Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3023: Small corner shot

The surrounding mountains seemed to burn, spewing terrible light. I saw a beam of light rushing out of the mountain, intertwined to form a wall, enclosing Han Yu and Xiaojiao, the rising beam of light turned and intertwined, turning into nothingness.

The side giant cover is on top.

Before long, Han Yu and Xiao Jiao were in a horrible prison.

Suddenly, a feeling of blazing heat hit the whole body, and the two seemed to be roasted on the fire.

Soon, whether it was the surrounding walls or the lid above, there was a dazzling light and terrifying temperature, as if the sun in the sky had fallen.

Above the ground, a white flame was burning, and the white flame spread rapidly and flooded towards the sky, trying to swallow Han Yu and Xiao Jiao.

"This is the earth fire barrier, I see how you break it!" At this moment, Shen Gongming's gloomy voice came from outside.

Han Yu and Xiao Jiao looked at each other, and Xiao Jiao stepped forward suddenly. I saw its golden horn, instantly like a golden sun, bursting with golden light.

A steady stream of vitality gushes and condenses from the golden horn.

When the underground flames were about to reach Han Yu and it, a golden knife was condensed above the small horn.

Creation Heavenly Sword.

A terrible killer move that is both a magical power and a magic weapon.

Xiaojiao stretched out his right front foot and grabbed the handle of the knife. Suddenly, his momentum rose steadily.

I saw it with a knife in one hand and cut it down.

Open up the world, cut through the ages with one sword.

The horrible knife intent, instantly scattered like ten thousand horses.

The terrifying flames that burned from the ground were smashed by Xiaojiao.


The tip of the knife struck the "wall", splashing countless sparks.

Xiaojiao's eyes widened, and once again raised the Chuangshi Heavenly Sword, held it high, paused for about three breaths, and cut it down again.

With this knife, thousands of knife intentions are condensed in one knife.

After the creation of the Heavenly Sword was cut down, the world fell into a deathly silence for a short time, followed by a terrible loud noise.

The cage was split into two and broke apart.

Shen Gongzhao, Shen Gongming and Shen Gongyu were all shocked.

Extinguishing the fire with one slash, breaking the barrier with one slash, is this too abnormal?

Han Yu has been abnormal to the point that they are unacceptable, but Xiaojiao is also abnormal.

"Sword tide!"

Shen Gongzhao shouted.

Hearing that, Shen Gongming, Shen Gongyuan and Shen Gongzhao transformed the seal tactics together and blasted underground.

The mountains trembled again, followed by the sound of howling that swept across the world.

The surrounding mountains are like sword tombs, opening instantly, and all swords fly together.

Countless sword auras soared up from the ground like a meteor shower, rushing to a certain height, and swooping towards Han Yu and Xiaojiao, sword aura in all directions, which can kill everything.

Both Han Yu and Xiao Jiao did not change color.

The small horn suddenly stretched out his left front foot, and the two front paws grabbed the handle of the knife together, and the back body quickly rotated, spinning faster and faster, and in the end it was so fast that it gave people a feeling of stillness.

At this moment, Xiaojiao slashed.

It looks like a sword, but it is a thousand swords.

Countless sword auras whizzed out, and instantly shattered the surge of swords.

Shen Gongzhao, Shen Gongming and Shen Gongyu all had gloomy faces, but they did not move rashly.

The God Ancestor Mountain Range continued to recover, and a steady stream of sword energy whizzed out, surging towards both.

The little horn kept swinging his knife and killing.

The sword tide approached again and again, and was blocked by Xiaojiao again and again.

Regardless of its small body, it has the power of heaven and earth.

More than half an hour soon passed, the sword tide was endless, but Xiao Horn's defense was not leaking.

The three Protoss powerhouses were all frightened. If they were replaced by the three of them to resist this sword tide, they would have been crushed.

On the other hand, Xiaojiao is still at ease.

"Boom boom boom..."

The three Jieyin blasted into the ground, instantly opening a more terrifying "organ".

Following this, the sword energy gushing from the ground doubled, and the sword energy expelled at the same time also doubled. Its lethality has soared rapidly.

The small horn growls, holding the handle of the knife with a single claw, the Chuangshitiandao pointed directly at the blue sky, and then rotated counterclockwise.

Countless sword intents turned into an umbrella, blocking him and Han Yu below.

The surge of swords hit the "umbrella" and they were all shot off.

The Chuangshi Tiandao not only has the domineering power to open up the world, but also the ingenious ingenuity.

Han Yu held his hands and watched from the beginning to the end, no matter how the opponent's offensive changed, he didn't worry at all.

Although Jian Chao was brave, Xiao Jiao was at ease.

"How can it be so strong?" Shen Gongming exclaimed.

That's it for Han Yuqiang, that was the first genius in the eternal age, Xiaojiao's strength completely exceeded their expectations.

"No matter how strong it is, next year's today will also be their anniversary!" Shen Gongyuan said gloomily.


Shen Gongzhao shouted, and Jieyin's method changed again.

Suddenly, Jian Chao stopped attacking Han Yu and Xiao Jiao, but rushed to the nine heavens and gathered together.


The dense sword air is like the king of the thousand bee dynasty, and the scene is very spectacular.

After a few breaths, the surge of swords suddenly stopped from underground, and an incomparable sword was condensed from the nine heavens.

That killing air was earth-shaking.

Han Yu showed a solemn color for the first time, his body shook, and he was ready to do it.

Xiaojiao tilted his head and looked at Han Yu and said, "I can handle it."

After finishing speaking, the body burst into a terrifying arrogance, and the golden horn is full of light, and a steady stream of vitality is injected into the creation knife. The creation knife begins to skyrocket, and soon its size is not weaker than nine days. That horrible killing sword.


The three Protoss powerhouses shouted at the same time.

The killing sword greeted Han Yu and Xiao Jiao, shooting like lightning.

At this time, just listening to Xiaojiao's long scream, the Chuangshi Tiandao turned into an electric light to greet him.


As if two lightning bolts collided, an incomparable terrible storm erupted, sweeping through nine days and ten places.

The peaks of the God Ancestor Mountain Range visible to the naked eye were instantly razed to the ground. The underground energy is surging, transforming into a terrifying barrier, blocking the storm and avoiding the misfortune of opening the sky and the earth.

The two ultimate moves stood in a stalemate for a moment, and suddenly there was a crackling sound from the Creation Heavenly Sword, and then it exploded.

That peerless killing sword was shocked and flew away.

The little horn staggered for a while, the light on his body dimmed in an instant, and he began to pant.

Han Yu played a breeze to hold Xiaojiao's body and stabilize it.

Xiao Jiao looked at Han Yu and sighed: "I'm almost done, you can do it!"

Han Yu glanced at the small corner, quite speechless.

How did the once cute little beast become thicker after spending some time with Daoist Crow?

The killing sword flew upside down dozens of miles away before stopping, the light dimmed a lot, but the horrible killing intent was still crippling. Under the control of the three Protoss powerhouses, they rotated around on the spot and killed them again.

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