Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3305: One Force Determines the Universe (1)

In the third channel, as He Yingyi was killed, the Alliance of the Rising Sun took the initiative. Under the siege of the two sword immortals, Zhou Haoxuan began to retreat steadily.

"Find a way to rush out!"

Zhou Haoxuan spoke to the people who asked about the Immortal Mansion.

He blocked the two sword immortals alone, and the rest of the battlefield was one-on-one, and the battle situation was relatively optimistic.

Zhou Haoxuan's voice transmission was quickly conveyed to everyone in Wendao Xianfu, and the eight remaining geniuses in Wendao Xianfu began to kill at the exit.

With He Yingyi being killed, everyone realized that if the battle goes on, the situation on the questioning fairy house is not optimistic.


The people of the Rising Sun Alliance quickly found out the purpose of asking Daoxian Mansion.

Jiang Yushan let out a cold snort and decisively abandoned Zhou Haoxuan and killed one of them.


Jianxian made a move to kill Wushuang.

Jiang Yushan only used three tricks to ask a seventh-grade golden fairyland genius in Xianfu and he died on the spot.

Jiang Yushan returned decisively and besieged Zhou Haoxuan.

"Damn it!" Zhou Haoxuan was furious.

Except for him, the others were all one-on-one, asking the fairy house to have some upper hand, but as one person was killed by Jiang Yushan. It was seven to eight, and the advantage disappeared instantly.

"Get out of here!"

Zhou Haoxuan was furious, his sword aura was like a dragon, sweeping through the wasteland, trying to make a **** road.

Jiang Yushan and Fang Xiang Yu, another sword immortal, snorted coldly, launching a terrifying celestial explosion.

In terms of fighting alone, Zhou Haoxuan's strength is slightly better than Jiang Yushan and Fang Xiangyu, but when the two join forces, Zhou Haoxuan seems a little at a loss.

Before long, Zhou Haoxuan saw blood everywhere.

Not only failed to break through, but was constantly oppressed by the space to stand up.

Seeing that Zhou Haoxuan was completely suppressed, many disciples of Xianfu felt sad.

Once Zhou Haoxuan is killed, their fate can be imagined.

But now, the direction of the exit has been blocked by the genius of the Rising Sun Alliance, and it is impossible to rush out.

Only a desperate battle!


The blood spattered, and asked a genius in Xianfu screamed, he was slashed on his body and almost split in half.


Not long after, I asked a genius in Xianfu that his feet were amputated and he fell heavily to the ground, screaming.

The extra person from the Rising Sun Alliance wanders the battlefield and often kills people by surprise.

It can be described as despicable and shameless to the extreme.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse!

Zhou Haoxuan was very anxious, and his flaws were revealed when he was anxious, and his opponent seized the opportunity.

Jiang Yushan used horrible swordsmanship to oppress Zhou Haoxuan and let him deal with it with all his strength.

Fang Xiangyu took the opportunity to lurch behind Zhou Haoxuan, slashed with a sword, Zhou Haoxuan's entire left arm was severed.

Although the masters who reached this level could heal themselves with broken feet and hands, Jiang Yushan and Fang Xiangyu did not give Zhou Haoxuan a chance to heal themselves.

"Okay, kill well!"

Outside the field, the masters of the Rising Sun Alliance shouted.

So far, I can finally get out of the bad breath.

As for the people who asked Dao Xianfu, their hearts were beating wildly.

The people in the third passage were all the top figures among the disciples of the Dao Immortal Palace. One death was an irreparable loss, and now two have died. Moreover, if we continue at this speed, the entire army will be wiped out.

Those who asked about the fairy house could only pin their hopes on Han Yu.

They don't know if Han Yu can perform miracles again, but now the only hope is Han Yu.

The people of the Rising Sun Alliance, after the initial shock, did not take Han Yu to heart.

He was able to kill the enemy by one level, which is already against the sky. Could it be possible that he could go two levels?

No one believes that such people exist in this world.

So they don't worry about whether Han Yu can penetrate the formation barrier to the third channel.

Even faintly expecting, Han Yu went there and was killed by the genius of the Rising Sun Alliance.


As a loud noise rang out, the people who asked about Xianfu instantly sank.

Zhou Haoxuan was smashed into the formation barrier, and then smashed to the ground, vomiting blood, his breath quickly wilted.

Upon seeing this, the geniuses who asked the Immortal Mansion were all shocked, and hurriedly gathered towards Zhou Haoxuan.

Asked that the eight remaining people in Xianfu were more or less injured.

The ten members of the Rising Sun Alliance came slowly and persecuted them, blocking the geniuses who asked about the Immortal Mansion in a corner.

"Zhou Haoxuan, you have no chance of victory. If you want to survive, submit to our Rising Sun Alliance!" Jiang Yushan said domineeringly.

Once, because of the status of the Dao Xianfu, the disciples of the Dao Xianfu seemed to be superior.

The geniuses of the five major forces, they all saw the geniuses of Wendao Immortal Mansion all dwarf.

Today, stepping on the geniuses of Wendao Xianfu made him very relieved and proud.

"Bah, I want me Zhou Haoxuan to submit to your Rising Sun Alliance and dream!" Zhou Haoxuan was furious, if he was alone, he would not weaken anyone.

"Huh, I really don't know how to live or die!" Jiang Yushan's face was cold, his eyes burst out with a terrifying death.

He glanced at the others and asked, "What about you? Do you want to die or return to the Alliance of the Rising Sun?"

"Kill if you want to kill, why come to humiliate us?"

"Even if we are dead, your Rising Sun Alliance should not even think about dominating the East!"

"Someone will avenge us!"

The geniuses who asked the fairy house were very spine and would rather die than surrender.

"Hmph, Ming is stubborn, since I want to die, then I will fulfill you!"


As soon as Jiang Yushan's words fell, the mountain shook suddenly.

At the junction of the third channel and the second channel, a big hole was broken, and a man was drilled out of the hole, looking quite embarrassed.

The disciples of the Rising Sun Alliance and Wendao Immortal Mansion were shocked, their eyes widened, how could a person emerge from the barrier of formation? Who is this person? Where did it come from?

"Liu Yi?"

When you see the visitors clearly, everyone who asks the Immortal Mansion is shocked.

Because the person here is not someone else, it is Han Yu.

After Han Yu entered the third passage, the void barrier he broke was automatically healed.

It seems that it has never been broken.

"Liu Yi, why are you here?" Zhou Haoxuan asked dumbfounded.

How strong is the formation barrier, how did it break open?

Moreover, Liu Yinai was the cultivation base of the Fifth-Rank Golden Wonderland, in the first passage, separated from the third passage by the second passage.

Did he drill from the first channel to the second channel, and then from the second channel to the third channel?

Zhou Haoxuan only felt dizzy for a while, and some did not understand.

"Huh, who did I think? It turned out to be the person who asked the Immortal Mansion." Jiang Yushan snorted coldly. He also recognized Han Yu as the first group of contestants.

Although a little surprised, how Han Yu got here from the first passage, but a kid in the fifth-grade golden fairyland still couldn't see him.

"Since it's here, let's come and die together!" A disciple of the Rising Sun Alliance strode towards Han Yu with a fierce look on his face.

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