Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3034: Broken **** ancestor mountain

"These are all your guesses, you will regret it!" Shen Gongzhao was still struggling with death.

Han Yu snorted coldly, and the swallowing intensity increased again. Soon, Shen Gongzhao's breath wilted. After his vitality was swallowed by Han Yu, his whole body quickly lost his vitality. When the last corpse appeared in front of Han Yu, Shen Gongzhao shook his palm. Exploded directly and instantly turned into

Fly ash.


Following this, Han Yu's eyes burst with bright light, he hurriedly sat cross-legged, his body exploded, and a terrifying breath surged out.


In Han Yu's body, colored fragments spontaneously formed, and quickly poured into the Niwan Palace, casting Daotai.

It didn't take long for the Taoist platform to rise to three feet high.


He had reached the bottleneck a long time ago, and after absorbing Shen Gongzhao's powerful cultivation base, he went further.

Even with Han Yu's calmness, he couldn't help being ecstatic at this time.

The road platform is three feet high and can break through the dragon formation.

The long-cherished dreams and pursuits of a lifetime are finally coming true.

After stabilizing his cultivation base, Han Yu stood up, his eyes condensed, and he stretched out his right hand to grip the void, immediately stirring the situation in all directions.

Han Yu didn't deliberately absorb and swallow the spiritual power of the Quartet, but the Dragon Array was affected by it, spewing terrible energy, and gathered towards Han Yu's right hand.

In an instant, a terrible vortex was formed in Han Yu's hands. This vortex was so strong that it could easily strangle ordinary supreme powers.

The vortex quickly condensed in Han Yu's hands, and finally turned into an energy sword.

Han Yu raised the sword of energy high, and then slashed down.



Cut down with a sword, the Dragon Array was cut out of a huge hole in an instant, and then paralyzed.

Han Yu soared up into the sky, his eyes burning, scanning the God Ancestor Mountain Range.

Soon, the entire God Ancestor Mountain Range came into Han Yu's mind.

"That's it!" Han Yu laughed, his body moved, and he descended into the depths of the God Ancestor Mountain Range in an instant.

The original residents in Shenzu Mountain have long been panicked. Seeing Han Yu's arrival, the brave and cold eyes met, some people crawled on the ground and worshiped.

Han Yu's expression was cold, and a whirlwind swept out with a wave of his sleeves.

Wherever the whirlwind reaches, whether it is a half-step supreme-level powerhouse or a supreme soldier, it bursts into pieces in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, the entire army in the God Ancestor Mountain was wiped out.

Han Yu was expressionless.

The Protoss suppressed the tens of thousands of races and acted as mighty blessings. The God Ancestor Mountain was even worse, killing them all to avoid future troubles.

But what surprised Han Yu was that the strength of Shenzu Mountain seemed not as strong as in the legend.

"Could it be that some people have escaped?"

Soon, a terrifying breath approached, and a small beast appeared in Han Yu's sight.

"You finally came out." Xiaojiao grinned, very excited.

Han Yu smiled slightly, and Xiao Jiao naturally jumped on Han Yu's shoulder, as if an old **** was there.

Han Yu opened his heavenly eyes, and nothing can stop him.

He found countless treasures in the core area of ​​the God Ancestor Mountain Range, which made the powerhouses of his level be moved. But what surprised him was that the two magical medicines in the God Ancestor Mountain Range had already disappeared.

"Shen Gongzhao has an aura of magical medicine. In all likelihood, his breakthroughs are the result of refining the magical medicine. Did he refine both of the magical medicines?"

Han Yu frowned, although Shen Gongzhao helped him break through, but if Shen Gongzhao really used the refining of two magical medicines to break through, it would be a bit violent. "A group of people in Shenzu Mountain escaped. Could it be that group of people took the magic medicine?" Xiao Jiao said. This is also the result of the subsequent investigation, and it is too late when it wants to chase it. After all, the God Realm is so big, it’s really easy to hide a few people

Past things.

Han Yu nodded.

Xiaojiao paused for a while and said, "How do you deal with the God Ancestor Mountain Range?"

Han Yu said: "This place combines the luck of the gods. As long as the land is occupied forever, it will be difficult for the gods to stand up."

Xiao Jiao smiled and said, "I also mean that, the Holy Palace of Ten Thousand Realms can be built here."

"Holy Palace of Ten Thousand Realms?" Han Yu looked at Xiaojiao with some doubts.

"The masters of the ten thousand races show that you are respected as the saint lord of the ten thousand realms. Then we have to build a holy palace of the ten thousand realms for you to live in." Xiaojiao smiled.

"Sacred Palace of Ten Thousand Realms, Holy Lord of Ten Thousand Realms, good!" Han Yu couldn't help being a little excited.

The God Realm has dominated the ten thousand races for hundreds of years, and no one dared to be called the Holy Lord of the ten thousand realms, but Han Yu did it.

Xiao Jiao said: "It's just that the God Ancestor Mountain Range rejects and suppresses non-Protoss, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive here."

Han Yu smiled and said, "This is easy!"

With that, the Sky-Swallowing Devil Calabash flew up to the nine heavens, buckled down, and exploded the energy of the sky-swallowing earth.

In the God Ancestor Mountain Range, a special energy was extracted and sucked into the Heaven Swallowing Devil Gourd.

It is the existence of this energy that makes the God Ancestor Mountain Range exert a huge repulsive effect on non-Protoss.

In less than seven days, the special energy in the God Ancestor Mountain Range was completely absorbed by the Heaven-swallowing Demon Gourd, and no longer caused a huge rejection and suppression of the non-Protoss.

After that, Han Yu took a small horn and walked into the ancestor mountain range.

After walking the Shenzu Mountain Range, Han Yu already knew the Dragon Dragon Array very well.

Han Yu personally changed the Dragon Dragon Array to "Zhu Shen Da Array".

Han Yu spent a year transforming, and the completed Zhushen Array was even more terrifying than the Dragon Array.

The Dragon Dragon Array is the main sleeper, and the God Zhuo Array is the killer.

At this moment, if the Zhushen array is activated, even if Han Yu is caught in it, it will be difficult to break through.

After transforming the big formation, Han Yu headed east and out of the God Ancestor Mountain Range.

In the eastern starry sky of the Shenzu Mountain Range, there are densely packed people standing.

Han Yu's wife, children, and friends all came, masters of the Nine Suns Continent, masters of the Mozu, masters of the Protoss... masters of the ten thousand races all saluted Han Yu.

Han Yu, the overlord of the world, the holy lord of ten thousand realms.

Tianlao looked at Han Yu, tears in his eyes with excitement.

Han Yu's achievements can be said to have completely exceeded his expectations as a master.

Now that he saw his most proud disciple achieve such a great achievement, he was happier than anyone else.

In the following days, planning and preparations for the construction of the Holy Palace of Ten Thousand Realms began.

In just three years, a magnificent palace complex was built in the depths of the Shenzu Mountain Range, and the Shenzu Mountain Range was also renamed the Ten Thousand Realms Mountain Range.

On the day of the establishment of the Holy Palace of the Ten Thousand Realms, Han Yu accepted the proposal of the Ten Thousand Realms and became the Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms and ruled the Ten Thousand Nations.

On this day, thousands of people came to worship, and Han Yu became the master of heaven and earth.

Subsequently, Han Yu began to divide the ten thousand clan. Han Huangsheng was named the king of humans and commanded the human race; Jian Jiuling was the **** master and commanded the **** race; Sun Dahou was the demon master and commanded the demons; Mo Xue was the demon master and commanded the demons; Rong Aotian was the spirit master and commanded the spirit race...

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