Martial Tomb

Chapter 1253

Martial Tomb Chapter 1253


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Very poisonous! !

That's not an auspicious cloud at all, but a poisonous cloud, or a terrifying poisonous cloud, which contains terrifying poison. The vegetation is completely poisoned to death, and even the ground is highly poisonous. I am afraid that for a period of time, these lands will be barren and have little vitality.

This is the terrifying of the virulent, especially the destructive power of Peak, which is even more terrifying. This is just the harm caused by the crossing of the poisonous cloud. If it really breaks out completely, the harm will be even more terrifying.

On this multi-colored poisonous cloud, it can be seen that three cultivators are standing on it. The poisonous cloud is extremely poisonous, but it does not cause any harm to them. Obviously, it is controlled. , will not be damaged.

The cultivator here is two men and one woman.

Among them, there is obviously a black robed youth man, standing in the middle, there is a haze between his eyebrows, which makes people shudder, and at first sight, there is a very uncomfortable feeling. The other man and woman stood on the left and right. The man was a middle-aged man, but his expression was obviously a bit humble.

And the woman is dressed in style, wearing only a dark shirt, the clothes are very exposed, very explicit, the snow-white shoulders, and even the snow-white towering front of the chest can be vaguely seen. , appear indistinctly, very attractive, under the body, the long snow-white legs also emerge from time to time under the clothes, showing all kinds of amorous feelings. At a glance, it's definitely the Innate Charming Bone. At this moment, he was holding the young man's arm, and the two peaks on his chest rubbed on his arm without hesitation.

It's mind-blowing.

"Young Master, these cultivators in the heavens are really low-strength ants. The previous team of five cultivators was eaten up in front of Young Master's treasure insects. You don't even have scum left, it's really amazing. I heard that you have a kind of ageless worm in your hand. As long as it is integrated into the body, you can keep your face ageless. When the time comes, you can't forget the little sister." The charming woman lightly said with a smile .

In the language, it is very frivolous. But there is a strong desire. Youth is not old, which is unimaginably important for women.

"Don't worry, as long as you, Meier, serve this Young Master well. It's nothing to go to the worms, as long as you need them, this Young Master can take them out at any time." The worms Young Master didn't care. said.

"That mountain was all smashed to pieces. It seems that there are people fighting, or some treasure is born. No matter what. great opportunity." The middle-aged man also said nodded.

"Let's go, Mr. Wu, with the strength of the three of us, no matter how the cultivators of the heavens are united, they will never be able to make any waves, your poison, my Demon Insect, Coupled with Meier's Illusion Technique. It is enough to traverse the battlefield and be invincible. No matter what it is, we have to make a decision." When Master Young heard it, he said nonchalantly, his expression full of confidence.

This kind of self-confidence is completely out of the way.

These three people are the well-known figures in the arrogance of Heaven Beyond the Heaven, all of them are arrogant. Every battle strength is quite scary, whether it's Insect Controlling or Poison. That's all about becoming terror-stricken at the news. If it really wants to break out, its destructive power must be quite terrifying.

They also came just after seeing the movement in the mountain peak.

The speed of the poisonous cloud under him is extremely fast, quickly passing through the void.

In the blink of an eye, a huge distance has been crossed. directly in front of the mountain.

Also immediately saw Wu Mu standing on the mountain peak. Wu Mu in an azure robe is full of excellence. Naturally, there is an invisible coercion dissipating all around.

"It's the cultivator of the heavens again. It seems that the movement here is made by you. If you are sensible, hand over the treasure quickly, and let you die simply, otherwise, let you suffer.

All kinds of suffering, all kinds of torture and then to die." Young Master worm looked at Wu Mu with a gloomy look on his face, and said categorically.

In the speech, baleful aura soared, not giving the slightest way to survive.

When I saw Wu Mu, I knew it was a cultivator of the heavens, so I didn't plan to let Wu Mu continue to live.

There is no room for slow transition between the two parties. Either you die or I die.

"There are treasures, but if you want, you can get them yourself."

Wu Mu indifferently looked at the three Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogance in front of him, his eyes were icy and cold. Expressionless.

"No, I seem to have an impression of this person, he is definitely not an ordinary person, this breath, this silhouette, he is Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable, he is not dead, he is still alive." Mei Er suddenly A look of shock appeared, and he immediately opened his mouth and shouted.

looked towards Wu Mu's gaze, showing a hint of fear.

Wu Mu's reputation, in the arrogant mouth of Heaven Beyond the Heaven, is the existence of killing gods.

"It turned out to be Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable, the legendary lunatic who dared to provoke my Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogance, no, the breath in his body is not right, Dao Tianzhu, there is a problem with the Dao Tianzhu in his body, I can't even feel it. It seems that he was severely injured during the Transcending Tribulation, and there are huge hidden dangers in his body, and his strength is definitely not as good as before." Seeing something from Wu Mu, he spit out a sentence when he opened his mouth. There was excitement in his eyes.

