Martial Tomb

Chapter 1241

Martial Tomb Chapter 1241


[These two chapters were made up from yesterday. ]

Under the power of the battle formation, the headless generals condensed by these army spirits have absolutely surpassed the Great Emperor Level 1 in strength, and must have reached the terrifying level of Supreme Level 1. Moreover, the battle strength is inevitable. It is extremely terrifying existence in Supreme Level 1, even more terrifying than the Primal Chaos Demon that Wu Mu faced back then.

The reason why Primal Chaos Demon was able to suppress and kill back then was because there was an Azure Lotus formation diagram, it was possible to set up an Azure Lotus Sword formation, and even force the power of Primal Chaos Demon to suppress a realm , it has the support of Celestial Grotto itself, and it can burst out incomparable battle strength without limit, but at this moment, Celestial Grotto is sealed, and Azure Lotus Avenue is also sealed.

All of the original hole cards have been wiped out. This moment is Wu Mu's weakest moment, but he has to face this level of terrifying enemy again. This situation is absolutely fatal and terrifying.

"Who wins and who loses, let's fight first. Receive my sword."

Wu Mu roared towards the sky, flicks with the finger on the blade, Azure Lotus Sword keeps going Vibrate, delivering a strong fighting intent.


As if feeling the fighting intent transmitted from Wu Mu, the Azure Lotus Sword trembled, only to see that one after another sword ban continued to be derived, and in the blink of an eye, it reached twenty-two. The height of Daojian prohibition.

Azure Lotus Sword, transformed again, reaching the twenty-second sword ban! !

The addition of one level to the sword ban makes the formidable power of the Azure Lotus Sword more powerful, especially when using the Azure Lotus Sword Scripture, the formidable power will be increased instantly. to multiply.

At this critical time, Azure Lotus Sword was promoted again.

Moreover, those Spirit Treasures swallowed in Azure Lotus Sword still haven't been completely refined, and there are still a huge part left in it, and Tsing Yi is still trying to absorb it.

The transformation of Azure Lotus Sword made Wu Mu's fighting intent even higher.

The hand that holds the sword becomes more composed, and the fighting intent deepens.


The headless general raised his head to send angry roar.

The liger under him roars like a lion and a tiger. In an instant, it rushed out like a mountain. The impact of the liger is very terrifying, and it can travel thousands of miles in an instant and rush over. That impact is enough to destroy the mountains and rivers, and it is fierce to the extreme.

With the help of the liger's impact, the headless Knight turned the bloody sword in his hand into a bolt of lightning. The fierce slash came out, the formidable power was strong, the space under the knife had been torn apart on the spot, and no one could capture its trajectory, cut it directly, and was extremely overbearing. Just so violent. It was a slash, no matter whether you were a god or a demon, it all had to be cut in half. Killed on the spot.

That is the decision of press forward.

It was an explosion of endless fighting intent.


Wu Mu immediately let out a slam drank when he saw it. He held the sword with his right hand, and slapped it out with his left hand.

Boom! !

Subordinate, a huge Heavenly Tablet appeared instantly, and it condensed into substance in the blink of an eye, exuding a terrifying atmosphere. A Supreme will like Heaven and Earth reverberates in the Heavenly Tablet. Terrifying to the extreme. Shot in an instant. Heavenly Tablet hits the sword like a shooting star.

Great Divine Ability - Great Nine Heavens Hand! !

As soon as you shoot, it is the most powerful tomb, the Great Divine Ability. A stele is smashed out, like earth shattering, imposing manner like a rainbow, unstoppable, with Supreme Martial Arts True Meaning from the great Nine Heavens on it. It was like the sky was suppressing it.

Nine Heavens with you! !

With the roar, Heavenly Tablet and the unceremonious strikes of the blood knife were together, and the impact was strong without any tact. Really straight forward. this collision. A terrifying roar sounded, countless dive lights shot out, all around instantly turned into chaos, countless Primal Chaos Qi rolled, earth, fire, water, and wind raged, presenting a terrifying picture of great destruction.

Really terrifying to the extreme.

Heavenly Tablet in Wu Mu's hands, half-step Supreme's fleshly body strength smashed out, that formidable power, a star can be directly smashed all split up and in pieces. But under this blood knife, there is no powerful power that can be erupted.

On the contrary, on Heavenly Tablet, Martial Arts True Meaning crazily collided with bloody knife fighting, and they fought fiercely. But still in an instant, the terrifying blood-colored sword, forcibly split from it, directly split in half, forcibly torn. The fierce moved towards Wu Mu slashed over.

But after breaking the Heavenly Tablet, in front of the blade light, a vast cloud of fire was rolling, and a dazzling blood red lotus bloomed like a bewitching flower, that bloom, that color, gorgeous to the extreme, touching the soul , strikes directly on the sword.

The sword seemed to be hit by a terrifying force and collapsed backwards on the spot. But the red lotus is also under the blood knife, completely broken and broken. But it still exploded immediately, turning into countless blood-colored sword lights, drowning the headless general like a tide.

As if to completely drown it out.

