Martial Tomb

Chapter 1223

Martial Tomb Chapter 1223


"Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable, what kind of Divine Ability, so terrifying, pulls me back from a distance." Shadow family Heaven's Chosen It was as if his heart was torn apart. Just now, he had used the power of the shadow to forcefully shuttle out and leave the manor, and he was still a little fortunate that he was able to escape the catastrophe. Completely get rid of a fatal crisis, but the next moment was directly pulled over by forcibly and moved to Wu Mu.

The moment he saw Wu Mu, his face turned pale.

My heart is full of confusion and fear.

When I saw Wu Mu's icy face, the deadly feeling in my heart had already filled every inch of flesh and blood.

However, Heaven's Beyond the Heaven arrogance is a rebellious person, even if he is forcibly pulled over and realizes that he has almost no chance of life, the shadow clan Heaven's Chosen no longer hesitates. As soon as he waved his hand, he immediately saw that flying needles, which were as small as ox hair, were extremely hidden, and it was difficult to catch them with naked eyes, moving towards Wu Mu like raindrops. The speed is extremely fast, and it jumps and shuttles in the shadows. It is extremely strange and difficult to guard against.

ding ding ding~ ! !

However, after getting close to Wu Mu, he was forcibly blocked by a gorgeous body protection lotus.

Those shadow magic needles can't even break through the body protection lotus, they are forcibly blocked, then these shadow magic needles themselves have the terrifying ability to break the astral qi, in front of the body protection lotus , still unable to play a lethal effect.

They blocked them, and even bound them directly in the lotus. The magic needles were held on the lotus, emitting a dark light, which made people feel cold. Fear. Once on the body, it's definitely not a fun thing.


Wu Mu also made the sharpest counterattack the moment he started, an azure thread in the back of his head burst out in an instant, swept in at an astonishing speed, and stretched without hindrance. Appeared in front of Heaven's Chosen, the shadow family, and wrapped around its neck in an instant.

The hair is soft and flexible. fast as lightning.

Between the thunderbolt, it was wrapped around his neck, and he didn't even have a chance to react. As the hair was twisted and pulled, with a crisp sound, the powerful fleshy body was under the hair, like fragile tofu. It was easily twisted, a head flew into the sky, and the hair was quickly wrapped around it, passing through the seven orifices, and even the Divine Soul's will could not escape, and was bound in the chief of the Six Suns. Quickly be sacrificed. Turned into a part of the red thread of the eternal cycle of reincarnation.

The corpse was also unceremoniously put away, and there was no time to investigate the various treasures it carried, and now is not the time to count it.

Just let the Azure Lotus Sword devour the mouth of the already chopped shadow bottle gourd without the slightest hesitation. It has been smashed, and the divine ban inside has been damaged. Even if it can be repaired, it will take a lot of time and energy. It is better to swallow it directly to add nutrients to the growth of Azure Lotus Sword.

This devour. It also does make Azure Lotus Sword derive a new sword ban again. Moreover, three sword bans are derived from one derivative.

Azure Lotus Sword, reaching the 14th layer sword ban! !

On the road of Innate Supreme Treasure, another big step forward, the blade becomes sharper and more restrained, the sword pattern interwoven on it, more dense mysterious, azure sword pattern Walk around like spirituality.

"It seems that there are still a large number of cultivators who will come to this ruins. Whether it is Heaven's Chosen or Heaven Beyond the Heaven, it is impossible to give up exploring the ruins and look for opportunities. This eternal The ruins of Divine City will be destined to become a Converging Ground."

The gaze in Wu Mu's eyes was extremely deep.

The Heaven's Chosen of the Shadow Clan is nothing but a Great Emperor. Killing him will not make Wu Mu feel any complacent at all. Killing him will kill him, nothing at worst. Killing Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogance has long ceased to be a minority. A Great Emperor is nothing but a lamb to be killed at will.

But my heart is more and more vigilant.

Heaven Beyond the Heaven has already entered here. I don't know how many cultivators have been entering the ruins during this period of time. I'm afraid they have begun to spread over most of the ruins. If you don't act soon, don't say yes. Eating meat, even soup, becomes difficult. There is no chance to change.

"Hehe, the thieves are really annoying these days. However, there is fog everywhere here, and I can't tell the direction at all, and where I can find it depends on luck. I don't know the real thing in the ruins. Where is the treasure, it's really annoying."

Sun Wukong scratched his head, facing such a scene, even if Saint came, there might not be any good solution, the fog here, Simply can't figure it out, the line of sight is blocked, and there are too few things to see. It's like crossing a river with an elephant. What you can encounter depends entirely on your own destiny.

"This manor has no great value, and it is useless to stay here. Going to explore other places, the benefits of this ruins cannot be obtained by the Tianwai family, otherwise, it will be a one-time An immeasurable disaster."

Wu Mu took a deep breath, knowing deeply that if the records in the notes were true, then if the alien race got those terrifying potions, a large number of them would be created in an instant. The powerhouse, at that time, was an immeasurable disaster for the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms, producing devastation that was absolutely unimaginable.

