Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3335: Stone from Breaking Mountain

Elder Duan was so angry that his face turned purple. Looking at the entire east, not many people dared to shame him so much.

"Hmph, I really don't cry without seeing the coffin!" Elder Duan gritted his teeth secretly.

After the old man on the auction stage introduced the origin of the first auction item, the scene instantly exploded.

Especially sitting in the front row, some people actually stood up and far away from the auction table, as if the auction above was a bomb.

"Damn, are these people crazy? Do you dare to sell the rocks from Breaking Dead Mountain?"

"I think they are crazy about money. Who would want such a bad thing?"

Many people scolded.

The above stone comes from the Death Mountain, one of the three Jedi in Wendao Xianfu.

Breaking Dead Mountain is a terrible place. It is said that it was formed in ancient times, and it is impossible to verify how it was formed.

For people, the sand and the stone in the Deadly Mountain are all bad things, and they are all big things.

Don't talk about bidding, one by one is afraid to avoid it.

No one could understand that the Pills Exchange Market would actually auction such things.

In the scene, only one person was curious about this stone, and this person was Han Yu.

According to the old man’s introduction, this stone was taken from the core of Breaking Dead Mountain. This stone contains the essence of Breaking Dead Mountain and possesses incomparable energy. The previous eighth grade golden wonderland expert accidentally Killed by the energy emitted from this rock.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar. Some people stood up and accused the Pill Trade Fair for disregarding everyone's lives. This was murder.

The old man had never seen any big winds and waves, and the restlessness of the audience did not shake him in the slightest. He was still talking and talking.

"Although this is a fierce thing, it is also a treasure when used well. The reserve price is one billion profound crystals, and the increase in each auction must not be less than 50 million. Let's start!"

"One billion profound crystals? A first-class third-grade elixir is only at this price. We are really fools."

"Get it down quickly, don't waste everyone's time, which dumb hat would you want?"

Many people give pointers and lose patience.

Han Yu's face became difficult to look, he wanted it, but it seemed that if he bid for the auction, would he not become a fool?

"Old Stone, you come to bid!" Han Yu said.

"Me? What are we going to do with such a fierce thing?" Shi Zhongyu looked suspicious.

Hua Zhiyu and Situ Miao also looked at Han Yu in surprise.

They already knew that the stone was by no means a good thing. Listening to the discussion around them, they heard a horror. They didn't expect Han Yu to bid, which really surprised them.

"Don't be shocked, hurry up." Han Yu urged.

"Damn, boss, you are using me as a gunman." Shi Zhongyu's face turned black in an instant.

Han Yu didn't bid for him by himself, obviously he didn't want to be called a fool.

Han Yu ignored Shi Zhongyu, with an expression that I would kill you if you didn't bid.

Hua Zhiyu looked at it and couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering. It was the first time that she saw Han Yu such a rascal side, but there was some cuteness among the rascals.

"Situ, you come." Shi Zhongyu elbows Situ Miao.

"Yes, but you have to pay." Situ Miao said simply.

Shi Zhongyu rolled his eyes, how could he have any money.

Among the four, Situ Miao is the richest and is everyone's financial steward.

No way, Shi Zhongyu didn't dare to instruct Hua Zhiyu, so he could only bite the bullet and hold up a card.

The scene fell silent for an instant, and everyone's eyes immediately turned to Shi Zhongyu.

The old man who presided over the auction was taken aback and surprised: "A guest official bid one billion profound crystals, but anyone will increase the price?"

"Oh damn, there are really people bidding!"

"The forest is really big, there are all kinds of birds!"

Many people were surprised, Shi Zhongyu was a fool in their eyes.

"One billion profound crystals once, one billion profound crystals twice..."

"One billion profound crystals were sold three times. Congratulations to this guest official for bidding for the first treasure of this auction, a gem from Breaking Mountain!"

The old man exclaimed in surprise.

They brought the stone up, only with the idea of ​​fishing, but they did not expect to actually catch it.

There was no competition, and the first treasure was successfully bid, but Shi Zhongyu was not excited at all.

Secretly complained: "I feel like a fool!"

Elder Duan gritted his teeth secretly, he has already said so clearly, this group of people is not afraid of a little bit, but has no fear to participate in the auction, this is simply not in his eyes, it is unreasonable!

If it were not for the fear of affecting the conduct of this auction, Elder Duan could not help but do it.

The auction will continue.

The second treasure is a very rare third-grade elixir and three-cleaning pill, which can remove the pill and is invaluable to the alchemist.

Even if it was a third-rank elixir, it was robbed by a fourth-level elixir and a fifth-level elixir.

The base price of 1.150 billion profound crystals was raised to 1.9 billion, which was obtained by a fifth-level pill.

Seeing so many alchemists vying for a pill that can clear the pill, Situ Miao couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Following Han Yu, he didn't have to worry about Dan Gou's problem at all. This was a lucky thing.

The auction here is well-deserved. Except for the first treasure that was controversial by everyone, the others are rare treasures, one by one caused everyone's looting.

Especially when the last treasure was brought up, the scene was instantly filled with violent auras, and many people looked serious, and it was bound to be won.

The last treasure is an incomplete fifth-grade elixir.

According to the old man, there are three kinds of medicinal materials in the incomplete part.

The incompleteness makes many alchemists regret, but this does not affect the madness of the alchemists.

Alchemists need to refine all kinds of pills to enrich their alchemy skills, and they need to study all kinds of pills to enrich their knowledge.

Danfang is particularly important. The higher the level of Danfang, the value will naturally increase.

Especially the pill formula that reached the level of the fifth-grade elixir, looking at the alchemist guild, it was also a top secret existence.

Even though some alchemists have reached the level of the fifth-level elixir, but because there is no pill for the fifth-level elixir to refine the fifth-level elixir, they cannot get the tempering of their skills and the recognition of everyone.

This incomplete Five-Rank Immortal Pill Recipe is of great significance to the many fifth-level alchemists present. Even Situ Miao has a fanatical expression on his face, and he is determined to win this incomplete prescription.

If it is a complete Five-Rank Immortal Pill, it is absolutely priceless, even if it is incomplete, the base price is 20 billion profound crystals, and each increase in price must not be less than 500 million.

Its price is already equivalent to a fifth-grade elixir. Even so, as the old man's voice fell, the voices of the Dan Fang began to compete, one after another.

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