Martial Tomb

Chapter 1214

Martial Tomb Chapter 1214


"There is something wrong with the ruins, a large number of Heaven's Chosen have entered it before, whether it is Heaven's Chosen or Heaven Beyond the Heaven. The number of people is probably no less than tens of thousands, but as soon as they enter, they will be weirdly disappeared. I don't know where they are. I can't see the slightest image, and I can't even spy on the Sky Tower."

"Well, even Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable is weirdly disappeared when you step into it. This ruin is really no trivial matter, weird and unpredictable. Unfortunately, it seems that you really can't spy on the changes in the ruins. It is indeed the ruins left by the eternal family. It is a pity that the fighting will be extremely fierce, but it is a pity that the battle cannot be seen."

"I heard that this is the relic of the Eternal Clan. The Tao is eternal, turning the entire world into the eternal Divine Kingdom, Eternal Immortal, like the legendary eternal Azure Lotus, standing immortal, Heaven and Earth perish and self-perpetuating. Unfortunately, something happened, and finally the entire world was destroyed."

"It is said that their medicine can turn a mouse into Supreme, immortal, and their medicine pill can bring back the dead, reverse the cycle, and brew spirit wine that can make people become immortals. The puppets they made can conquer the heavens. Collect countless treasures, and in the treasury, all kinds of treasures are piled up like mountains. It is rumored that they have refined mysterious potions. As long as you drink it, you can quickly break through one pass after another, even the Great Emperor. The breakthrough Supreme is all with no difficulty. There is even a potion of immortality.”

In Ancient Battlefield, there are countless cultivators from All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and powerhouses from all sides, many of which are old The power of the generation, his own experience and cultivation base, have all reached an astonishing level, and there are not a few people who know the legend of the eternal family. All kinds of legends are also revealed in the mouth like a few treasures.

The eternal family, known as the eternal Divine Race, is a god with various skills. In their hands, they have reached a level of terrifying that is almost Tao. Enough to make countless others feel ashamed.

It is said that there is something casually exuding from the Eternals. It's all going to be crazy and bloody in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Being able to witness the appearance of the ruins with my own eyes really makes countless cultivators feel the itch for it.

But unfortunately, until now. No one can enter the tower of time and space in the heavens, and can only watch it, no one can interfere with its development, even a few Great Sages.

The most important thing is that no one can see anything in the ruins.

One by one is just like blindfolded, that is simply an adventure fight in another time and space.

In which experience. It has transcended the boundaries of the towers of time and space in the heavens.


Not to mention the various changes in the outside world and the worries and regrets of many cultivators.

said. After Wu Mu entered the ruins of the eternal Divine City, he did not hesitate. Since he entered, there is no reason to back down, and there is no reason to stay still.

Without hesitation, we walked forward together.

The line of sight is blocked by the fog all around, and the range that can be seen is extremely limited. Even Wu Mu has completely raised his vigilance to the highest level. The broken magic eyes kept running, scanning back and forth all around. As soon as he entered the city, a strong sense of crisis had long surfaced in his mind, as if terrifying dangers would emerge at any time.

If you are not careful, you can be in mortal danger at any time.

"Heavenly Venerable, my old Sun Xiu's "Eight~Nine Mysterious Art", followed by Dao of Body Refinement, cast Indestructible Golden Body, I don't know if it is possible to embark on the road of martial cultivator ." Sun Wukong asked as he walked forward. Standing on the empty street, all around is shrouded in fog, and I can't see any Duanmiao.

"I have investigated and deduced the technique of cultivation in the Great Desolate. Dao of Body Refinement is derived from the witch-cultivation method of the Witch Tribe, but in the end it is a fusion of the immortal cultivator.

Dao, the way is to cultivate the dantian Purple Mansion. In the Purple Mansion, cultivate the true essence of mana. Then use the true essence of mana to use a special method, tempering the fleshy body, to turn the fleshy body into an Indestructible Golden Body. It takes a lot of resources. It can be said that the fleshy body is the main component, and the Primordial Spirit is the supplement."

Wu Mu did not hesitate to hear it, and said casually: "If you want body refinement, you need to look at your own root bone and great opportunity. , if you hadn't taken Supreme Taoist's medicine pill and countless peach celestial treasures back then, how could you have reached this level now."

"But in the end, body refinement and martial cultivator are still the same. There is a difference, the martial cultivator opens up the sea of blood, the sea of blood is the center of the whole body's qi and blood circulation, the blood sea qi and blood warms the fleshy body, and the World's Essence Qi nourishes the qi and blood, the fleshy body is strong, and then derives more blood essence , in the end, endlessly and endlessly. It can make the Martial Arts battle body grow and grow. It is more perfect than simply tempering with true essence mana. Your path has been determined, and the pure Path of Martial Cultivation has been It's not suitable for you."

