Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3020: Reaching the **** ancestor mountain

There are three thousand stars in the God Realm, billions of stars, and the starry sky is vast.

In the middle of the God Realm, there is such a special place.

The blue peaks here are continuous, forming a huge mountain range, which is eternal.

The peaks are bigger than the stars, and the mountains are wider than the stars.

This place is the birthplace of the Protoss, the sacred mountain of the Protoss-the Ancestor Mountain Range.

Wu Shizong has always served as the guardian of the God Ancestor Mountain Range. Since ancient times, a large army has been stationed outside the God Ancestor Mountain Range for a long time. Those who are not allowed to approach the God Ancestor Mountain Range without authorization will be fully blocked by the army.

But today, the army that had guarded the ancestral mountain range of the past has suddenly withdrawn. The surrounding area of ​​the Shenzu Mountain Range is extremely desolate. One day, suddenly a figure appeared quietly outside the God Ancestor Mountain Range. This was a man with a stalwart figure, long hair and shawl, and a domineering man who exuded himself. On the man’s shoulder, there is a small golden beast squatting.


This person and beast are naturally Han Yu and Xiaojiao.

"Sure enough, it is the birthplace of the Protoss!" Xiao Jiao suddenly sighed.

Even though it has proven to be the supreme, but the God Ancestor Mountain Range still made him feel a majestic and vast aura.

The entire God Ancestor Mountain Range is like a giant.

"If you build a martial art in this place, it will be difficult if you don't prosper!" Han Yu said.

This is the second time he has climbed into the God Ancestor Mountain Range, but the mysterious and terrifying aura of the God Ancestor Mountain Range can be felt more and more clearly.

The two smiled at each other, and then Han Yu stepped into the ancestor mountain range.

Suddenly, a terrifying force spread from the depths of the God Ancestor Mountain Range, which repelled and suppressed everything except the Protoss.

However, Han Yu and Xiao Jiao were not affected at all.

The six black holes in Han Yu rotate, swallowing everything, and the small horns also have special means.

Han Yu did not choose to fly, nor did he cross the void, stepping on the ground. But every step you take is far away.

Along the way, I didn't encounter any creatures, and there was no one in Shenzu Mountain to stop them.

Han Yu shrank into an inch, and it didn't take long for him to reach the core area of ​​the God Ancestor Mountain Range. He stepped into it without hesitation.

The first time he came, the core area discouraged Han Yu, but at this moment, there was no deterrent to Han Yu.

The power in the core area is even more terrifying, but it has no effect on Han Yu and Xiaojiao.

Han Yu went straight forward, as if walking on the ground.

Walking to a certain valley, the ground suddenly trembled, and countless chain projections of order appeared, instantly drowning Han Yu.

Han Yu ignored it and moved on.

The Chain of Order projection passed by, but it didn't hurt him at all.

Soon, Han Yu walked out of the area covered by the chain of order projection. There were three big mountains in front of him, like three barriers. On the top of the big mountain, three people stood separately.

The three of them looked at Han Yu and Xiao Jiao, all of them looked like beams of light, very terrifying.

Han Yu and Xiao Jiao were fearless. Han Yu stepped up into the sky, reaching the same height as the three of them.

"Unexpectedly, there are three Supreme!" Xiaojiao sighed.

It and Han Yu both guessed that there must be Supreme in the God Ancestor Mountain, but the three made it a little surprised.

"And he's still a master who has lived for two lives." Han Yu narrowed his eyes and scanned the three of them.

All three of them were gray-haired, skinny and skinny.

From them, Han Yu felt the terrifying breath of the vast ocean, and at the same time felt a trace of death.

It seems that the deadline for all three of them is approaching.

I am afraid this is also the reason why they did not take the initiative to leave the God Ancestor Mountain Range.

At their age, leaving the God Ancestor Mountain Range and losing the protection of the power of the God Ancestor Mountain Range, I am afraid that it will not take long to sit down.

And such people are the most terrifying.

He glanced at each other, and no one spoke for a while, but the invisible supreme coercion was in constant confrontation.

These three people are very strong, and they feel stronger to Han Yu than many supreme he has seen before. I am afraid that only Taoist Crow can win.

This is definitely the enemy.

But Han Yu is not afraid.

"The descendants of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Body and the Demon Ancestor, I didn't expect you to get to this point. This surprised the old man." Shen Gongzhao, the old man in the middle, sighed, feeling a little trance.

Han Yu said lightly: "You shouldn't be surprised!"

All three of them narrowed their eyes slightly. What kind of confidence is this?

But think about it, one is the first genius in the past, the other is the descendant of the demon ancestor, with a peerless style, these two geniuses are really nothing to come to this step.

"You should enter the immortal gate. Only one death will remain." Shen Gongming, the old man on the left, said with a strong voice, but cold and ruthless.

"You don't die, how can I leave with confidence?" Han Yu said coldly. "Huh!" Shen Gongming was furious, a powerful aura swept out like a whirlwind, and said, "My child, you are too rampant. But the facts will make you desperate. You are a person who has just broken through the supreme realm, and we are like us. Than

Japanese language! "

"Really?" Han Yu stepped forward, smashing the void, and said domineeringly: "That's for me to see and see, you are a little capable!"

"The child is really sitting on the well and watching the sky, I don't know how big the sky is, take me a palm!" The old woman Shen Gongyuan, who has not spoken, shouted.

He raised his thin, white arms and stirred it gently to stir up the wind and clouds in all directions. A huge nebula formed in the sky. The nebula turned into a beam of light and fell down and condensed on his palm.

Then, carrying Wanjun's momentum, he slapped Han Yu with one palm.

On the palm of her hand, a translucent mask is formed, and regular lines are formed on the mask, like a combination of "diamonds", like colored glaze, but it gives people a feeling of indestructibility, everything is unbreakable.

Where the palm of his hand passed, the void collapsed silently, and Shen Gongyuan was tens of thousands of feet away, but the attack would come.

Han Yu punched out without hesitation.

Six reincarnation punches!

The six black holes revolved and flew out, the power of the magic way, the power of the heavens, the power of the tunnels, the power of the ghosts, the power of the immortals, the power of beings, and the six powers are intertwined.


Six black holes and palms collided suddenly, and a terrible storm broke out in an instant.

Several of the surrounding mountains were shattered and may collapse at any time.

You must know that the peaks of the Shenzu Mountain Range are blessed with special strength and are very hard.

The two stood in a stalemate for a moment. Suddenly, Shen Gongyu's hand-like protective cover shattered, and his arm trembled suddenly, and he hurriedly retracted his hand.

The Six Reincarnation Fist, with the unstoppable power of the gods and ghosts, continued to hit Shen Gongyu. Shen Gongzhao and Shen Gongming are the same. Shen Gongyuan's strength is clearer than anyone else. Looking at the gods, they are definitely the top five. However, such a master is not even Han Yu's opponent!

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