Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3037: One World

For the next long days, Han Yu stayed here, and the two got along day and night, and their feelings grew stronger.

With the help of Han Yu, Lin Zi's cultivation base began to advance by leaps and bounds.

Now Han Yu is a terrifying powerhouse four feet tall, using special abilities to help Lin Zi improve his cultivation without side effects.

What surprised Han Yu and Lin Zi was that while Han Yu was helping Lin Zi, Lin Zi's body spontaneously fed back a special energy to Han Yu, which was actually helpful to Han Yu's cultivation.

Zijixian pupil actually also has special abilities.

One day three years later, Lin Zi succeeded in breaking through the realm of Half-Step Supreme, and attracted the Five Tribulations at once, becoming a Five-Tribulation Half-Step Supreme.

Then Lin Zi began to use the secret fortune-telling to deduce the boundless, Yaoxuan and others' down road.

After a month of deduction, Lin Zi finally found everyone's whereabouts.

They were very cautious and scattered to the five worlds.

Han Yu went there by himself.

Between each world, there are void barriers, and forcible crossing will lead to heavenly punishment.

Many people will unfortunately be killed by Heaven's Punishment when they cross the void barrier.

Han Yu arrived at the junction of God Realm and Mo Realm, and he leaped directly through the hard void barrier.

It didn't take long for him to directly cross the void barrier and go to Mo Jie.

Han Yu's eyes were burning, he could easily look at most of the Mo Realm, found the person hiding in the Mo Realm, and killed him with a single glance. Then Han Yu left Mo Realm and went to another world to find the remaining enemies.

In the third world, Han Yu found Wujing and Yaoxuan.

I think that the two of them were the same arrogances as Han Yu back then. The status of the two of them was still higher than that of Han Yu. Han Yunian did not kill the two of them but helped him. They can no longer practice.

The two kept their original cultivation base, so they wouldn't be decadent for a lifetime, but they didn't pose any threat to Han Yu.

After solving everyone, Han Yu got sick but started to practice meditation.

In a hundred years of exploration, Han Yu made another breakthrough, and the Daotai increased to five feet.

Han Yu once again descended to the Feixian Mountains, still nothing.

After another five hundred years, Jian Jiuling ushered in the most important breakthrough in his life. After nine deaths, he passed the electric catastrophe and successfully proved the realm of Dao.

Han Yu was caught in a difficult practice, as if the martial art was the end.

In the next three thousand years, Han Yu can be said to stand still.

And Ma Su, Shui Ling'er and others have broken through the realm of supreme one after another. The husband and wife of the family are all supreme, unique throughout the ages!

Han Yu took Xiaojiao and his wives to the Feixian Mountain again, but still did not find a clue to the fairy gate, Han Yu was furious and directly refined.

The power of the Feixian Mountain Range does not belong to this world. Not to mention the absorption of refining by others, a slight inhalation into the body will have a huge impact.

But Han Yu swallowed everything, even the energy in the Feixian Mountain Range was absorbed and refined for his own use.

In the long years that followed, Han Yu was devouring the energy of refining Feixian Mountain while exploring higher levels. Finally, with the accumulation of time and effort, the platform has grown to a height of six feet.

At the moment of breakthrough, Han Yu faintly felt something wrong with this world.

"How is this going?"

That feeling was fleeting, and when Han Yujing settled down, he couldn't find anything.

Han Yu got up and walked among the Feixian Mountains, the energy contained in the Feixian Mountains was still terrifying.

Han Yu walked the Feixian Mountain Range step by step, but still did not find the source of the strangeness in the previous moment.

Han Yu could only continue to practice and enlighten Dao with doubts and vigilance.

The energy in the Feixian Mountain range continuously gushes out, becoming an inexhaustible energy source for Han Yu.

One day, Han Yu broke through again.

The Daotai increased to seven feet, and the strange feeling from the previous breakthrough appeared again, and it was very clear. He also sensed the direction of the source of the strange feeling.

"on the top!"

Han Yu disappeared without a trace as soon as he moved.

The next moment, he came before a void barrier, which was somewhere on the boundary of the God Realm.

Han Yu pointed out as a sword and swiped lightly towards the void. The barrier of the void was broken, and Han Yu flew into it.

The other side of the void barrier is the chaotic world, where the chaotic aura is permeated, and every strand of the chaotic aura is as heavy as a million-dollar, and the general supreme and powerful people will find it difficult to do so.

Han Yu broke through the chaos and moved forward as if walking on the ground.

After walking in the chaos for several days, Han Yu's path was suddenly blocked.

"Chaotic Wall?" Han Yu was stunned.

The chaos in the chaotic world is terrifying, and the chaos wall is incalculable.

Han Yu shook his hand into a fist, and banged his fist against the wall of Chaos.

This is incredible. Today's Han Yu can break through the world with one punch, but he can't penetrate this wall.

Han Yu directly performed six reincarnation punches and blasted out with one punch.

However, the Wall of Chaos did not move like a mountain, but Han Yu was shocked and his face flushed.

"Where is this wall connected?" Han Yu gave up the attack and looked around with scorching eyes. With Han Yu's eyesight, he was also greatly restricted here and couldn't see the end of the wall.

Han Yu simply looked for a direction and continued to explore.

It took several months to go, Han Yu didn't find the end of the Chaos Wall.

But Han Yu was very excited. He had an intuition that maybe he had found the "way".

For the next few hundred years, Han Yu was exploring the Chaos Wall.

He has an amazing discovery.

This so-called wall of chaos may be a sphere, and he is enclosed in the sphere.

Han Yu spent a lot of time to prove his guess.

The final conclusion is that this is indeed a sphere, and thousands of worlds are wrapped in this sphere.

It can be said that thousands of worlds all exist under the same sky.

"Could it be said that the immortal world is outside the chaotic barrier? As long as you penetrate the chaotic barrier, you can go to the immortal world?"

Han Yu was very excited.

All worlds are wrapped in this sphere, and the fairy world does not belong to the world, so it is outside this sphere.

To go to the fairy world, you have to leave this sphere, and the most direct way to leave this sphere is to penetrate the barrier of chaos.

Han Yu looked for a point, his strength broke out completely, and he began to attack the chaos barrier.

"Boom boom boom..."

Six rounds of reincarnation punches one after another, attacking above the barrier of chaos.

After Han Yu attacked thousands of punches, he couldn't help but stopped out of breath.

The barrier of chaos was unwavering, but Han Yu was sweating, and his fists were aching.

After Han Yu took a deep breath, he launched an attack on the Zhenshen Tianbei, still unable to move the chaos barrier.

"It seems that my strength is not enough!"

Instead of being discouraged, Han Yu's eyes were burning. This unexpected discovery aroused his determination to cultivate and seek the truth!

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