Martial Tomb

Chapter 1200

Martial Tomb Chapter 1200


[At the beginning of the month, please guarantee the monthly pass at the end of the month, if you have a ticket, give some strength. 】

Moreover, these Primal Chaos Qi seem to have a mysterious power, with a strong penetration ability, a little moved towards Celestial Grotto infiltrated, covering the Celestial Grotto periphery zone a little bit, Primal Wherever Chaos Qi went, every inch of grass and soil seemed to be completely destroyed in an instant, assimilated into Primal Chaos Qi, submerged and destroyed by chaos. Once engulfed by chaos, it will completely turn into chaos.

It's like a forcibly bite out of Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto.

That feeling is very terrifying.

is forcibly phagocytic deprivation.

Boom! !

In Celestial Grotto, the three thousand and one avenue pillars emit the sound of the avenue at the same time, blooming endless divine flowers, and the light of one after another avenue blooms continuously, filling the entire Celestial Grotto. , countless law runes are flashing, densely packed in every inch of Heaven and Earth.

Plants and trees are the way, earth and stone are the way, gold and iron are the way, mountains, rivers and rivers are the way, the wind, clouds and stars are the way, and the sun, moon and space are the way.

Every inch of things, World's All Living Things is the Tao.

At this moment of life-and-death crisis, endless Dao marks bloomed at the same time, intertwined, constantly resisting the boundless Primal Chaos Qi erosion and swallowing. More than 3,000 avenues and pillars are gathered together, that is, a complete Heaven and Earth. Such Heaven and Earth has infinite potential, and it truly stands for eternity, the heritage of Eternal Inextinguishable. Even at this moment, the three thousand avenues in Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto are not perfect, not Perfection.

But there is a foundation.

It still has an incomparable heritage.

Countless Great Dao Laws gather, blooming endlessly.

Continuously manifesting great power. Or there is a road of fire, which turns into a monstrous flame, burning the heaven and boiling the sea, strikes in the chaos, blooming brilliant red lotus, smashing through the chaos, or there is endless golden light, such as a sharp Divine Weapon, constantly shattering The shock of Primal Chaos Qi. Invasion, cut through waves of offensives. Three thousand avenues work together to produce formidable power. It is definitely not an easy match, even if Primal Chaos Qi is turbulent and violent, it is still unable to break through the Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto like a hot knife through butter, but a fierce confrontation and collision.

Primal Chaos Qi will destroy Celestial Grotto. Destroy the foundations that host the Azure Lotus Avenue. And Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto is to guard against the invasion of chaos. Keep your own foundation, cast the Supreme Dao Foundation, and truly achieve a complete Inner World. The Great Thousand Worlds that not even Chaos can destroy.

But Primal Chaos Qi is too majestic and vast, as if boundless, completely wrapping the entire Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto. Celestial Grotto is among them. Just like a broken ship in the ocean, under the constant impact, it seems that there are signs of capsizing on the spot at any time. Seems unusually terrifying.

This is the chaotic catastrophe of the Celestial Grotto.

This is a great calamity that any Great Emperor must experience when breaking through to the Supreme Realm, who will not be an exception, unless it is the Primordial Spirit who entrusts the void, preaches the Saint, and has Heavenly Dao Bless. This Calamity Tribulation can be easily resolved.

Saint is safe from disaster, that's how it came.

The catastrophe in Celestial Grotto is naturally unknown to outsiders.

I can only see that at the location of Wu Mu, the Azure Lotus Avenue, connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, exudes endless coercion and completely reaches an extreme. The vast coercion swept all directions. In the void, endless colorful robbery clouds emerged.


Unconsciously, in the depths of the robbery. A huge, colorful divine eye opened naturally. This eye is cold and ruthless, without any emotion, directly looking towards the Azure Lotus Avenue Tianzhu below, a cold will descends. A will to destroy circulates.

Any new avenues appear, it is assumed that someone is starting to break away from Heavenly Dao's control, provoking Heavenly Dao's majesty, and wanting to divide Heavenly Dao's authority. Heavenly Dao naturally won't allow it, and needs to bring down the catastrophe and completely destroy that existence.

bang bang bang!

In the robbery cloud, it can be seen that one after another avenues of heavenly pillars emerge one after another. thousand zhang is stout and huge, no less than Azure Lotus Avenue.

One by one, boundless, densely packed, at first glance, it is frightening.

As if facing the real ocean of avenues. There are great roads everywhere, powerful laws everywhere. Intertwined in the void, filled with the sky. Witnessing this, countless cultivators can't help but see strange light in their eyes, and their hearts are excited. Some people even feel that their own way is constantly improving, and countless insights arise in their minds, as if they were caught in an incredible sudden enlightenment. This is directly facing the avenue ocean.

Comprehend is naturally much easier than before.

This is a great opportunity.

"Myriad Dao appears, this is to block Dao. Once it can't bear it, the whole Dao Tianzhu will collapse. I don't know if Mu'er can stop it. Don't have any trouble." Kong Rong Standing in the Azure Lotus Dojo, full of worry.

"Wandao is coming, this is using strength to prove the Dao, as expected of a child of my Wu Family, the path chosen is the hardest, but also the strongest, as long as it succeeds, Mu'er will be there. Among the Supreme, there is enough powerhouse to become the cream of the crop, and there is no Supreme that can suppress him." Wu Tiandong said solemnly.

