Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3331: A chance encounter

"Brother, you heal first, I will go to the Alchemy Master Guild."

The two brothers and sisters went to the residence, and after setting up the brothers, the sisters looked resentful.

"Junior sister, don't let Master know about this, so as to save his elderly people from worrying." The man said weakly.

Junior sister nodded emphatically.

At this moment, two powerful auras quickly approached.

"Oops, we were followed!"

Junior sister's face changed drastically.


Before they could react, the door exploded, and the two rushed in, locking them instantly.

"Who are you? Why do you want to break into our residence?" The younger sister held on to the senior, with a horrified expression on her face.

Judging from the breath displayed by the other party, both of them are strong in the first-grade golden fairyland, and their junior and sisters are only the 9th-grade true fairyland, and now his senior is still seriously injured.

"Why, of course I am here to kill you? Two things that do not live or die have already asked you to take away a pack of white sand in the Milky Way. You are still not satisfied. You still want to go to the Alchemist Guild to sue, huh, sue now, I want to see See how you sue!" The man on the left snorted again and again, with murder in his eyes.

"Are you sent by the shopkeeper?" Junior sister's expression changed dramatically.

"What do you mean?"

The two sneered again and again, and walked slowly towards the senior brother and sister.

"Two seniors, can we not sue? Please let our brothers and sisters go." Senior brother begged for mercy.

"Now begging for mercy? It's too late!"

The two men were full of murderous auras, and the terrible murderous aura made the two seniors instantly feel like falling into an ice cellar.

"Snatching someone else's things and wanting to kill them!" Suddenly, a low voice sounded.

Both of them were shocked and turned around to look around.

I saw an old man suddenly appeared at the door, wearing a long cloak, and a wooden crutch in his hand. The thin body, like a random gust of wind can blow away.

"Old fellow, don't be nosy!" One of them threatened with a cold face.


At this moment, the two seniors exclaimed, looking at the person at the door in surprise.

"Huh, it turns out that it is the master of these two people, so let's die together!"

One person rushed directly to the old man at the door.

The old man raised his crutches and pointed towards the person who rushed forward.


The person exploded in an instant and turned directly into fly ash.


The other person trembled with fright, his companion was a first-grade Golden Wonderland master, and he died tragically after being clicked by the opponent. How strong is this?

Without thinking about it, the man leaped into the roof, preparing to escape.

The old man stretched out his cane and pointed towards the man.


The man's body exploded like fireworks, and then the smoke disappeared without making any waves.

"Cough cough cough..."

After killing two first-grade Golden Wonderland masters effortlessly, the old man suddenly bent down and coughed violently, and the whole person seemed to have been sucked in half in an instant.


The two brothers and sisters were in a hurry.

The younger sister rushed over to support the old man, the older brother stood up and sat down again, his injury was too serious.

"It's okay!" The old man waved his hand, and his spirit recovered a little.

"Master, didn't you say that you were not coming? Why are you here again?" Junior sister asked.

"Hmph, the old man won't come, you two are not up to the point, have not been harmed?" The old man hummed.

Junior sister pouted her mouth, quite aggrieved.

The senior man lowered his head, looking ashamed.

Still thinking about not telling the old man about this, I didn't expect the old man to come.

The old man turned around, suddenly a strange color flashed in his eyes, looked outside the door and said: "Since the four have already arrived, why don't they show up?"

The brothers and sisters did not change their colors, but there were still people.


Four rays of light flickered, and three men and one woman appeared at the door.

The younger sister's eyes swept across the four people, and when she saw a man and a woman on the left, she couldn't help being surprised.

The temperaments of these four people are not comparable to ordinary people, and the man and woman on the left are even more extraordinary.

The men are like the superiors who dominate the world, and the women's peerless beauty makes her a little jealous.

"I wonder if the four are here, what are you doing?" the old man asked.

Situ Miao glanced at Han Yu, stepped forward and arched his hands, saying: "We saw what happened before in the pill trade fair. My boss discovered that the owner secretly sent someone to harm these two daoists. I The old man took us to help, but I didn't expect the old man to be so powerful, so we didn't show up."

The old man looked at Situ Miao carefully, then looked at Han Yu, and became more curious about Han Yu.

He arched his hands and sighed: "Like four such chivalrous people, they are rare in this world, and the old admire them. Please come in, cherish jade and prepare tea!"

Junior sister Fang Xiyu hurried to prepare tea.

"Boss, this old man doesn't look good." Shi Zhongyu couldn't help transmitting to Han Yu.

Han Yu told them before that the shopkeeper didn’t see the Milky Way Xiansha and sold the Milky Way Xiansha as the Galaxy White Sand, but the brothers and sisters saw that it was the Milky Way Xiansha. The eyesight of this pair of juniors is not simple, they must be of extraordinary origin. Master may be a big man.

But looking at what it is now, their master is not good.

Han Yu cast a calm look at Shi Zhongyu.

The four of them sat down, Fang Xiyu brought the tea and sent his brother back to the inner room.

"The old man respects the four knights a cup." The old man picked up the glass and replaced the wine with tea.

The four Han Yu picked up the glasses and took a sip.

The old man looked at Shi Zhongyu and said, "Little Taoist friend is a fifth-level Danxian at a young age. I don't know which expert he studied from?"

Situ Miao arched his hands and said, "My master's name is Dan Chen."

The old man frowned slightly, as if he had never heard of Dan Chen's name.

This is also normal, Dan Chen is not even the most famous alchemist in the Profound Wind Empire, let alone in the huge east.

Situ Miao didn't think there was anything, and explained: "My master is traveling overseas. It's normal if I haven't heard of it before."

The old man smiled bitterly: "I am ignorant!"

Situ Miao smiled and said nothing.

The old man must have misunderstood what Dan Chen was. He probably couldn't even think of it in his dreams. The master Dan Chen had been dumped eighteen streets by the apprentice Situ Miao.

Han Yu suddenly said, "Senior's two high-level disciples are all third-level elixirs. Senior should also be an extraordinary elixirs, right?"

After hearing this, Hua Zhiyu, Situ Miao, and Shi Zhongyu only reacted and looked at the old man curiously.

The alchemists are all wearing alchemist robes.

You know, wearing the robe of the alchemist is a glory and pride.

The old man did not wear the alchemist robe.

It is always strange that an alchemist does not wear his robe.

The old man smiled bitterly: "I am not an alchemist, but I have always liked to study all kinds of medicines and prescriptions. It happened that the two bad guys had talents in this area and let them embark on the path of alchemy."

A person who is not an alchemist taught two third-level alchemy. Who believes this?

However, the old man must have something unspeakable, Han Yu and the others will naturally not ask the question.

"Where is the little friend from? This time I came to Ziding City for the alchemy meeting, right?"

The old man looked at Situ Miao again, and seemed to be very interested in Situ Miao.

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