Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3326: Both expelled from the division

"It's time for the four of us to join forces again." Han Yu smiled.

He couldn't figure out whether this was still a test, but it was difficult to open the stone gate on his own.

The other three had no opinion, and under the leadership of Han Yu, they started bombarding Shimen.

After an hour of hard work, Shimen was finally opened by four people.

However, after Shimen opened, the scene outside Shimen surprised them.

There were a lot of people standing outside Shimen. Seeing that, they seemed very curious about the people inside them. What made the four of them even more surprised was that none of these people actually knew them.

"The four of them are the original four geniuses of the Taoist Immortal Mansion, Hai Feiluan, Zhou Haoxuan, Hua Zhiyu, and Tao Imperman's disciple Liu Yi." After the crowd, one person walked out, and said in surprise.

He didn't expect that the four great geniuses of Asking Immortal Mansion would actually enter the forbidden land Yunshang Jiuzhongtian of Asking Immortal Mansion.

"What's the matter? Who are you?" Han Yu asked.

"Liu Yi, a lot of things have happened during this time." An old man appeared with a complicated expression.

This old man is the Fourth Elder, and finally someone Han Yu knows.

The old man in the lead glanced at the four of them and said, "Take it to the hall first!"

After speaking, turn around and leave.

On the way, Han Yu asked the Fourth Elder secretly, only to learn about what happened in the Immortal Mansion.

Han Yu was shocked when he knew that Dao Impermanence had repelled the powerful enemy and disbanded the Dao Xianfu.

During the decades in the Infinite World, Han Yu was able to get along with Tao impermanence day and night, and Han Yu could see that Tao impermanence was a person who regarded Tao Xianfu as more important than his own life. It is incredible that such a person would take the initiative to dissolve Tao Xianfu.

At the same time, Han Yu also knew the situation of Tao impermanence, and couldn't help but secretly worry about him.

When he came to the main hall, the old man sat on the palace lord's throne and looked at the four people and said, "I am asking the current palace lord of Dao Xian Mansion, Meng Jiangnan. Great elder, you come to explain to them what happened."

When the great elder stood up, naturally it was no longer the original great elder's path, but another person.

After the elder narrated what happened, Hua Zhiyu, Zhou Haoxuan and Hai Feiluan were all very surprised, especially Hua Zhiyu.

Back then, because of Han Yu's affairs, she had always had a grudge against Wendao Xianfu, but she didn't expect that Wendao Xianfu would not hesitate to be an enemy of the world in order to keep her.

I was very ashamed and touched.

Meng Jiangnan glanced at the four geniuses and said, "Hai Feiluan, Zhou Haoxuan, you are both top geniuses carefully cultivated by Wendao Xianfu. Although Wendao Xianfu has undergone changes, Wendao Xianfu will also carefully train you. Are you still willing to stay in Wendao Xianfu?"

Hai Feiluan and Zhou Haoxuan looked at each other involuntarily, and then said, "The disciple is willing."

Meng Jiangnan turned his gaze to Hua Zhiyu and said: "Hua Zhiyu, whether you are a descendant of the Gorefiend or not, asking Dao Xianfu almost destroyed the foundation of millions of years because of you. Therefore, you are the sinner of asking Dao Xianfu. Now this seat will take back your identity as a disciple of the Immortal Mansion and expel you from the teacher's sect. You can do it yourself!"

Hua Zhiyu sighed secretly, she was grateful to ask Dao Xianfu for everything she had done.

But she also knew that the people who had done everything for her had left Wendao Xianfu, so if she was expelled from Wendao Xianfu now, she wouldn't have too much mood swings.

Hua Zhiyu arched his hands towards Meng Jiangnan and turned away calmly.

Zhou Haoxuan and Hai Feiluan looked at them, and they felt mixed in their hearts.

"Liu Yi!" Meng Jiangnan turned his gaze to Han Yu and said, "Dao impermanence is a sinner in the Immortal Mansion and a sinner in the empire. Logically speaking, you are his disciple and deserve to be punished, but Before, you made great contributions, and your demerits and demerits have offset each other. Now this seat will drive you out of the teacher's school. You will no longer be able to ask yourself as a disciple of Dao Xianfu. Can you be convinced?"

Han Yu arched his hands and said, "The disciple is convinced!"

After saluting, Han Yu took the initiative to turn around and leave.

In the lobby, there are some high-level people who were in the former Wendao Xianfu. Seeing Han Yu and Hua Zhiyu being expelled from the teacher's door, their hearts are mixed.

Han Yu and Hua Zhiyu are both top geniuses.

Especially Han Yu, who was once regarded as the successor of Tao's impermanence, did not expect to come this far.

Outside the hall, Hua Zhiyu was waiting, looking at the surrounding plants and trees, quite emotional.

"Don't think so much, let's go." Han Yu walked over and comforted.

He knew that although Hua Zhiyu didn't say anything on the surface, she must still be a little bit lost in her heart.

Hua Zhiyu nodded, and walked out of Wendao Xianfu alongside Han Yu. The moment they walked out of the gate of Wendao Xianfu, the two were no longer disciples of Wendao Xianfu.

"Where are we going now?" Hua Zhiyu asked.

Although under Han Yu's comfort, the mood has improved a lot, but the moment he stepped out of the door of Asking Immortal Mansion, he was still a little confused.

After all, she was asking Dao Xianfu who had also cultivated for decades.

And so many things have happened before.

"Find a place to wait for Shi Zhongyu and Situ Miao." Han Yu said.

Before the war, Wendao Xianfu dismissed all ordinary disciples, and then Wendao Xianfu recalled many disciples again.

The two of them did not see Hua Zhiyu, so they should not leave alone. In all likelihood, they returned to Wendao Xianfu. I believe that news of Han Yu and Hua Zhiyu being expelled from the teacher will spread in Wendao Xianfu, Han Yu Know what the two will do.

Hua Zhiyu nodded.

The two went to a mountain outside the gate of Wendao Xianfu and stopped. As expected by Han Yu, Shi Zhongyu and Situ Miao found them that night.

"Sister Zhiyu, it's great to see you!" The two were overjoyed.

After asking Xianfu after that catastrophe, they never saw Hua Zhiyu again, and were anxious all the time.

Hua Zhiyu smiled slightly and said, "When you meet another person, you will definitely be happier."


Situ Miao and Shi Zhongyu looked around, except for Hua Zhiyu and "Liu Yi", there was no third person.

Although they have always admired "Liu Yi", seeing him is a little excited at best, not happier.

Han Yu said: "Go, let's talk in another place."

With that, Han Yu turned and flew away, Hua Zhiyu handed them a mysterious look, and followed Han Yu.

"This voice, why is there a familiar smell?" Shi Zhongyu asked in confusion.

"It's more than familiar!" Situ Miao patted Shi Zhongyu's head, swiftly broke through the air, and exclaimed, "Wait for me!"

Shi Zhongyu woke up in shock, almost jumped up excitedly, and hurriedly pursued.

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