Martial Tomb

Chapter 104

Martial Tomb Chapter 104


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Not long after, Huang Tianyao fell asleep comfortably in the pool.

And in another fork.

In the chess-fighting battlefield, in the entire chessboard, it can be seen that Ao Xiao is standing opposite a general on the opposite side. A sharp sword was inserted into his stomach, and the tip of the sword was inserted from his back.

"Okay, finally all the minions are resolved. Then we will now fight king to king and see who can be better. Kill!!"

Ao Xiao's eyes flashed With a crazy look, a roar came out of his mouth.

In the chess fight, king vs king, this is a battle between king and king, the winner lives and the loser perishes! !

As the voice fell, in the battlefield, a strange force naturally emerged, and Ao Xiao and the opposite general were instantly pulled into the same space.

Kill! !

The general on the opposite side raised his sword and slashed down with a fierce sword.

"Go to hell!!"

Ao Xiao saw, but was sneered, a jade Divine Ability Talisman appeared in his hand without warning, and shattered in an instant.

Aw! !

At the moment when the Divine Ability Treasure Talisman was crushed, a cloud of azure Divine Light shot out from the Treasure Talisman. azure dragon claw for dragon scales. Accompanied by a high-pitched Dragon's roar, it protruded from the dark cloud and landed on the general.

ka-cha! !

In a crisp sound, that was comparable to a general in the Blood Sea Realm, all split up and in pieces shot on the spot, countless fragments shot out, that body, not an ordinary body, but a Puppets made from various precious materials. There is not even a trace of resistance, and it is directly shattered.

Martial Arts Divine Ability - Azure Dragon Claw! !

ka-cha! !

With the death of that general, the entire chess battle field was like glass, shattered on the spot, dissipated into the invisible, and the scene in front of him changed on the spot.

Ao Xiao had a shocked look on his face, and murmured: "An altar, on which is a pair of Battle Armor, is it a secret treasure derived from dragon scales."


In front, there is an altar. On the altar, there is a dark Battle Armor. The whole body of this Battle Armor is composed of dark and fine scales. I can clearly feel a trace of coercion emanating from Battle Armor... the coercion of the dragon.

In another fork.

Land Rover, whose clothes, hair, and face were covered with a thick layer of frost, walked out of the fork step by step, and his muscles were almost frozen to death. But after walking out of the fork, what appeared in front of him was an ordinary altar. On the altar, what appeared was a ferocious dragon tooth like a sharp sword.

The coercion emanating from the dragon's teeth made the air all around transmit endless pressure.

"Dragon tooth, well, if this dragon tooth is real, it should be the dragon tooth of that evil dragon. It is of a very high rank, no less than any treasure. If you bring it to tempering my sword , enough to make my sword rank advance to a higher level. Absorbing the dragon teeth, maybe I can make my sword contain Dragon's Might."

Land Rover saw the dragon teeth, the eyes shined, and whispered to himself. road.

Not to mention those who entered the dragon's nest, after being tested, they all found a wonderful fortuitous encounter, a secret treasure.

But he said that Lin Hai ran wildly in the blazing dragon's nest fork, even his clothes were burned thoroughly without stopping. Finally, just before he was almost cooked, he was lucky enough to run out of the fork.

"What is this? An ancient palace?"

After running out of the fork, Lin Hai quickly glanced around all around, but found that what appeared in front of him turned out to be an ancient palace. The ancient palace, on this palace, is full of lifelike Black Dragon Totem, distributed all around, forming an invisible solemnity and solemnity.

"Could it be a treasure?"

Lin Hai's eyes shined, cautiously moved towards the palace and stepped in. Once inside, the scenery inside shocked him again. In the ancient palace, There are no items, just a pool. What was in the pool was not water, but red blood one after another. This blood, not only did not have any stench, but instead filled with bursts of pleasant fragrance.

This is a blood pool! !

Beside the blood pool, a stone tablet stands up.

Lin Hai walked to the stone tablet, glanced over, an ancient inscription appeared on the stone tablet: "This is the true dragon blood pool, those who come here are destined to enter the blood pool and bathe in dragon blood. , can purify fleshy body, tempering bloodline, improve bloodline rank, make bloodline transform and promote. Improve aptitude, you can get True Dragon Dragon's Might on your body. It will shock all beasts. **Martial Arts, a thousand miles, this is a great opportunity!!"

Cheng Yangtian laughed wildly.

"haha!! This is a real dragon blood pool, didn't expect, I also have such a Great Destiny in Linhai, a real dragon blood pool, as long as you take a bath, even an idiot can become a genius, even more so. Promote your bloodline to a higher rank and break through to a higher level. This is an opportunity, a great opportunity."

"Wu Mu, Wu Mu, don't you think, I, Lin Hai, have a chance to turn over. Wait for me. Go out, I want you to kneel in front of me, and I want you to know how tragic it is to offend me, Lin Hai."

