Wu Mu itself is an extraordinary natural talent, and a fleshy body is cultivation to the extreme. In the Azure Lotus Emperor Canon, it also incorporates the essence of various Dual Cultivation cultivation techniques, even the legendary Yellow Emperor's essence. "The Heart Sutra of the Royal Girl" is also found, and its essence is integrated into it. In the way of Dual Cultivation, the Azure Lotus Imperial Code is not inferior to any method.

It's even more magical. do as one pleases , as long as you are willing, even a royal girl will not be a problem.

Even if I encounter such a peerless weapon as Pan Pan, I can still kill you, come and go, not to be outdone, and even kill and discard the armor, the climax brings the beauty of hard to describe again and again feel.

It was the ultimate enjoyment.

Even Wu Mu was deeply immersed in it.

The beauty is the hero mound, this sentence is not wrong.

Enjoyed, now the headache is coming. Such an unclear relationship with the female cultivator who had just met was something that Wu Mu never thought of, and had no emotional foundation at all. Even he was a little embarrassed. After all, he was not a shameless person. His face was not so thick that he was invincible.

Although the specific responsibility cannot be entirely blamed on Wu Mu, but what is done is done, and there is no shirk at all. This is an indisputable fact. What to face, still to face.

"Pan Pan, I will not shy away from the responsibilities that you should have. You are already my woman, so I will treat you as my wife, no matter what the reason is for this to happen, this is true. It is undeniable. From today, you are my Wu Mu's wife, woman." Wu Mu took a deep breath, looking still naked~ naked. Pan Pan, whose body was clearly displayed in front of him, said slowly.

Look at Pan Pan. There was still an undisguised surprise in his eyes.

The whole body is beautiful, and it is so beautiful that it is breathtaking. Intoxicating.

Even if Wu Mu fought on this lovable body before, he still couldn't help but give birth to a touch of ****. However, in the end, relying on his tenacious mind and will, he forcibly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart.

"Okay, from today onwards, you will be my husband. You will protect me from now on. This incident was originally an accident, and even if you don't say it, I won't be too entangled. It's all that. It was Acacia Holy Son's despicable plot to blame the flowers."

Pan Pan still looked weak and charming, while speaking, he slowly unhurried the clothes scattered on the ground. Wear it on your body to cover up that beautiful carcass that eclipses Heaven and Earth. But no one noticed, in the depths of her eyes. There was a touch of complexity, a touch of danger, a touch of exasperation.

It's complicated, but obviously, quite different from the pitiful she's shown. Her heart is far from being so calm and calm on the surface. In the dark, he must have his own thoughts and plans.

"hmph!! I took advantage of me, and even my body was played by you like that. Although most of it was because of the flower, the advantage was taken by you. If you want to die, it is too much. I've made you cheap, I'll play with you, abuse you, torture you, and I've suffered such a big loss, how can I not pay it back." Pan Pan secretly had a thought in his heart.

It would be hard for her to forget about it completely.

A series of ways to concoct Wu Mu have begun to emerge in my mind. She had to keep torturing him to let out the bad breath in her heart.

Wu Mu naturally had no way of knowing what was in her heart, but after hearing that she was not angry, she was willing to interact with each other, and after confirming the relationship, she was secretly sighed in relief. After all, it was her own fault. Make up, of course, is better.

He also stood up and quickly put the clothes on his body. In a blink of an eye, he had returned to his original appearance. He walked in front of the pink flower, only to see that the pink flower was gorgeous before. The mist and the fragrance all seemed to be completely restrained in an instant, which seemed very ordinary. One cannot be vigilant.

"The holy flower of Acacia, the sacred relic in Demon Race of Acacia, a unique product, a peerless flower associated with Demon Race of Acacia. so that's how it is. What a Demon Race of Acacia, simply It's just vicious."

After Wu Mu probed the holy flower of acacia in front of him with his mind, he got a message from it, which was about the origin of the holy flower of acacia.

As he guessed, this pink flower is really not a mortal thing, but a sacred relic in the Demon Race of Acacia, and its status is quite noble. According to legend, in Demon Race of Acacia, it was born at Afterwards, a seed of the holy flower of acacia will be bred in the body. This seed is rooted in the body and grows and transforms with its own growth.

Especially for Acacia Demon Race Dual Cultivation, it has unimaginable effect. The cultivation base that is collected and supplemented will not only not appear mixed, but will even become more pure, becoming the holy flower of Acacia It can even be said that the holy flower of Acacia is the foundation of the cultivation base of Demon Race. Each extra petal increases its efficacy.

