Martial Tomb

Chapter 1228

Martial Tomb Chapter 1228


Moreover, the entire body of the blood cold instantly turned into a mass of blood, escaping strangely, appeared outside the sword intent, and condensed the body out of thin air again .

Looking at the sea of blood, it was directly annihilated with the red lotus at the same time, and the karmic fire was burning.

The blood-colored hair was also quickly annihilated and cut off.

That situation seems very terrifying.

Under the Supreme sword intent, under the terrifying fleshly body strength and bloodline Divine Force of Wu Mu, even the Great Dao Law will still be cut off and torn, reaching the ultimate Martial Arts True Meaning , itself a force comparable to any Great Dao Law. In the hands of Wu Mu, the more and more shocking shock, even if it is the law of blood, under sword intent, it still cannot gain the upper hand, it is still torn apart, and even restrained by karmic fire.

But without the avenue Tianzhu, the formidable power is indeed reduced more than one step.

He just let the cold blood escape in an instant, getting rid of sword intent, Rebirth from a drop of Blood, and did not completely kill it. behead.

But from the paleness on Xuehan's face, it can be seen that the sword completely shocked his mind, killing him to the point of fear.

With just one sword, there is such formidable power. If there is no problem with Wu Mu's internal avenue, how terrifying the formidable power of this sword will be, if only a sword is swung, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, there is no escape at all, that blood cold will definitely Killed in an instant. Not even a chance to react.

ka-cha! !

However, before the blood cold could adjust his mind and recover his emotions, at the moment of his rebirth from a drop of Blood, he only saw an azure hair appeared strangely in his mind without any warning. In front of him, with lightning speed, he moved towards his neck and wrapped it around his neck quickly, not even one ten thousandth of a second. The sharp edge emanating from his hair has already unceremoniously twisted the blood-cold head forcibly, Severely cut off the neck, and a head flew into the sky.

In an instant, it was quickly passed through the seven orifices by the hair. Not even a chance to come back, even Primordial Spirit can't escape through the seven orifices. It has been forcibly refined by the Red Dust Silk of Myriad Tribulations and Samsara, and it has been completely turned into a part of the hair.

Before he died, there was a kind of happiness and fear on his face that he escaped from the sword, and he couldn't even react at all. Being strangled in an instant, this kind of speed, this kind of change, is simply frightening, that hairline ignores everything at all. Brutally kill the enemy. Show off the unparalleled edge of the hair.

This sword. A single strand of hair shows great power.

The fall of the blood cold directly added great pressure to the arrogance of Heaven Beyond the Heaven all around, and the complexion greatly changed one by one.

No one would have imagined that Wu Mu was so fierce that even if there was no Dao Tianzhu, he could kill a Peak Great Emperor powerhouse on the spot in an instant, this method. This battle strength, if it is at the peak period, is so amazingly terrifying.

"Whoever is not afraid of death, come here, I will wait for you at the fork in the road."

Wu Mu indifferently smiled, glanced indifferently at the thousands of Heaven Beyond the all around. Heaven is arrogant, with disdain in his eyes, killing intent, and indifference like ice.

Without the slightest hesitation , turn around and walk towards the first fork. Show your back to the eyes of all the demons without caring. Take no precautions. It seems that Wu Mu can be completely killed at will, revealing a strong temptation that makes people want to shoot.

Cast killer.

This temptation is too great.

It's tempting to sneak saliva.

And at the moment when Wu Mu's silhouette was about to completely walk into the fork, only to see that a long black rope burst out of the air like a snake, appearing on Wu Mu's body at an incredible speed. In addition, the crazy moved towards Wu Mu's entire body wrapped around it, tightly bound to the body, binding the body.

"Haha, Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable, look at how arrogant you are, you are bound by my immortal rope, even a dragon will lie on the ground for me. There is no Great Dao Law, in my immortal rope Come on, don't even try to break free, your bloodline Divine Force will still be imprisoned. The current you is, I will slaughter you."

The three-headed demon grabbed the immortal rope in one hand, and laughed loudly while opening his mouth. .

The weird smiles from the three heads at the same time made people's ears hurt. He was grinning and grabbing Wu Mu, what an incredible benefit it would generate for him, it was absolutely unimaginable. The benefits are immeasurable.

As soon as his wrist moved, he would pull the restraint rope back and grab Wu Mu along with him.

This is his Life Source magic treasure, and he has absolute confidence in it. The Heaven and Earth Treasure incorporated into it are countless, so that the effect of the immortal rope has been to outrageous levels. It is very powerful. Once bound, all the mana in the body will be imprisoned. Moreover, the rope is tenacious. If you want to break free, it is almost impossible.

"Did you really catch me?"

But just when the three-headed demons were about to take out the Juxian Rope and Wu Mu, suddenly, In the immortal rope, a powerful force was transmitted without warning. The force poured out, and was instantly transmitted to the three-headed demon. I only felt that there was an irresistible force on the other end of the rope. Suddenly, the three-headed demon was pulled by this huge force and flew into the air into the fork. Run quickly to the fork.