If something goes wrong with Wu Mu, now is the best time to kill him. It's a godsend.

"Sure enough, there is a problem, no wonder I felt awkward before. It turned out that there was a problem with the Great Dao Law in my body. It seems that God will kill you this time. The destiny is in the hands of my alien family. Kill !!"

When Master Young heard this, his eyes shone, and his heart burst into flames.

This kind of opportunity is simply a gift from God. If Wu Mu is killed, then he will be a hero in the entire Tianwai clan, and his status will definitely increase immediately, and even become an influential figure in the entire Tianwai. To be appreciated by Peak's power, at that time, the benefits to him were absolutely incalculable.

The decision was made almost immediately, almost immediately.

"Mr. Wu, take action." The Young Master snorted unceremoniously.


Mr. Wu also showed excitement and coldness when he heard it. And out, quickly spread out to all directions, so fast that people can't catch it at all. This cloud and mist, at first glance, is very gorgeous, but in it, it contains terrifying poison.

Wherever I go, I only see that the grass and trees shrouded by this poison turn into colors at a speed visible to naked eyes, red, orange, yellow, green, azure, blue, purple, from scarlet In the beginning, alternately, in just a few breaths, it quickly changed, turned into purple, and finally completely turned into colorful colors, gorgeous to the extreme, but after turning into colorful colors, all the plants and trees instantly turned into powder.

Not even a trace of life.

"Rainbow Strange Poison!!" Little Fatty creded out in surprise when he saw it.

"Give it to me!!"

Wu Mu slightly frowned, a dark Devouring Gate suddenly appeared, and from the gate, a huge amount of devouring power quickly spewed out, destroying itself. The rainbow poisonous from all directions swept in continuously, swallowed it, like a bottomless pit, the swallowing power is even more domineering, all the colorful clouds and mists, before they get close to Wu Mu, are directly swallowed into the Devouring Gate .

How much, how much to swallow.

An ancient gate, like a moat, cannot be crossed.

However, this rainbow poison is very domineering. It is a peerless poison between Heaven and Earth. Under the devouring, the dark Devouring Gate begins to show colorful colors. It seems that even the Devouring Gate will be corroded by poison.


Wu Mu saw that the entire Devouring Gate was sent into the Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto without the slightest hesitation. As long as it is sent in, no matter how powerful the poison is, it will not be rampant. Moreover, Wu Mu itself is not particularly afraid of poison. There is a Poison Blood vein in the body. The power of the poison is no less than that of the rainbow poison. It can even be swallowed and refined into the body.

"I'm not afraid of poison." The poison demon saw it, and his eyes suddenly changed.

"Death Sword Butterfly, Kill!!"

As Young Master waved his hand, a pocket appeared in his hand, and from the pocket, countless ash-grays were like war sword-like butterflies It spewed out like a tide, and then flew out of the air, and rushed towards Wu Mu like a tide, the speed was fast as lightning, and each butterfly exuded Death Aura, which was extremely gloomy, but contained a fierce sword intent.

When breaking through the air, only draw one after another sharp sword light in the air.

strange insect - Death Sword Butterfly! !

The Sword Butterfly bred from the Land of Death, has a sword-like attack, speed, and a terrifying Death Aura, which contains the sword intent of death, can kill everything, destroy myriad things.

As soon as it appeared, there were thousands, densely packed, gathered together and turned into a terrifying insect cloud, submerging Wu Mu like a tide.

Meier also waved her hand, only to see a terrifying illusion emerging from the void.

There are mountains condensing, smashing overhead, floods roaring, and countless devil beasts roaring, turning into beast tides, hiding the sky and covering the earth, sweeping over. This Illusion Technique is no longer Illusion Technique, but real. From fantasy to reality. These are real.

With mutual cooperation, it is as terrifying as destroying the world.

That breath is very terrifying.

These attacks contain the power of the Great Dao Law.

There is nothing on the same level, but Wu Mu's internal avenue is sealed, but it is a big threat.


Wu Mu raised his brows, the azure light flashed in his hand, and the Azure Lotus Sword naturally emerged. In the middle of the sky, countless firelights bloomed and turned into vast fire clouds, hiding the sky and covering the earth. In the fire clouds, a blood-colored red lotus bloomed inch by inch, emitting dazzling colors, and all the dead sword butterflies disappeared into the fire clouds one after another. But weirdly disappeared.

It seems to be an endless abyss, how many are there, how many are swallowed.

Only see lotus blossoms.

And then.......the wind is calm and the waves are calm! !

No screaming, no fighting.

A gust of breeze blew, and the three silhouettes slowly fell to the ground. In the eyes, there is indulgence and intoxication, as if seeing the most brilliant colors in the world. (To be continued~^~)

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