Moreover, once the host of the holy flower of acacia dies, the essence of flesh and blood will be swallowed and refined by it, and it will become a part of itself. A peerless flower, its efficacy has a strong aphrodisiac ability, and the toxicity of its aphrodisiac poison can no longer be described in words.

It is very domineering and amazing, it is a force that directly acts on the instinct of life.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, it is almost impossible to resist it. Moreover, the more resistance, the more amazing and domineering the effect will be, and it will be extremely violent. If the Yin-Yang Dual Cultivation cannot be achieved in a short period of time, if they intercourse with each other, they will immediately burn to death. There is no way to reverse this process.

If there was no woman present at the time, and Wu Mu lost his mind, he would never escape the tragic end of his body, and he would be directly pulled closer to the road of death by this holy flower of acacia, completely Fall, fall miserably. This is the terrifying point of Acacia Demon Race, even if it is dead, it can definitely count against its own enemies.

Really dead will not be at ease.

However, the acacia mist emitted by the holy flower of acacia is not emitted anytime and anywhere, only once every three months, and each time will last for a full day, as long as one day passes, This mist will dissipate naturally, and the fragrance, combined with the pollen emitted from the flower, will eventually turn into an aphrodisiac. The fragrance alone, even pollen, will not be harmful, nor will it be toxic. The most critical time, this is the first Heavenly Spirit Root, it can breed flower dew every day, this flower dew is acacia flower dew, which has a magical effect, can regenerate male ****, and can make male heroic. It has the miraculous effect of healing most injuries.

It can enhance Primordial Spirit and strengthen True Spirit.

In addition, it has mysterious effects such as increasing the feelings of men and women, and tying the knot. Very peculiar.

This holy flower of Acacia, this one in the Holy Son of Acacia is one of the Top Grade, not to mention that the Holy Son of Acacia has already reached the Great Emperor Level Peak, and it is only a short distance away from the Supreme level. , The Acacia sacred flower in the body has a strong background, swallowing up an unknown amount of Heaven and Earth Treasure, its potential is infinite, and it can continue to grow.

Although he was plotted by the holy flower of Acacia, Wu Mu doesn't have much prejudice against this thing. After all, he is the Heavenly Spirit Root first, and to a certain extent, it is the Dual Cultivation Supreme Treasure, for those who practice Dual Cultivation cultivation technique, this is Supreme Treasure, and it is priceless. Only by this thing, the Dual Cultivation cultivation technique can be completely free of hidden dangers and make countless cultivators crazy.

Nothing is good or bad.

Wu Mu stretched out his hand to pick this holy flower of acacia without the slightest hesitation, without even the roots being damaged. Not in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Now this one is unique and unmatched.

After putting it in the jade box, it will also be sent to the treasure house for collection. avoid damage.

Pan Pan didn't stop Wu Mu's actions when she saw it. Although the holy flower of acacia made her suffer a lot, but for such a thing, even if it is Heavenly Spirit Root first, it is not too much. care too much. Such things are not enough to move her heart. Seeing that Wu Mu took away the holy flower of acacia, he didn't care at all.

"Wu Mu, the woman you took this time may not be so simple. You have to be careful." Little Fatty was completely released at this moment. Forcibly sealed in the lamp, can't see, can't hear. But as soon as he came out, he started screaming.

He looked very solemn and did not have any joking look.

"I know these things in my heart, and I don't need to remind them, but, no matter what secrets there are, she has only one identity now, and that is my wife, my woman. Whatever happens, it can be done sooner or later. Make it clear."

Wu Mu took a deep breath and slowly replied.

Little Fatty can see it, but Wu Mu can't see it. I really think that these hundreds of thousands of years of experience are for nothing. The purple clothed girl waved her hand in the purple mist, and even his magic-breaking eyes couldn't detect the reality. There was a mysterious power flowing in it. That kind of feeling is definitely not something that ordinary Great Emperor Level cultivators can display. .

This is enough to know that Pan Pan is unusual.

It's not as simple as it appears.

Moreover, after the Dual Cultivation with Panpan, the Heaven and Earth turning upside down changed in Wu Mu's body. It was not the increase in the cultivation base in the body, nor the comprehension of the Dao. It can even be said that this The second Dual Cultivation, the cultivation base in Wu Mu's body simply did not increase one bit. But the real transformation is far from the strength of the cultivation base.

What has changed is the bone marrow stored in the skeleton, the eternal spiritual marrow integrated into the backbone of the body.

(To be continued~^~)

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