Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3044: Deserted Sea Academy

The headquarters of Huanghai Mansion is located in Huanghai City, which is built on a huge island, and Huanghai Academy is located in Huanghai City.

The huge deserted sea city is like a giant turtle lying on the island, magnificent. Even with Han Yu's eyesight, he couldn't help but secretly explore the continent of Xianjue.

You must know that although Huanghai City is the largest city in Huanghai Mansion, it is nothing in the entire Profound Wind Kingdom, let alone the Xianjue Continent.

There was a terrifying coercion in the deserted sea city. People under the real fairyland couldn't fly at all. Even the masters of the real fairyland would be very difficult to fly. Moreover, there is an express stipulation in Huanghai City that it is not allowed to fly in the city.

When Han Yu entered the deserted sea city on foot, he felt a few breaths that were not weaker than him. And those few people, on the streets of Desolate Sea City, were inconspicuous.

Han Yu secretly sighed, and found someone to find out the location of Huanghai Academy.

The reputation and status of Huanghai Academy in Huanghai Mansion is beyond doubt, almost anyone on the street knows its location.

Han Yu walked north of the city according to what a passerby said.

To the north of Wild Sea City, there is a huge mountain range called Tulong Mountain Range. There are many monsters in the mountains, and they often go out to do evil.

The Huanghai Academy was built at the foot of the Tulong Mountain Range, which not only opened doors to educate students from all over the world, but also shouldered the heavy responsibility of suppressing the monsters in the Tulong Mountain Range.

From a distance, you can see the family of Huanghai Academy, it can be described as magnificent and magnificent. There is auspicious hovering, there is colorful light permeating, it is a place where dragons and tigers live.

The Huanghai Academy is open to outsiders, and anyone can walk into the Huanghai Academy to admire the mighty power.

Han Yu was not subject to any restrictions, and walked directly into the Deserted Sea Academy. With Han Yu's eyesight, it was quickly seen that a terrifying spirit gathering array had been arranged in Huanghai Academy. The big environment of Xianjue Continent is suitable for cultivation, but within the Huanghai Academy, it is even more beautiful. Han Yu couldn't help turning on Mao silently

The hole absorbs the spiritual power between heaven and earth.

Walking in the Huanghai Academy, you can clearly distinguish between the outsiders and the students from the Huanghai Academy.

Han Yu went all the way, and encountered no fewer than a hundred students, the weakest of whom were in the realm of the first-grade virtual fairy.

This is a domineering existence in the ten thousand realms, but here, it is just an ordinary student.

Looking at the three or two students talking and discussing the Tao, Han Yu is yearning for the cultivation of this world.

Han Yu followed the route pointed out by a student and found the martial arts palace.

The Budo Palace is located in the core area. Compared with the hustle and bustle of the outer area, there are obviously fewer people here.

The martial arts palace is like a weapon that suppresses the heavens and the earth, walking in front of it, Han Yu feels his insignificance.

In front of the martial arts palace, there were two students standing guard. Han Yu knew that the martial arts palace must not be allowed to enter at will, so he slowed down and walked towards one of the students.

"What's the matter with you?" The student asked when the distance was still three feet away.

The tone is cold, the attitude is quite arrogant, and the strong aura is looming, he is actually a master of the seventh stage virtual fairyland.

"Brother Dao, can you please inform me, I have something to see the palace master of the martial arts." Han Yu said politely.

The man looked at Han Yu up and down, then sneered: "You want to see our palace lord, who do you think you are?"

Han Yu frowned slightly and said, "I am carrying a letter from an old friend of Palace Master Yu, please report it."

The man asked, "What letter, show me what letter."

Han Yu took out the letter and handed it to the man.

The man accepted the letter indifferently, but when he saw the inscription on the letter, he could not help but take a breath, looked at Han Yu in surprise, and said, "Wait a minute, I will hand the letter to the palace. the Lord."

Han Yu was a little surprised. Li Yibai's name changed the other party's attitude towards him. It can be seen that Li Yibai's reputation is not simple.

The man trot into the martial arts palace. At the gate of the martial arts palace, he ran into a woman in Tsing Yi. The two of them didn’t know what they said. The woman in Tsing Yi took the letter, glanced at the letter, and then looked at Han Yu and walked towards Han Yu. Up.

"Sister Qin." Another student hurriedly greeted him with a flattering expression.

This is a tall, beautiful woman with black hair and a white jade face. And revealing a unique temperament, even Han Yu, couldn't help but take another look.

However, this person was very arrogant. He walked in front of Han Yu, looked at Han Yu up and down, then said lightly "Follow me", then turned and walked into the martial arts palace.

Entering the martial arts palace, the students in the martial arts palace saw Damei Qin walking in with a strange man, and couldn't help but look at Han Yu more, but they just took a look.

Going to the back of the palace and outside a courtyard, Qin Damei asked Han Yu to wait outside, and she walked in alone.

After a while, Damei Qin came out, looking at Han Yu a little curious, a little disappointed, and a colder attitude.

"Follow me!"

Han Yu followed Damei Qin into the courtyard and into a study room. He saw a man with big eyebrows and big eyes sitting and carefully reading the letter brought by Han Yu.

After Han Yu walked in, he put the letter down and looked at Han Yu. He was a little curious at first, but then was full of disappointment.

The reaction of him and Damei Qin was exactly the same, which made Han Yu very confused.

"Are you Han Yu?" Yu Zhan asked. The expression has returned to normal, the tone is light, but there is a breath of majesty invisible.

"Yes, Palace Master Yu." Han Yu responded.

Yu Zhan nodded and said, "Senior Li has a life-saving grace to me. Today his disciple wants to enter my deserted sea college to study, I will naturally give my full assistance. I have a letter to ask Xiaoxuan to take you to the registration office. Go through the admission procedures."

Han Yu bowed his hands to express his gratitude.

Qin Xiaoxuan, who was next to him, quietly curled his lips, and looked at Han Yu's gaze, even more arrogant and despised.

Soon, Yu Zhan wrote a letter, put it in the envelope, and handed it to Qin Xiaoxuan, then looked at Han Yu and smiled: "In the academy, if you need any help, just ask Xiaoxuan."

Qin Xiaoxuan looked unhappy, but after Yu Zhan said so, she could only sulk in secret.

Han Yu naturally took Qin Xiaoxuan's expression in his eyes, and would naturally not bother with the cheeky, but he still expressed gratitude for Yu Zhan's kindness.

After that, Qin Xiaoxuan took Han Yu out of Yu Zhan's study, and Qin Xiaoxuan did not say a word along the way, rejecting people thousands of miles away.

Just walking out of Yu Zhan's yard, a man in white just came to face him.

"Xiaoxuan, who is this?" the man asked curiously. "Senior Mu, he is a disciple of Sword Immortal Li Yibai's predecessor. He wants to study at Huanghai Academy, so come and ask the palace lord for help." Qin Xiaoxuan said, in his tone of contempt.

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