Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3042: Li Yibai's request

Li Yibai couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

In fact, he has no disciples at all, and what he said to Hua Fengliu before was a lie to him.

It was not that Li Yibai could not accept disciples, but that his requirements for accepting disciples were so harsh that he had never met a suitable candidate.

Today, it can be said that he was forced to the edge of the cliff, and he happened to meet the charred person from the sky, so he was directly referred to as a disciple.

"I don't know what your qualifications are, whether it is better than Huazhiyu."

"Hey...I think too much. Hua Zhiyu looks at Ziding Immortal Mansion. They are all the best geniuses. How could anyone be able to compare to her?"

"Oh God's will, I have been fighting with the sword evil for so many years, you are here to end this long fight!"

Li Yibai gave a wry smile.

Sword Immortal is not weaker than others in his life, but now I am afraid that he has to be a dagger.

But soon figured it out again.

He has seen through the struggle for fame and fortune, so why bother with it?

Three days later, the scorched man recovered his whole appearance. He was a handsome and somewhat dignified man, giving Li Yibai a good first impression.

Suddenly, the man woke up and sat up suddenly.

Sweeping his eyes around, he saw the rough stone cave, his brows couldn't help but frowned, and when he saw Li Yibai, who was dressed in white and immortal, his eyes condensed.

"You're awake." Li Yibai walked over, with a shallow smile on his face, giving people a feeling of breeze.

"Why am I here?" the man asked.

"You fell from the sky and you were so burnt, I saved you." Li Yibai said faintly, not at all arrogant because of saving someone.

The man wanted to stand up and found that he was weak. He didn't suspect that Li Yibai had saved him. He arched his hands and said, "Thank you."

Li Yibai waved his hand and said, "It's just a matter of raising your hand. You can rest well."

The man asked, "I don't know the name of Yougao?"

Li Yibai was taken aback, then smiled: "Li Yibai."

The man asked again: "Where is this?"

Li Yibai was a little surprised, thinking that his name as the Sword Immortal is not only known to everyone in the Profound Wind Kingdom, but it is also very famous. It is not surprising that the other party heard his name, apparently he has never heard of his name. .

Li Yibai said, "Jianyun Mountain."

The man then asked, "Where is Jianyun Mountain?"

Now Li Yibai is absolutely certain that this person is not a member of the Profound Wind Kingdom. Since he was not a member of the Profound Wind Kingdom, why did he fall from the sky above Jianyun Mountain?

It is necessary to know that Jianyun Mountain has been refined by Li Yibai and has a strong power, so that people in the realm of true immortals can walk on the snow, let alone fly.

He couldn't help being a little curious about the origin of the man.

"Xuanfeng Kingdom."

The man didn't ask any more, but from the confusion flashing in his eyes, he could tell that he might not even know where the Profound Wind Kingdom was, which was really strange.

When Li Yibai was about to leave, the man suddenly asked, "Did you see my companion?"

Li Yibai shook his head, and the man fell silent.

Li Yibai stopped talking, turned and left, observing the man in secret.

This man made him very curious.

This man is naturally not someone else, it is Han Yu.

When he traversed the barriers of time and space, he ran into big trouble, until he fell into a coma, but he didn't expect to wake up here.

Han Yu is still not sure whether this is Xianjue Continent.

"I don't know if Shi Zhongyu has survived." Han Yu sighed secretly. Even he had been dead for nine years. He was very unoptimistic about Shi Zhongyu's situation.

But now, Han Yu is also powerless, and can only be at ease when he comes.

"What kind of master is this person? I can't see his cultivation." Han Yu sighed secretly.

He sensed Li Yibai's breath just now, and Li Yibai gave him an unfathomable feeling.

Han Yu hasn't felt this way for a long time, which makes Han Yu appear more cautious.

One day later, Han Yu recovered his mobility and walked out of the cave.

I saw Li Yibai sitting under a cedar tree playing chess, playing chess alone, and attentively, as if playing against a master.

Han Yu did not bother, but Li Yibai suddenly put down the chess piece, turned his head to look at Han Yu, and said, "Come and sit down."

Han Yu walked over and sat opposite Li Yibai.

Li Yibai asked: "What is your name?"

Han Yu said: "Han Yu."

Li Yibai asked again: "Where are you from?"

Han Yu was silent.

Li Yibai said: "If it is not convenient to answer, you don't need to answer."

Han Yu is grateful to Li Yibai for his understanding.

Li Yibai said: "Actually, I save you, not without purpose."

Han Yu said frankly: "Fellow Daoist has any request, just say it."

Li Yibai said, "I want to accept you as a disciple."

Han Yu was taken aback, but he didn't expect Li Yibai to make this request.

"Friends of Taoism should change the request."

Now Li Yibai was stunned.

His sword immortal Li Yibai, if he spread the news of his apprenticeship, he would not know how many people would squeeze his head, but the more Han Yu was like this, the higher he looked at Han Yu.

He didn't ask Han Yu the reason, but said: "You can't be my apprentice, but you have to pretend to be my disciple and go to a duel for me."

Han Yu asked without changing his face: "When and what is the cultivation base of the opponent? Where?"

Li Yibai didn't expect Han Yu to be so clean and tidy, and couldn't help but appreciate it even more. Said: "Three years later, the other party is in the realm of the third stage true immortal, right on the top of Jianyun Mountain."

Han Yu asked, "What is the realm of the Third Stage True Immortal?" Li Yibai was stunned, but thought that Han Yu might be a character from a small place. I didn't know that the realm of True Immortal was also normal. Said: "You are now in the realm of the ninth stage of the imaginary immortal, and the realm of the real celestial being is a realm above the imaginary realm. Three years later,

You are probably not her opponent, are you still willing to fight? "

Han Yu said calmly: "I received the salvation of fellow daoists, and I should fight for fellow daoists!"

Li Yibai smiled and said, "Okay, to my temper!"

Han Yu smiled slightly.

He didn't know how strong the Third-Rank True Immortal was, but Li Yibai's request was really nothing to him.

"According to conventional practice, in three years, you will never be able to cultivate from the nineth-rank virtual immortal to the third-rank true immortal. It is difficult even for 30,000 years. But if you can find some elixir, it is possible." Li Yi White Road.

Han Yu heard from Shi Zhongyu that the heaven and earth of Xianjue Continent are very spiritual and the cultivation environment is very good. But reaching above the virtual fairy realm, almost can only rely on pill cultivation, so the pill way is very popular in the Xianjue continent.

It seems that this place is very similar to Xianjue Continent even if it is not.

Han Yu nodded. Li Yibai thought for a while and said, "My library is in the cave. If you want to see it, just go and see it."

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