Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3287: By mistake


There was a terrifying loud noise out of thin air in the void, like the collapse of the nine heavens.

The sword intent that came surging was all cut to pieces. The terrifying **** sword aura was cut, and Chen Feizhou was forced to raise his sword to resist.


The sword slammed on Chen Feizhou's sword, making a terrible loud noise through the golden cracking stone.

After Chen Feizhou's sword was suppressed to a certain extent, cracks appeared suddenly!


Countless people were shocked, including asking the senior officials of Dao Xianfu.


Chen Feizhou's sword blasted to pieces, turning into countless meteors and scattered around.

Hua Zhiyu's sword spirit slashed right away.


The master of the outer door yelled.

With this cut, Chen Feizhou will undoubtedly die.

The terrifying sword intent reached a foot away from Chen Feizhou's forehead and stopped. The terrifying sword intent had already crushed Chen Feizhou's head.

If this knife is cut, the consequences can be imagined.

Chen Feizhou was scared into a cold sweat, his liver and gallbladder cracked.

The gaze at Hua Zhiyu was full of fear.

The onlookers were also terrified for a while, if Hua Zhiyu had not stopped this move at the last moment, the consequences would be disastrous.


Hua Zhiyu raised his hand and withdrew the sword energy.

At this moment, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief, even if it was the master of the outer door, they couldn't help but wipe a cold sweat.

Hua Zhiyu retracted the sword energy, without stopping for a moment, turned and left.

Just after flying off the ring, he suddenly raised his head and vomited blood.

"Sister Zhiyu!"

Situ Miao, Shi Zhongyu, Wang Xin and others were all shocked and greeted them.

Wang Ling hurriedly supported Hua Zhiyu.

Hua Zhiyu waved his hand to indicate that it was all right, and said, "Go back!"

Everyone no longer stayed, and hurried away with Hua Zhiyu.

Knowing that Hua Zhiyu had left, the scene broke out with an incomparable shock.

No one thought that in this battle, Hua Zhiyu had the last laugh.

Hua Zhiyu once again broke the legend of the invincibility of the sword and immortal realm.

Hua Zhiyu, invincible!

The followers of Huazhiyu suddenly emerged from the martial arts field like a flood, chasing after the mansion of Huazhiyu. One by one rushed to offer their own healing medicine, hoping to contribute to Hua Zhiyu.

Chen Feizhou was lost and left the ring, not even paying attention to the fragments of his sword, but his followers silently put it away.

Some of Chen Feizhou's followers quietly ran into the team of Hua Zhiyu's followers and became members of Hua Zhiyu's followers.

This battle not only had a great impact on Wendao Xianfu, but also on the entire cultivation world.

Hua Zhiyu broke the legend of Jianxian invincibility many times, and began to shake people's confidence in Jianxian, allowing other practitioners to find their faith.

The sword fairy is not invincible!

"Hua Zhiyu's last move is definitely not the immortal technique in the territory of Xianfu, is she from outside of Xianfu?"

"That trick, I'm afraid it's evil, full of murder and blood. During this time, isn't there a secret rumor that the descendant of the blood demon is asking us about the fairy house? Is it that Hua Zhiyu is the descendant of the blood demon?"

"What, Hua Zhiyu is the descendant of the Gorefiend?"

Asked the senior officials of Xianfu, they were all dumbfounded, shocked, and deeply worried.

Infinite world.

The old man returns.

"How is it? Did Hua Zhiyu win?" Han Yu said very confidently.

The old man looked at Han Yu with a complicated expression and nodded.

Han Yu raised his dim right foot and said, "Then hurry up and rub your feet for this uncle, this uncle can't wait long ago!"

The old man snorted heavily and said, "Boy, you mistaken me!"

Han Yu said with an inexplicable expression: "You set the bet, don't you want to regret it?"

The old man said: "I'm not talking about this."

Han Yu asked suspiciously, "What is that?"

The old man sighed: "You are not the descendant of the blood demon, Hua Zhiyu is."

Han Yu was stunned for a moment, and said, "Why do you think I am the descendant of the Blood Demon?"

On that day, Han Yu and the blood demon talked privately, and no outsiders were present. Only Wang Xin knew some secrets, and Han Yu didn't think Wang Xin would speak out.

The old man said: "I was outside the Devil Valley that day. I didn't expect you to pass on the blood demon's heritage to Hua Zhiyu."

Han Yu said so, "I am a sword fairy, not the most desirable descendant of the blood demons. In contrast, Hua Zhiyu is obviously more suitable."

The old man said: "She is indeed very suitable."

Han Yu sighed: "So it seems that in today's battle, she used the blood demon crazy sword!"

Han Yu once warned Hua Zhiyu not to use the Gorefiend Knife as a last resort.

Unexpectedly, it was still used.

But Han Yu was not too surprised, after all, Chen Feizhou was an old man who admired the genius sword fairy.

If you don't force Hua Zhiyu to perform the strongest blow, then he will have a false name and is not worthy of the name of the sword fairy.

The old man nodded.

Han Yu smiled bitterly: "So you mistakenly thought that I was a descendant of the blood demon to save me. If you knew I was not a descendant of the blood demon, you wouldn't save me, right?"

The old man shook his head and said, "It's not because of the blood demon to save you."

Han Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. He had a hunch that he walked into Infernal Affairs, which might have something to do with this old guy.

"You let me go to the Infernal Affairs?" Han Yu asked.

The old man nodded.

Han Yu suddenly gritted his teeth, and he loved and hated this old man.

Asked: "Why?"

The old man said: "The descendants of the blood demons are not visible."

Han Yu naturally knew that the descendants of the Blood Demon would have a lot of trouble, but the words of the old man made Han Yu's heart startled. Could it be that the matter was more serious than he thought?

Han Yu said: "So, you want the blood demon's descendants to embark on Infernal Affairs, so that outsiders can't find the blood demon's descendants, so that the blood demon descendants can secretly grow here?"

The old man said: "Yes."

Han Yu said: "Then, you have found the wrong person, and Hua Zhiyu has revealed his identity now, will it be dangerous?"

The old man said with a solemn expression: "Of course there is danger, but for the time being, nothing will happen."

Han Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as nothing happens now, they still have time.

Han Yu said: "Then you quickly inform Hua Zhiyu and ask her to leave Wendao Xianfu."

The old man sighed: "It's too late now. Those people have come to ask about the Immortal Mansion. Hua Zhiyu can't leave."

Even the old man seemed weak, and Han Yu realized the seriousness of the matter.

And now, he couldn't leave here, he couldn't help Hua Zhiyu at all.

The old man said: "Although I found the wrong person, your performance was beyond my expectation. Perhaps you are the person I am really looking for. I have made a mistake!"

Han Yu asked: "What do you mean by this?"

The old man said: "As everyone knows, since ancient times, no one can walk out of Infernal Affairs alive. Of course, this is not the real situation. Before you, there was a person who walked out of Infernal Affairs alive."

Han Yu blurted out, "You!"

The old man shook his head and admired: "It's not me, it's the person I respect most in my life!"

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