Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3303: The Ultimate Sword Fairy (2)

Zhu Shanbo's mood has become overwhelming. Since his debut, he has been invincible in the same realm, and he has leapfrogged countless enemies.

He never dreamed that one day someone would leapfrog one another to compete with him and suppress him.

Han Yu is the most terrifying person he has ever seen in his life.

How could such a person exist in the world?

"What on earth did he cultivate? How could he cultivate the physical body so terribly?"

Even through the formation barrier, people outside can see it.

Han Yu didn't use Xianyuan from beginning to end, only relying on physical strength.

Even the old antiques who have lived for tens of thousands of years can't figure out why Han Yu is like this... against the sky!

Everyone's eyes are all locked in impermanence.

Liu Yi is a disciple of Tao impermanence, he should know best.

Tao Wuchang proudly said: "Don't look at me, I won't tell you when you look at me!"

His answer made many people almost vomit blood.

The masters of the Rising Sun Alliance, many people's hearts have become extremely heavy.

Including Zhu Rongtian and Lei Qianzheng.

Their hopes were broken by Han Yu.

"His body is not invincible, look, his fist is bleeding!" Suddenly, a master of the Rising Sun Alliance pointed at Han Yu and exclaimed, looking extremely excited.

I saw a hole in Han Yu's fist, and blood dripped.

This opening is nothing to a powerhouse of their level.

But this is enough to make the people of the Rising Sun Alliance happy.

This shows that his physical body is not indestructible!

People on the sidelines saw Han Yu "injured", and those on the field naturally saw it too.

However, Zhu Shanbo felt a deep irony.

Han Yu's wound made him feel ashamed.

"Brother Zhu, we will join hands to kill him." Another sword immortal Liang Yingtai stood up and looked at Han Yu warily.

Han Yu's strength also made him feel threatened.

Proud like a sword fairy, but also had to put down the shelf and join forces.

Zhu Shanbo nodded without hesitation.

When encountering an enemy like Han Yu, it is no longer their turn to test slowly.

The two of them held swords, looked at Han Yu warily, and then moved slowly.

Han Yu stood in the field, allowing them to change positions.

When Zhu Shanbo came to Han Yu's left and Liang Yingtai came to Han Yu's right, the two looked at each other and broke out in an instant.


It is as if two volcanoes erupted on Han Yu's left and right.

Zhu Shanbo and Liang Yingtai fly up at the same time, Zhu Shanbo spreads their wings like a big Peng, and Liang Yingtai soars into the sky like a changhong.

The temperaments of the two are quite different, but both are very scary.

"Seven Blades Sword Art!"

Zhu Shanbo let out a loud roar, the sword waved, and seven sword auras roared out.

The seven sword auras are very sharp and terrifying, and they complement each other and blast towards Han Yu.

"Middle-rank Xianshu Seven-Mosquito Sacred Sword Art, Shan Bo's strongest ultimate move!" Zhu Rongtian's eyes lit up, and he was full of confidence in an instant.

The sword fairy is invincible.

The sword fairy with the strongest ultimate move is even more invincible!

He believes in Zhu Shanbo.

On the other side, Liang Yingtai also displayed a terrorist killer move.

The sword energy slashed down like a Changhong, almost smashing the void.

It can be seen that Liang Yingtai also displayed the strongest ultimate move.

The rest of the people in the field were all scared and hid in the corner.

The square is big enough, but now the audience is full of the horrible sword intent of Zhu Shanbo and Liang Yingtai.

Even a master of the same realm is hard to resist.

"Can he block the attacks of two sword immortals at the same time?" Many people's confidence began to shake.

Han Yu's performance just now made them think invincible.

But now that the two sword immortals broke out at the same time, they were shocked to wake up.

Sword Fairy, that's not easy to deal with!

What's more, two sword immortals are simultaneously performing ultimate moves.

The outcome seems to be confusing again.

Han Yu, who was standing in the field, looked serious.

"Does he feel threatened?" asked many people in Xianfu's heart.

Seeing Han Yu clenched his fists with both hands, his body shook suddenly.

His body surface burst into golden light, instantly turning him into a golden sun.

The golden light of Han Yu suddenly lit up with points of light like stars. The light emitted by those light points was more solid and dazzling than the golden light on his body.

There are ten light spots in total, like ten stars hanging on the body.

"The location of Baihui, the location of Tanzhong, the location of temples..."

"His acupuncture points are very different from others. Those ten acupuncture points seem to be sealed with a wild beast!"

"Could it be that the reason why his body is so strong is related to those ten acupuncture points?"

In the presence of either a genius or a master, I quickly guessed a lot of things.


The energy of the ten acupuncture points boiled, turned into a wave and rushed out, converging towards Han Yu's arms.

"What kind of cultivation method is he?"

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone gathers energy in the pubic region, and uses energy from the pubic region when fighting.

It was the first time that Han Yu used energy from ten acupuncture points.

"Is this the horrible thing about "Premature Tyrant Body Art"? Cultivating acupuncture points? The human body has a total of 720 acupuncture points..."

Dao Wuchang felt a horror after thinking about it, and now Han Yu only showed ten acupuncture points, and he was terrified. If all the 720 acupuncture points are cultivated into these ten acupuncture points, how much is it?


Han Yu blasted out with both fists,

Above the fist, the horrible energy swept out like a wave.

The tide is very terrifying and has the ability to move mountains and fill the sea.

However, both Zhu Shanbo and Liang Yingtai's immortal skills were very terrifying, and they broke through the waves.

Han Yu snorted coldly, and blasted out two punches again.

Another wave swept to both sides.

The wave was broken again.

"That's what he does!"

The masters of the Rising Sun Alliance were all overjoyed.

Zhu Shanbo and Liang Yingtai also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps they overestimated Han Yu's strength!

Han Yu snorted softly.

If one wave doesn’t work, then two waves, if two waves don’t work, then three waves...

There seemed to be an inexhaustible strength in him.

Han Yu threw seven punches in a row.

The fairy skills of Zhu Shanbo and Liang Yingtai collapsed at the same time, and a wave of horror hit the two of them, causing them to cough up blood.

With a long roar, Han Yu jumped up and rushed towards Zhu Shanbo.


"We admit defeat!"

Zhu Rongtian roared, but it was a pity that those in the formation could not hear his voice.

Han Yu moved his fists in turns, each punch could smash a mountain.

Under Han Yu's boxing technique, Zhu Shanbo retreated steadily, and soon the sword exploded, then his body exploded, and finally the roots were destroyed.

After killing Zhu Shanbo, Han Yu did not hesitate to kill Liang Yingtai.

Liang Yingtai was so scared that he rushed towards the exit without hesitation.

He doesn't have the courage to fight half a minute now, he just wants to rush out here as soon as possible to save his life!

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