"It's a dragon blood pool, here I come. "

Lin Hai laughed wildly, overjoyed in his heart, moved towards the blood pool and jumped into the blood pool with a plop.

Boom! !

After he jumped into the blood pond, the entire blood pond fluctuated violently, and countless blood suddenly turned into strands of silk and entwined wildly. Only a blood-colored blood cocoon. Ups and downs in the blood pool, all around, one after another dragon blood continuously moved towards the blood cocoon swarmed away.


At the same time as the blood cocoon was formed, in the blood pool, suddenly, countless black energy emerged out of thin air, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a ferocious Black Dragon. The huge dragon's eyes looked at the blood. The blood cocoon in the pool. There was a trace of evil rays of light in his eyes, and there seemed to be a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Haha!! It's finally here. This king has been waiting for the opening of this Secret Realm for tens of thousands of years, and finally got the chance to be reborn." Black Dragon looked up to the sky and laughed, looking towards the blood cocoon. , Faintly smiled and said: "It's really a dragon blood pool? Do you really think this king will give away this opportunity for nothing? This blood pool is not prepared for others, but for myself."

"The reincarnation of the underworld dragon, today is the name of this king's rebirth, Ao Zhan, Wu Qianjun, you two failed my blood sacrifice technique, chased and killed me hundreds of thousands of li, made my dragon body shattered, and had to die in despair. , I'm afraid you can't think of it, I will encounter a Secret Realm Space that is bred. Although I paid the price of the dragon body, my dragon soul is blessed by the Secret Realm and can sleep in the dragon's nest. "

"Ao Zhan, Wu Qianjun, even if you die, this king will find your descendants to settle the account properly. When I succeed in my reincarnation and find the rare treasure again, this is the moment when you pay the price. ."

Black Dragon tsk tsk laughed for a while, circled fiercely, moved towards the blood cocoon below and slammed into it.

Ah! !

In the blood cocoon, there was a short and mournful cry, and the silence instantly recovered.

The blood water all around, even more frantically moved towards the blood cocoon at an alarming speed, swarming away, forming a bloody vortex all around the blood cocoon. In the blood cocoon, constantly exudes a faintly discernable coercion.

In the great hall, there is a dead silence! !

ang ang ang! !

Five high-pitched Dragon's roars echoed across the Secret Realm.

Five streams of divine light, violently falling straight down from the void, shuttling through the void, in the blink of an eye, appeared in the dragon's nest, suddenly burrowed into the Azure Lotus, branded in the body, turned into five The lifelike Dragon Mark is constantly rubbing on the surface of the whole body.

ang ang ang! !

Under the stimulation of divine-sent divine light, the four Dragon Marks that were originally branded on the body seemed to be stimulated and shot out one after another. Surrounding the body, like an unparalleled emperor.


In Azure Lotus, Wu Mu stood up, and the Divine Source of all around has been completely absorbed by the body and consumed. In the body, on the five internal organs, Dao Mark, like a lotus leaf, is engraved impressively. Ancient and mysterious. Every dirt conveys a majestic power. Not only is it tenacious, but it can also burst out terrifying destructive power at any time.

The Azure Lotus swayed for a while, Wu Mu was sent out of the Azure Lotus space out of thin air, fell outside the chaotic spiritual spring, stood on the ground, all around the chaotic air strangled, and fell on him, but it was strange I saw that one after another strange texture appeared on the body, and a layer of azure light appeared. When the terrifying chaotic air touched the skin, it was strangely collapsed, and there was no damage to the skin. .

Compared with before, it is as different as heaven and earth.

A flash of azure light flashed in Wu Mu's eyes, and Wu Mu's heart flashed with joy, looked towards Azure Lotus in the chaotic spiritual spring, and muttered to himself: "The Divine Source of good fortune is indeed Heaven and Earth. Treasures, although there are not many left, but it allowed me to thoroughly cleanse the foundation of Shedding Mortality Realm, the whole fleshy body, and return to Innate. The induction of World's Essence Qi is hundreds of times stronger than before. It is even more tempering five internal organs. Great Perfection. Five Power of Dragons are added to the body."

"The fleshy body has transformed, and its strength has reached nine Power of Dragons. The battle strength is at least ten times stronger than before. Shedding Mortality Realm In Great Perfection, Shedding Mortality Realm, I, Wu Mu, dare to fight with any of my peers. Even in the blood sea realm, if I really want to fight, who will die and who will die, I have never known.” Wu Mu’s heart was full of fire. The five internal organs are the biggest level of Shedding Mortality Realm, and it is also the most important layer. If tempering is good, it is enough to make up for the previous foundation. The five internal organs, each internal organs, reach the Great Perfection, and you can get a Power of Dragon.

The benefits of this time in Azure Lotus are too great for Wu Mu to measure.

And the biggest gain is to create your own unique "Azure Lotus Emperor Canon" in Azure Lotus, although it is only a metamorphosis, but this is for your own Marital Arts Path, has laid its own unique and unmatched Supreme Dao Foundation. (To be continued.)

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