Martial Tomb

Chapter 125

Martial Tomb Chapter 125


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Shen Yun watched with a playful look at how he was going to crash and die here.

When Ximen Qing saw it, he was embarrassedly laughed and said, "hehe, of course, if I die here, it won't be a smear to the eyes of the big brother and the younger sisters, I'll wait until I go back and find it by myself. I killed a piece of tofu, so that my big brother and the fourth brother would not pull me again."

In that voice, he was not ashamed, he stretched out his hand to flick his clothes, opened the folding fan, and shook it. In that case, if People who don't know, I'm afraid they really think that someone is holding him.

"Hehe, Third Brother's face has thickened again."

Murong Chong heard this, looked towards Ximen Qing with contempt, and sneered.

"Second brother is thick-skinned, everyone knows that, but, no matter how thick-skinned second brother is, he should pay back the money. You won't be shameless enough to find a woman and want me to be a Third Sister. Please pay for it."

Shen Yun also said contemptuously.

"Hehe, Third Sister calm down, you removed that sign from the second brother, Ximen Qing and the dog are not allowed to enter, aren't you ripping off your second brother's face, as long as you remove it, Second brother, I'll pay back the money immediately." Ximen Qing smiled and leaned beside Shen Yun and whispered.

"It's easy to say, if you pay back the money first, I'll withdraw the brand." Shen Yun refused to yield an inch and said, "I remember the money you owe very clearly, a full 26,000. One thousand three hundred and twenty bronze coins. If second brother has any, then pay it back first." Shen Yun looked at Ximen Qing with a determined look.

Obviously, there is no need to negotiate whether to repay the money.


When Ximen Qing heard this, his eyes immediately looked left and right, his mouth was hesitant, and suddenly, his nose forcefully sniffed all around, After smelling it, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she released compelling rays of light, said with a smile: "a debtor must pay his debt, that's a matter of course, the money from the third sister, the second brother will definitely pay it back, but , second brother, I'm going to... rob me first!!"

In the voice, the rays of light with excitement and excitement appeared in both eyes.

"Second Brother, where's the woman from here, only Third Sister, are you planning to rob Third Sister?" Zhong Wuming glared drunkenly and exclaimed strangely.

As if, there are no other women here.

"Hehe, big brother, don't get me wrong, my little brother has an unusual nose. After breaking through to the sea of blood, I acquired a bloodline Divine Ability called 'Scented Lamp' ,** This Divine Ability, hehe, a woman in the world, even if it is ten miles away, can't escape my nose, as long as you smell it, you can immediately know if there is a stunning beauty nearby. Just a little brother smelled it, except for In addition to the fragrance on Third Sister's body, on this spirit plant peak, there is actually a touching fragrance. It must be a peerless beauty who can produce such a fragrance on her body."

In Ximen Qing's eyes A look of excitement flashed across.

This 'smell the incense lamp' Divine Ability is a unique Divine Ability, there is no restriction on bloodline surname, any bloodline can be ** as long as you want, but can you ** Success depends on your innate talent.

This scent lamp Divine Ability has no rank, and also, it has no attack power, but at some point, it is even more powerful and amazing than attacking the Divine Ability.

The strangest thing is that this Divine Ability can smell the fragrance emanating from a woman's body. This kind of fragrance cannot be smelled by ordinary noses. Moreover, the stronger the scent, the more beautiful and alluring the woman is.

The most important thing is that this is just an ability to smell the incense lamp, and another ability is that this Divine Ability can help you constantly filter the impurities in World's Essence Qi when you are pregnant , to speed up the absorption and refining of World's Essence Qi, and make the bloodline Divine Force more pure.

But this Ximen Qing obviously valued the peculiar ability of smelling incense lamps and smelling incense to recognize women.

Let him always find the most beautiful flower among the thousands of flowers.

Just now, he subconsciously smelled it, and actually smelled a faint fragrance in the air, like the fragrance of lotus flowers that came out of the mud and was not stained.

Naturally, the **heart in his body couldn't help but begin to stir.

"It's no wonder that you can always find a good woman. It turns out that you have cultivated such a thief Divine Ability, bah!!" Shen Yun heard that, the complexion changed, and she moved towards it directly. Ximen Qing spat and pouted.

The look is full of contempt.

"Let's go, I can't wait to see when this spirit plant peak suddenly has an absolute beauty." Ximen Qing could no longer hold back, and he didn't care about those contempt. For him, it has long been a habit.

"Let's go and have a look together, the second child, the thief's nose, doesn't know if it's good or not."

Zhong Wuming rolled his eyes, laughed, and said something .

As soon as he finished speaking, Ximen Qing had already walked quickly in the direction the fragrance came from. Zhong Wuming and others also followed curiously. After so many years, this was the first time I saw this kind of * *The thief Divine Ability, I'm really curious.