"Don't worry, since the eldest nephew does this, he must have a certain degree of certainty. It is definitely not necessarily Death Road. His Azure Lotus Avenue is too powerful. There were flaws in the past, but now it is completely clear One body, flawless, the Tianzhu is like a glass crystal, and it integrates many Great Dao Laws in one body. Moreover, as the body fits the Tao, the 12 kinds of origin avenues in the fleshy body of the eldest nephew are also integrated into it, making the Tianzhu stable as a mountain, Unbreakable." Wu Tiannan was quite confident.


Not to mention whether outside cultivators are optimistic about Wu Mu's prospects.

The Heavenly Tribulation in the void has been completely accumulated, only to see that there are thousands of manifestations in the void, and suddenly, a huge pillar of golden rays of light rises into the sky like a tide, turning into a vastness. Tianzhu, the domineering moved towards Azure Lotus Avenue hit the past. This collision is heaven falls and earth rends, and countless sharp auras swept in like a tide. Abundance is the sharpest Divine Weapon between Heaven and Earth.

Can sever the void and shatter the sky. Destroy World's All Living Things.

Everything in the world seems to be condensed on it, and you can see countless Divine Weapons on it. When the rays of light bloom, all around the void is twisted, turned into gold, and stabbed into a sieve. It looked terrifying. The sun and the moon are shaking. Dao Rhyme, the infinite golden law, is circulating, and this is already the pinnacle of the ultimate golden avenue. reach the limit of the law.

This kind of Heavenly Tribulation comes from the whole heavens, and even because of the invasion of the time-space towers of the heavens by the demons from outside the sky, so that the space-time towers are intertwined with the air machines from outside the sky, so that the two places in Heaven and Earth are intertwined. The laws of the universe are intertwined, and the formation of the avenue pillar is unprecedentedly terrifying and powerful.

Each one is more terrifying and stronger than the original.

It even has Supreme in gold.

Boom! !

ding ding ding~ ! !

The golden pillar smashed on the Azure Lotus Avenue, and the two avenue pillars instantly burst out with violent light of the avenue, bursting out like a tide, and the terrifying force hit the Azure Lotus Avenue. The strength, Ruili is incomparable, the edge is endless, it seems to completely cut and tear the Azure Lotus Avenue. This is a collision between the Great Dao Laws. In a direct face-to-face confrontation, there is no room for slow turning.

Once started, it is irreconcilable.

Countless golden lights slashed on the Azure Lotus Avenue, but on the Azure Lotus Avenue, the pillars were like glass. Even if these golden lights were slashed on the Tianzhu, they were directly blocked by the Tianzhu, and they were not torn apart. Even in the Tianzhu, there was a emptiness like a valley, which was swallowed like an abyss. You are welcome to swallow it in, without any strength, those powers seem to be vented in the boundless sea, and they are directly swallowed up.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the entire azure glass-like avenue Tianzhu slammed into the golden avenue. The terrifying power exploded in an instant. As if two stubborn stones collided, with a terrifying rumbling sound, I only saw that the huge and sturdy Golden Avenue collapsed on the spot during this collision, and a lung-like force tilted on it, a complete avenue of heaven. The columns are forcibly smashed all split up and in pieces. Completely shattered into pieces of Law Fragment.

The golden road is completely broken! !

Moreover, at the moment of breaking, a powerful phagocytic force was transmitted from the Azure Lotus Avenue, forcibly swept away all the Great Dao Law fragments, like a black hole, completely devoured. This kind of devouring made the dim rays of light on the pillar of Azure Lotus Avenue recover instantly, even stronger, absorb the essence of the Golden Rule and integrate into it. Enhance your Five Elements heritage.

Most of it is poured into Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto.

In Celestial Grotto, the pillars of the Golden Avenue, which are already solid, become more concise and simple. Dao Rhyme hides deep.

Boom! !

However, this is just the beginning. Behind the Golden Avenue Tianzhu, I can only see that the sturdy avenues are smashed down like howling wind and torrential rain.

Great Dao of Wood!

Water Road! !

The Road to Earth! !

The Road of Fire! !

Ice Road! !

Avenue pillars, transformed into Divine Weapons, hit the Azure Lotus Avenue.

Boom! !

This kind of confrontation between the avenues, burst out countless laws Dao Rhyme, and completely turned the entire void into an ocean of avenues. Countless Great Dao Laws are presented. Each one is very terrifying, and each one is almost comparable to Supreme. Like a Highest Paragon swept over. Every time they collided, a terrifying Dao sound was sent out, and countless cultivators only felt that there was a thunder in their minds. Mind and will are trembling madly. It seems to collapse in Daoyin, directly fleshy body Dao Transformation .

The Azure Lotus Avenue is too solid, integrated into the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the whole avenue, all in one, self-made world, perfect and without blemish, no more flaws, flawless avenue, plus Wu Mu fleshy body fuses the avenues, the whole avenue, which is already inhuman. Those avenues are of the same height, but they are like the difference between a stubborn stone and an iron stone.

Although the impacted Azure Lotus Avenue kept shaking and shaking, the Avenue was still able to support both heaven and earth. Stand firm. Moreover, from the Tianzhu, a terrifying attack broke out. Arrogantly split up and in pieces all split up and in pieces. (To be continued~^~)

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