Wu Mu shook his head with a smile, if there is no way to prove the Great Emperor before, it's like Liu Er and the others, they also had the cultivation base mana, but they It can be abolished and rebuilt, and the blood sea can be re-opened, and the original cultivation base will be turned into a background. But when it comes to the Great Emperor, the foundation has been determined, and there is no way to change it.

"Hehe, it seems that my old grandson has no such good fortune." Sun Wukong scratched his head with a strange smile.

"You, body refinement, are taking the road of Pangu, going all the way, the future may not be inferior to the real martial cultivator powerhouse, and you can also cultivate Martial Arts Battle Skill, Martial Arts, What is important is Martial Arts True Meaning, as long as you can understand the true meaning, even an immortal cultivator can display Martial Arts Divine Ability. As long as you condense the true meaning of Martial Arts." Wu Mu indifferently smiled, Martial Arts' inclusiveness is the most amazing of. As long as you can comprehend, that is your own ability.

The Body Cultivator can also maximize the formidable power of the Martial Arts Battle Skill.

"Be careful." At this moment, Wu Mu frowned, spit out a voice. Along with the voice, the Azure Lotus Sword was naturally held in his hand, and the sword was moved towards Sun Wukong's left side and slashed out. The sword light is sharp, with a fierce and deadly sword intent. Run through Heaven and Earth. It was like seeing a bloody hell full of bones.

But at this moment, it's still too late.

I only saw that in the mist, a dreamy silhouette shrouded in mist appeared strangely, holding an illusory sword, moving towards Sun Wukong like lightning, slashing fiercely around the neck. go down. This sword is fast and accurate, and it is extremely strange and abrupt.

It is to appear out of thin air outside Sun Wukong, there is no sign. It seems to be completely condensed from fog.

No matter how fast Wu Mu reacts, he can't stop this sword. The war sword shrouded in mist, when it touched Sun Wukong's body, immediately condensed into substance, flashing a sharp cold glow, under the sword, it was like a dream, if a fairy was flying towards him. It's like seeing the best things in mind. Intoxicating, unwilling to wake up.


This sword landed on Sun Wukong's neck and made a crisp sound, like a metal collision, a fire star burst out, and a dive light shot in all directions. This is the powerful defensive obtained by his Indestructible Vajra Body. power . Back then at Celestial Court, there was nothing to do with thunder and knives, and now it is even more powerful, but this sword is extremely sharp, and the sword light flashes. A sword mark appeared on his neck instantly.

There is blood on the surface.

Boom! !

And the strange silhouette shrouded in the mist was also smashed by a deadly sword intent, turned into mist on the spot, dissipated in the air, and the sword light of the body, all dissipated not see. As if the previous one was just an illusion, all of which were illusory fog. Even the turbulent mist of sword intent cannot destroy the mist.

"My dear, what the hell is this, such a sharp sword, even my grandson's Indestructible Vajra Body has been broken open. If it weren't for the fleshy body, this sword would have cut off even the head. ." Sun Wukong touched his neck, there was blood on his hands, but fortunately, the wound had recovered in an instant. fully recovered. But that sword was really terrifying.

The most terrifying thing is that when this weird killer appeared, there was no sign at all, even he was imperceptible, and the shot was, no killing intent was leaked, just like killing pigs and dogs, cleaning up garbage Same. In the sword intent, there is no body, as if it does not exist, such an opponent is definitely too terrifying.

"If you read it right, I'm afraid this is the danger that exists in this ruin. This fog is not simple, and the killer should be manifested by the fog. My sword intent , defeated his body, but didn't kill him, as soon as his body dissipated, it immediately turned into mist, which should have been condensed by the mist."

Wu Mu slightly frowned, the mist just condensed He had witnessed the silhouette that came out. It was in an instant, and the mist all around was directly condensed by 20%. As soon as it was formed, it immediately used the killer. Moreover, the destructive power produced was not inferior to any Heaven's Chosen of the Great Emperor Level. Very terrifying, even Sun Wukong broke fleshy body with a sword, leaving wounds. As you can imagine, this is not something simple.

This ruin is very strange and terrifying.

Moreover, the foggy assassin could not be killed at all. Under the sword intent, although it collapsed, Wu Mu didn't feel any sign of a complete kill, so it collapsed directly.

There is no sense of Primordial Spirit or even other Soul Spirits in it.

It seems to be the attack of the fog itself.

"My dear, this place is really spooky and eerie. My old grandson has never been as nervous as he is now." .

"Continue walking." Wu Mu nodded, and quickly glanced all around, without any intention of staying.

shua~ shua~ shua~! !

But just as he had just taken a few steps forward, he immediately saw that the mist was rolling around all around, and suddenly, strange sword cultivators wrapped in mist appeared one after another.

As soon as it appeared, it instantly sent out a deadly killing move to Wu Mu and Sun Wukong. Every blow is fast as lightning, very strange, and the sword contains a kind of sword intent like fog. (To be continued~^~)

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