Even Shen Yun wanted to see what kind of woman could be attracted by Ximen Qing, a slut.

In the slaughterhouse.

I saw that in the Colosseum, Wu Mu became bloody again, and the stone sword in his hand icy split a two-headed ominous wolf in half, and the hot wolf blood spurted directly on his body. The whole body was stained with blood red.

Dead on the spot.

Looking at the Colosseum, together with this wolf corpse, there are six corpses coldly scattered all around. blood dyed the ground red.

"Well, the ominous beast of the six-headed mortal grade Grade 5 Peak can't pose too much threat to me, my fleshy body tempering to the extreme, unless it is a mortal with Divine Beast, the top ominous beast. Only rank cubs can threaten me. Unless it is a soldier rank ominous beast, otherwise, the ordinary rank ominous beast cannot even break the defense of my fleshy body. I can sweep it."

With a flick of his wrist, Wu Mu shook the blood stains off the stone sword on the spot, and the blood did not stick to it.

As for the stone sword, Wu Mu does not regard it as an ordinary stone sword. This sword is not only extremely heavy, but also extremely hard. The destructive power is still terrifying to the extreme. Wu Mu secretly guessed that this should not be an ordinary stone sword, it might be a Divine Weapon.

Yeah! !

At this moment, Wu Mu suddenly felt an unspeakable tingling in his heart, as if someone had inserted a gold needle into his heart. , Disappeared in an instant, coming and going so fast, even Wu Mu thought it was just an illusion.

"The tingling in my heart is not the occurrence of the blood burning spell. This feeling, could it be that something bad is about to happen to me, or even someone related to me."


Wu Mu held down his heart and felt the inexplicable stinging pain, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The sting was extremely intense.

However, it is very similar to the whim I felt before.

"Today's slaughtering task has been completed, first go to the spirit plant peak to redeem Xiaoyue, in order to avoid any accident." Wu Mu's eyes flashed rays of light, and he quickly made up his mind in his mind.

As long as she is redeemed for Xiaoyue, she can be brought out from the spirit plant peak. At that time, she can be settled on the slaughter peak and brought with you to avoid any accidents.

Sure mind, no hesitation.

Cut down the appropriate parts of the ominous beast in the Colosseum to cook the herbal meal. The rest is unceremoniously burned into one after another blood essence with the ancient lamp, and collected into the ancient lamp.


After cleaning the battlefield, a strange force appeared again in the Colosseum, Wu Mu blinked and stood in front of the slaughterhouse again.

"Boy, look at you in a hurry, what are you going to do?"

Coming out of the slaughterhouse, the butcher picked his Bone Blade, bared his teeth, and picked his teeth carelessly. , glanced towards Wu Mu , and suddenly said something.

"The boy still has some money on his body. I heard that money can be redeemed on Skull Island. I plan to go and find someone to redeem my body and restore my body." He didn't hide it immediately, he said.

"Redemption? Restoration?"

The butcher looked at Wu Mu with a faint smile and said, "Boy, I'm afraid you don't know that on this Slaughter Peak , but there is no redemption that cannot be redeemed, and on Skull Island, there is absolutely no one who dares to help you redeem yourself."


Wu Mu was shocked and said a sentence Questions blurted out.

"When you enter my Slaughter Peak, do you still use Skull Islanders to restrain you? There is only one way for you to redeem yourself, and that is to get the approval of my Slaughter Peak and my butcher, as long as I say you can throw it away. The name of 9537, when you say your own name, you will be a ****, why do you need any bullshit ransom."

The butcher picked his teeth in disdain and cursed.

For Skull Island, it seems very disdain.

There is no respect at all in it.

Wu Mu was shocked, he had already guessed that Slaughter Peak was unusual, and now he can see it, but he still asked: "I still have a friend on the island, since I can't redeem myself, Then I'll pay for him."

"Go, go, it's not peaceful on Skull Island, after you go out, don't lose my face on Slaughter Peak, if you find fault, slaughter him for me , otherwise, I will lose face of the slaughter peak, hehe, you brat will go to get close to the ominous beast tomorrow."

The butcher grinned, and that smile was bloody. taste.

Wu Mu took a deep breath , turned and moved towards Slaughter Peak and walked over.

The location of the spirit plant peak is the most conspicuous. On the entire Skull Island, the scenery on the spirit plant peak is the most beautiful. Spiritual Qi is impressive and green. At a glance, it is easy to determine.

Wu Mu after walking down the Slaughter Peak.

I also asked someone along the way to confirm the exact location of the spirit plant peak, and walked towards the spirit plant peak without any hesitation.

I don't know why, Wu Mu always had a very bad premonition in his heart, as if something was about to happen. This feeling made the pace under him even more hurried. (To be continued.)

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