Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3313: Slash thousands of knives

Han Yu didn't expect that the other party really knew where Qianyuan Kingdom was, but his expression didn't change the slightest, and said: "How do I know what you are saying is true?"

Mysterious humanity: "It's not easy. I will tell you where you are. You can do something for me after you go for a walk in person. It is fair."

Han Yu asked, "What do you want me to do for you?"

Mysterious humanity: "You agree to our deal?"

Han Yu said: "It depends on what you want me to do for you."

Mysterious Humanity: "Don’t worry, you can do it. And, in this world, no one except me will tell you where the Qianyuan Kingdom is, because the Qianyuan Kingdom has already become history. People in this world who know it have already Not much." Han Yu frowned, originally looking for the Qianyuan Kingdom in the huge Xianjue Continent was a needle in a haystack, but if the mysterious person said that Qianyuan Kingdom no longer exists, then Han Yu wants It is even more difficult to find


However, Han Yu still had doubts about the words of the mysterious man.

Seeing Han Yu not speaking, mysteriously humane: "It looks like you don't believe what I said. If that's the case, let's just wait and see."

The mysterious figure soared into the sky as soon as he moved, and soon disappeared.

Han Yu didn't stop his thoughts.

Since the mysterious man has found him now, he will definitely come back to him in the future.

Han Yu is not afraid that he will not meet this person in the future. What he is more worried about now is that if what the mysterious person said is true, it is really not easy for Han Yu to find the Qianyuan Kingdom.

That year, the Feixian Mountain Range disappeared from the Qianyuan Kingdom and went to the Ten Thousand Realms.

Qianyuan Kingdom can be said to be the only clue for Han Yu to search for Narcissus, Han Zhan and Zhao Yubing.


Suddenly, a cold light fell from the sky, turning into a thousand-zhang sword energy and struck Han Yu.

The terrifying sword aura almost cut Yun Dingfeng at Han Yu's feet in half.

Han Yu gave a wry smile, and arbitrarily raised his hand to block the sword gas.

Huh huh!

Immediately afterwards, several sword qi slashed.

Possess the power of breaking the world.

A total of thirteen sword auras made Han Yu quite embarrassed.

After the thirteen sword auras passed, a woman in white with a azure blue sword appeared in Han Yu's sight.

Peerless and independent, like the nine-day Profound Girl falling into the world.

"You bastard!"

The woman yelled and cut it down with a single knife.

Han Yu can only suffer.

The woman slashed hundreds of knives, and the sword energy cut Yun Dingfeng layer by layer.

"You're almost out of anger, right?" Han Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Not enough!"

The woman fell down, no longer urged her sword qi, she slashed and hacked Han Yu with her treasured sword.


The treasure knife slashed at Han Yu, making a dangling sound.

Han Yu stood and chopped for her.

After slashing thousands of knives, the woman stopped panting, her eyes turned red.

"Even if I didn't die on Infernal Affairs, I will be hacked to death by you." Han Yu smiled bitterly.

Even so, my heart is still warm.

"Say it?" The woman picked up the treasure knife and cut it down again.

"Okay, okay, I won't say, I beg for mercy, let's go!" Han Yu hurriedly raised his hands.

The woman put away the treasure knife and snorted, but a smile appeared on her cheeks involuntarily.

This laugh really looks like the snow lotus blooming in Tianshan Mountains, extremely beautiful.

This woman is naturally Hua Zhiyu.

"Why are you here?" Han Yu walked to Hua Zhiyu and asked.

When Han Yu came, he felt that Hua Zhiyu was walking behind him. At first, he suspected that Hua Zhiyu was testing him.

But he didn't know why Hua Zhiyu would follow.

Han Yu doesn't think that Hua Zhiyu and the mysterious person will be a group.

"Why, don't you want me to come? I won't follow to hear the truth, do you want to hide it from me for a lifetime?" Hua Zhiyu's eyes were red, and tears couldn't help rolling.

Not wanting to let Han Yu see her out of control, she turned around and looked at Han Yu questioningly before long.

Although the tears were held back, but the eyes were still a little red.

"I wanted to find a chance to tell you." Han Yu said with some guilt.

During his decades in Infernal World, Hua Zhiyu would go to Infernal Affairs to look forward to that day every year, Han Yu saw it all.

"Huh!" Hua Zhiyu snorted softly, her complexion improved a lot.

Said: "Like the mysterious person just now, I wondered why the Palace Master suddenly appeared such a powerful disciple. I wanted to test it out. I just saw you come out, so I followed you and broke your secret. Will you want to kill someone?"

Han Yu said, "I think, but I can't beat it. I'm afraid you will cut it a thousand times."

Hua Zhiyu raised the Moon Knife to make a desire to slash, and snorted, quite like a little woman.

It's hard to see this look.

Hua Zhiyu also seemed to realize that she was a little gaffe, and hurriedly put the closed moon knife away, there was a red glow on her pretty face, and she turned and left.

Han Yu smiled slightly and followed Hua Zhiyu quietly.

After a while, Hua Zhiyu asked without looking back, "Are you going to continue to be Liu Yi or to return to Han Yu?"

Han Yu said, "Be Liu Yi for now."

Hua Zhiyu said: "In that case, I'd better stay away from you."

Hua Zhiyu seemed a little angry, and her speed instantly accelerated a lot.

Han Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head, without saying anything.

He knew that no matter what he said, Hua Zhiyu was blaming him in his heart and had to wait for time to digest it slowly.

The two returned to Wendao Immortal Mansion one after another. Even if someone saw it, they would never think that they were the same.

Hua Zhiyu returned to his residence, and Han Yu returned to his temporary residence.

As a disciple of the palace lord, naturally someone had arranged the mansion long ago.

Time passed quietly, Wendao Xianfu gradually returned to calm, but the east was not peaceful.

After that war, the five forces suffered heavy losses.

And Wendao Xianfu obviously didn't want to let them go so easily. With the passage of time, the five powers that were famous in the east disappeared one after another.

During this time, the mysterious person never came to Han Yu. Han Yu asked Dao Wuchang to help him explore the Qianyuan Kingdom, and Dao Wuchang was naturally not willing to help Han Yu do these things.

Asking a disciple to bring Han Yu to the database of Wendao Immortal Mansion, he sent Han Yu away.

As the overlord of the east, Wendao Xianfu's information is extremely rich and the coverage is extremely broad.

There are many records about the various forces in Xianjue Continent.

Han Yu has seen a lot of information even in the Heavenly Palace and the Profound Wind Kingdom.

Even the newly formed Xuanfeng Empire, Wendao Immortal Mansion also has a lot of information, and Han Yu's name is naturally included in these information.

This made Han Yu had to sigh that the means of asking the Immortal Mansion to reach the sky, he deserves to be the Eastern Overlord.

Even if the Xuanfeng Empire is not under the direct jurisdiction of Wendao Immortal Palace, the information is very timely and abundant.

For these materials, Han Yu naturally ruined quietly and rudely! The Profound Wind Empire didn't want to get too much attention.

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