Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 3012: Hit the head

The six gods, Du Qilin, Shen Gongbao and others no longer delay, and rush into the valley.

Everyone makes a terrible lethality.

Although the golden leopard's combat power is beyond ordinary people, there is still an insurmountable gap between the half-step supreme and the supreme.

The seven supreme-level golden leopards were all furious and rushed towards them.

Daoist Crow took the initiative to meet one head, Han Zhan and Zhao Yubing met one, and the rest of the Protoss powerhouses met the remaining seven supreme-level golden leopards in pairs.

Two supreme beings against the previous supreme, and there is a strong one who has lived for two lives on the Protoss side, which is definitely an advantage.

It's just that those golden leopards at the supreme level, as well as other half-step supreme level golden leopards, can hardly gain an overwhelming advantage for a while.

It was the Korean War and Zhao Yubing who were the easiest side, because Han Yu was not far from them, blocking a half-step supreme-level golden leopard for them, and the two of them could have no other heart.

When the others saw it, they all envy and hate.

It is a pity that only Han Yu who was present at the half-step supreme was able to set off the starting wave. As for the other half-step supreme, it was difficult to protect themselves, let alone resist the other half-step supreme level golden leopards.

Daoist Crow had planned well before, but it was a pity that the Golden Leopard would not follow his plan foolishly.

"Han Yu, come and help me." Taoist Crow called. He dealt with a supreme-level golden leopard alone, and he also had to guard against the other half-steps of the supreme-level golden leopard sneak attack, which was uncomfortable.

"Are you blind? Look at that kid over there, how arrogant, and don't rush over and bite him to death?" Taoist Crow yelled when Han Yu didn't come to support him.

Before long, a circle of seven battles with seven supreme-level golden leopards as the core formed in the valley.

Han Yu was close to the battlefield of the Korean War and Zhao Yubing. As for the remaining half-step Supreme, the casualties and injuries were no longer effective.

In addition to one supreme-level golden leopard on each battlefield, there are more than one hundred half-step supreme-level golden leopards. These gold-striped leopards are very clever, knowing that the half-step supreme-level gold-striped leopards are not able to withstand a single blow in front of the supreme, so let the supreme-level gold-striped leopards main attack, and the rest of the gold-striped leopards are assisted by long-range attacks. Zhao Yubing’s battle circle,

The situation in the rest of the war circle is not optimistic.

Although the supreme powerhouse is not afraid of the half-step supreme-level golden leopard, no one can bear hundreds of half-step supreme-level golden leopards to perform magical powers and long-range bombardment.

Even if this place is very stable in time and space, and the range that the Supreme Power can reach is very limited, but a terrible storm has formed in the valley, and the sound of battle is shaking and terrifying.

If this is replaced in other places, it will have the power of destruction.


The sky-swallowing demon gourd appeared and turned into a small hill to suppress it. The gold-striped leopard that immediately rushed to Han Yu flees in fright. The seven gold-striped leopards that did not escape were suppressed underneath, all vomiting blood, and their bodies were about to split. .

The Sky-Swallowing Devil Gourd flew up, suppressed again, and four heads were directly shaken into blood mud.

At the same time, from within the Sky Swallowing Demon Gourd, nine heads of the Sky Swallowing Beast rushed out to form an encirclement to protect Han Yu. The nine-headed swallowing beast and Han Yu are at the same level as Han Yu. Although there is no supreme combat power, it is invincible in the half-step supreme realm. Even a golden leopard with superior combat power, any golden leopard with a half-step supreme level, is not a swallowing beast.


The nine-headed swallowing beasts form a powerful defensive net, and no matter how the golden leopard impacts, it will not break for a while.

After the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd shook the few golden-striped leopards to death, they flew into the air and buckled down, erupting with terrifying devouring power, and for a while, many golden-striped leopards were unstable and screamed again and again.

Han Yu took out the sun-shooting sacred bow, and continuously condensed Xianlei arrows to shoot out.


A fairy thunder arrow rushed out, piercing through the heads of three golden leopards before exploding.

Han Yu kept pulling his bow and shooting arrows, and every arrow shot resulted in the lives of one or two golden leopards.

With the assistance of Sky Swallowing Beast and Sky Swallowing Demon Gourd, coupled with the blessing of the Sun-Shooting Divine Bow, the lethal power of Xian Lei is amazing.

At the same time, Han Yu ran "Six Paths of Reincarnation" frantically. The power of humanity, the power of heaven, the power of magic, the power of ghosts, and the power of tunnels in the body are all transformed into the power of immortal Dao, and the power of immortal Dao floods into the fairy roots and breeds immortal thunder. Let Han Yu’s power of immortal thunder always remain in a terrifying


Han Yu's method has shocked many Supremes.

This is simply the most suitable method for melee.

The other battlefields began to change, no longer the two supreme against a supreme-level golden leopard, let one of them resist the supreme-level golden leopard, and the other supreme began to harvest the half-step supreme-level golden leopard.

In the Seven Great War Circle, the battle circle where the Taoist Crow was located was quite difficult.

However, Han Yu has already gone to the battle circle.

The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd controlled the audience, and the nine Heaven-Swallowing Demon Beasts formed a defensive wall. Han Yu used the sun-shooting bow and immortal thunder to attack and kill, invincible.

The most frightening thing was that when Han Yu was exhausted, he punched out a set of six reincarnation punches, and the vitality consumed in his body instantly recovered to its peak, and once again transformed into the power of immortality, nurturing immortal thunder.

Simply endless!

Although the number of golden leopards is staggering, in the end, the number of top powerhouses is scarce. As the war gets worse and worse, the disadvantages are getting bigger.

It didn't take long for Han Yu to reach the battle circle of Daoist Crow. Daoist Crow instantly reduced his pressure and began to attack the supreme-level golden leopard with all his strength.

Dao Crow is too strong, with a fist and a palm with terrible lethal power, that supreme-level golden leopard, completely crushed.


Daoist Crow's opponent couldn't resist the offensive, and roared up to the sky, as if giving orders to retreat.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the golden leopards of various war circles, starting to retreat towards the mountain peak in the valley.

Retract while resisting the attack.

"They are going to retreat to the mountain and guard the immortal gate. Riding on victory to pursue and kill!" Taoist Crow roared.

The golden leopard army was defeated like a mountain.

Where many strong men passed, blood was flowing, and floating corpses were everywhere.


Just as everyone was in a rainbow of vigor, a loud noise suddenly shook the world, and then no matter whether it was Han Yu, Han Zhan, etc., or the powerhouse of the gods, or the golden leopard, they did not react, and they were all powerful. The storm is flying.

When everyone stood up, a huge pit appeared in the valley southwest of Xianmen.

It's like being blown out by a cannonball.

Many powerhouses were all surprised, such a huge pit, even the supreme powerhouse would not be able to blast out with a full blow.

"What's the matter?" Taoist Crow asked in astonishment.

In the field, who has such a powerful lethality? "Blast, it's a supreme-level golden leopard blew!" Time and Space God said with a horror.

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