Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3345: Easily remove Dansuji

Following Han Yu for so long, Hua Zhiyu, Situ Miao and Shi Zhongyu naturally knew that Han Yu had two ways to help people improve their cultivation.

One way is to be as direct and domineering as helping Situ Miao and Shi Zhongyu, and the other way is very ambiguous.

"Boss, you are also fascinated by sister Zhiyu's beauty, can't help but stretch out your magic claws?"

Situ Miao and Shi Zhongyu looked at Han Yu lustfully.

As a result, Han Yu naturally rolled his eyes.

They did not stay here for a long time and left quietly to Bayun Peak.

Seeing Han Yu and others appear again, Gu Wanzhong was very excited. He knew that Han Yu and others came to him on their own initiative, so they wanted to cooperate with him.

After meeting, Han Yu asked Gu Wanzhong to take him into the secret room.

Gu Wanzhong said excitedly: "Friend Daoist Han, are you trying to teach me how to clear Danmu?"

Gu Wanzhong looked forward very much.

Ever since I saw Situ Miao for the first time, I found that Situ Miao didn't even have a trace of Danmu in his body. While Gu Wanzhong was surprised, he also yearned for Situ Miao's method of removing Danmu.

The reason why he is today is that Dan scale has entered the body and piled up into illness.

Once the pill scale is cleared, he will be able to return to the peak and have the power to fight Fu Mingjun.

Han Yu nodded and said, "Senior, please stretch out your hands."

Gu Wanzhong stretched out his hands suspiciously.

Han Yu stretched out his hands and said, "Face my hands."

Gu Wan was very surprised, didn't Han Yu want to teach him how to clear Danmu? Why is it like this? It seems to be the same as him.

Gu Wanzhong was puzzled by Han Yu's hands.

As soon as the hands of the two faced each other, Han Yu's hands burst into horrible devouring power, directly sucking Gu Wanzhong's hands on Han Yu's hands.

And Hougu Wanzhong felt that the Dan Scale in his body had actually begun to flow, converging towards his arms.

Gu Wanzhong was frightened and paled, and hurriedly retracted his hands.

"Friend Daoist Han, can't make it!" Gu Wanzhong looked horrified.

The pill grime in his body was so terrifying, it was better than he was tortured to death. If Han Yu absorbed it, Han Yu's ending would be unimaginable. He didn't expect that Han Yu actually used this method to help people remove pill grime.

"Senior, it's okay." Han Yu was a little speechless, but he didn't expect Gu Wanzhong to react so quickly.

Gu Wanzhong hurriedly shook his head and said, "If Xiaoyou Han uses this method to remove Danshou, I would rather keep Danshou in my body."

Gu Wanzhong was absolutely determined.

Han Yu said: "Senior hasn't always wanted to know how Situ Miao has no trace of Danshou in his body? It's because I regularly help him remove Danshou, so Seniors don't have to worry about me." Gu Wanzhong shook his head and said. "I'm different from Situ Miao. Situ Miao is only a fifth-level Danxian. No matter how much pill in the body, but your cultivation base is higher than his, it won’t matter if you inhale it. But I was a seventh-level Danxian before. , Jiupinjin

The cultivation base of the fairyland, the pill grime in my body, can crush any powerhouse of the 9th-level golden fairyland. If Fellow Dao Han sucked the pill from my body into your body, the consequences would be disastrous. "

Gu Wan paused for a while and then said, "I suggest that fellow Daoist Han should not clean up Danshou for Situ Miao anymore. Danshou will enter the body and accumulate into illness sooner or later, which is not good for fellow Han."

Gu Wanzhong was deeply worried for Han Yu.

He couldn't imagine that Han Yu had been absorbing the Dan Scale in Situ Miao's body, what kind of scene would be in his body at this time.

Han Yu's aptitude is terrible, if it is ruined because of Danmu, it will be a great pity for the cultivation world.

Han Yu sighed quietly.

Gu Wanzhong looked like this, and refused to help others in a "self-harming" way, which shows that this person has a high moral character.

If Han Yu had set out to help him out of interest before, now Han Yu sincerely wants to help him. Patiently explained: "Senior, rest assured, my cultivation mentality is very special, which can turn pill scale into cultivation material. Pill scale is a deadly thing for you, but for me, it is a rare cultivation material. So Dan Gouetsu in Senior's body

More, for me, the better. "

Gu Wanzhong was stunned, there is such a mentality in the world?

He has naturally heard that there are some mental methods in this world that have special powers, but compared to what Han Yu said, it seems that Han Yu's mental methods are more magical.

"Friend Daoist Han is serious about this?" Gu Wanzhong asked uncertainly.

Naturally, he hopes to be able to clear Danmu from his body, but he also doesn't want Han Yu to be in trouble. If Han Yu is ruined for helping him, he will be restless for the rest of his life.

Therefore, even if Han Yu is very sure, he still feels a little worried.

"Try it and you'll know. If you don't worry, Seniors can observe my state at any time, as long as I have any abnormalities, you can interrupt me at any time!" Han Yu said.

It's difficult to explain this kind of thing clearly and speak with facts.

Gu Wanzhong nodded seriously, slowly raised his arms, and met Han Yu's hands again.

Han Yu's body burst out with devouring power again.

Gu Wanzhong stared at Han Yu carefully, as long as Han Yu felt unwell, he would immediately interrupt.

However, the following scenes were shocked to Gu Wan's speech.

The devouring power that came out of Han Yu's body became more and more terrifying.

The Dan Scale in his body was gushing out at a flood speed and was absorbed by Han Yu.

After absorbing Dangu, Han Yu not only didn't have the slightest discomfort, but his aura became more and more terrifying.

Before long, 30 acupuncture points light up on Han Yu's body, and the 30 acupuncture points are almost like 30 stars.

After almost a stick of incense, the thirty-first acupuncture point on Han Yu's body lit up.

Gu Wan's eyes widened in shock.

He could see that among the 31 acupuncture points on Han Yu's body, the first 30 acupuncture points were cultivated like this before, and the thirty-first acupuncture point was just cultivated into this way, and he is now practicing.

In other words, what Han Yu said just now was not without aim, but true.

Not only can he help people **** away Danmu, but he can also use Danmu to cultivate.

"How can there be such a terrifying mind in this world? It is simply the gospel of the world's alchemists!"

Gu Wanzhong was amazed, if Han Yu's special ability was announced to the world, wouldn't it make the world alchemists go crazy for it?

"It's no wonder that Situ Miao, as a fifth-level Danxian, is still stubbornly desperate for him.

Alchemist is the most noble profession in the world, and everyone is in awe. Not to mention the fifth-level Danxian, what kind of arrogance is that, what a superior existence?

Gu Wanzhong had always wondered why Situ Miao respected Han Yu so much, and now he finally knew the reason. Not to mention Situ Miao, Han Yu has this ability to traverse the sky and the earth, even if he is willing to always follow Han Yu and serve Han Yu.

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