It's so fast that you can't even see it.

Too fast to reflect.


The eyes of the three-headed demon showed anger, and the silhouette, bound by the immortal rope in the fork, suddenly turned into a phantom powder, and instantly dissipated into soot. And on the immortal rope, there was a hand, a seemingly bland hand, but it was this hand that transmitted unstoppable power, forcibly pulling the three-headed demon into it.

Martial Arts Divine Ability - Golden Cicada Escape! !

The one who was bound before was just a false incarnation. The moment he noticed the immortal rope, he had already displayed the Martial Arts Divine Ability of Jinchan Escape, letting the immortal rope bind the avatar. , the real body has been detached, and in an instant, he grabbed the immortal rope. In one fell swoop, the three-headed demon was pulled in.

The speed is fast, the speaking of which is long, but it's really just what happens in the blink of an eye.

It's over so fast that people don't even have a chance to react.

The previous posture was just a trap, a trap placed on the surface, how could you be unguarded, just to see which one will be fooled and which one will come to die. Sure enough, someone couldn't help but make a move.

Also in an instant, the offense and defense were switched.

Who is the hunter and who is the prey. It is already clear.

"Trifling a rope, trying to catch me too, but it's just a joke." Wu Mu smiled indifferently, a strand of hair flashed behind his head, and a blue thread had been quickly cut from the head of the three-headed demon. However, the three heads were twisted together, and they passed through the three heads in an instant. Turn into spills of war, even the incomplete fleshy body is no exception, take it away without hesitation, and the immortal rope also turns into spills of war. Throw it in the Bronze Ancient Lamp at your fingertips and put it in the treasure trove.

Innate Spirit Treasure like this is still extremely rare, very precious and rare. It's a nice treasure.

This change once again shocked the pride of Heaven Beyond the Heaven all around, and the gazes looking towards the fork became even more dreadful, but few dared to set off and enter the fork, and there were thousands of people outside. Not even Heaven's Chosen dared to shoot, and even more did not dare to enter the fork. It is thought that Heaven Beyond the Heaven is arrogant and not afraid of death. Everyone wants others to play the front line, everyone wants to hide behind, and being able to save their lives is naturally the most important, and no one wants to die.

This kind of thinking made Wu Mu go directly into the fork, and no one shot again.

Even the Queen of Blades didn't do anything, but instead showed a strange look, indifferent and cold.

"Blade, why didn't you make a move just now, with Wu Mu's current state of the internal avenue being sealed, only fleshy body, no matter how powerful, depending on your ability, if you want to make a move, the odds of winning should be 60%, so easy It's not your character to let him go." A man wearing a black tight-fitting long dress had a cold expression, but he showed a hint of charm from time to time, his face exuded a stunning and peerless face, and when he appeared, all the light seemed to be become dim. Heart-pounding.

It is the legendary Black Widow. Extraterrestrial monster talent level powerhouse.

As soon as it appeared, all around Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogantly stepped back a few steps outwards subconsciously, not daring to approach her easily, revealing a strong look of dreading. Just like seeing the most terrifying poison, I fear to the extreme.

The monster, Black Widow! !

"hmph, then why didn't you do it." The Queen of Blades was not surprised or surprised at the arrival of Black Widow, and glanced at it indifferently, without the slightest reverence, as if it were normal. However, it is not viewed as a monster talent level powerhouse.

And Black Widow obviously did not take seriously the attitude of the Queen of Blades.

This is also because of the cultivation base battle strength of the Queen of Blades, which is already qualified to be valued by these monstrous talent level powerhouses, and even qualified to be friends with her peers. Her potential and battle strength are sufficient. Let Black Widow stand on equal footing.

They are all of the same level, and naturally there are not too many taboos during the conversation. The so-called attitude is just strength.

"It seems that Sister Blade, you are planning to let this Wu Mu open the way in front, and then follow closely from behind and enjoy it." Black Widow lightly said with a smile, with a strange look in his eyes.

"There are many organs in this treasure house, and this is the relic of the legendary Eternal Clan. It is rumored that the Eternal Clan was on the battlefield back then, but it made my Tianwai Clan suffer a big loss, and many great powers were taken by them. Hunt and capture. The treasure house of such a group, how is it ordinary." The Queen of Blades said indifferently.

The origin of this treasure house, obviously, this extraterrestrial clan is not ignorant, and even has a considerable understanding. even pay attention.

Eternal clan, even in the outer clan, are extremely concerned, and can even be said to be jealous.

I didn't make a move before. Obviously, there is indeed a plan for Wu Mu and a group of cultivators to explore the path ahead. As long as the mechanism is cracked, they can sit back and enjoy the success and pass the mechanism without danger. Find the treasure house, then, is the best time to kill Wu Mu. Their abacus is playing very loudly.

How could such a pathfinder candidate not be used.

That's why Black Widow didn't even get a shot.

Otherwise, how could it be so easy to let go.

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