Martial Tomb

Chapter 101

Martial Tomb Chapter 101


"Damn, it's Primal Chaos Qi, there is a chaotic spiritual spring here. No, this is not the real Primal Chaos Qi, just a chaotic spiritual spring The residual aura emanating from it is an aura of chaos, but there is also a trace of Primal Chaos Qi Devouring All Living Things, the unique power to destroy everything. This is the Secret Realm, how can such a chaotic spiritual spring exist.”

Little Fatty jumped up in shock as soon as Wu Mu stepped into the gray gas, wow wow strangely, full of terrified look, a layer of blood-colored light quickly moved towards Wu Mu's wounds continuously infiltrated past. One after another wound heals quickly with a naked eye visible. In a blink of an eye, it was back to normal.

"What is that? Azure Lotus, an Azure Lotus? Is this the creation of Azure Lotus? But why only Grade 3."

Little Fatty saw that in the chaos spirit spring The strain of Azure Lotus, the two eyes are the boss all at once. As if seeing something incredible.

"The creation of Azure Lotus contains endless creation, even in chaos, it is the unparalleled Supreme Treasure in the world. However, this strain does not seem to be a complete creation of Azure Lotus. However, on this Azure Lotus, The Dao Rhyme emanating from it seems to let the kid Wu Mu enter the sudden enlightenment, he begins to enlighten, and he can actually enlighten in Shedding Mortality Realm, is he going to defy the sky.”

Little Fatty looked at Wu Mu walked towards the chaotic spiritual spring step by step as if unconscious, with a look of shock in his eyes.

The creation of Azure Lotus itself has the rhythm of Heaven and Earth Dao, and the supreme mysterious ability that makes people realize. Although it is only Grade 3 in front of me, it also brings together endless profound mystery. Under the lead of Azure Lotus Dao Rhyme, Wu Mu suddenly stepped into the realm of enlightenment, which may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

If someone else stepped into this chaotic mist, they would immediately be cut into countless pieces, turned into blood mist, and swallowed up by the chaotic fog. However, this chaotic fog is not Primal Chaos after all. Qi, just full of destructive surnames, but almost most of the Primal Chaos Qi was swallowed up and absorbed by that strain of Azure Lotus, just a trace of it.

There is a deadly threat to Shedding Mortality Realm martial cultivator.

However, Wu Mu's skin refining, bone forging, tendon changing, and marrow washing have all reached the Perfection Realm, tempering to the extreme, even the powerhouse of the Blood Sea Realm is impossible to compare with Wu Mu on this. Compare. These strength of Chaos cannot directly twist Wu Mu into powder. With the support of the ancient lanterns, he can still save his life.

In the midst of the sudden enlightenment, the body moves in an unconscious state.

If the Bronze Ancient Lamp is not there, I am afraid that it will fall directly in the sudden enlightenment without waiting for the completion of the sudden enlightenment.

"What a great opportunity, I don't know what Wu Mu can comprehend in this sudden enlightenment." Little Fatty continuously turned blood essence into light, and continuously healed Wu Mu. wounds that appear. Avoid wringing into pieces in the chaos.

I was also secretly curious.

This kind of enlightenment, for anyone, may not have it once in a lifetime. Once it occurs, it is a great opportunity.

At this moment, in Wu Mu's mind, there is no sense of the outside world at all, and his two eyes are always fixed on the green Azure Lotus, looking at the five lotus leaves, watching That mysterious Dao Rhyme that is constantly intertwined on Azure Lotus.

The whole mind, involuntarily was pulled into a mysterious venue.

all around, in a grey Heaven and Earth.

In this world, gray gas is everywhere, constantly rising and falling, constantly flowing, and rolling.

"This is Primal Chaos Space."

Wu Mu noticed this Primal Chaos Space in his heart.

It seems like I have seen it with my own eyes, but this piece of Primal Chaos Space doesn't seem to be large, only within the range of several thousands li. There is a huge gap with the legendary Chaos World boundless.

In this Primal Chaos Space, it can be seen that an azure lotus seed does not know when, appeared in chaos, took root in a chaotic spiritual spring, and swallowed all little by little. Primal Chaos Qi around.

azure lotus seeds begin to break out, sprout and grow. flowering.

Turns into a Grade 3 Azure Lotus.

And in Azure Lotus, vaguely, there seems to be a baby sleeping inside, giving birth.

Wu Mu watched the constant changes in Primal Chaos Space, and couldn't help feeling a little shocked, and whispered to himself: "According to legend, in China, there is a legend that at the beginning of Heaven and Earth, Beginning of Primal Chaos, in the chaos, grows a huge Azure Lotus of good fortune. This good-fortune Azure Lotus has 20 Grade 4s, and in it, the Great God Pangu is born."

"Pangu has been asleep since he fell asleep. Awakening from China, cultivation base Great Accomplishment, became the head of the three thousand Demon Gods, traveled through chaos, and was invincible. No Demon God can match it. Finally, he was tired of chaotic life, holding Splitting Heaven Ax, opened up Heaven and Earth, In the end, World's All Living Things can be created in one body. Could it be that in this Azure Lotus, there is also a god of opening the sky."

Wu Mu whispered to himself, looking at the life being nurtured in Azure Lotus.

The scene in front of him is too similar to the legend of the previous life, and he is directly connected with him almost in a blink of an eye.