Wu Mu also has a strong desire for those potions, those treasures.

Especially recorded in the notes, there is Casting Item Master who cast Item Hall, designed a terrifying ultimate weapon, used to guard the eternal Divine City, named Zhuheavenly demon crystal, in any Divine Integrating a piece of Weapon magic weapon can instantly increase the formidable power of these Divine Weapon magic weapons. Moreover, the power of the increase is extremely large, it is a tenfold increase, and the formidable power is increased tenfold. This kind of increase is not a big one.

If this is integrated into the Bone God Demon Crossbow, the Eternal Demon Extinguishing Cannon, and the Divine Lightning Tower, the formidable power of these ultimate weapons can be increased tenfold in an instant, and the destructive power that erupts is not a little bit. , is bound to give the enemy a nightmarish enjoyment.

This is simply a strategic ultimate weapon. In anyone's hands, it is the trump card's trump card.

This is just a treasure developed in the Item Hall, and there are countless other things. If these are obtained by others, Wu Mu will feel heartache. If it is obtained by the Tianwai family, it will be a disaster.

Especially the Heavenly Demon Crystal, if you can get it and integrate it into the Azure Lotus Sword, then you will have a better chance of breaking the seal in your body.

On this point, Wu Mu is impossible to give up.

Searching and exploring the entire ruins is an imperative action.

"Hehe, listen to Heavenly Venerable." Sun Wukong agreed without the slightest hesitation.

Moreover, Gan is a pioneer, exploring the way ahead.

For the manor, naturally there is nothing to miss.

Stepping out of the manor, I entered the mist that filled the sky again. Sure enough, as soon as I entered, the mist monsters in all directions were provoked one after another, and they continued to attack and kill. Not limited to sword cultivator, other kinds of assassins have appeared.

Together, it is simply with no opportunity.

The weaker ones, I'm afraid they won't survive in this fog for long, and they will be directly attacked and killed.

Falling into the mist, falling into the ruins.

In the fog, Wu Mu has already smelled the bloody smell. Obviously, this bloody smell came from Heaven's Chosen who entered the ruins, and the number of those who died in it is unknown.

With Wu Mu, these foggy assassins are helpless. But in the fog, I can't see the road, and I can't tell the direction.

Keep going.

Go in and out of three or four buildings again.

Some are simply ordinary shops, houses where residents live, and so on. It's a pity that most of them have been turned into ruins, and there are no treasures left. There are still a few buildings. After walking in, there are no treasures at all, and you can see obvious signs of being looted.

Obviously, other Heaven's Chosen the early bird caught the worm.

However, some debris scattered on the ground, Spirit Treasure fragments, were hardly touched. Even if these fragments were Spirit Treasure fragments, they would still be of little use after being broken. Treasure materials, that is simply a huge project, which can be done by extraordinary means. Naturally, it was abandoned, and no one had the time to collect these fragments while searching for treasures in the ruins. Isn't that picking up sesame seeds and throwing watermelon?

Instead, Wu Mu got another fortune.

There are various Spirit Treasure fragments piled up in the four buildings. If you really want to count the number of broken Spirit Treasure Divine Weapons, I am afraid that there are no less than a hundred pieces. Even if they become fragments, they will still be the same. The number was astonishing, gathered together, and was unceremoniously swallowed by Azure Lotus Sword for refining on the spot.

Even if its own power has almost disappeared, only those materials have transformed Azure Lotus Sword again, and two sword bans have been derived at one time, completely reaching the level of 16 layer sword bans.

This, to say it, can make countless cultivators go crazy.

It is absolutely unbelievable that a forged sword can transform so quickly. It is absolutely unbelievable that this is the reason why Azure Lotus Sword fundamentally inherits Wu Mu's Azure Lotus Avenue. The way of Lotus is to make up for what is lacking. Use the way of devouring to the extreme, absorb all the substances that are beneficial to yourself, and strengthen your body. The current Azure Lotus Sword is not enough for your own body. It needs supplements, or great supplements.

Sun Wukong could only be envious when he saw it.

These fragments are given to him, but he can't use them. Refining them into Golden Cudgel is just a joke. Some of the materials in these fragments are not separated and cannot be refinished at all, otherwise it will be a mix- Up is the same, forcibly fuse together, but harmful. I can only watch Wu Mu's Azure Lotus Sword continue to absorb fragments, rapidly transform, and complete the most primordial accumulation.

Of course, some little things were found in this exploration as well.

ding ding ding~ ! !

At this moment, a crisp sound came from Sun Wukong, very subtle, but it was constantly vibrating, which could not be hidden from Wu Mu's ears.

Sun Wukong felt his body vibrate and stretched out his hand, only to see a white conch in his hand. The conch was vibrating constantly, glowing white light.

"Brother Hou, help." A low sound transmission came from the conch. (To be continued~^~)

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