But the headless general is really terrifying, with blood light rolling on his body, and the rich iron-blooded baleful aura, he actually wiped out one after another sword light, even the Red Lotus Karma Fire couldn't burn his body, and was endlessly destroyed. The endless iron-blooded baleful aura was completely suppressed, and even the karmic fire could not be ignited. That is pure baleful aura, the most terrifying kind of heroic spirit between Heaven and Earth. Even the Red Lotus Karma Fire cannot easily burn the soul of the army.

The headless general was ups and downs in the sword light, but without the slightest damage, he rushed out again. Kill with a sword.

"What a powerful headless general."

Wu Mu felt the power that erupted from the iron-blooded sword, his eyes became more dignified, and he went up to fight again.

Kill! kill! kill! !

The Azure Lotus Sword Scripture is performed to the extreme in the hands.

one after another Supreme sword intent stirs Nine Heavens, the entire lotus space is in turmoil, showing a terrifying picture of great destruction, with Primal Chaos Qi rolling, diving light everywhere, stirring the sky.

dang dang dang! !

This fight really presents a terrifying picture.

Every sword is terrifying to the extreme. The power contained in it, any Great Emperor can feel the chill to the bone, and it is a killing move that cannot be resisted at all.

A sword lotus blooms in the void.

pu pu!

I vomited blood.

Wu Mu spits out blood, and a mouthful of blood keeps vomiting, and there is also a kind of visceral flesh and blood in the blood.

terrifying, too terrifying.

The strength of this headless general is terrifying, even if it is a half-step Supreme's fleshly body strength, in front of the headless general, it is still inferior. The gap is even stronger. Every blow is transmitted to the body, and even Wu Mu's fleshy body is injured, and the internal organs are dislocated.

That power, with every knife, can directly slash Wu Mu backwards and fly out.

But Wu Mu insisted on relying on mysterious footwork, unloading the power of one after another while the body was turning, and the Azure Lotus imperial script was running, desperately swallowing and dissolving the power transmitted into the body, in order to be able to In the square inch, he fought fiercely with the headless general, but he was still injured and spits out blood in his mouth.

"This headless general is too terrifying, your Azure Lotus Avenue has been sealed, Celestial Grotto has been sealed, these foundations cannot be used as a help, and cannot bear it at all, even the Azure Lotus Sword Scripture cannot shake his mind , this is the purest army spirit, the most powerful battle spirit, think of a way, otherwise, you will die." Little Fatty jumped on the spot anxiously.

From the headless general, he already felt an almost Death Aura.

That strength is very terrifying, and the soul of the army has only fighting intent, pure killing, only exists for fighting, real soldiers, only enemies, fight without any thought, that is pure The fighting intent.

The constant fighting is their destination.

Existence like this is terrifying, absolutely terrifying to the extreme. In particular, the destructive power of a military soul with such a level of strength condensed into a battle formation is even more terrifying.

If you cannot resist, you will surely die.


Wu Mu didn't hesitate, what he saw in his eyes was endless fighting intent, his feet were constantly stepping on mysterious footwork, and his body was as fast as a phantom. Constantly changing around the headless general. With the change of footsteps. Every sword in his hand appears and disappears unpredictably, which is very strange and makes people unable to guard against it. Even the trajectory of the slashing sword was seen by Wu Mu.

It was clearly understood with the broken magic eyes.

Be the first to get out and avoid the edge. Cast the killer again.

The coldness of the Azure Lotus Sword penetrates the headless general's body, completely revealing the strength of the martial cultivator. As long as you are willing, the mighty martial cultivator fights, and you won't even be able to touch the corner of his clothes. Not to mention killing.

However, the headless general is just as powerful.

Fighting intent The fighting experience has formed an almost instinctive ability.

Even if Wu Mu quickly appeared behind him with his footwork and displayed his unparalleled sword intent, he was still aware of it at a critical moment, reacted instinctively, and quickly waved his sword to block it. This kind of strength that relies on the existence of instinct, even Wu Mu, still can't hit it hard.

But unconsciously moved towards the direction where the altar is.

The speed and frequency of this movement are very unremarkable, and in a fierce fight, simply won't notice it. It is impossible to know that Wu Mu is already unconsciously, and the distance from the altar has become quite short.

"What a formidable battle formation, such a terrifying headless general, such a military spirit, gathered together, even if Supreme enters, I am afraid that it will be completely immersed and will never be turned over. This point, It's really too terrifying."

"Even the Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable vomited blood during the fight, which shows that the terrifying of the headless general is absolutely unimaginable. In terms of fleshly body strength, it must reach Supreme level."

"This time it's dangerous, this kind of military soul can't be killed, simply can't kill it, can't finish it, kill one, and it will be resurrected again, such an opponent is simply useless. Solution."

"No, look, Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable seems to be constantly approaching the altar, he is already very close to the altar. Yes, his goal must be the altar, only to destroy the altar and destroy the long banner In order to completely eliminate these military spirits, otherwise, even killing them would be of no avail."

Some cultivators were aware of Wu Mu's goal.

And in this brief moment.

When! !

In a crisp rumbling sound, the Azure Lotus Sword collided fiercely with the Jagged Sword again, and a huge potential burst out, followed by Wu Mu's body like a cannonball out of the chamber, with the help of This force instantly hit the altar. An azure sword light, shatter void, slashed on the dark long banner. (To be continued~^~)

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