However, the scene in front of me is still changing rapidly.

Aw! !

In the chaos, at the same time that Azure Lotus gave birth to the god's residence, suddenly, the sound of a dragon roar came out, and a dark Divine Dragon suddenly got into the Primal Chaos Space. This dragon roar was extremely mournful, as if It is with a kind of endless despair and unwillingness.

After seeing Primal Chaos Space, he roared, waved dragon claw, and landed on Grade 3 Azure Lotus, and the life that was being nurtured in Azure Lotus was instantly shattered. Following that, a vast will fell on this Black Dragon.

ka-cha! !

While swinging the dragon claw, the entire Primal Chaos Space vibrated violently, being torn apart, countless violent auras rolled violently, and the earth, fire, water, and wind roared and collided continuously. down, and quickly opened up a huge space.

In addition, with the development of Heaven and Earth, the huge dragon corpse, at a speed visible to naked eyes, quickly melted, turning into islands and countless flowers and trees. Countless ominous beasts containing Dragon Clan Bloodline, and most of the dragon body in the end, strangely evolved into a huge dragon nest.

Primal Chaos Qi, gradually dissipating.

But after dissipating, the Azure Lotus that failed to give birth to the God of Kaitian fell into the dragon's nest strangely, took root in a chaotic spiritual spring, and gathered most of the remaining Primal Chaos Qi. Stay alive.

That scene quickly emerged and changed before my eyes.

After a long time, Wu Mu came back to his senses, was secretly shocked, and muttered to himself: "The development of Heaven and Earth, this is not the real development of the Great World, but the scene of the birth of Secret Realm. This is the true origin of the Secret Realm in front of us. There really is a Black Dragon's body falling in the small Primal Chaos Space that will evolve into the Secret Realm."

"It should have been in Azure Lotus. The god's residence that was conceived was directly destroyed, and the Black Dragon replaced it and became the opener of the sky, and the dragon body derived the Secret Realm in front of him. There is also this dragon nest, which is also a dragon cemetery derived from the dragon body of the Black Dragon. ”

Wu Mu thought to himself.

For the origin of the entire Secret Realm, I already have the most straightforward understanding.

"However, the most important treasure in this Secret Realm should be this azure lotus."

"Azure Lotus should have been the Supreme Treasure that nurtured Heavenly God's mansion, only It is a pity that it was broken by Black Dragon, but if it is normal, after the opening of the sky, this Azure Lotus will definitely be destroyed, and it will be derived into many secret treasures in Secret Realm."

"Now Azure Lotus has not been destroyed, it is still Retain vitality and grow here. This is a kind of good fortune."

"This Azure Lotus is the most perfect embryo of good fortune between Heaven and Earth, which can give birth to the gods. The legendary good fortune Azure Lotus, bred The Pangu that comes out can have splitting heaven and earth apart, terrifying battle strength to sweep through chaos, and invincible fleshy body.”

“If I can get the help of Azure Lotus, will my fleshy body happen? Even more amazing transformation, and even the achievement of Innate's body."

Wu Mu's mind continuously came up with all kinds of auras, all kinds of ideas. The entire body, but unconsciously, following an almost instinctive consciousness, quickly passed through that layer of chaotic energy, at the edge of the spiritual spring. With a violent step, the whole body immediately rose into the air, and the Grade 3 Azure Lotus in the moved towards spiritual spring fell straight onto it.


As soon as I touched the Grade 3 Azure Lotus, a peculiar phagocytic power was naturally transmitted from the Azure Lotus. In one fell swoop, you were sucked into Azure Lotus, into the Azure Lotus space.


After stepping into the Azure Lotus space, in the Azure Lotus space, one after another strange azure liquid moved towards Wu Mu's body continuously in a mysterious trajectory. These azure liquids are extremely strange and extremely soft, as if they treated Wu Mu as a god who died in the past, and began to breed again.

"Fortune, this is fortune. There is even a Divine Source of Fortune in it."

"It is said that only the creatures born in chaos are all self-made Divine Sources. It was bred in the middle of the earth, and there are still residues in it, and it can even be said that it does not consume much. Wu Mu, a mortal, can actually enter this Azure Lotus space and bathe in the Divine Source of good fortune. He wants to get between Heaven and Earth. Never before The best of Supreme."

Little Fatty was so shocked by the sight in front of him that his jaw dropped on the spot.

This is really incredible.

"It's so warm, is this in the arms of mother?"

Wu Mu bathed in the Divine Source of azure, only to feel a kind of hard to The comfort and ease of describe, as if in mother's belly. That feeling makes people unconsciously want to fall asleep.

"No, I'm in Azure Lotus, I bathed, is it the Divine Source where Azure Lotus gave birth to the gods."

"Could it be that Azure Lotus made me that god on the spot? Di came to give birth?"

"Fortunately, this is a great opportunity."

In Wu Mu's mind, he only felt that as those strange dive liquids entered the body at the same time , There are countless mysterious Heaven and Earth truths, which are also continuously integrated into the mind. For some truths, it seems that you are born with complete control. As for the true meaning of each and every part of his **, he comprehended at an incredible speed, and even began to gradually break away from the boundaries of the original ** creator.

As long as you think about any problem, you will be able to comprehend it instantly, and be Full Mastery. (To be continued.)

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