Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3270: Very scary

In the following days, Han Yu and Hua Zhiyu spent most of their time cultivating the immortal arts obtained from the Wang family, and the Wang family members are also preparing for the Hundred Clan Conference.

One day, everyone's life trajectory was in normal operation, and suddenly a high-pitched tweet alarmed everyone.

"What kind of fairy beast's voice, it's terrifying!"

"My eardrum almost broke!"

Everyone in the Wang family was shocked, and they all went outside and looked up, only to see a huge beast cross-legged above the Wang family, covering the sky and the sun, making it impossible to see the sun.

"Where did this fairy beast come from? Why is it hovering over our Wang's house?"

Many people were frightened.

From the behemoth, there was an unparalleled violent aura, and even the powerhouse of the first-grade golden immortal level felt suffocated.

The members of the king's family were suddenly facing the enemy, one by one masters soared into the sky.

But after rushing into the air, everyone was stunned.

This behemoth is a huge Kunpeng. On Kunpeng's back, there is a woman of peerless elegance standing, like a nine-day mysterious girl falling into the world.

"Hua Zhiyu!"

The masters of the Wang family were all surprised, because the woman standing on Kunpeng was not someone else, but Hua Zhiyu.

"It is not a real Kunpeng, but is transformed by Xianshu. Xiaoyou Hua has already cultivated the Dapeng with the same wind in one day!" Wang Chaoqian exclaimed.

"What?" The other masters of the Wang family were all dumbfounded.

Dapeng rising in the same wind in one day is a low-grade fairy technique of the Profound Stage, and there are only a handful of people in the Wang family who can practice. Looking at the history of the Wang family, the fastest person who can cultivate the Dapeng with the wind in one day is a second-tier golden fairyland powerhouse, and it took three years.

And Hua Zhiyu, it only took half a year to cultivate Da Peng with the wind in one day. This talent is simply unparalleled.

"Tsk tusk tusk, Hua Zhiyu's qualifications are really terrifying!"

"Yeah, even if this kind of aptitude is asking about the Immortal Mansion, it is rare. If our Wang family has such a genius, why worry about it?"

The Wang family were both shocked and regretful.

Who made Hua Zhiyu not a member of the Wang family?

"If we can take Hua Zhiyu into our Wang family, wouldn't we also have her?" An elder said with bright eyes.

As soon as this remark came out, many senior officials in the Wang family became excited.

"Dispel this kind of thinking, who can't tell that Hua Zhiyu and Han Yu are a natural pair?" Wang Chao said in an angry voice.

It was not that he had never thought of matching Wang Xin and Hua Zhiyu, but it was impossible.

Just as the people of the Wang family were talking, Kun Peng disappeared, and Hua Zhiyu fell into the courtyard where she lived. From the beginning to the end, they didn't look at the Wang family.

The temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away makes the Wang family have no choice but to smile.

However, when facing Han Yu, Hua Zhiyu seemed to be another person. Talking and laughing with Han Yu, and occasionally showing a shy side.

"Han Yu, this kid is really a blessing to cultivate in eight lifetimes!"

"Yes, Han Yu is proud to be able to reap the love of Hua Zhiyu, the proud woman of heaven!"

The people of the Wang family were a bit sour.

Time passed quietly, and one day, a huge movement occurred in the depths of the Wang family, which shocked everyone in the Wang family.

"What's the matter? Why is the yard where Han Yu and the others live again?"

"Hua Zhiyu can't practice any terrifying fairy skills again, right?"

Everyone in the Wang family was shocked.


Suddenly, a beam of thunder light rushed out of the yard and rushed straight out of the nine-day cloud.

An explosive atmosphere made all members of the royal family feel a kind of creepy.

"What kind of fairy technique is this, how do you feel that it is three points more powerful than the Dapeng rising with the wind in one day?"

"It's Han Yu!"

Everyone's eyes were burning, and they found that it was not Hua Zhiyu who used this immortal technique, but Han Yu.

I saw Han Yu standing in the yard with his hands pushing toward the sky, and the terrifying thunder beam shot from his hands.

"Hey, how can Han Yu's immortality technique have such a terrifying power? I think even me, I have to use my full strength to resist this blow!" A first-grade golden fairyland elder took a breath.

Not only him, but the Wang family are unbelievable.

Even Wang Chaoqian was dumbfounded.

"Don't tell me this immortal technique is the nameless cheat?" Wang Chaoqian was shocked.

Before Han Yu said that he could practice the unknown secret book, he didn't take it seriously.

"No, how is it possible?"

Suddenly, Wang Chao exclaimed, his eyes almost stared out.

"He is obviously a sword immortal, but a metal immortal root. How can he use a thunderous attack?"

Above the thunder beam, the sky thunder rolled, this is obviously a method only available to the thunder attribute immortal root cultivator.

"Does he have a second power in his body? Thunder attribute power?"

Wang Chao couldn't believe it, it was counterintuitive.

After a while, Han Yu regained his success, the thunder beam disappeared, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Huh huh!

The royal family flew into the courtyard instantly.

Wang Chao asked, "Xiaoyou Han, which immortal technique you just performed?"

Han Yu smiled and said, "It's the nameless cheat book!"


Wang Chaoqian only felt dizzy for a while.

Although I had guessed a few before, I heard Han Yu admit it himself, that was another feeling.

The rest of the Wang family were also surprised.

Since ancient times, there has never been an unknown cheat sheet in the Wang family that no one has successfully practiced. Han Yu, an outsider, spent less than a year practicing successfully. Are you kidding?

Wang Chao took a deep breath to hold the vibration in his heart and asked, "How did you do it?"

Han Yu said: "This nameless cheat requires people who have the power of lightning to cultivate it. I happen to have mastered the power of lightning."

Wang Chaoqian thought so.

That is to say, in addition to Han Yu, a cultivator with the immortal root of the thunder attribute can cultivate this secret book.

And many of the people in the Wang family who practiced this secret book happened to not be a Thunder attribute immortal root. No wonder no one had ever successfully practiced.

"Before I said that Han Yu had cultivated the blessing for eight lifetimes and made Hua Zhiyu look at him, but now he is not. He is also a genius. I am afraid that Hua Zhiyu is not even comparable!" sigh.

Han Yu is a sword fairy, already very promising.

But the aptitude and means that Han Yu demonstrated today are even more incredible.

After Wang Chaoqian expressed his congratulations, he left with mixed feelings.

Who would have thought that Wang Xin brought back two people, both of whom were super geniuses.

This chance is really too small.

But what makes Wang Chaoqian excited is that he only thought that Huazhiyu could help the Wang family achieve a good result at the Hundred Races Conference. Now it seems that Han Yu's strength cannot be ignored.

With the help of Han Yu and Hua Zhiyu, this time the Wang family will definitely be able to exhale.

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