Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3275: Thousands of times

People from all major families have come to climb the mountain one after another, some of them are blushing and full of ambition, and some are downcast and dejected.

When the Xu family climbed up the mountain, they saw Han Yu, Hua Zhiyu and others, and they wanted to eat everyone with their eyes.

As the Hundred Clan Conference came to an end, the talents of the Wei family climbed the mountain.

They weren't as high-spirited as others expected, and they all seemed very "low-key".

"The Wei family is so low-key!"

"Yes, the stable top ten is still so low-key, this character is worth learning from many people!"

"Perhaps it is because I am used to it ten years ago, so I am not so excited!"

Everyone talked a lot.

There are even some older generations in the family who use the Wei family as an example to teach their children.

"Just your little achievements, you can show off your strength, and I think it's amazing. You look at the Wei family. Are you proud? Are you proud? You should all learn from the Wei family."

The elders of the Wei family were very happy when they heard what those around them said about their children.

Called Wei Yuanzhou, Wei Zijing and others over, patted their shoulders, and said with great satisfaction: "Yes, I can win without being proud!"

The genius of the Wei family wanted to find a place to sew and drill down.

They didn't want to be low-key, they didn't want to show up, but now they have no face to show up.

One by one, they looked for Wang's people in the crowd, almost killing them.

"Dear friends from the Wei family, I just asked the Wang family how many nameplates they paid to go up the mountain, but they said that they didn’t hand in any of them. They were obviously pretending to be forced. Everyone, can you tell me the truth? Thank you. Endless!" The Liang family walked up to the Wei family and said very politely.

He wants to know the truth, and then hit the Wang family in the face.

Humph, let you pretend!

The people of the Liang family are already looking forward to the expression on the Wang family's face when the lies are revealed.


Wei Yuanzhou shouted angrily.

He hated the Wang family, but he didn't expect the Liang family to come to him.

The Liang family was stunned for three times.

Seeing Wei Yuanzhou's expression of wanting to eat people, he could only leave with a slander.

"Nima? Where did I offend them?" The Liang family were dissatisfied.

"Damn, this is too low-key!"

Others thought that the Wei family did not want to make the Wang family embarrassed.

However, there are also people who understand Wei Yuanzhou and Wei Zijing's personalities better, and have doubts in their hearts.

Finally, it is time to report the results.

The seventh of the Wei family stepped forward and handed over the nameplate, blinding everyone, and it was only seventeen yuan in total.

"Nima? Is the Wei family joking with everyone?"

"How could it be that it was only seventeen yuan, we were robbed of seven yuan by them?"

Everyone thought that the Wei family was joking.

It was not until the Wei family retired that everyone realized that the Wei family really only had seventeen nameplates.

"What's the matter?" The elders of the Wei family glared at the Wei family and shouted.

He could not accept this result.

Wei Yuanzhou, Wei Zijing, etc. all bowed their heads and dared not say a word.


Wei's parents swept the audience angrily.

Who robbed the Wei family's nameplate?

No one dodges the angry gazes of Wei's parents, all are gloating.

Hundred Races Conference, who wants to see whom?

"Oh damn, I thought the people of the Wei family were low-key, so they didn't have the skills!"

"Yeah, it seems that the Wei family is really in decline, this time I am afraid it will be at the bottom of the ranking!"

All of a sudden, the voices of gloating one after another.

The Wei Family's popularity caused the Three Corpse Gods to violently, and there was no way to get smoke in the seven orifices.

The statistics continued, and when it was Wang's turn, everyone was blinded again.

The Wang family actually took out one hundred and two nameplates.

"Damn, why does the Wang family have so many nameplates?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" Wang Chao rubbed his eyes before he could not believe it.

Until Wang Xin came back and smiled at him, he didn't know that this was true.

The scene instantly exploded.

The Wang family, which has always been ranked low, has such an earth-shaking counterattack this time, which makes it difficult for many people to accept for a while.

"Not only did they not get the nameplate from the Wei family, but there are so many nameplates?" The Liang family dared not look at the Wang family for fear of being despised to death.

"Could it be that the Wei family's nameplate was snatched by the Wang family?" one person suddenly said.

As soon as these words were made, the scene instantly became quiet, and then the atmosphere exploded again.

The Wei family's nameplates are unreasonably few, and the Wang family's nameplates are unreasonable.

Then the answer is ready!

"People of the Wang family, you are very good, very good!" The elders of the Wei family looked towards the direction of the Wang family and suddenly became murderous.

But here, they dare not act rashly.

"Okay, of course, hahaha..." Wang Chao laughed forward, and he recalled.

Although the Wei family was stronger than the Wang family, they were also the families under the jurisdiction of Wendao Xianfu, and no one dared to easily do anything to other families without nodding their heads.

Therefore, no matter how strong the Wei family is, Wang Chao will not be afraid.

And because of the strength of the Wei family, this time he was more relieved, more proud, and more proud.

"With the strength of the Wang family's children, it is absolutely impossible to **** the nameplate from the Wei family. It must be because of the two foreign aids." Everyone's eyes locked on Han Yu and Hua Zhiyu for the first time.

Many families still expressed disdain because of the Wang family's request for foreign aid, but now they are envious and jealous.

"The man is only the cultivation base of the Eighth Stage True Wonderland, it should be the woman's credit!"

Han Yu was quickly ignored, and Hua Zhiyu became the focus of attention.

"Peerless talent!"

After seeing Hua Zhiyu, everyone was shocked, and these four words flashed in their hearts.

Wei Yuanzhou felt bitter.

All were deceived by Han Yu's illusion.

This eight-pin true fairyland kid is the culprit, okay?

But now he is embarrassed to say it.

If an outsider knows that he was almost killed by a kid from the Eighth Stage True Wonderland, no matter how powerful this person is, he will become the laughing stock among the hundred races and will never be able to raise his head.

Wang Xin and others did not explain everyone's misunderstanding.

It can be seen that Han Yu is a very low-key person.

Hua Zhiyu couldn't help but glanced at Han Yu.

It seems to mean that I'm showing up for you again, and you owe me another favor.

After the statistics were completed, the Wang family won third place with 102 nameplates.

This achievement exceeded everyone's expectations.

The people of the royal family danced with excitement.

As for the Wei family, who only won the 37th place, their faces were so gloomy that they almost dripped water, looking at the Wang family's gaze, wishing to kill with their eyes.

Especially when Wei Yuanzhou saw Han Yu's eyes, he was very bitter.

After the family is ranked, the top 100 candidates will be determined according to the family ranking. The Wang family was lucky and got five places.

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